genius evil

Chapter 200 His Name Is Jiang Chen

Chapter 200 His Name Is Jiang Chen
Cao Xiaowen is a reporter, and a reporter for an entertainment express, referred to as an entertainment reporter.Of course, she is not so much an entertainment reporter as a paparazzi.

The title of paparazzi is hard to say, but Cao Xiaowen does these things.

The newspaper company that Cao Xiaowen belongs to is a small company in Yilan City. The circulation of the newspaper depends entirely on whether the materials are strong enough.

Some time ago, the entertainment industry was calm and stagnant, newspaper sales were deteriorating, and Cao Xiaowen was also in danger of losing her job.

Ye Sichen came to Yilan City to hold a concert in response to the strong request of the fan support group. Cao Xiaowen also bought a ticket, but she didn't go to the concert site to dig news, but she did go to the concert. She can be counted The above is a fan of Ye Sichen. Although there is still a little gap between fanatic fans, it is true that he likes Ye Sichen's songs.

Cao Xiaowen's salary is not high, and it is not as rich as Jiang Yanyan's little rich woman. She bought ordinary tickets and squeezed in the dark crowd. It was as hard as it was.

Fortunately, the order of the concert site was good, and the lighting and sound effects were even more top-notch. Although it was a bit hard, it could be regarded as a good auditory feast.

It's not uncommon for entertainment reporters to go to a star's concert, but it's definitely not common. Usually, they are invited to join in the concert, and afterward, they take the money to pull a few news stories.Or hold back the idea of ​​digging up news.

Cao Xiaowen was just going to a concert. Her status was too low, so she couldn't get an internal invitation letter. In fact, as far as Cao Xiaowen knew, this was a purely fan concert, and no guests were invited at all.

This is a society where entertainment is paramount. A reporter who doesn't dig news, or who can't find big news, especially an entertainment reporter, is not a qualified reporter at all.

Cao Xiaowen didn't want to be forced, she also wanted to dig out some information, it would be better to have some information, but Ye Sichen was too clean, no matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't even try to get half of the news from her. It is a white lotus.

In fact, Ye Sichen did have a nickname in the hearts of many reporters, especially entertainment reporters, Ye Lianhua.

This is a star without negative news.

In the general environment of the entertainment industry, it can be said that the degree of exposure determines life and death, regardless of whether it is good news or bad news, what is needed is the exposure rate.

A star without sufficient exposure, many times, can only explain one thing, that is, the celebrity status is too low to be worth reporting.

Ye Sichen's coffee status is naturally not low, not low. In this era when the record industry is declining, her concerts are popular one after another, and her records are often sold out, which shows her influence.

It was even reported that Ye Sichen supported half of the domestic recording industry by himself.

But there is such a person, there is no negative news about her, the fans are happy, but the audience is not happy, especially the entertainment reporters, even more unhappy.After all, that's what they live on.

After listening to a concert, Ye Sichen still sang quietly as always, and the fans sang quietly, there were no gimmicks, no gossip, everything was so great.

Well, it's still a bit bloody.

After the concert started and before it ended, when Ye Sichen led everyone to smile together, a psychopath rushed onto the stage, and not long after, another psychopath rushed onto the stage.

The two psychopaths each contributed a wonderful performance on the stage that belonged to Ye Sichen.

Especially the second psycho who rushed to the stage made Cao Xiaowen amazed, because there was no trace of performance in that guy's performance.

Cao Xiaowen was very skeptical, was it an emergency, or did the organizer intentionally create news for Ye Sichen?
But if the organizer really intended to create an eye-catching drama, could doing so really bring Ye Sichen popularity?

The answer, of course, is no.

Especially for entertainment reporters like Cao Xiaowen, she knows too well what kind of news is useful news.Excessive force and haste will only bring about the opposite effect.

But by chance, an incredible thing happened right under her nose.

Cao Xiaowen turned on the camera and found a few photos taken secretly. Because of the light, the photos were not clear enough, but the details could still be seen clearly.

"Two teasers." After watching for a while, Cao Xiaowen gave such an evaluation.

Generally speaking, the matter about Ye Sichen's concert was just turned over without any disturbance. Cao Xiaowen dug up some news, but based on the editor-in-chief's usual urgency, it was impossible to report such news.

Scratching her head, Cao Xiaowen was going to take a shower and sleep, it was getting late, and she didn't want to go to work tomorrow morning with dark circles under her eyes.

But inexplicably, Cao Xiaowen was a little depressed.

After finally digging up news from Ye Lianhua, but it's so fucking unusable, how can this be depressing?
Bracing herself, Cao Xiaowen flipped through the photos again, trying to find any useful clues. Of course, there were no clues. On the contrary, Cao Xiaowen became very interested in the second psychopath, namely Jiang Chen.

"Who is this guy?" Cao Xiaowen murmured.

Whether it was unwillingness or curiosity, Cao Xiaowen turned on the computer and logged into the largest forum in the country... the entertainment section of the Haijiao Forum, typed a few lines, attached a photo of Jiang Chen, and sent up.

In Cao Xiaowen's view, a guy who can't see the traces of his performance when he is performing, no matter how low-key, no matter how unknown, must be famous.

What Cao Xiaowen has to do now is to find out this guy and find out who he is.

After posting the post, Cao Xiaowen didn't wait in front of the computer. She went to take a shower first, and then returned to the computer.

It's only been a few minutes, and the post she just posted has already received a reply.

"I also went to Ye Sichen's concert and asked the old driver to show me the way."

"That guy's acting skills are great, and he has a sleazy attribute. I'm going to love him to death."

"Ye Sichen, I love you."

"You idiot upstairs."


Cao Xiaowen was a little disappointed that they were all unnutritious replies, but she still read carefully one by one, and refreshed from time to time to see if there were any new replies.

Although it was late, the enthusiasm of netizens was immeasurable. In just one hour, there were more than 100 replies to this post.

Cao Xiaowen finally saw what she wanted.

Well, she figured it out, that guy is called Jiang Chen.

The reply claimed to be a student from Yilan Middle School. Apart from revealing Jiang Chen's name, he also exposed Jiang Chen's class along the way.

Seeing this, some clues have surfaced. Cao Xiaowen was a little surprised, because she positioned Jiang Chen as an actor. She never thought that Jiang Chen was actually a student, not even a college student, but a high school student.

"High school student?" Cao Xiaowen thought for a while, but she didn't know what she thought of. She did something unbelievable and deleted the post.

"Jiang Chen, a high school student; Ye Sichen, a big star. Is there a connection between the two?" Cao Xiaowen thought silently.

This is very strange, even weird, even if Cao Xiaowen's head is broken, she still can't connect Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen, two people who are irrelevant in terms of status and status .


In fact, this night, in addition to the lively Haijiao forum, several other well-known domestic forums, such as Goupu and Xici, were also very lively.

There are also some news on the penguin and the bib, but they are spread in a small area, and soon, unlike Cao Xiaowen who chooses to delete~posts actively, those posts disappeared without any reason.

There were even a few who spoke more aggressively, and their ids were directly locked. Naturally, Cao Xiaowen didn't know about these things, otherwise, with the sense of an entertainment reporter, Cao Xiaowen would definitely realize that she accidentally dug up a big news.


There is a holiday villa in the south of Yilan City. Ye Sichen will rest here tonight. As Ye Sichen's manager, Mi Jie is not only responsible for Ye Sichen's acting career, but also Ye Sichen's part-time personal nanny.

Of course, Sister Mi felt that she was like Ye Sichen's mother, and she had to be careful anytime and anywhere, lest Ye Sichen be accidentally kidnapped.

Who made Ye Sichen hide all his talents except singing?

Fortunately, as long as Ye Sichen sings well and enjoys singing, it is enough for the fans and for her.

Sister Mi was busy in the kitchen for a while, squeezed two glasses of juice, and handed it to Ye Sichen. While drinking, Ye Sichen flipped through the webpage with a small tablet.

Ye Sichen first searched for his name, then clicked down on the first row of the webpage, and soon he clicked into the Haijiao Forum.

Sister Mi leaned over to take a look, and secretly scolded the guys in the PR department. She had already mentioned it, and several portal websites and newspapers had also called. Why is there still news?

What Ye Sichen clicked on was the post from Cao Xiaowen. She read it with great interest, and sometimes smiled when she saw interesting replies.

Sister Mi secretly felt a headache, and didn't understand what was so funny about this, and at the same time, her dissatisfaction with the guys in the public relations department escalated.

Fortunately, after a while, when Ye Sichen refreshed the page, it showed that the web page did not exist, and Sister Mi was a little relieved.

"Sister Mi, guess what I saw just now?" Blinking, Ye Sichen asked with a smile.

"What did you see?" Miss Mi suddenly became nervous. Could it be that she saw some bad comments?
"I saw that person's name, and I know where he is now." Ye Sichen said happily.

She called him Mr. because she didn't know his name. The two had met twice and passed each other twice. Fortunately, she finally knew his name now.

That bastard who has a naughty smile and looks even naughtier, who doesn't need any acting skills at all to play a bad guy, just needs to play his true colors and can outshine most actors-his name is Jiang Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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