genius evil

Chapter 207 Your Whole Family Are Sluts

Chapter 207 Your Whole Family Are Sluts

The middle-aged women looked very aggressive and tough. When they saw the middle-aged women doing something, Liao Xu and Ma Liankai wanted to step forward to help Tangyue, so that Tangyue would not suffer a big loss.

But as the packaging bag was torn open and the contents fell out, the feet of Liao Xu and Ma Liankai were pinned to the ground, and the expressions on the two of them were as wonderful as they wanted.


All panties!

There are more than a dozen pairs of underwear!

If it's women's underwear, that's fine, but unfortunately, all the dozen pairs of underwear are men's underwear.

These days, it is not a strange thing for a woman to buy underwear for her husband, but it is quite strange not to buy it.

The question is, where did Tangyue get her husband from?

Even, Tangyue doesn't even have a boyfriend.

Then, she is holding so many men's underwear in her hands, which makes people daydream.

What's more, it's a big night again, what is Tangyue doing with so many underwear?Could it be that, as the middle-aged woman said, she was going to seduce a man... no, was she going on a date with a certain man?

After all, if it's women's lingerie or something, it's normal to seduce a man, but these men's underwear feels weird.

Xu Jiao's expression was even more wonderful.

She was curious about what Tangyue was holding in her hand, and the truth was exposed so unexpectedly, and seeing the reactions of Liao Xu and Ma Liankai, Xu Jiao felt very happy in her heart.

"Now that the scandal is exposed, let's see how you pretend in the future!"

Xu Jiao sneered in her heart, feeling elated after being bullied for too long, even though Tangyue had never bullied anyone.

Tangyue's face was pale.

What is she afraid of, she will come instead. Although she can explain it, how should she explain it?

It can't be said that these underwear belonged to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen took it by mistake, what kind of explanation is this?It might be better not to explain it, but if it is explained, it will only get worse.

"Okay, you bitch, you really want to seduce a man." The middle-aged woman laughed after being startled.

"I haven't." Tangyue gritted her teeth and said.

"Bitch, who are you pretending to be so cute and pitiful? I knew you wouldn't admit it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you will never be able to seduce men again." The middle-aged woman looked perverse. As he spoke, he reached out and took out a glass bottle from his pocket.

Immediately, the bottle cap was unscrewed, and a strange smell rushed into the nostrils.

"Sulfuric acid?" Tangyue's face changed drastically upon smelling the strange smell.

"Bitch, go to hell, haha..." The middle-aged woman laughed ferociously, raised the glass bottle in her hand, and threw it at Tangyue.



Liao Xu and Ma Liankai yelled, and the middle-aged woman took out the sulfuric acid, which they didn't expect. Seeing the middle-aged woman throwing sulfuric acid at Tangyue, the hearts of both of them jumped into their throats.

The two of them knew that a beautiful flower would wither from tonight.

But Xu Jiao avoided it from a distance. She didn't want to be splashed with sulfuric acid. Although the enmity between her and Tangyue was not big enough to destroy Tangyue, anyway, she just watched It's just fun.

For a while, the three of them had their own thoughts.

Tangyue's face was bloodless, she watched the sulfuric acid splashed on her, she forgot to dodge, and there was no way to dodge.

She knew that she was going to be disfigured, it would be a blow worse than death, Tangyue didn't know if she could accept her ugly appearance, she felt extremely sad.

Because she thought she was sitting upright and had never done anything wrong to others, she really didn't know this middle-aged woman, and she couldn't understand why she hated herself so much.

It's fine to use all kinds of harsh words to scold her, but to destroy her.

"I really shouldn't be going out tonight." Tangyue lamented in her heart.

Today is her birthday, and she has just celebrated a special birthday that she will probably remember for the rest of her life, and she has received some special gifts... But right now, this birthday gift is even more special.

For no reason, Tangyue suddenly thought of Jiang Chen.

That smirking face appeared in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Jiang Chen, if I become ugly, will you still like me?" Tangyue whispered to herself,
"I like it. No matter what you become, I, Jiang Chen, will always like it. I have always liked it this way." But at this moment, a voice sounded.

Tangyue was surprised, her eyes widened, and then she saw that very familiar face, smirking in front of her eyes, the smile was so hateful and hateful.

She thought she was hallucinating, otherwise, why would that face be so real, as real as if it was so close at hand.


It wasn't until a scream came to Tangyue's ears that Tangyue woke up from the illusory state.

In front of her eyes, there was indeed a smirking face, and her waist fell into a big warm hand, and her body was snuggled into a generous embrace.

So real, so safe.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Tangyue lost her voice and asked.

"I heard Teacher Tang calling my name, so I came here." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and soon let Tangyue go.

Tangyue naturally wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense, but she was still undecided at the moment, and the strong stimulation of the rest of her life made her heart beat fast all the time.

Then, Tangyue saw that middle-aged woman fell to the ground, and the sulfuric acid, of course, did not splash on her face, but all on the ground.

"It's dangerous." Tangyue murmured to herself.

It was Jiang Chen who saved her, otherwise, her whole life would be finished, even though she couldn't figure out how Jiang Chen would appear at this time.

Jiang Chen also looked at the sulfuric acid on the ground, frowning, and with a movement of his figure, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the middle-aged woman.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

If he hadn't happened to come to Tangyue, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Jiang Chen was filled with anger, and he wanted to kill someone.

"You are that bitch's concubine." The middle-aged woman stared at Jiang Chen with poisonous eyes.

"You are the slut, your father is a slut, your mother is a slut, your brothers and sisters are sluts, your seventh aunt and eighth aunt are sluts, and your whole family is a slut." Jiang Chen said angrily. ah.

The beautiful and beautiful Teacher Tang, he was reluctant to say half a word. This ugly woman who didn't know where to come from, dared to scold Tangyue.

Apparently, he didn't expect Jiang Chen to scold him in such a way. The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, and immediately rushed towards Jiang Chen with all her teeth and claws. .

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Haha, you don't care who I am, anyway, after tonight, Tangyue's reputation will be rotten, it's a pity, a pity, I failed to destroy her, and I failed to make you feel the heartbroken feeling." Taste." The middle-aged woman ignored Jiang Chen and laughed hysterically.

"Oh, it seems that someone ordered you to do this, right?" Jiang Chen asked thoughtfully.

"Jiang Chen, don't try to lie to me, do you think you can whitewash Tangyue by doing this? I don't know how to say anything." The middle-aged woman said softly.

"Then are you afraid of death?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely.

"I—" The middle-aged woman didn't know how to answer.

"I'm afraid, right? Then I'll let you experience it first. What is life like death? I promise, you will like it very much." Jiang Chen smiled without any smoke, and the silver needle in his hand gleamed Under the movement, the middle-aged woman's throat was first sealed to prevent her from disturbing other people by making a sound.

Then, the silver needle flickered again, and quickly pricked more than a dozen needles on the middle-aged woman.

When Jiang Chen stopped, he saw that the face of the middle-aged woman had turned as red as blood, and on her forehead, blue veins emerged one after another, and her already thin body was curled up tightly. In a ball, the whole body, every part and every joint is trembling and twitching.

This scene was silent, and because of the silence, it seemed even more terrifying.

Liao Xu, Ma Liankai and Xu Jiao's hearts beat like drums. They could easily see how much pain the middle-aged woman had endured. Such pain was absolutely inhuman.

Two minutes later, Jiang Chen casually pricked a few needles on the middle-aged woman.

"I think, now you can tell me who ordered you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Kong...Kong Yujie..." The middle-aged woman's voice was hoarse, and the feeling was worse than death. She even wanted to die just now, and she would dare to hide it.

"Kong Yujie?" Even though he had thought of this possibility a long time ago, Jiang Chen was a little surprised when he got the confirmation from the middle-aged woman.

"Very good, you can die now." Jiang Chen said indifferently. A silver needle pierced straight into the middle-aged woman's heart. The middle-aged woman didn't even have time to make a sound. There is blood flowing out, and they die instantly.


The three of Liao Xu trembled violently. Jiang Chen killed someone. He killed someone right under their noses. He killed someone as soon as he said he wanted to. He was so direct and undisguised.

The three of them were stunned, and wanted to run away, but their legs were weak, and they didn't even have the strength to walk, so they could only stand there stupidly, turning into three wooden sculptures.

"Jiang Chen, did you kill her?" Tangyue's voice was trembling, and there was only one thought in her mind, that is, Jiang Chen killed someone.

"Teacher Tang, if you can't accept it, I can only say sorry, no matter what, she must die." Jiang Chen sighed.

He didn't take Tangyue into consideration, and killed someone in front of Tangyue because he couldn't take it anymore, the middle-aged woman had to die, and she had to be killed by his own hands, otherwise, he couldn't get over it.

"No... how can you kill someone? If you kill someone, you will go to jail." Tangyue shook her head vigorously, choked up and said, her tears flowed like broken beads.

Jiang Chen was startled, it turned out that what Tangyue was entangled with was not that he killed someone, but that she cared about him.

As if being hit by a heavy punch to the softest part of his heart, Jiang Chen strode over and wrapped Tangyue into his arms. With all his strength, he wished he could strangle Tangyue into his body... …

(End of this chapter)

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