genius evil

Chapter 194 Having a baby is a big problem

Chapter 194 Having a baby is a big problem

"Da Feifei, what do you think of my performance in front of my mother-in-law just now? The mother-in-law smiled so happily and looked at me with such kindness, she must be quite satisfied with me, right?" Half an hour later, she went up Car, Jiang Chen showed off in front of Liu Yufei with an attitude of eagerness to praise me, praise me, praise me quickly, otherwise he would die, he couldn't help it.

"Very ordinary." Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen an awkward look, angry and funny, unable to tell what it was like.

Her mood was like riding a roller coaster, and she was about to have a heart attack every time she went up and down.

God knows how Jiang Chen's brain is so long, he opened his mouth to say anything, and the words were not startling, but in the end, Lu Ying was actually persuaded by Jiang Chen, so she couldn't even eat a meal, but was rushed out.

Seeing Lu Ying's impatient look, she almost said directly that she and Jiang Chen should go to the hotel to get a room, and let the baby be born first.

At the beginning, she disliked being like a grass, but now she likes to be like a treasure, which is probably a reflection of Lu Ying's mentality. Liu Yufei didn't know how to complain about this matter.

It would be understandable to say that she had a hard time growing up and that she hated marrying an older young woman. The problem is that in the current situation, there are many suitors who are not familiar with them, and there are still three or two small shrimps.

Except for the little bit of unspeakable concealment, there is no other mother who can be called a perfect urban woman.

"Very ordinary?" Jiang Chen was immediately unhappy.

"Then what else do you want?" Liu Yufei said in embarrassment, bitterly: "You speak so nicely in front of my mother, if you can't do it, it depends on how you end up."

"It's just having a baby. It's very easy. It can be done in minutes. It depends on Da Feifei whether you are willing to have a baby." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't want to." Liu Yufei replied without thinking.

In the end, she said weakly again: "The company has just started, and there are many things to be busy. How can there be time to have children, and..." After a bit of coyness, Liu Yufei still tried to take care of Jiang Chen's emotions, and said in a low voice: "We are still like this Young, it's not good to have a baby so soon, you can't take a baby to go to college then, right?"

Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and said, "Da Feifei, to put it simply, you want to spend a few more years with me, right?"

"Who wants to live a two-person world with you?" Liu Yufei made a big face.

"But the problem is that it's very difficult. You know, I want to please my future mother-in-law. Having a baby is a big problem. I have already guaranteed that your physical problems will definitely be cured. It's okay to say that the time is short. It's long, my stomach hasn't responded yet, maybe my mother-in-law poked my spine." Jiang Chen sighed.

Liu Yufei didn't understand how Jiang Chen could talk so smoothly about his mother-in-law, as if he had really successfully abducted her away.

Liu Yufei thought for a while and said, "You can treat me first, then I will go to the hospital for a detailed examination and show my mother the diagnosis certificate."

"No." Jiang Chen rejected this bad-sounding suggestion without even thinking about it.

"Then what exactly do you want?" Liu Yufei had no choice but to speak arrogantly.

"Well, what do you think of the hotel in front?" Jiang Chen pointed to the road ahead, and suddenly changed the topic.

Liu Yufei was so angry. After a long time, this guy just wanted to trick her into getting a room in a hotel, and said angrily, "You treat me first, otherwise don't even think about it."

"I can call my mother-in-law." Jiang Chen said calmly, slowly took out his mobile phone, and shook it in front of Liu Yufei's eyes.

With his perfect tongue, he not only successfully persuaded Lu Ying to accept him as his future son-in-law, but also successfully exchanged contact information with Lu Ying.

"Don't you dare." Liu Yufei panicked immediately, and it was hard to snatch Jiang Chen's phone, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Stop the car, I want to get off."

Jiang Chen smiled, and stopped the car on the side of the road without hesitation.

Liu Yufei was in the dark right away. He usually listened to Jiang Chen's sweet talk and would open his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth. The sweet talk would not pay for his life. It is a typical high EQ and IQ, the kind that angers the sky and makes people angry. Did you short-circuit your brain at this time?
When she said stop, she was just a thoughtless angry remark. She wanted to forcibly divert Jiang Chen's attention to avoid embarrassment for both parties. She didn't really ask Jiang Chen to stop. The car stopped.

Liu Yufei was dazed for a while, not sitting in the car, not getting out of the car, she wanted to speak softly, but she couldn't say anything.

With a deep sigh in her heart, Liu Yufei stretched out her trembling hand. After all, Liu Yufei pushed the car door and slowly moved herself out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Liu Yufei dawdled by the car for a while, seeing that Jiang Chen didn't come down to hold her back at all, and didn't want her to leave, she sighed again, walked along the road to go ahead.

After walking a few steps, Liu Yufei stopped slightly, and then walked a few more steps, and it went on and on like this, one foot was light and the other was heavy, her mind was in a mess, she had all kinds of thoughts...

The Porsche behind him was getting farther and farther away. The car was parked there and did not drive away. The person in the car was sitting in the driving seat, separated by a little distance, and couldn't see clearly what kind of expression was on his face.

Liu Yufei felt very sad. She and Jiang Chen had always been noisy, even awkward. Jiang Chen was domineering and pushed forward blindly. The pace of the development of the relationship between the two parties caught her off guard.

She was flustered and confused, but why was she not sweet and happy?

Jiang Chen had that kind of ability, he was obviously gnashing his teeth in annoyance, but he couldn't produce the slightest bit of hatred, he just lingered like that, and got used to having such a person by his side.

I'm used to his brazenness, used to his unrestrained behavior...why didn't I enjoy it?
It's not that Liu Yufei has no suitors, but those people are either gentlemen or hypocrites. Who is as reckless as Jiang Chen, who just came straight to the heart in a daze, and even bumped into the softest part of the heart, and couldn't even hide Let people hide.

It's not too enthusiastic, but it's absolutely grinding. It grinds her girl's thoughts into pieces bit by bit, making her think about him, remember him, remember his good things, and think about his bad things. , In the end, I just can’t forget it, and I’m not willing to forget it.

Liu Yufei didn't know what was going on, she knew that she had said the wrong thing when something like this happened, but in the past, Jiang Chen coaxed her, either pretending to be crazy or acting stupid, and she was able to release her emotions very quickly.

Liu Yufei couldn't adapt to the sudden change. She walked slowly, her head lowered lower and lower, her thoughts were tightly entangled, and her heart was throbbing with pain.

"He should be a very proud man." Liu Yufei murmured to herself, uncontrollably flustered, she was afraid, and didn't know what to do in the future.

If she kept walking like this, soon, she would no longer be able to see the car behind her. Does that mean that from now on, she will go farther and farther away from Jiang Chen?
That was not the result she wanted, she was reserved, and there was a kind of fear of the unknown in her reservedness, she couldn't say that she didn't like Jiang Chen, it could only be said that her feelings were not enough for her to go to Jiang Chen regardless of anything. Do anything for Jiang Chen.

She had a car accident and injured her body. After the hospital certificate came out, she directly pushed her youngest years into the darkness and fell into the abyss.

When I was young, I had no specific idea about whether to have children or not. My father died young, and my face was blurred. I only remember my mother silently wiping away tears for several months.

The mind is sensitive and delicate, and through the darkest period of time, I never saw the real light in the end.

As she grows older, she finally sees hesitation and pressure comes one after another, but she is also proud and refuses to bow her head, just refuses to bow her head to reality.

The kind of pride in the bones that has grown up through the wind and rain is crazily breeding. It's not that I don't yearn for romance, but the reality is firmly on top of my head, and I can't breathe.

Unwillingness to compromise, after all, is sowing bad results.

Liu Yufei didn't know what would happen when two proud people collided together, but now, she finally knew.

She knew but didn't know what to do, she wanted to turn around, run to the Porsche, knock on the car door or window, and apologize to Jiang Chen.

Accepting her apology is the best result for Jiang Chen, if he is not willing to accept it...will there be a situation where he is not willing?
Liu Yufei panicked inexplicably. Since it was a choice between the two, and the choice was in Jiang Chen's hands, there was no doubt that the 50.00% possibility was enough to make her terrified.

"This is not the best way." Liu Yufei shook her head lightly, and then she saw the hotel in front of her sight.

It was the hotel that Jiang Chen pointed out just now, a very ordinary small chain hotel, but the signboard was very big, and the lights were on in broad daylight, so it could be seen from a distance. Liu Yufei stared at the hotel signboard for a while , a sudden force came from the bottom of her heart, and she gradually accelerated her pace, walking towards the hotel.

"I want to open a room, single room, double bed room...Okay, here is my ID card..."

After completing the formalities and getting the room card, Liu Yufei got on the elevator. She took out her mobile phone and turned to Jiang Chen's mobile number. She thought about calling Jiang Chen, but changed her mind and thought it would be better to send a text message.

Quickly typed a line on the phone, and when it was about to be sent, Liu Yufei hesitated for a while, then put the phone away again, it was not yet time.

Swipe the card, enter the room, undress, enter the bathroom, and take a brief shower in 5 minutes. Liu Yufei walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, feeling a little cold, turned on the air conditioner, and took out her phone again.

For about ten minutes, Jiang Chen's cell phone received a text message. Jiang Chen didn't read the text message in a hurry. He saw Liu Yufei enter the hotel, and he waited for another ten minutes. With one kick of the accelerator, the car drove to the parking lot in front of the hotel, grabbed the phone, and strode into the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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