genius evil

Chapter 199

Chapter 199
The concert started at 07:30 and ended at 09:30. It lasted two hours. Except for one imperfect episode, Ye Sichen's performance throughout the entire concert was perfect.

Of course, it's hard to say that that little episode was not perfect. Jiang Chen successfully held the audience with his acting skills comparable to Oscar winners.

Even if someone doubted it afterwards, Jiang Chen was very clear about Sister Mi's attitude, she would absolutely stick to the news and deny it to death, but on his side, after the concert, who knew who he was?
Therefore, this small episode actually pushed the concert to another small climax.

The table is full of freshly baked food, this is a barbecue stand.

As soon as the concert was over, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi were dragged here by Jiang Yanyan. Jiang Yanyan had arranged it earlier, and they didn't even need to order meals. They would automatically serve them as soon as they arrived.

In order to watch this concert, Jiang Yanyan didn't eat much for dinner, so she took a piece of bread to deal with it, and didn't drink any water. As soon as she sat down, she poured herself a glass of drink, and then played with Jiang Chen's gift. Ye Sichen signed the song disc, and looked at Jiang Chen with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, do you really know that Ye Sichen?" Jiang Yanyan asked gossip, Xu Anqi also looked at Jiang Chen.

The two of them were most familiar with Jiang Chen, and they knew very well why Jiang Chen appeared at the concert. It was an accident, which could almost destroy Ye Sichen's accident.

"I've said it all, you don't believe it." Jiang Chen picked up a skewer of barbecued meat, and ate it with a smile, chattering.

"It's not that I don't believe it, the question is how do you convince me? The poor and the goddess are people from two worlds, okay?" Jiang Yanyan muttered.

Jiang Chen really wanted to take out a bank card and take a picture of Jiang Yanyan's face. How could he be poor?Where is the dick?

Is there such a handsome dick like him in this world?
Besides, where is Ye Sichen a goddess?

That is to say, if you look better, have a better figure, and have bigger breasts, but even if you have advantages all over your body, it won't work if you can't stand it?

Can you be a goddess just like that?

Is the threshold for this goddess too low?
"Look at my face." Jiang Chen pointed to his own face.

"I don't want to watch it." Jiang Yanyan looked disgusted.

"Uh, Squad Leader Xu, come and see." Jiang Chen didn't give up.

Xu Anqi really stared at Jiang Chen's face and looked carefully.

Many times, she felt that she knew Jiang Chen well enough, but there were also many times when the man in front of her, who was joking and playing around without any seriousness, was so strange.

"Does it look good?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Okay..." Xu Anqi subconsciously wanted to say something nice, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that something was wrong, and she blushed after only saying one word.

"That's right, it's good-looking." Jiang Chen nodded his head vigorously, and said with a bang: "My face is not only good-looking, but also sincere. You don't believe me when I grow up like me. Are you making a mistake?"

"Jiang Chen, I'm eating, don't make me vomit, please, I beg you." Jiang Yanyan was about to cry.

"You spit yours, I'll tell mine. This is a matter of character, so we must make it clear." Jiang Chen argued.

"I'm really going to throw up." Jiang Yanyan doubted whether Jiang Chen knew how to write the word character.

"Student Yanyan, you are insulting me." Jiang Chen was serious.


Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen playing tricks with a funny face, and said softly: "Jiang Chen, don't take any more risks in the future, I... we will be worried."

"You have to believe in my strength." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I believe, but safety is the most important thing." Xu Anqi said seriously.

She is not a fan of Ye Sichen, she just likes Ye Sichen's songs, so she will come to this concert with Jiang Yanyan... She is not very clear who is that person rushing to the stage, and she does not know if Jiang Chen What would have happened if she hadn't stepped onto the stage... All she cared about was Jiang Chen's safety.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Jiang Chen's strength, nor is he indifferent, but that caring makes chaos.

The small episodes on the stage made others laugh and think it was funny, but her heart was tightly held, lest Jiang Chen would have an accident.

Even though she had seen some things Jiang Chen did with her own eyes, and knew that Jiang Chen was messing around on the surface, but in fact he had plans, but she was just worried, and there was no reason to worry.

She couldn't say sensational words, what she wanted was Jiang Chen's safety, and that alone was enough.

"Okay." Jiang Chen's voice was a little lower and softer.

Xu Anqi is not Jiang Yanyan, she is delicate and sensitive, but she is not good at expressing. Every time the three of them are together, it is usually Jiang Yanyan who speaks. Xu Anqi has always talked less, but it is just like this, which makes people feel distressed.

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice was lowered, Jiang Yanyan, who was pretending to vomit, just calmed down. Her eyeballs rolled around, looking at Jiang Chen for a while, looking at Xu Anqi for a while, and finally picked up a skewer of barbecue silently, silently I ate it.

I don't know what's going on, but this barbecue restaurant is very lively, and the people around are walking around, but she feels quiet all of a sudden, and feels like an outsider.

"An Qi fell in love with Jiang Chen." Jiang Yanyan said in her heart.


Around 10:30 in the evening.

Although the concert ended for an hour, some of the fanatical fans still did not leave. They waited in the square in front of the stadium, holding up homemade banners and posters, waiting for Ye Sichen to appear, just to see more of Ye Sichen Morning glance.

A Buick commercial sedan drove out quietly. There were only three people in the car, the driver, Sister Mi and Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen's Mercedes-Benz car was too conspicuous, and all the fanatical fans knew the license plate of that car, so they changed to a commercial vehicle with a local license plate in Yilan City, otherwise, Ye Sichen would never even think about leaving here.

The commercial vehicle has been reposted as a car model, people outside can't see what's going on inside, while people sitting in the car can see what's happening outside at a glance.

Ye Sichen waved his hand, wanting to call the fans to leave, raised his hand, realized that the fans couldn't see, then lowered his hand in frustration.

Sister Mi didn't say anything when she saw this scene. If it hadn't happened tonight, she wouldn't mind Ye Sichen going down to interact with the fans.

The circle needs to be maintained, the fans waiting here, although they are all Ye Sichen's diehard fans, it is not a good thing to let them down too much.

It's just that the current situation can only be like this.

After all, in Sister Mi's mind, no one is more important than Ye Sichen's safety.

When the car was on the road, Sister Mi asked, "Sichen, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Ye Sichen smiled slightly.

"If you're tired, go to bed earlier." Sister Mi said.

"There are still a lot of letters that I haven't read, and a lot of gifts that haven't been opened. I guess I won't be able to go to sleep until later." Ye Sichen said.

Ye Sichen's trip to Yilan City to hold a concert was originally not planned, but it was the result of strong requests from the fan support group, and he received many letters and gifts.

Ordinary celebrities would often leave it to their agents to deal with, or not deal with at all, but Ye Sichen would do everything by himself, would read letter by letter, and occasionally reply to the letter by himself, and those gifts would have to be opened by himself. If the gift is too expensive, return it.

These are time-consuming, but Ye Sichen enjoys them endlessly, so Sister Mi can only let Ye Sichen be willful.

"Then I'll accompany you." Sister Mi asked tentatively.

"Sister Mi, you're tired too, go to bed early, I'm really fine." Ye Sichen shook his head, his face a little gloomy.

On the stage, one of her faces shines brightly, she is the focus, she is the only one, she is an alluring beauty, and she conquers all people with her singing.

In private, she is just an innocent little girl, her world is very small, only music and fans, this is the only one.

Sister Mi couldn't bear it, so she changed the subject, and asked, "Sichen, you went to the back stage and said, looking for that person, you know him, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Sichen's small face instantly recovered a little, blinked, and said mischievously, "Guess."

Sister Mi is a little depressed, how can she guess?

And she didn't have a good impression of that guy, even though he had resolved a huge crisis for Ye Sichen.

"Sister Mi, I told you about that person, sir." Ye Sichen smiled with a faint smile on his face.

"The driver of the black car?" Sister Mi came to her senses and realized who Ye Sichen was talking about.

Ye Sichen nodded vigorously, and murmured, "He helped me again."

Sister Mi pretended not to hear what Ye Sichen said, and sneered, "Didn't he say he didn't know you? Didn't know you and came to your concert again. What does that mean? Do you know him or not?"

"It should be..." Ye Sichen tilted his neck and thought for a while, then said softly, "Will he lie?"

"Everyone will lie, but some people are clumsy and can see through at a glance, while others are very shrewd, but no matter what, a lie is a lie, and it can be found out once poked." Sister Mi reminded.

Sister Mi admired Jiang Chen's tricks a bit. If she didn't know a word, she had successfully aroused Ye Sichen's interest. In addition to the hero's rescue tonight, wouldn't that make Ye Sichen swear at him? To miss?

Moreover, two things happened one after another, which happened one after another. It was an outrageous coincidence that Mi Jie was a little suspicious of Jiang Chen.

"Then Miss Mi, you've lied too, right?" Ye Sichen asked seriously.

"Sichen, our relationship is different. Even if it's a lie, it's a white lie." Sister Mi said speechlessly.

"Then if he lied, I believe it was a white lie, and I can feel that he didn't lie." Ye Sichen said seriously.

Sister Mi gritted her teeth and struggled for a long time. In Ye Sichen's heart, she was not as important as Jiang Chen, and, so far, Ye Sichen didn't even know Jiang Chen's name.

"Sichen, don't be fooled by him, he is a bastard, you must stay away from him in the future." Sister Mi hurriedly warned.

"I'm far away from him right now." Ye Sichen grinned, and looked sideways out of the window, not knowing whether he had listened or not...

(End of this chapter)

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