genius evil

Chapter 205 Your Taste Is Very Good

Chapter 205 Your Taste Is Very Good

"Teacher Tang, your heart is too cruel. My heart hurts so much. I can't breathe... Hurry up and give me artificial respiration, I'm going to die." Jiang Chen pretended to be in pain, grabbed Tangyue's little hand and yelled stand up.

Naturally, what he got in exchange was another punch.

"Stop making trouble, I want to eat cake." Tangyue wiped away her tears and jumped out of the car.

It has to be said that many people have been harassed by Jiang Chen. Although there is no solution for the time being, Tangyue has been able to achieve preliminary immunity.

Letting Jiang Chen talk nonsense, Tangyue could at least pretend that nothing had happened on the surface, so she wouldn't be so at a loss.

"Teacher Tang, don't you care about my life or death." Jiang Chen said with snot and tears, and followed Tangyue in a desperate manner.

Tangyue walked to the cake and knelt down. The cake was not big, and a few candles were simply inserted, and the candlelight just lit up the dark corner.

With the breeze blowing and the candle light flickering, Tangyue gently closed her eyes and made a birthday wish.

"Teacher Tang, don't tell me what wish you made, or it won't work." When Tangyue opened her eyes, Jiang Chen handed over the plastic knife and said with a smile.

"I didn't intend to tell you." Tangyue carefully cut the cake, gave the biggest piece to Jiang Chen, and took a piece to eat herself.

The cake was very sweet and greasy. Normally, in order to maintain her figure, Tangyue would not eat this kind of cream product at all, but tonight, she ate a piece of cake in small bites.

"It's delicious... Jiang Chen... thank you." After eating the cake, Tangyue said softly.

Thank you Jiang Chen for your heart, thank you Jiang Chen for celebrating her birthday.

Finally, I know why Jiang Chen proposed to go shopping, why Jiang Chen dragged the time until night...... Jiang Chen chose this place is very good, quiet and no one disturbs.

Only at night, the burning candles are given the meaning of birthday.

Not everyone can think so far, just like what Jiang Chen himself said, not every woman can find a man like him to be her boyfriend.

Jiang Chen is not her boyfriend, but Jiang Chen is already doing what a boyfriend should do, childish and full of evil tastes, but isn't this just a strange taste?
"Teacher Tang, I said before that when someone tries to make you unhappy, I will make her even more unhappy. Everything is to make you happy. This is what I should do." Jiang Chen was not smiling, Said very sincerely.

"Is this considered?" Tangyue hesitated a little.

"Promise." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

"Promise?" Tangyue muttered to herself, as if she was meditating on the meaning and weight of these two words. After a while, she said softly, "I'm very happy tonight."

"Yes, you are already very happy, but you haven't received your birthday gift yet." Jiang Chen said, turning around to go to the trunk of the car to get things.

He took some of the messy ones, ran over and stuffed them into Tangyue's hands, and said, "Teacher Tang, do you like it?"

Tangyue was dumbfounded, she bought these in the mall, perfume, bags, shoes and clothes, because of the money Jiang Chen paid, she still thought about returning the money to Jiang Chen tomorrow.

And all of these have now become her birthday presents, which she chose herself.

"Did you already think so?" Tang Yue asked in a daze.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Can I not admit it, otherwise it doesn't seem romantic enough."

"It's very romantic." Tangyue sighed, she took it, put it back into the trunk of the car, and said, "Jiang Chen, take me back to school now."

In about twenty minutes, the Porsche drove into Yilan Middle School. The car stopped at the downstairs of a teacher's dormitory. Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, I won't go up. Go to bed early."

Tangyue lazily ignored Jiang Chen's pretending, got off the car and walked into the building, Jiang Chen got out of the car after him, and grabbed the things Tangyue bought.

As he walked, he said, "Teacher Tang, you forgot to take something. I will send it to you now. There is absolutely no other meaning."

Upstairs, Tangyue opened the door and said, "Jiang Chen, put your things down."

"Teacher Tang, I'm a little thirsty." Jiang Chen said after putting the things on the sofa.

Tangyue poured a glass of water and watched Jiang Chen drink it.

"Teacher Tang, I think I can have another drink." Jiang Chen had nothing to say, and told Tangyue that he didn't want to leave.

Without further ado, Tangyue poured Jiang Chen another glass of water, and when Jiang Chen finished drinking, she asked, "Do you want to drink any more?"

"Teacher Tang, even if you want to drive me away, don't act so impatient, right?" Jiang Chen naturally stopped drinking, and asked with a bitter face.

"I won't drive you away, what do you want to do?" Tangyue asked with a half-smile.

"I just want to chat with you, Teacher Tang, why not?" Jiang Chen pretended to be innocent.

"Then let's talk." Tangyue nodded.

In an instant, all of Jiang Chen's words were blocked in his throat. The beautiful teacher didn't play cards according to common sense.

Logically speaking, after giving presents for the birthday, the most critical step is to enter the house. He has already entered the door, and the lonely man and widow are in the same room, shouldn't something happen?

Why, Tangyue didn't follow the script?This makes him very difficult.

"Stop chatting, I see you are tired, Mr. Tang, take a shower and go to bed early." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"You should also take a shower early and go to bed early." Tangyue walked to the door, closing the door as if waiting for Jiang Chen to walk out.

"Teacher Tang, don't you have anything to say to me?" Jiang Chen twitched his lips.

"Good night." Tangyue smiled slightly.

Jiang Chen almost went crazy, what's going on, the beautiful teacher didn't have such skills before, Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly, and said, "Teacher Tang, actually I still have something to say to you."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Tangyue blinked.

"Your taste is very good." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, and left the room.

Good taste?

Tangyue looked at the things she bought back, is this what Jiang Chen is referring to?If this is the case, it can indeed be said that she has good taste.

If not, then what?
Good taste in finding a boyfriend?Tangyue smiled.

The taste Jiang Chen mentioned was both.

Many people say that a woman's taste depends on what kind of man she finds.

Of course, these words are too absolute, at least not suitable for single women.

Not suitable for Tangyue.

Where does the taste of single women come from?Of course, perfume, shoes and bags, especially perfume.

Perfume is the second taste of women. Many times, it is more difficult for a woman to choose a perfume that suits her than to choose a man that suits her, because they often follow their intuition and forget the smell itself. .

Tangyue would not make such a mistake. To her, perfume is temperament and privacy, and it has nothing to do with price, only suitable.

Appropriateness is the most important thing, and appropriateness is the best taste.

It's a pity that Mr. Tang, who is very tasteful, did an extremely tasteless thing in the end, and that was to drive him out of the house.

"Life is bitter." Jiang Chen sighed, and drove the car towards the parking lot.

Upstairs, the curtains were parted, and a figure stood there quietly. It was Tangyue, watching the car go away, as if a big stone in her heart had finally been let go. Tangyue stroked her chest with her hand, Quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

Women both like and fear, that is, surprise, tenderness and romance, and tonight, Jiang Chen presented these three in an incomparably direct way in front of her.

Tangyue was happy, but also scared.

She was moved, she shed tears, she couldn't help herself, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen being out of tune as usual, at the moment when the candlelight on the cake was lit, she might have jumped into Jiang Chen's arms.

After she finished eating the cake and received her birthday gift, she immediately asked Jiang Chen to send her back, not to her house in the city, but to her school dormitory.

It wasn't that Tangyue didn't want to spend more time with Jiang Chen. In fact, the environment, atmosphere, and characters were all right. It could be said that nothing was wrong. She was afraid that if she was not careful, she would do something uncontrollable, so she came back in such a hurry.

Only by returning to school can she regain her senses. She is a teacher and Jiang Chen is a student. This is the identity of the two, and they are not in opposition, but the gap in the middle cannot be crossed easily.

Jiang Chen might have that kind of courage, but she didn't, at least not for the time being. It was the courage of a moth to a flame, and if she didn't have the desperate will, she would never be able to overcome it.

It was with this kind of thought that she could easily deal with Jiang Chen's unreasonable troubles, and her morality would increase rapidly in a very short period of time.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry." After a while, Tangyue gently closed the curtains, turned and walked towards the sofa.

On the sofa, there were several bags in a mess. Tangyue opened a bag, which contained a pair of shoes. The first one is a perfume box, and another one is opened, and there is a bag inside.

Today was a very ordinary day, but she had an extraordinary birthday and received a bunch of extraordinary gifts... not because they were precious, but because these gifts were all handpicked by her.

I didn't notice it beforehand, so there will be surprises afterwards.

One bag after another was opened, and the fourth bag was filled with clothes. When she opened the fifth bag, Tangyue suddenly felt something was wrong.

When the bag was opened, Tangyue's face changed quietly. The bag was not bought by her, nor was she picked out for Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen bought it himself. There are more than a dozen pairs of underwear in a bag. as much.

"On purpose, Jiang Chen must have done it on purpose." Tangyue was furious, and her guilt towards Jiang Chen disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Chen bought so many things, big bags and small bags, nothing else fell on her, but the underwear fell on her, so what if it wasn't on purpose?
Tangyue rubbed her soft eyebrows, her head ached, what should I do with this thing?

Throwing it away is too wasteful; but if it is returned to Jiang Chen, how can she get it out?

(End of this chapter)

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