genius evil

Chapter 208 Nobody Will Remember

Chapter 208 Nobody Will Remember
"Jiang Chen, let go, let me go quickly!"

Jiang Chen's breathing was so hot, and her body was so hot that Tangyue felt as if she was about to be melted by Jiang Chen, and the two bodies almost melted into one.

This was an experience she had never experienced before. Both of them could clearly hear each other's heartbeat, which made her happy, made her jump for joy, and even felt a little bit of attachment for no reason.

Encountering major events, Tangyue needs a gentle chest to rely on for the rest of her life.

However, when she thought of Xu Jiao and the three of them standing there, and she was hugged tightly by Jiang Chen, her student, that strong sense of shame instantly overcame her emotional side and made her go all out. To push Jiang Chen, to push Jiang Chen away.

"The light bulb is really in the way." Jiang Chen sighed, he naturally knew what Tangyue was worried about, although he was reluctant, he still had to let Tangyue go.

Tangyue took two steps back, glared at Jiang Chen coquettishly, then turned her gaze to look at Xu Jiao and the other three, her red lips parted slightly, Tangyue felt that she had to say something, no matter if it was the misunderstanding caused by those underwear, It was Jiang Chen who killed the middle-aged woman.

Misunderstanding is no longer a big deal. Compared with Jiang Chen's safety, Tang Yue has no mood to care about her own reputation at this moment.

Furthermore, Tangyue also realized that sooner or later, she would be discredited by Jiang Chen, the feeling of helplessness was simply indescribable.

But with her red lips parted, Tangyue wanted to speak, but she couldn't utter a single word.

After all, she could ask herself to hide it for Jiang Chen, but how should she ask Xu Jiao and the others to hide it for Jiang Chen?

This is murder. If you really want to conceal it, you are covering up criminals. The matter is too serious.

As Tangyue looked over, the three of them, Xu Jiao, were also extremely nervous.

What made them nervous was Jiang Chen's attitude. Seeing that Jiang Chen killed people so easily, he would kill as soon as he said it. This could not prevent them from thinking about the possibility of Jiang Chen killing people.

And it seems that this possibility is quite high.

This caused the three of them to complain secretly, especially Liao Xu and Ma Liankai, they just wanted to gain a sense of presence with Tangyue, but they failed to gain a sense of presence, but instead they got involved in such a big event, bad luck .

Xu Jiao's thoughts are no different from those of the two, but Xu Jiao thinks more about Tangyue's attitude. She doesn't like Tangyue, so naturally she can't force Tangyue to like her. So, if Tangyue adds fuel to Jiang Chen, she will Will he die too?
"Hey, you three, come over a little bit." Tangyue didn't speak, but Jiang Chen spoke at this moment, beckoning to the three of them.

The three of them looked at each other, their scalps were numb, they didn't know what Jiang Chen told them to go over, but they could only walk towards Jiang Chen with lead-like footsteps.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Tangyue asked again. She didn't want Jiang Chen to kill someone after killing someone. What's the difference between that and the murderer?
Even though she didn't want Jiang Chen to accept legal sanctions, she was even more unwilling to kill Jiang Chen again.

"Teacher Tang, don't be nervous, I just...well, I want to chat with them, and ask the three of them if they can forget what happened tonight." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Forget?" Tangyue smiled wryly, how could it be so easy?
Who knows, Xu Jiao and the three, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and said in unison: "We have all forgotten, we haven't seen anything, and we don't know anything."

"The attitude is quite good, so we can talk about it." Jiang Chen was very satisfied, and beckoned again, "Come over a little more."

The three of them had no choice but to move forward, and they stopped at a distance of about one meter from Jiang Chen.

"However, although your attitude satisfies me, I don't believe your words." Jiang Chen shook his head.

The faces of the three of them were pale. What did Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that he still wanted to kill them to silence them.

"Jiang Chen, I won't tell what happened tonight, please, don't kill me." After all, Xu Jiao is a woman, and it's okay to be jealous, lose her temper or something, and when she really faces a life-and-death matter, Wherever I can bear it, tears of fright are about to come out.

"Teacher Tang, do you want to kill or not?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Don't kill." Tangyue gave Jiang Chen an angry look. At this moment, she still had the intention to kill someone.

But finally, Tangyue breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that since Jiang Chen asked her like this, it meant that Jiang Chen would not kill anyone.

However, if he didn't kill anyone, it meant that Jiang Chen's troubles could not be washed away, which made Tangyue's heart heavy.

"Okay, then don't kill." Jiang Chen followed suit.

"Thank you, thank you." Xu Jiao said hastily.

Jiang Chen was not in the mood to pay attention to Xu Jiao, only to see his eyes became incomparably sharp in an instant, and at the same time, a silver needle appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.

Between the raising and lowering of the hands, only a faint silver light could be seen, shining under the dim street lamps, and within a few breaths, Xu Jiao's head was covered with silver needles, which looked like a Hedgehogs.

Liao Xu and Ma Liankai were shocked, their legs went limp, and they almost collapsed on the ground. Jiang Chen snorted coldly, quickly pulled out the needle, and followed the same pattern at Liao Xu, and then Ma Liankai.

In less than a minute, the heads of the three people were all pierced with silver needles. After waiting for another minute, Jiang Chen put away the silver needles and said softly: "You are tired, go back Come on, take a shower and sleep, the sun will come out tomorrow, and it will be an extremely beautiful day... Go, go..."

The voice was soft, feminine, and filled with magic.

When Jiang Chen finished speaking, he saw Xu Jiao and the three of them turned around in unison, like puppets, walking towards the dormitory building, and soon entered the stairs and disappeared.

"This is?" Tangyue was dumbfounded.

"Teacher Tang, you can go back to the dormitory to rest, I will go to find you in a while." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

Tangyue glanced at Jiang Chen, feeling as if ten thousand ants had crawled over her, she was so curious that she was going to die, but knowing that Jiang Chen wanted to deal with the middle-aged woman, she could only walk towards the bedroom in silence.

Two minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared in Tangyue's dormitory with a dozen pairs of underwear in his arms.

Seeing those underwear, Tangyue's expression suddenly became extremely uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, all the incidents tonight were caused by those underwear. It is not an exaggeration to say that a dozen pairs of underwear caused the murder.

Jiang Chen naturally noticed Tangyue's expression, he found a bag, stuffed the underwear into it, and said, "I'll take it away later."

After a pause, Jiang Chen continued: "Actually, the reason why I came here is to get back these underwear."

"Didn't you put it here on purpose?" Tangyue asked in amazement.

"No." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Although he is not a noble person, he is not so low-level.

There are many ways to attract Tangyue's attention, but with his IQ, he is not able to do such a deliberate act.

Moreover, Jiang Chen could tell that after her birthday, Tangyue was in a pretty good mood tonight, and he was willing to give Tangyue some good memories, some good memories that she had experienced with him.

This was because Jiang Chen knew too well how difficult it was to open Tangyue's heart.

Some women, out of reserve, will set a door in their hearts, open that door, and walk into her heart.

Tangyue was different. Based on the teacher-student relationship between them, in addition to a door in her heart, she also locked a lock.

It is already difficult to open the door of the heart, and it is even more difficult to open the lock again. This kind of situation does not prevent Jiang Chen from having a headache.

Jiang Chen was taking the things he bought today back to the dormitory, and when he was tidying up, he realized that his underwear was missing. At that time, he was still a little hesitant to come over to Tangyue to get them back. In the end, he was worried that Tangyue might have some bad thoughts, so he decided to coming.

This point made Jiang Chen extremely fortunate. Fortunately, such an oolong appeared, otherwise, Tangyue would be destroyed.Thinking of this matter until now, Jiang Chen still has a lingering fear in his heart.

"Isn't it?" Tangyue muttered to herself, she could see that Jiang Chen didn't lie to her, everything was because she was overthinking, Jiang Chen was not as vulgar as she imagined.

This man is bad and annoying after all, but in some details, he is more careful than most men in the world, for example, he knows her birthday, there are flowers and cakes, and there is even an out-of-key Happy birthday song, how many men can do this in such a hasty situation?

Tangyue's mood quietly relaxed a lot, she asked in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, Teacher Xu Jiao and the three of them?"

"It's fine, they just lost a little memory. When they wake up tomorrow, they will forget everything they saw and heard tonight, and they will definitely not cause any trouble to you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said very simply.

"Jiang Chen, that's not what I meant." Tangyue was a little anxious.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at Tangyue, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, there are some things that it is far better not to remember than to remember, you should rest for a while, and then I will erase your memory of tonight .”

"No!" Without even thinking about it, Tang Yue refused.

"Why?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised, this was something he had planned early on, otherwise, he would not have killed people in front of Tangyue.If he really accidentally left a psychological shadow on Tangyue, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"I said, no." Tangyue was extremely determined.

Jiang Chen killed someone, and the dead would not remember, Xu Jiao and the three of them would not remember, but Jiang Chen would remember, so she also wanted to remember.

Maybe she will be frightened, maybe she will be troubled by what happened tonight for the rest of her life... She will not regret it, just treat it as self-willed once.

There are some things that Tangyue can't say, and she can't say them no matter what, she just wants to remember, because even if Jiang Chen can erase everyone's memory, he can't erase his own memory, she has to remember, even if If no one remembers, she also wants to accompany him and remember together!
(End of this chapter)

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