genius evil

Chapter 195 You Think I Have It

Chapter 195 You Think I Have It
How much can you do in 10 minutes?

Enter the room, take a shower, dry off, kiss...

10 minutes is obviously too short, and the most simplified procedural steps are too late to go through. According to Jiang Chen's consistent style, he probably entered the stage of friction.

If the atmosphere is good enough, then turn on the music and drink a glass of red wine, probably only at the stage of kissing.

Of course, in fact, after getting off the car, entering the hotel, and arriving at the door of the room on the fifth floor, it took Jiang Chen about another minute.

This means that Liu Yufei in the room has ten minutes to be alone.It also meant that Jiang Chen wasted ten minutes of his time.

In broad daylight, the hotel was empty from the inside to the outside. There was a long corridor leading straight to the elevator at the corner. Jiang Chen walked along the corridor and strode directly to the door of the room.

The door of the room was ajar, Jiang Chen confidently pushed the door open and walked in.

On the spacious bed, Liu Yufei lay curled up on her side, just facing the door, and Jiang Chen caught sight of Liu Yufei's frowning eyebrows.

"She wouldn't even want to open a room, she's such a boring woman." Jiang Chen shook his head, and immediately laughed.

He stopped the car on purpose just now to see how Liu Yufei would react. After struggling for a long time, Liu Yufei ran to the hotel and opened a room, and sent him a text message, saying that he was waiting for him in the room. It was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

"What a silly woman." With a soft sigh, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Liu Yufei's face, but quickly retracted his hand.

Liu Yufei fell asleep, and he didn't want to wake her up.

Speaking of which, at these times, Liu Yufei was taking care of all the company's affairs, big and small, and she was exhausted in her bones.

Liu Yufei herself didn't realize it, but Jiang Chen could of course see it.

"Have a good night's sleep, and stop thinking about it when you wake up." Jiang Chen picked up the remote control of the air conditioner, adjusted a suitable temperature, turned around and walked outside, walked a few steps, passed a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid and put the At the head of the bed is to leave.

When Liu Yufei woke up, it was already evening.

The first thing Liu Yufei did when she woke up was to subconsciously grope for the bed. After dazedly groping for a while, she didn't find anything. A pair of beautiful eyes opened suddenly.

"Why did I fall asleep, Jiang Chen didn't come?" With big eyes, he looked around the room again and again, and even Liu Yufei went to the bathroom to check, but he didn't find Jiang Chen's figure. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or annoyed.

"I shouldn't have fallen asleep." Liu Yufei rubbed her face, feeling a little depressed.

God knows how much courage it took her to open a room and send a text message to Jiang Chen. She already planned to give herself to Jiang Chen. Maybe she couldn't do it wholeheartedly, but she would try her best.

The final result was that she fell asleep, and slept for several hours, and when she woke up, she didn't even see Jiang Chen's figure.

"Hey, why is there a bottle of water here?" Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a bottle of mineral water with the lid unscrewed on the bedside table, and Liu Yufei was taken aback.

She remembered very clearly that after taking a bath, she lay on the bed and waited for Jiang Chen, and somehow fell asleep without taking any water.

"Then Jiang Chen put this water here?" Liu Yufei took the water into her hand, grasped it tightly with both hands, got up again, and went to the door.

The door, which was ajar, was closed, which indicated that someone had been in the room.

After that, Liu Yufei stubbornly searched the room like a treasure hunt, looking for traces of Jiang Chen's visit. After a while, she found that the temperature of the air conditioner had been adjusted.

The room was very warm, but not stuffy, and it was the most suitable temperature for sleeping. Liu Yufei held the water bottle, raised her neck slightly, and looked at the temperature displayed on the air conditioner.

Looking at it, Liu Yufei just covered her mouth and smiled, the corners of her lips outlined a stunning charm, her smile was like a flower.

Jiang Chen came, and Jiang Chen left again.

He didn't do much, just adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, opened a bottle of mineral water for her, and even closed the door behind him.

These are all small things, and in the subtleties, there is a touch.

Liu Yufei only felt that her heart was warm and swollen. She realized that what she was worried about hadn't happened. She found that she liked this feeling, just like falling in love.

After taking a small sip of water and moistening her throat, Liu Yufei murmured, "I probably like this feeling."


Around [-]:[-] p.m., Zhongshan South Road.

There is a bar called Lolita here.

It's nightfall, the city's nightlife has just kicked off, but the Lolita Bar is not open yet, and the rusty rolling shutters are mostly pulled down to hide them.

A white Porsche led the way, followed by three vans, and stopped at the entrance of the bar.

Tang Tian unbuttoned her seat belt and got out of the car in one step. She was wearing a tight denim jacket and skirt, and her small face was covered by large sunglasses. Under her feet were a pair of ankle-length high-top black leather shoes. Proper mix and match style, proper queen style.

Immediately afterwards, in the direction of the driving position, Shuang'er got out of the car, wearing black leather jacket and pants, exuding a glamorous aura, with a clean little face, slightly tensed, with a small mouth, showing a bit of stubborn heroic spirit .

"Oh my, what are you standing there for? Open the door." Tang Tian, ​​who had been in the shape for a while, opened her mouth, pointing to the door of the bar with her slender and tender fingers, and issued an order.

"Pull the door." Gong Xi shouted loudly.

A few younger brothers rushed forward quickly and pulled the rolling shutter door up.

The inside of the bar was smoky, the door was opened, and the people inside didn't respond. A curly man with a cigarette butt in his mouth came over and said impatiently: "It's closed tonight, let's go."

"Who is the person in charge here, tell him to come and see me?" Tang Tian said with a straight face.

"Yo, I want to see Brother Chao." Curly Mao puffed out his cigarette, his sneaky eyes swept Tang Tian around, and saw Shuang'er standing next to Tang Tian, ​​his eyes stared straight .

"Hit." Tang Tian frowned.

Gong Xi and the others had long been eager to try. As soon as they heard Tang Tian's words, they rushed over, kicked the curly hair to the ground, and punched and kicked.

"The person in charge here is Brother Chao, right? Ask Brother Chao to come out and see me?" Tang Tian walked into the bar, Curly's screams attracted everyone's attention, and a dozen people in the bar stood up one after another. Standing up, she looked at Tang Tian with unkind eyes.

"Who are you?" A bald man with a fierce face asked.

"As long as I see brother Chao, immediately." Tang Tian didn't want to talk nonsense, and blinked at Shuang'er.

Shuang'er understood, grabbed a wine bottle on the table and smashed it, and then elbowed it across, the bald head didn't react, just fell to the ground.

"This is Brother Chao's chassis, you have crossed the line."

"Do you think we are easy to bully?"

"Brothers, call me."


The other people were enraged by Tang Tian's attitude one after another, full of murderous intent, clamoring endlessly.

"It seems that no one is going to help me call Brother Chao out, right?" Tang Tian smiled suddenly, and suddenly put a gun in her hand on a head, "I will count to three, if Brother Chao doesn't show up again, I will Shoot, do you dare to bet."

"Who are you?" At this moment, a cold voice came from the second floor of the bar.

As the man was talking, Xiao Bu came down from upstairs, stared at Tang Tian for a few moments, and said, "I'm Brother Chao, what do you want from me?"

"I heard that you hang out with Master Hua, this is Master Hua's place?" Tang Tian grinned.

"That's right." Brother Chao nodded.

"That's right, from today onwards, you will follow me." Tang Tian said directly.

Brother Chao's face changed, Master Hua was in great trouble, and he was ambitious to replace him, planning to integrate the remaining forces of Master Hua, and become the boss himself, but he didn't do anything, so someone ran over to recruit the younger brother up.

"Who are you?" Brother Chao asked this question for the second time, his eyes flickering.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether you accept or not." Tang Tian said lightly.

"I..." Brother Chao was about to say that I was dissatisfied, and he saw Gong Xi at a glance. At the same time, he saw more familiar faces, and his expression changed even more violently.

Five minutes later, Tang Tian and Shuang'er left the bar, got in the car, and drove away.

"Boring, really boring." Tang Tian curled her lips, looking dissatisfied with desire.

She originally thought that tonight would be very lively, but she didn't expect Brother Chao to look like a dog, so he gave up so quickly, leaving her no room to play.

Shuang'er smiled and said, "That's good, it's not good for us to make too much trouble."

"Anyway, it's boring." Tang Tian leaned lazily on the back of the chair, rolled her eyes around, and said, "Shuang'er, are you hungry, I'm hungry, why don't we go have a barbecue. "

Shuang'er said dumbfoundedly: "We seem to have eaten not long ago, why are you hungry again?"

"I don't know, you think I might have it." Tang Tian thought for a while and said.

Shuang'er felt horrified, and said in a low voice: "It seems that even if there is, it won't be so soon, and we will have to wait a few more days to find out."

"That's right." Tang Tian giggled, shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I just want to eat barbecue. By the way, I'll call Jiang Chen first and ask if he has time."

One minute later, after hanging up the phone, Tang Tian yelled angrily: "He has no conscience, even if I ask him to have a barbecue with me, he won't say anything about going to bed, why sleep so early, he must be with other women. "

"Then shall we still eat barbecue?" Shuang'er asked with a wry smile.

"Eat, of course eat, I'm so mad, I want to overeat, I want to gain weight, I want to lose shape, let's see if he dares to give up." Tang Tian babbled non-stop.

Jiang Chen was lying on the small bed in the dormitory, who knew that only Tang Tian had so many messy thoughts, after hanging up the phone, he casually put the phone aside, and was about to go back to sleep, when the phone rang again.

It was a text message ringtone. Jiang Chen thought it was from Tang Tian. He took a look at the phone, but it was an unfamiliar number. It was a picture, a very simple picture. The picture was dark and gloomy. A skull!

(End of this chapter)

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