genius evil

Chapter 201 The sky is bright

Chapter 201 The sky is bright
The sky is bright, the rare good weather.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the flight arrived at Tiannan International Airport. Among the bustling crowd, a figure walked slowly towards the exit along with the flow of people.

This is a woman with a very tall figure, estimated to be 1.7 meters five in height. With a pair of high heels under her feet, her height directly exploded to more than 1.8 meters.

The typical model figure, the thin long windbreaker can't hide the exquisite figure, the front is convex and the back is warped, and the curves are exposed.Especially those long and slender legs, when walking around, made countless men lose their souls and countless women felt ashamed.

Unlike other people with big bags and small bags, this woman didn't even have a satchel on her body, she was neat and chic, with sunglasses covering her face and long purple hair fluttering.

Even if the pair of toad sunglasses covered two-thirds of her small face, it still exuded a faintly seductive aura, this is a stunner.

After leaving the station, the woman stopped for a while, and immediately walked towards a taxi.

"Ma'am, please wait a moment." But at this moment, a short and fat man with five short stature rushed up quickly and stopped the woman.

The woman didn't seem to notice his existence, and walked straight forward. The short fat man was slightly taken aback, and wanted to stop there, wanting to see if the woman really dared to bump into him.Maybe the taste of the soft fragrance in the bosom must be very good.

But inexplicably, following the rhythm of the woman's walking, the short fat man made a wrong step and stepped aside two steps. The woman just walked past him like no one else was there.

"Beauty, did you hear me?" Humpty Humpty was a little unwilling, and quickly turned around to follow.

From the first time he saw this woman on the plane, Humpty Humpty was terrified and moved. Not to mention other things, those legs alone had already confused him to death.

There were too many passengers on the plane, and it was difficult for the short fat man to strike up too many conversations. After getting off the plane, he immediately followed the woman.

Humpty Humpty originally thought that maybe this woman is already famous and famous. After all, with such a stunner, which man has the confidence to let her run around the world?

Anyway, he doesn't have much confidence.

When the woman got out of the station, she stopped for a while, and then walked towards the taxi. The short fat man immediately realized that his chance had come.

There is no doubt that this woman is going to take a taxi, which means that this woman is ownerless. As long as he can seize and make good use of this opportunity, this woman may be his.

The woman did not speak, but continued walking.

If you are an ordinary person, if you hit a wall twice, you should give up.

But Humpty Humpty is really not an ordinary person, and the glamorous beauty of a woman, on the contrary, aroused his desire to conquer.

After all, for a man, the sense of accomplishment to conquer such a woman is not so strong.

"Beauty, I believe you have heard me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Luo Jin. My friends call me Fatty Luo. If you like, you can also call me Fatty Luo." The short fat man who called himself Luo Jin , introducing himself in a rambling manner, desperately brushing up on his presence.

"Beauty, are you here to travel in Tiannan City? If you don't mind, I can be your tour guide for free during this time in Tiannan City. I am a native of Tiannan City. I have two companies under my umbrella. A hotel, if you don’t dislike it, you can stay in my hotel for a few days.” If you fail once, Fatty Luo will try again.

"Beauty, are you going to take a taxi, right? I happen to have a car, I can take you where you want to go." Fatty Luo swiped for the third time.

At this moment, the woman's footsteps stopped.

Then, the woman finally spoke, her tone was extremely loose, slightly hoarse, her voice was not very pleasant, but it had a very strange charm.

"Do you have a car?" the woman asked sideways.

Perhaps because the woman had been silent all this time, Fatty Luo was not used to it when she spoke suddenly. Soon Fatty Luo nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I have a car, so I parked it there."

As he spoke, Fatty Luo stretched out his fat and short fingers and pointed at an Audi A6 in the distance.

The woman glanced at the direction Fatty Luo was pointing at, and immediately stretched out her palm, "Give me the key."

Fatty Luo was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Beauty, do you want to drive by yourself? Actually, you don't need to, just let me drive, I am familiar with it."

"Give it to me." The woman said no nonsense, these two short words were full of undeniable power.

Fatty Luo's face changed slightly, and he said with difficulty: "Beauty, please believe in my driving skills, I drive very well."

"If you don't give it, get out." The woman said lazy nonsense.

Probably because he felt that he couldn't hold back his face, Fatty Luo smiled softly.

The woman's reaction was very strange, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he took out the key from his bag, handed it over, and said, "Beauty, I don't mean anything else, I just see you wearing high heels, I'm afraid you can't drive." It's so convenient, really, don't get me wrong, I'm not a stingy man, let alone the car keys, I can just give you the car."

"You really think so?" The woman's mouth curved slightly.

Fatty Luo's heart skipped a beat, a car, for a woman, no, even for one night, it would definitely be worth it.

"Please believe in my sincerity." Fatty Luo said solemnly.

"Then, from this moment on, the car is mine." The woman said, and as soon as the words fell, Fatty Luo's hand was empty, and the key fell into the woman's hand. The woman didn't know if she heard Fatty Luo's words. , walked straight to the car park.

Fatty Luo hurried to catch up, following behind the woman step by step, but the woman was walking too fast, and he had short legs, so he could only jog.

Pulling the door, the woman got into the car, the door closed, and the sound of the engine sounded. Fatty Luo also went to pull the door, but it was in vain. He saw the car roaring instantly, and then drove away from him.

Fatty Luo was dumbfounded. He didn't realize something was wrong until the car was about to disappear from sight.

"Root...rob!" Fatty Luo shouted at the top of his voice.

This is the first time for a woman to come to Tiannan City, so she is not familiar with the road conditions. However, Tiannan City is just a transit point, not the woman's destination.

With her slender fingers, she clicked on the navigation screen, and the woman quickly determined the navigation address. The car sped along the highway, and the destination was Yilan City.


Chunxiao tea room.

Chunxiao is undoubtedly also a stunner.

Even if she is not a beauty in the traditional sense, no one can deny her charm.

Chunxiao Tea House is named after Chunxiao, and because of Chunxiao, it has a good reputation in the circle.

The decoration of the tea room is high-end and exquisite, and the price is naturally high. A cup of ordinary Pu'er is 180, plus a little dessert and dried fruit, the consumption for a table will definitely not be less than [-].

High consumption means that the business of Chunxiao Teahouse will not be as hot as ordinary teahouses, so the teahouse will give people a deserted feeling throughout the year.

"Bang... bang bang..."

Chunxiao was holding the tray, and gently knocked on the door of a box.

"Come in." A voice came from inside.

Chunxiao pushed open the door and went in. A man was sitting inside with a mediocre appearance and sharp eyes. This was the first impression he gave Chunxiao.

Chunxiao saw this face three times today, because this was the third time she came to make tea.

The first time was an hour ago, Longjing; the second time was half an hour ago, Dahongpao, and the third time is now, Jinzhanmei.

From Longjing tea to Dahongpao is a transition, and from Dahongpao to Calendula is another transition.

I have to say that even though Chunxiao opened this tea room and met countless people of all kinds, she has never seen such a strange guest.

Ask her to make tea by name, even if she is the proprietress, she can't refuse the customer's request. Fortunately, she is generous and behaves.

Perhaps the only thing that Chunxiao couldn't understand was the taste of this man's tea. Dahongpao was naturally good tea, but Jinzhanmei was very ordinary. This transition was simply inexplicable.

Calendula is a local tea in Yilan City. It is not well-known, and the taste is naturally very ordinary. Even the locals in Yilan City don’t like to drink it.

If this man wants it, she naturally wants to satisfy it as much as possible. The tea is still bought in a shop outside.

The stove was very hot, Chunxiao sat down opposite the man, picked up two pieces of charcoal and put them in the stove, then put the teapot on, and waited for the water to boil.

The water boiled quickly, and Chunxiao began to make tea.

After the tea was ready, Chun Xiao poured a cup and gently pushed it in front of the man.

The man picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then laughed out loud: "The taste is right."

Chunxiao pouted, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but said nothing.

"Are you Chunxiao?" Putting down the teacup, the man asked.

"I'm Chunxiao." Chunxiao replied truthfully.

"Is this a stage name? Or your original name?" the man asked again.

"Sorry, I don't want to answer this question." Chun Xiao shook his head.

"Oh, a woman with a story." The man smiled and whispered, "The time is right, the place is right, the tea is right, and the person is right..."

The voice gradually lowered, low and deep, as if a poisonous snake was crawling in the soil, and it might break out of the ground at any time.

Chunxiao didn't understand what he meant.I can only listen quietly.

"The person is right, so what else is wrong?" The man continued to speak, his sharp eyes suddenly became sharper, "Then the atmosphere is wrong."

"Sir, if you have any dissatisfaction, you are welcome to bring it up, and we will make more improvements." Chun Xiao said politely.

"Tsk, that's the atmosphere, it's very wrong." The man shook his head, put a hand on Chunxiao's shoulder, put it between Chunxiao's hair, sniffed it hard, and his voice became deeper and deeper, " I don't like rules, I just like breaking things."

"Destruction?" Chunxiao's body trembled, and her scalp was numb.

"Yes, it's sabotage... By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Song Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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