genius evil

Chapter 202 I'm Too Hungry Here

Chapter 202 I'm Too Hungry Here
Jiang Chen was very laid back, except for Shuang'er who came to accompany him on time every day, there was no special situation, he was basically in a state of doing nothing.

Jiang Chen was very satisfied with Shuang'er's savvy. He only watched three videos yesterday, but today he already knows how to fill in the gaps.

Jiang Chen's expectations for Shuang'er are not high, but this does not prevent Jiang Chen from admiring Shuang'er. He is intelligent, hardworking, and of course, the most important thing is that he is beautiful and has a good figure. Doing nothing is enough to be pleasing to the eye.

No, Jiang Chen is watching with relish right now.

The undisguised gaze made Shuang'er a little ashamed, and after wiping off his sweat, Shuang'er looked at his watch, and the hour hand was exactly pointing to ten o'clock.

This surprised Shuang'er, because she remembered clearly that although the time she insisted on was getting longer every day, the longest time did not exceed 09:30.

But today, it actually persisted until ten o'clock, which has to be said, is a surprising improvement.

"Master." Shuang'er walked towards Jiang Chen, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a different look shone on his little pale face due to excessive force.

"Great progress." Jiang Chen boasted.

"It's all master, you teach well." Shuang'er said modestly.

"That's right, it's because I teach well. Only a great master can teach great disciples." Jiang Chen boasted unceremoniously.

Shuang'er was stunned for a moment, then giggled, with a soft figure like willows in the wind, she said with a smile: "Master, then you have to remember what you said."

"Don't worry, of course I will remember, so, in order to make you a great apprentice, I have re-made a training plan for you, starting tomorrow." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Shuang'er's heart skipped a beat, why did she feel that Jiang Chen had some malicious intentions, but she still asked, "Master, what's the plan?"

"Don't worry, you'll know when you come over tomorrow." Jiang Chen actually kept it a secret.

Shuang'er became more and more anxious, and her bad premonition deepened, but Jiang Chen often played tricks, and this was not the first time, so he simply didn't ask more questions, cleaned up, and left.

As soon as Shuang'er left, Jiang Chen didn't sleep anymore. Jiang Chen quickly pulled out a pocket version of the English dictionary from his pocket, sat on the grass, and pretended to read it.


Tangyue had just walked over, just in time to see Jiang Chen take out the English dictionary, and also just in time to see Jiang Chen pretending to recite words, and was immediately amused by Jiang Chen.

After the fun, Tangyue was somewhat speechless. It's fine for this guy to be deceitful, but if he wants to be so deceitful, the English dictionary in his hand is all upside down.

"Jiang Chen." Tangyue walked over and spoke softly.

"Ah...Teacher Tang, when did you come here?" Jiang Chen raised his head, looked at Tangyue blankly, scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "Teacher Tang, I'm too obsessed with memorizing words. , I didn't even notice you coming."

"Oh, you worked hard, how is your memorization going?" Tangyue asked with a forced smile.

"So-so, Mr. Tang, you must never test me." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"Your words have reminded me, so I'll test you." Tangyue originally had this in mind, the more Jiang Chen said this, the more she wanted to see how Jiang Chen would continue to act.

"Give me the dictionary." Tang Yue stretched out her hand.

"Teacher Tang, your parents are so beautiful, like a fairy in the sky, don't embarrass me, okay?" Jiang Chen's face was wrinkled, and he reluctantly handed over the dictionary.

Tang Yue acted as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's nonsense, took the dictionary, flipped through it, and read a word when she turned to a random page.

"Ah—" Jiang Chen blinked.

Tangyue glanced at Jiang Chen, flipped it casually, and read another word.

"Ah—" Jiang Chen's reaction was indistinct.

"You don't even know, do you?" Tangyue suddenly lost interest and closed the dictionary.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "The first one means rebellion, and the second one means cunning."

"Ah—" Now, it was Tangyue's turn to open her mouth wide, and looked at Jiang Chen in amazement.

She clearly saw Jiang Chen's fake appearance, so the school test was not intended to embarrass Jiang Chen, make Jiang Chen look bad, but to encourage Jiang Chen to learn English.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen knew the meaning of the two words she randomly found. It has to be said that it was quite an accident and surprise.

Seeing Tangyue's reaction like this, Jiang Chen's smile was rippling, and he said impatiently: "Teacher Tang, I'm so hungry and thirsty here, hurry up, test me, test me a few more."

Tangyue's eyes widened, and she looked at this bastard as if she was insane. Of course, she would not test Jiang Chen again, because seeing Jiang Chen's posture, how should I put it, seemed to get some very special pleasure from it. It made Tangyue feel a chill.

Tangyue returned the dictionary to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen took it with an uncontrollable disappointment on his face.

Stuffing the dictionary under his buttocks, Jiang Chen raised his neck slightly and looked at Tangyue. From his perspective, from bottom to top, there were thighs, abdomen, chest, and then chin.

Following the movement of Jiang Chen's eyes, Tangyue felt a little terrified. She didn't know where Jiang Chen was looking at her, nor where Jiang Chen would look at her.

Even though she was dressed relatively conservatively, and she wasn't worried about letting her go, it still gave her a feeling of being at a loss. She just took two steps back, turned sideways, and said, "I'm leaving."

While talking, Tangyue was about to leave.

"Teacher Tang, did you come here specifically to find me? Or did you just come here during your walk?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"I'll just walk around." Tangyue hesitated for a moment before replying.

"Teacher Tang, do you have time? Let me treat you to dinner." Jiang Chen said again, the topic changed suddenly.

"Dinner again?" Tangyue stopped in her footsteps.

"Then don't eat, just go for a stroll." Jiang Chen smiled and said.


Ten minutes later, a Porsche Cayenne left Yilan Middle School and headed towards the center of Yilan City.

Tangyue sat in the co-pilot's seat, tilting her head to look at the scenery outside the window, through the window glass, she could vaguely see Jiang Chen's side face.

Jiang Chen was driving, looking very focused, Tangyue had no choice but to pretend to be very focused on watching the scenery, but in reality she was in a slightly disturbed mood.

It was as if she was not very clear about how she came to the shore of Weiming Lake and why she appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, and she was even less clear about why she was so excited when Jiang Chen said he was just strolling around. Feel.

This feeling was very strange, a little unreasonable, so Tangyue tried to let herself be free, so as to be more natural.

For a casual stroll, of course, it wasn't like going to press the road like a young couple, Jiang Chen took Tangyue to a large shopping mall, and then the two of them strolled casually inside.

It's casual, but of course it's not casual.

Most women are a bit paranoid about shopping. Maybe Tangyue is a little better in this aspect, but not long after entering the mall, she entered a perfume counter.

Mature women will always know what kind of scent is suitable for them. In just 10 minutes, Tangyue left the counter, and Jiang Chen had an extra bag of perfume in his hand.

The second Tangyue entered was a counter selling bags.

In this counter, Tangyue stayed a little longer, a full half an hour, before choosing a bag, so Jiang Chen had another bag in his hand.

The third one Tangyue entered was a shoe counter.

This time, it took longer, almost an hour. After he came out, the bags in Jiang Chen's hand became four, because Tangyue bought two pairs of shoes.

"Jiang Chen, I'll give you back the money for shopping." Tangyue said a little embarrassedly.

She came out with Jiang Chen empty-handed. At the beginning, she really wanted to go shopping casually. She didn't expect that she would suddenly have the desire to shop.

Perfume, bags, and shoes were all not cheap, and Tangyue didn't see the list because Jiang Chen rushed to grab the list.

But Tangyue estimated in her heart that it was already more than five figures.

If it was only tens or hundreds of dollars, she wouldn't mind who took the money, but with so much money, even if Jiang Chen wanted to buy it for her, she couldn't accept it with peace of mind.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded and said casually.

Tangyue was walking forward, and when she heard Jiang Chen say a good word, she paused slightly. For some reason, she was a little disappointed, but she concealed it very well, and did not reveal any strange feelings, and instead entered a selling shop. A store for clothes.

This time the speed was even faster. After going in and coming out again, Jiang Chen had three more bags in his hands.

The clothes are all the latest styles, no need to bargain, no need to try them on, just take them off.

Unlike buying perfume, it is also different from buying bags and shoes. When buying clothes, Tangyue pays the most attention to the first impression.If you feel right at first glance, then buy it.If it is wrong, no matter how suitable it is, never buy it, or you will regret it sooner or later.

After buying these four items, it seemed that there was nothing to buy. Tangyue thought about it and said, "Jiang Chen, do you have anything to buy?"

"Not yet. But Teacher Tang, don't you feel that you bought something less?" Jiang Chen reminded, and by the way, he stretched out a finger and pointed in one direction.

"Victoria's Secret." Tang Yue looked in the direction Jiang Chen was pointing at, quickly withdrew her gaze, and gave Jiang Chen a hard look.

"Mr. Tang, what are you staring at me for? It's for you to wear, not for me... Well, if you plan to show me what you wear, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Shut up, I'm hungry, let's go eat something." Tang Yue glared at Jiang Chen again.

This is not the first time she has come to this shopping mall, otherwise, she would not be so clear about the internal layout of the shopping mall. After talking, the familiar person took Jiang Chen to the elevator and went to the second floor, where there was a dessert shop. That's right, she's been there once, so she remembers it.

Jiang Chen felt a little regretful. He didn't understand why women all over the world were so stingy. They were obviously necessities, and they were worn every day. What's the difference between inner clothes and outer clothes?

Worried, Jiang Chen followed Tangyue into the dessert shop. After sitting down, Tangyue was greeting the waiter when she heard a slightly sharp voice next to her: "Tangyue, you are Tangyue, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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