genius evil

Chapter 197 Isn't It Because She's Beautiful

Chapter 197 Isn't It Because She's Beautiful

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen had just left Sister Lan's restaurant when Jiang Yanyan's phone call came in.

"Jiang Chen, where did you die?" Jiang Yanyan yelled on the phone.

"Outside, I just finished eating." Jiang Chen walked slowly towards the school.

"Dinner?" Jiang Yanyan was about to die of anger, "Then hurry up, you will be late soon, there will definitely be traffic jams on the road, by the way, we will wait for you here in the parking lot. Don't walk here, run here !"

"Is it necessary to be so anxious?" Jiang Chen had a headache.

Today, Jiang Yanyan has already called him three times. This is the fourth call. She didn't talk about anything. She just asked him where he was, what clothes he was wearing, and even told him to drink water several times. It means that when he is watching the concert at night, he should run to the bathroom without looking at it.

What he knew was that he was going to the concert, but what he didn't know thought he was going to a blind date meeting.

If he had known that this chick was such a troublemaker, Jiang Chen would definitely not agree to go to the concert. He doesn't chase stars, and he doesn't like to listen to music. This is purely asking for trouble.

Ten minutes later, when Jiang Chen appeared in the parking lot, Jiang Yanyan was almost in a hurry. Although Xu Anqi didn't say anything, she was obviously a little anxious.

"What time does the concert start?" Jiang Chen asked casually as he stuffed the two of them into the car.

"07:30." Xu Anqi said with a smile. She has a good personality, and she is quiet from the bottom of her heart. It is completely different from Jiang Yanyan's frizz. Even if she is anxious, she will not show it. It makes people like it.

"It's still early." Jiang Chen smiled.

"There will be a lot of people in a while, and it will take a long time to queue up to enter." Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look, then pointed at Jiang Chen's clothes in distaste, and said, "It's all stinky, and I won't change it. Cleaner."

"Isn't that what single men do?" Jiang Chen teased.

"Could it be that you want An Qi to wash your clothes for you, which is beautiful?" Jiang Yanyan smiled, and said again: "I am also a single dog, why am I not as sloppy as you, you are purely lazy, don't try to make excuses .”

"Well, I'm just lazy." Jiang Chen turned the steering wheel casually, overtook the car in front, and asked, "Whose concert is it that is so grand?"

"Oh, anyway, you'll know when you go, and you will never be disappointed." Jiang Yanyan was still playing tricks.

Jiang Chen just looked at Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi smiled and said, "I promised Yanyan that I wouldn't tell you."

"Student An Qi, you did a good job this time, and you didn't forget your righteousness." Jiang Yanyan patted Xu Anqi on the shoulder.

"Then let me guess, he must be a handsome guy, otherwise Yanyan would be so active?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan looked at each other, and smiled with pursed lips, Jiang Chen smiled lightly, the cardamom age, the youth is just right, the two girls smile like flowers, probably they have lived up to this great youth.


The venue of the concert was at the city gymnasium. There was a traffic jam about a mile away from the gymnasium. In the end, I had to find a place to park and walk there.

When they arrived at the gymnasium, there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the gymnasium, men and women, old and young, all crowded.

Jiang Chen walked in front, holding Xu Anqi with one hand, and Jiang Yanyan with the other. Under Jiang Yanyan's command, he walked forward, forced a bloody path, and squeezed to the frontmost position.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the gate opened and the crowd began to enter.

The tickets were bought by Jiang Yanyan. I don't know why she bought three tickets. She gave one to Xu Anqi, and urged Xu Anqi to invite Jiang Chen with the other.

The little rich woman is not short of money. She bought VIP tickets for the first few rows, 2000 yuan per ticket.

It was past seven o'clock at this time, wait a little longer, the concert is about to start, the huge gymnasium is full, and there are no empty seats, it can be seen that the person who held the concert is very popular.

After dawdling for a while like this, when the lights on the stage came on and the giant curtain opened, the huge gymnasium suddenly became silent.

Accompanied by the accompaniment of the piano, a figure came to the stage step by step.

The lights chased people away, and the woman in the white dress mopping the floor meandered towards her, giving people a fresh breath.

Ethereal, chic, charming!
The woman standing on the stage has a slim and graceful figure, and the three-meter-high stage looks like a pure and pure flower blooming on the high cliff of an empty mountain.

Beautiful, definitely neither vulgar nor coquettish.


Jiang Chen sighed lowly, his eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't tell whether it was surprise or surprise.

"Jiang Chen, you were reluctant when I asked you to come here, but now your eyes are almost popping out. I should have known that beautiful women are your favorite." Jiang Yanyan slandered endlessly.

"I know her." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I know her too, who doesn't know her?" Jiang Yanyan despised Jiang Chen's clumsy excuse.

"Is she famous?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

"She has a nickname, Alluring Singer. Do you think she is famous or not?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't understand Jiang Chen's pretentiousness, and said with a sneer, "Don't tell me, you will know."

"I did know." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and asked again: "Singer of Allure, she really sings so beautifully."

"Then why do you think so many people came to the concert?" Jiang Yanyan was speechless.

"Isn't it because she is beautiful?" Jiang Chen said it as a matter of course.

Jiang Yanyan was full of black lines, thinking that the conversation with Jiang Chen was not speculative, so she turned her head awkwardly, Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen more, she heard Jiang Chen said that she knew her, it sounded like she was joking, but felt On, not kidding, it made her a little curious.

The people on the stage said a few words briefly, the melody of the piano changed immediately, and the singing sounded.

Jiang Chen didn't listen to the song, he raised his neck slightly, looked at the people on the stage, and suddenly remembered that day, a woman ran over and stopped his car recklessly.

She called him Mr. because she didn't know his name, and he called him Silly Baitian, even though he heard her say that her name was Ye Sichen.

To Jiang Chen, this was quite a wonderful feeling.

Gradually, Jiang Chen noticed Ye Sichen's singing voice. Her singing voice was the same as hers. It had the texture of a new rain in the empty mountains. Her voice was unique and deep, interpreting her personal taste.

Jiang Chen felt, how should I put it, that this woman was born for the stage, and all her innocence and romance could be expressed and released on the stage through her singing.

"The next song is for everyone, I hope you like it."

The melody of the piano changed, and the familiar rhythm lingered in everyone's mind.

Jiang Chen listened for a while, then asked: "Squad Leader Xu, what's the name of this song?"

"Yezi." Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look.

Ye Zi's song is an old song, it was Ye Sichen's song when he first debuted, and it can be regarded as Ye Sichen's famous song. Countless people know Ye Sichen because of Ye Sichen's song, and they deeply love him. Deeply in love with her.

No matter how much you don't chase stars, as long as you listen to a little music, you will never be unfamiliar with this song that was once popular all over the country.

But Jiang Chen didn't know the name of this song, but Jiang Chen said that he knew Ye Sichen.

Ye Zi finished singing quickly, and another song, just like that, singing one song after another.

Ye Sichen was always wearing the white dress that dragged the floor, standing there quietly, singing quietly, the only accompaniment was the piano.

Without a backup dancer, without the hustle and bustle of other stars' concerts, and without warm-up guests, she sang alone, indulging in the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy of the song.

Rather than saying that this is a grand concert, it is better to say that this is a stage for Ye Sichen to sing. All she needs to do is sing, and all the fans need to do is listen to the songs. It's as simple as that.

Probably no star would be so independent, but Ye Sichen is like this, but it will not make anyone feel out of harmony, including Jiang Chen.

"Little girl, if I knew you were a big star, I should have asked you for more money." Jiang Chen secretly smiled.

But at this time, a beam of divergent light hit Jiang Chen's face, and the light flashed away, sweeping past the faces of the audience in the front row one by one.

Ye Sichen on the stage, but at this moment, her soft body was slightly stiff, she saw a person, she blinked, and Ye Sichen smiled softly.

"Look, An Qi, Ye Sichen is smiling at me." Jiang Yanyan was so excited that she tugged on Xu Anqi's hand.

"It seems that I didn't look at you." Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen again, and the curiosity in her eyes deepened again.

The distance was a little far, and she couldn't figure out who Ye Sichen was looking at, who she was smiling at, but she felt absurdly, as if she was smiling at Jiang Chen.

"Where is it? She is obviously looking at me." Jiang Yanyan was still excited, and almost stood up and rushed to the stage.

"Stop making trouble, she is smiling at me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Smelly." Jiang Yanyan obviously didn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense.

Jiang Chen shrugged, not paying attention to Jiang Yanyan's words. He came to watch the concert purely to accompany Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan. It was an accident to see Ye Sichen, but it was not a surprise.

"The next song is called Smile, everyone must laugh more." Ye Sichen's face was a little mischievous, like a little girl finally got a candy, she was smiling, so she sang Smile.

This song was not included in the list of the concert. Sister Mi frowned in the back stage. She didn't know why Ye Sichen changed the playlist on the spot, but it was Ye Sichen's stage, the song to be sung in the concert, They were all delineated by Ye Sichen one by one, even if it was her, she had no room to dictate and could only let Ye Sichen mess around.

The song "Smile" is different from most of Ye Sichen's songs. It is a song with a bright rhythm and simple lyrics. When listening to the song, it is easy to make people smile knowingly.

The corners of their lips were raised, and almost everyone couldn't help but smile slightly, releasing the greatest kindness of human nature.

In the middle of the song, the rhythm of the song became more and more lively. No one noticed that under the light and shadow, a figure quietly rushed onto the stage!

(End of this chapter)

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