genius evil

Chapter 196 My Right Hand Puts Down the Butcher Knife

Chapter 196 My Right Hand Puts Down the Butcher Knife
"Master, my lady and I went to the Lolita Bar last night..."

Yilan Middle School, by Weiming Lake.

Shuang'er, who was wearing a white sportswear, held a willow branch and hit the water surface one after another. His flexible body bent out of stunning arcs again and again.

While staring at the ripples on the water surface, Shuang'er spoke softly, and briefly reported to Jiang Chen what he and Tang Tian had done yesterday.

This is what Tang Tian meant, but after the woman Tang Tian called Jiang Chen yesterday, she started having convulsions, so she could only let Shuang'er talk.

"Master Hua?" Jiang Chen lay comfortably on the grass with his hands behind his head, he was a little confused when he heard the name.

"We received news that the people under Master Hua investigated you yesterday." Shuang'er said truthfully.

"Oh." Jiang Chen suddenly realized, and remembered the silly, sweet woman he had seen yesterday.

Perhaps it was because the woman's personality was too unique and different from everyone around him, but the impression she left on Jiang Chen was rather deep.

"Master, do you want to call Miss?" Shuang'er asked after finishing the business.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "She's got something wrong with that nerve again."

Shuang'er secretly slandered that it wasn't your trouble, Master, but she couldn't say it out, and whispered: "Master, I think Miss likes you very much."

"This is for sure." Jiang Chen said with satisfaction.

Shuang'er was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Still exhausted to the point of exhaustion, Shuang'er dropped the willow branch in her hand, and dragged her tired body towards Jiang Chen.

Every morning, she would come to Jiang Chen on time, and Jiang Chen was waiting for her here on time, repeating the same thing every day, which made Shuang'er feel a little numb.

She wasn't very clear about the significance of this, but Jiang Chen never said too much, making Shuang'er feel helpless and a little depressed at the same time, secretly wondering if she was too stupid.

"Tired?" Seeing that Shuang'er was absent-minded, Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"'s not..." Shuang'er shook her head and glanced at Jiang Chen, after all, she didn't ask the question in her heart.

"Well, here are a few videos, take a look." While speaking, Jiang Chen handed over the phone.

There are three videos in total. Shuang'er took the phone, clicked on the first video, took a look, her face turned red immediately, and she was very surprised.

This video was of her hitting the water with a willow branch. I don't know when Jiang Chen secretly filmed it. She didn't feel it at all.

"Look carefully to see if there is any difference." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily.

Shuang'er nodded lightly. Since Jiang Chen said so, she looked at it seriously.

It feels a little uncomfortable to watch, although it is something I do every day, but Shuang'er never knew that it would be so blunt and awkward.

The video is full of back view, no front view, every joint in her body seems to be rusted, it is so uncoordinated, every movement is so coy and ugly, it seems that she is holding back a wave of hypocrisy like.

Shuang'er stared straight at the atmosphere and didn't dare to utter a breath. After the first video was finished, she hurriedly clicked on the second video.

The recording method of the second segment is exactly the same as that of the first segment. She is wearing a white sportswear and fills the entire frame, so the details can be seen extra clearly.

The hypocrisy seems to be a little less, but the joints of the limbs are still jerky, as if a running machine lacks lubricating oil.

When she clicked on the third video, Shuang'er breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the date, this video was only recorded today, and the time was very short, only 1 minute.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen was lying down and took a photo with his mobile phone. The picture quality is blurry, rough and shaking, which is a bit dazzling, but in this video, Shuang'er saw a surprise. To be precise, he saw his own growth.

The three videos are the records of three different periods, from immature to young to still young, but the young in the third video is different from the young in the second. Simply put, it is like a Babies who are learning to walk can finally walk a few steps steadily without the need for support.

"Master, I've finished watching." Shuang'er watched the third video five times before turning it off.

"What do you want to say?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No." Shuang'er replied quickly.

"That's fine, you go back first." Jiang Chen yawned again, as if he couldn't get enough sleep.

Seeing his virtue, Shuang'er was a little skeptical, whether it was really like what Tang Tian said, Jiang Chen was with other women last night, gave Jiang Chen a strange look, packed up his things and left.


This is a dark Zen room.

Indoors, a middle-aged man was sitting quietly on a cattail mat. The middle-aged man was wearing a large white Tai Chi suit, with a Buddhist bead twirling in his left hand, and the sleeve of his right hand was hanging empty to the side.

Zen, Tai Chi, Duanxiu... The three elements are intertwined into a very strange and disharmonious taste, but the middle-aged man is extremely devout.

The sound of knocking on the door sounded at this moment, and after only one sound, the people outside the door stopped.

"Ah Jin, come in." The middle-aged man said lightly.

The door was pushed open, and a young man quickly entered the Zen room, and said in a low voice, "Master, someone wants to see you. A member of the Meng family, Kong Yujie."

"Doesn't she know the rules?" The middle-aged man said casually while turning the beads.

Ajin smiled, with a strange look on his ordinary face for no reason, and said, "I know, but she still wants to see you."

"This is interesting, let her come." The middle-aged man said with a half-smile expression.

Two minutes later, Kong Yujie entered the meditation room.

"Master Quan." Kong Yujie greeted politely.

"You came to see me, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man turned his back to Kong Yujie and asked slowly.

"I want to ask you to help me kill someone." Kong Yujie's voice suddenly raised a lot.

"Murder?" The middle-aged man stood up, walked in front of Kong Yujie, smiled, pointed to his right hand with his left hand, and said softly, "Do you know how my right hand was broken?"

Kong Yujie stared blankly at the empty sleeve, and quickly shook her head.

Regarding the matter of this master's broken arm, there have been rumors in the world that are miraculous, but they have never been verified from this man's mouth.

"I cut it off myself." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Why?" Kong Yujie's voice was hoarse.

"My left hand is picking up the Buddhist beads, and my right hand is naturally going to put down the butcher's knife." The middle-aged man said slowly.

"Master Quan..." Upon hearing this, Kong Yujie immediately became anxious, and said anxiously: "Master Quan, I wonder if you have heard of the Bauhinia Society?"

"Have you heard of it? So what if you haven't heard of it?" The middle-aged man smiled.

"I have inquired about the girl named Tang Tian in the Bauhinia Society. She is from the Tang family in Tiannan City, but what she did in Yilan City has nothing to do with the Tang family." Kong Yujie spoke quickly.

"So what?" The middle-aged man was still smiling.

"The Bauhinia Society is very ambitious. In a very short period of time, it has won over several forces. Maybe you don't know that all of this is because of Jiang Chen." Kong Yujie said loudly.

"Oh, are you trying to provoke right and wrong?" The middle-aged man stopped laughing.

Kong Yujie sneered, and said, "Master Quan, you are a smart person. I don't need to say more about some things. Jiang Chen's existence will threaten your side sooner or later, won't it?"

The middle-aged man showed a stern expression, and said indifferently: "Are you here today to represent yourself or the Meng family?"

"I represent myself." Kong Yujie said without thinking.

"What can you give me?" The middle-aged man asked interestingly.

"Money, and... people." Kong Yujie hesitated for a moment.

"Who?" The middle-aged man glanced at Kong Yujie and asked with interest.

"I... myself..." Kong Yujie pointed to herself, and with a movement of her hands, the skirt on her body fell to the ground quietly.

The middle-aged man looked at Kong Yujie firmly, and said calmly, "You have lost one son, and you are worried that your other son will die too."

Having said that, there was a slight pause, and the middle-aged man continued: "You are still worried that you will die, and you are worried that the Meng family will end up like the Shi family."

"However, there are many ways to solve the problem. Coming to me is undoubtedly the most stupid. You don't have to make such a big sacrifice just to kill Jiang Chen."

"I want Jiang Chen to die, I want Jiang Chen to have nothing, I want him to fear, make him lose everything, and let him kneel at my feet, begging me. And anyone who can do this, except the right Besides you, I can't find anyone else." Kong Yujie said word by word.

"I don't think you have that much charm." The middle-aged man frowned.

"I'm old, but I can do anything, and I still have the identity of the Meng family." Kong Yujie licked his lips and smiled charmingly at the middle-aged man.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man raised his hand and slapped Kong Yujie across the face.

Kong Yujie was dumbfounded, and looked at the middle-aged man stupidly, not knowing why this happened, she felt that she had already convinced him.

"Has no one told you that I don't like women who think they're smart? Get out!" Master Quan said indifferently.

Kong Yujie didn't have the face to stay for too long, and soon left angrily, which was a great shame to her.

"Master, why did you refuse? Not to mention, even though Kong Yujie is a bit older, she still has a pretty good figure." A Jin flashed out and asked strangely.

"Have you heard it all?" The middle-aged man smiled: "Then you should also know that for a woman like Kong Yujie, she can do anything for her own benefit, and I don't expect to be bitten back. Of course, that’s not the point, it’s just that the timing hasn’t come.”

"The time hasn't come yet?" Ajin was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't know what he remembered, but also laughed happily.

(End of this chapter)

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