genius evil

Chapter 193 Mother-in-law is a Creature

Chapter 193 Mother-in-law is a Creature

The little girl at the front desk was called Cao Xiaoshan, who had just graduated from college and was recruited by Liu Yufei personally at the Feifei Group's job fair.

Because of her well-behaved appearance and articulate speech, Liu Yufei arranged for her to be at the front desk.

Cao Xiaoshan's hometown is in Yilan City, but she went to university in Tiannan City. Because she graduated to find a job, she has some knowledge of some large and small enterprises in Yilan City. She has never heard of Feifei Group. It's just that a newly established leather bag company realized that it was wrong after it was formally employed.

Hongji Building is very famous. Correspondingly, companies that can settle in Hongji Building are not easy. Although Feifei Group has not officially opened for business, its company headquarters is located in Hongji Building. No matter how it develops in the future, it must be rich and powerful.

Today is Cao Xiaoshan's first time going to work. She never expected that the man who looked a bit strange would be the president of the company, and she even stopped the president of the company.

Although this is not a mistake, it is still uneasy.

Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei stayed in the office for about 10 minutes. After walking out of the office, Liu Yufei's legs were still a little weak.

"President, President Liu." Seeing the two come out, Cao Xiaoshan whispered hello.

Hearing Cao Xiaoshan's voice, Jiang Chen walked towards Cao Xiaoshan. Cao Xiaoshan was startled, and her face changed. Could it be that the behavior just now made the young president angry and wanted to fire her? .

"Lend me your mobile phone." Jiang Chen said.

Cao Xiaoshan didn't know why, but she quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen took Cao Xiaoshan's mobile phone, dialed her number, waited until the ringtone rang, then hung up and returned the mobile phone to Cao Xiaoshan.

"Starting today, your monthly salary will be [-]." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Cao Xiaoshan's breathing became rapid.

The per capita salary level in Yilan City is not high. She has just joined the company and is still a front desk job. Now her salary is [-] yuan per month, which is considered very good in Yilan City.

No matter what, Jiang Chen added [-] to her as soon as he opened his mouth, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest in shock.

"Remember my number. If there is anything in the company, call me as soon as possible. Remember, especially about Da Feifei." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Okay...ok..." Cao Xiaoshan nodded her head stammeringly.

When Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei got into the elevator and left, Cao Xiaoshan still felt like she was dreaming. She pinched her thigh with her hand and felt the pain, so she realized that she was not dreaming.

She was worried about being fired, but instead of losing her job, she was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

As a woman, Cao Xiaoshan could understand what Jiang Chen meant. Liu Yufei was young and beautiful, and she would definitely attract some wild bees and butterflies. All she had to do was to stop those wild bees and butterflies from the door. If he couldn't stop it, he called Jiang Chen and asked Jiang Chen to solve it.

"Jiang Chen, you bought Xiaoshan to help you spy on me." Frowning, Liu Yufei said.

"To protect you." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

"I don't believe your nonsense." Liu Yufei was a little coy. This man was a bit too possessive. When he came to the company, he didn't care about anyone, so he got close to the front desk first.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then you can just treat me as a small belly."

As he spoke, Jiang Chen frowned: "Are we really going to see our mother-in-law?"

"What mother-in-law? That's my mother." Liu Yufei hastily corrected her.

"It's the same." Jiang Chen laughed haha, but no matter how he laughed, he felt awkward.

He and Liu Yufei were enjoying themselves in the office, when suddenly Liu Yufei received a call from Lu Ying, asking her to go home and bring Jiang Chen along.

Jiang Chen, who had learned how powerful his mother-in-law was, naturally didn't want to waste time. No, he left the office immediately.

"Jiang Chen, I think you look very scared, and my mother doesn't know how to eat people." Liu Yufei said a little funny, this man, who has always been careless and has no integrity, actually makes him feel scared sometimes, it's really strange very.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's... well, you know." Jiang Chen sighed.

"How would I know? I knew you liked to bully me." Liu Yufei said deliberately.

"Of course I bully you, otherwise, wouldn't it be okay for me to bully my mother-in-law? The question is, do I dare?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said, "You are more familiar with this neighborhood. Where there is a shopping mall, let's go shopping first."

"What to buy?" Liu Yufei asked suspiciously.

Soon, when she saw Jiang Chen frantically scanning the shopping mall, Liu Yufei knew what Jiang Chen was buying. He wanted to buy gifts to please his future mother-in-law.

Seeing Jiang Chen's attitude of wanting to move the entire shopping mall away, Liu Yufei was both amused and moved. She stood on tiptoe and secretly kissed Jiang Chen's face.

"This way." Jiang Chen pointed to the other side of his face.

Liu Yufei was ashamed, but still kissed her cheek lightly.

I bought more than a dozen large and small bags in a row. After leaving the mall, I stuffed them all into the trunk, drove the car, and headed towards Liu Yufei's house.

Seeing the Porsche from a distance, Lu Ying smiled and said to Lu Ying: "Sister, you called someone over this time, so don't let others look at you."

While talking, Lu Ying went out to greet her, the car stopped, Liu Yufei jumped out of the car, and called auntie, while Jiang Chen hurried to get the gift.

"Auntie, this is for you, just be careful." Picking up a few bags, Jiang Chen stuffed them into Lu Ying's hands.

Lu Ying pursed her lips and chuckled, looked at Liu Yufei, who blushed, and dragged the disgraceful Jiang Chen into the house.

"Mother-in-law... Ah, no, auntie." Jiang Chen greeted Lu Ying, and stuffed a dozen bags into Lu Ying's hands.

It's not okay for Lu Ying to pick it up, or not to pick it up, because she simply can't handle so many bags.

"Jiang Chen, you can just put it on the table, and I'll get you some water." Lu Ying smiled to relieve Jiang Chen, and went to pour a glass of water while talking.

Jiang Chen put away the gift, took the water glass, and didn't drink it, just looked at Lu Ying and smiled.

Lu Ying was immediately amused by Jiang Chen, and said, "You still hold grudges."

"How can I?" Jiang Chen drank the water in the cup with one mouth, and said, "Can I have another drink?"

"He said he didn't hold any grudges." Lu Ying gave Jiang Chen a white look. This time, she poured Jiang Chen a glass of water with her own hands. His attitude was much better than last time, which made him feel a little flattered.

"Sit down." Lu Ying signaled Jiang Chen to sit down, and said, "I have nothing else to do when I call you over this time. I just want to ask you, have you opened a company for Feifei?"

"Mom, I didn't open the company for me, it's Jiang Chen's own." Liu Yufei whispered.

"The name of the company is Feifei." Lu Ying looked discerning.

"Yes, it's called Feifei. It's a good name. Auntie, you chose a good name." Jiang Chen flattered her a little.

"I didn't choose this name, it was Feifei's father." Lu Ying said unhurriedly.

A flattery was slapped on the horse's leg. Jiang Chen didn't feel embarrassed at all, and instead said, "That's because you have good genes, auntie, and Feifei is so beautiful."

"You just think Feifei is beautiful?" Lu Ying raised her face.

Jiang Chen smiled, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Auntie, I'm a straightforward person. Don't blame me if I say something wrong. I really like Feifei's beauty."

When a woman wants to find a boyfriend or husband, she often has many requirements, such as body shape, car and house, and family background, but when a man wants to find a girlfriend or wife, it is often very simple, just beautiful.

It's simple, and it's brutal.

Jiang Chen never felt that there was anything shameful about such a thing, and he never felt embarrassed to admit it.

Lu Ying was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so straightforward, and immediately said angrily: "Then Feifei will get old and not pretty in the future, so you don't want her?"

"Auntie, I think you are making unreasonable words. When you like a person, what is the first thing you see? Of course, it is the appearance. The second is the appearance. If you look pleasing to the eye, you will like it and go deeper Look at the connotation, is Feifei a superficial woman? Does she like me because I am rich? Does she like me because I am handsome? Of course not. Then am I a superficial man? Of course not. "Jiang Chen answered the question solemnly, without the slightest awareness of putting gold on his face.

Lu Ying was not used to Jiang Chen's way of speaking. She couldn't say that Liu Yufei was superficial or Jiang Chen was superficial. Otherwise, wouldn't it belittle Liu Yufei?

Lu Ying was stunned again, and then said: "Jiang Chen, what you said is very beautiful, so let me ask you, are you planning to marry Feifei?"

"This, I have no plans for the time being." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"You—" Lu Ying slapped the table and stood up. If she doesn't plan to get married, isn't that just playing with Liu Yufei's feelings? If you play with her, you can play with it. How dare you admit this in front of her.

Liu Yufei's face turned pale and her mood was gloomy. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing. Did she not plan to get married?So, what's going on between her and Jiang Chen?

"Auntie, I've already made up my mind. Marriage is just a formality. It's not important. What's important is the crystallization of love between me and Feifei. I want to have a baby with Feifei first. What do you think, Auntie?" Jiang Chen didn't panic. Busy talking.

"Having a baby?" Lu Ying's anger turned into ashes, replaced by endless worries.

Regarding Liu Yufei's problem, she was most worried about her child's problem. This was her biggest knot all along, and it strangled her heart to death.

How could she know that what she was most afraid of would come instead? Lu Ying's face gradually turned pale, she opened her mouth, and wanted to say a word, but she couldn't.

"Yes, just to have a baby." Jiang Chen nodded vigorously, his tone extremely certain.

(End of this chapter)

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