genius evil

Chapter 203 You Have a Thick Skin

Chapter 203 You Have a Thick Skin
It was a young woman who spoke, her red lips parted, and she looked at Tangyue with a surprised and delighted expression.

"You are...Xiao Hua?" Tangyue asked after being stunned for a moment.

"Tangyue, it's really you. What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here. I haven't seen you for several years... Fortunately, I didn't recognize the wrong person, otherwise I would make a fool of myself... Yes, I It's Xiao Hua." The young woman named Xiao Hua smiled, pulled a man at the same table to get up, walked over and said: "Tang Yue, long time no see, let's share a table and talk, you have no objection Bar."

Tangyue nodded, expressing that she had no objection.

Then I saw the man stretch out his hand and said to Tangyue, "Tangyue, do you still remember me, I'm Dong Zijiao."

"Dong Zijiao? I remember, hello." Tangyue responded, and was about to shake hands with Dong Zijiao when a cup suddenly appeared in her hand.

"Honey, I've been shopping for a long time just now, I'm thirsty, drink some water first." Jiang Chen said very gently.

Tangyue stared blankly at Jiang Chen, what the hell is my dear, this guy is fine, why did he lose his nerve all of a sudden?
However, Tangyue took advantage of the situation and brought the cup to her mouth, and took a sip of water.

Dong Zijiao was embarrassed for a while, and gave Jiang Chen a weird look, but since Tangyue took the water glass, there was no way to shake his hand, so he could only put his hand back embarrassingly.

"Tangyue, is this handsome guy your boyfriend?" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Chen and asked with a smile.

"No." Tangyue just shook her head without thinking. She didn't want to be misunderstood by Xiao Hua, let alone by Jiang Chen. Otherwise, with Jiang Chen's personality, she might not know how to climb up the pole.

"Really? Tangyue, don't lie to me." Xiao Hua obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Although Zijiao has pursued you before, he doesn't think so anymore. What about your boyfriend, possessive The desire is too strong, you don't even want to be touched by other men."

While talking, Xiao Hua turned to look at Dong Zijiao and said, "Zijiao, if you shake hands with other women in the future, I will be jealous too."

Tangyue was a little surprised, looked at Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao and asked, "You two?"

"Yeah, the two of us are together." Xiao Hua took Dong Zijiao's arm affectionately, as if swearing sovereignty.

"Congratulations." Tangyue said, feeling a little emotional.

She, Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao are high school classmates, but she and Xiao Hua are in the same class, and Dong Zijiao is in another class.

Dong Zijiao is tall, good-looking, and has a good family background, so many girls are interested in Dong Zijiao, and Xiao Hua is one of them.

However, Dong Zijiao didn't like Xiao Hua at that time, and instead pursued her. She had no feelings for Dong Zijiao, and she didn't want to fall in love, so she directly refused.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao finally got together. Tangyue's congratulations seemed a little bit happy for Xiao Hua. After all, after all these years, Xiao Hua finally made it through.

"I just want to send the two of us away with a single congratulations, so why not treat us to a meal." Xiao Hua insisted.

"It's rare to meet Tangyue, why don't I treat you." Dong Zijiao murmured.

"Hmph, Dong Zijiao, you don't think you love Tangyue's wallet." Xiao Hua gave Dong Zijiao a blank look.

"No way." Dong Zijiao shook his head hastily.

"No best, otherwise, I won't spare you." Xiao Hua pointed Dong Zijiao's head with his finger.

"The relationship between the two of you is really good." Tangyue smiled and said, "Let me treat you, what do you two want to eat later, you are welcome."

While talking, Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen understood, and said with a smile, "I'll pay."

"One treats, the other pays the bill. Husbands and wives go with each other, and they say it's not a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship." Xiao Hua's eyes were bright, and he said to Jiang Chen, "Handsome guy, let's get to know each other. My name is Xiao Hua."

"Jiang Chen. Your name is quite interesting. Is it Xiao Hua or the school belle?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's Xiao Hua, and she's also the school belle..." Xiao Hua proudly puffed up his sizeable chest, and said, "Unfortunately, my school belle is not worthy of the name, and Tangyue is our high school's number one school belle. Jiang Chen, Tell me about how you managed to catch Tangyue. You must know that the people who chased Tangyue back then were like the crucian carp in the river, but Tangyue didn't like any of them. There must be something different about you. Bar."

"Handsome, is it different?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, laughed out loud, and said, "I know how you managed to catch up with Tangyue. Good women are afraid of pestering men. You are so thick-skinned, how could Tangyue escape from your palm."

"Oh, your skin is actually quite thick." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment again, and could no longer speak.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao left first, while Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen with a speechless expression. It was so hard for her old classmates to meet, but Jiang Chen disturbed her so much. Tangyue felt a headache .

"Uh, that joke..." Jiang Chen touched his nose.

"Xiao Hua." Tangyue reminded seriously.

"Okay, Xiao Hua." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't tell me you didn't see it, she's actually not happy today at all."

"Why?" Tangyue really didn't see it, because she was very happy to see Xiao Hua, and she was also very happy.

"Usually, there are two situations when a woman is happy. The first is that a man holds a card and asks her to swipe it casually, and buys all kinds of luxury goods. The second is that when she meets a man who is more expensive than her. Ugly woman, that's what the so-called safflower needs green leaves to match." Jiang Chen spoke in a leisurely manner.

"You're a bandit's logic." Tangyue said dissatisfied.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and then said: "As for Xiao Hua, she is rather unlucky. Although her name is Xiaohua, compared with you, she is more like a joke. The boyfriend she is looking for is from before she was born. I still like you, which puts her at a natural disadvantage in front of you. Also, his boyfriend is not as handsome as I am, and he is not as rich as I am. In this case, tell me how happy she is up?"

Tangyue fell silent. Although Jiang Chen's words, if he praised her and then praised himself, there was a suspicion that the whole family closed the door, the Huang Po sold melons and sold melons, but the meaning was just that, and it was easy to understand.

"Then why did she still greet me?" Tangyue asked hesitantly for a while.

"It's very simple. She wanted to show off, but she didn't expect to shoot herself in the foot." Jiang Chen said very simply.

Tangyue took a deep look at Jiang Chen and asked, "Do you not like her too much?"

"Why do I like her?" Jiang Chen asked back, "It doesn't matter if it's about possessiveness or aggressiveness, when a person appears in front of you, it's very likely that it will cause you to be unhappy, then I'm very sorry , I can only make her more unhappy."

Tangyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Then you still promised the dinner in three days' time?"

Tangyue felt a little baffled, hearing what Jiang Chen said so well, she almost believed it, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen left such a big loophole there.

If you don't like it, you still agree to the dinner, what does that mean?
Dong Zijiao and Xiao Hua came to Yilan City this time to discuss a business cooperation. They have no time these few days, so they can only postpone the dinner to three days later.

"It's also very simple. I don't like her, but this doesn't prevent me from being an excellent boyfriend." Jiang Chen laughed as he spoke, and said, "My current identity is your boyfriend. If I don't even agree to a meal, doesn't that mean I'm stingy? But in fact, am I such a stingy man? "

"You think too much." Tangyue had to remind.

"Not at all." Jiang Chen shook his head vigorously, and said solemnly: "What are the basic requirements for an excellent boyfriend? Humorous, handsome, rich and generous, these six conditions, I have perfectly presented Five, three days later, they will see my generous side. When they go back, they will meet your other old classmates and so on. Speaking of which, don’t you have face? After all, not every woman can find me Such a man is a boyfriend."

"You really think too much." Tangyue gritted her teeth.

It's fine for this guy to call himself her boyfriend, after all, it's not easy to deny it face to face, lest he lose face, but what's the matter with entering the role so quickly?

"I really didn't." Jiang Chen was very innocent.

"You have it." Tangyue glared at Jiang Chen bitterly.

"Absolutely not." Jiang Chen stared back at Jiang Chen.

The two stared at each other, and after a while, they all laughed.


The taxi headed towards the hotel, Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao were sitting in the back seat.

"I didn't expect to meet Tangyue in Yilan City. It was a surprise." Dong Zijiao sighed.

"Yeah, it's very surprising, and what's even more surprising is that she actually found a boyfriend. I thought she would look for it in a few years." Blinking her eyes, Xiao Hua said.

After a pause, Xiao Hua went on to say: "But her boyfriend is very handsome, good-looking, and seems to be quite rich... But I don't know what's going on, seeing that Jiang Chen, I just I suddenly remembered someone."

"Who?" Dong Zijiao asked strangely.

"Ji Feng." Xiao Hua said a name.

"Ji Feng? Is there something similar between him and Jiang Chen? Why didn't I see it?" Dong Zijiao was astonished.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling. I heard that Ji Feng is in Tiannan City. Do you think we should give him a call? You must know that he is Tang Yue's most loyal suitor. If Ji Feng knows that Tang Yue If Yue is in Yilan City, she must be very happy." Xiao Hua asked delicately.

Dong Zijiao is not an idiot, how can he fail to realize that Xiao Hua has something to say, Tangyue already has a boyfriend, if Ji Feng gets involved again, things will undoubtedly become messy, and Ji Feng is not an ordinary person...

(End of this chapter)

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