genius evil

Chapter 204 Happy Birthday to You

Chapter 204 Happy Birthday to You
Jiang Chen and Tangyue didn't spend long time shopping in the shopping mall. After eating, it was only a little over one o'clock, and less than two o'clock, which was still very early.

The things that should be bought are almost bought, Tangyue just lost the interest in shopping.

In addition, meeting an old classmate by chance, inexplicably staged a "Zhen Huan Biography", which made Tangyue very depressed.

"Jiang Chen, let's go back to school." After walking out of the dessert shop, Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, you see that you bought so much, but I didn't buy anything here." Jiang Chen said as his eyes rolled around.

"I asked you just now, and you said you didn't want to buy anything." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, you must have heard it wrong. What I said is that there is not yet... Now, it happens to be available." As he spoke, he pulled Tangyue towards the elevator without waiting for Tangyue to refuse.

After getting out of the elevator, Jiang Chen took Tang Yue into a perfume counter.

"You want to buy perfume too?" Tangyue asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, it's the first time I'm buying it. Teacher Tang, please take a look." Jiang Chen smiled.

Tangyue had never smelled perfume on Jiang Chen, so she knew that Jiang Chen had no habit of using perfume before, and she didn't know why she suddenly got nervous and wanted to buy perfume.

Fortunately, it was not the first time she saw Jiang Chen having a nervous attack, and Tangyue didn't take it too seriously, she just picked it out carefully in the counter.

Compared to women's fragrances, there are far fewer types of fragrances for men, which means that the range of choices is much narrower.

Soon, Tangyue picked out a perfume and handed it to Jiang Chen for him to try.

"The smell is too strong." Jiang Chen sprayed some on the back of his hand decently, and said with disgust after smelling it a little.

Tangyue took Jiang Chen's hand, leaned over and smelled it, and felt that it was okay. It didn't have the pungent phenomenon that Jiang Chen said, but it did not match Jiang Chen's temperament very well, so she had to pick up another perfume. , this time, Tangyue smelled it first, felt satisfied, and gave it to Jiang Chen.

"Just this bottle." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't you try?" Tangyue was a little puzzled.

"You don't need to try, Mr. Tang, what you like is what I like." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The next step is to go to the shoe store. First, the clerk brought a few pairs of shoes for Jiang Chen to try on. Jiang Chen didn’t find a pair that he was satisfied with. Tangyue couldn’t stand it anymore, so she picked up a pair. Jiang Chen didn’t even try it, so he said it was fine. , the meaning is still the same, what she likes is what he likes.

Going to the clothing store again, this time, Tangyue didn't ask for Jiang Chen's opinion at all. When she saw the one she thought was suitable for Jiang Chen, she just took two sets and paid by credit card directly. The speed was so fast.

"Do you want to buy a bag?" After buying the shoes, Tangyue suddenly asked jokingly because she remembered something.

"No, I'm going to buy underwear." Jiang Chen was a little coy.

Tangyue hurriedly shut up, blushing, and said, "Then go buy it yourself, I'll wait for you here."

"Teacher Tang, I'm not as stingy as you. Whether I wear inner clothes or outer clothes, I don't mind letting you know the color and style at all." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I mind." Tang Yue spat at Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, you are really petty." Jiang Chen sighed.

Jiang Chen went to buy underwear by himself, bought more than a dozen pairs in one go, and filled a bag full of them. There were also things like socks and belts.

After Jiang Chen bought everything, he couldn't hold it with both hands, so Tangyue had to share a little. Both of them had all kinds of bags hanging on their hands.

"Have you bought everything?" Tangyue asked angrily.

It is said that women are born shopaholics, but Jiang Chen is much crazier than women when it comes to shopping. Judging by the posture, there is a tendency to move the entire shopping mall back.

"I'm done buying." Jiang Chen smiled, pretending to be embarrassed and said: "Teacher Tang, you've worked hard."

After the two of them stuffed the big and small bags into the trunk of the car, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Jiang Chen didn't wait for Tangyue to speak, and drove back to Yilan Middle School on his own initiative.

"Wait, let's go back after eating," Tangyue said.

Originally, it was Jiang Chen who accompanied her for a stroll, but after strolling around, it became her to accompany Jiang Chen for a stroll, and, not only for shopping, but also for Jiang Chen's reference.

It can be said that Jiang Chen bought so many things, except for the underwear, the rest were selected for Jiang Chen by herself. After shopping for so long, Tangyue was tired and hungry, and couldn't understand how Jiang Chen's energy was. will be so exuberant.

"Teacher Tang, we agreed not to eat." Jiang Chen reminded.

"I want to eat now, can't I?" Tangyue was very angry.

It's fine if Jiang Chen didn't take the initiative to invite her to dinner. She said it herself, but Jiang Chen still remembered what she said earlier, which made Tangyue feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, absolutely. Women, they really are duplicity creatures." Jiang Chen muttered, and drove on the road. After ten minutes, he saw a restaurant and drove the car over.

After eating, it was already dark.

The car got on the road and headed towards the school.

"Teacher Tang, the moonlight tonight..."

"There is no moon." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Tangyue interrupted.

"Wind, the wind is very comfortable to blow on the body." Jiang Chen didn't feel embarrassed at all, and put down the windows on both sides.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Tangyue asked with a smile.

"Uh, actually I have four words to say to you, but the atmosphere hasn't been cultivated yet, I'm worried that you will feel embarrassed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Four words?
Whenever a single man and a woman are together, the love is not full, and the friendship has crossed the line, if there are words such as "I want to say three words to you", there is a 90.00% possibility that they want to confess.

What Jiang Chen wanted to say was not three words, but four.

Tangyue thought about it, but she didn't seem to understand what Jiang Chen was going to say. Just out of caution, Tangyue still said: "If it's not good, don't say it."

"Of course it's a very good word." Jiang Chen swore.

"Then... let alone you." Tangyue knew Jiang Chen a little bit, and when she saw Jiang Chen's appearance, she felt a little nervous for no reason.

"No, this must be said, and it must be said before twelve o'clock tonight, otherwise it will be too late, or Teacher Tang, just let me say it." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"No." Tangyue strongly denied.

"Happy birthday." Jiang Chen said anyway.

"Ah—" Tangyue opened her mouth wide, looking at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"Teacher Tang, I wish you a happy birthday." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"How do you know?" Tangyue covered her mouth with her hand, it was hard to tell whether she was surprised or happy now.

"As an excellent boyfriend, if you don't even know when your girlfriend's birthday is, wouldn't that be a failure?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I didn't tell you." Tangyue shook her head and murmured.

Today is her birthday.

She didn't tell anyone.

According to her plan, it is the same as last year, spending this day alone as usual.

But after all, some things became different. For example, Jiang Chen broke into her life in a way she couldn't accept, disrupting her life for a time.

This nasty bad guy made her unable to even become a qualified teacher, not without giving her a headache.

However, on the other hand, Jiang Chen's intrusion also gave her a different color in her life. This is why she clearly did not plan to tell others that today is her birthday, but she appeared by the Weiming Lake, in the The reason in front of Jiang Chen.

Isn't it a bit of a fluke, hoping that Jiang Chen will relax a bit and spend this birthday with her?In that way, this birthday may be very memorable.

However, Jiang Chen didn't show any performance in advance, nor did he prepare the ground for it. Just like that, he suddenly gave her a happy birthday.

It seemed that the feeling of grievance had been accumulated in her heart for too long. Even though Jiang Chen's words gave her a vent, she still couldn't vent it completely.

"Teacher Tang, I know you're so moved that you want to cry, but can you wait a while before crying." Jiang Chen's voice rang in Tangyue's ear again.

"I didn't want to cry." Tangyue was annoyed.

"Even if you don't want to cry now, you will definitely want to cry later." Jiang Chen smiled, opened the door and got out of the car.

Only then did Tangyue realize that the car had stopped. This was near a small park, and there were lights in the distance, leaving this dark corner just right.

Tangyue probed towards Jiang Chen, wanting to see what Jiang Chen was going to do when he got out of the car, feeling inexplicably nervous, with inexplicable expectations in the nervousness.

"Teacher Tang, this is for you, do you like it?" Jiang Chen quickly brought a bouquet of flowers over.

"When did you buy the flowers?" Now, Tangyue was really surprised. It turned out that besides a happy birthday, there were also flowers.

Tangyue remembered that during the meal, Jiang Chen said he was going to the bathroom and left for 10 minutes, probably at that time to buy flowers.

Jiang Chen can be said to have a heart, happy birthday, and flowers, her birthday is considered complete.

"Teacher Tang, do you want to cry now?" Jiang Chen grinned.

"I don't want to." Tangyue took the flowers over and stared at Jiang Chen. Even if she was touched and wanted to cry, how could Jiang Chen cry when he said that?
"You'll cry soon, I promise." Jiang Chen hurriedly ran to the rear of the car. One minute later, a fire appeared in Tangyue's sight. Jiang Chen was clapping his hands, and he was still singing. Happy Birthday is sung.

The candles on the cake were lit, reflecting Jiang Chen's face, Tangyue looked at it, her eyes gradually became moist.

"Teacher Tang..." Jiang Chen turned his head and asked Tangyue to get out of the car to make a birthday wish. At a glance, he saw tears on Tangyue's face.

"Teacher Tang, why are you really crying...don't cry..." Jiang Chen hurried over.

"I just want to cry, I want you to take care of me, you scoundrel." It's okay if Jiang Chen doesn't say anything, but Tangyue cried even more when he said that Tangyue was crying even more, hitting Jiang Chen with messy powder fists, she really Hate this bad guy.

(End of this chapter)

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