genius evil

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
Tangyue's decision surprised Jiang Chen very much. Tangyue was so resolute and hard to convince. Jiang Chen couldn't force Tangyue to erase her memory, because he vaguely understood why Tangyue would act so unexpectedly. .

But out of caution, Jiang Chen still slightly manipulated Tangyue, causing Tangyue to fall into a deep sleep soon...

The few hours after the incident was the most exciting time, Tangyue would definitely find it difficult to fall asleep tonight, that was not what he wanted to see.

After Tangyue fell asleep, Jiang Chen stayed in Tangyue's dormitory for a while, and soon left.

One minute later, Jiang Chen grabbed the middle-aged woman's body from the branch of a tree, and quickly walked towards the parking lot.

The trunk of the car was opened, and Jiang Chen stuffed the middle-aged woman's body into it, then drove the car and left Yilan Middle School.

Jiang Chen had a premonition that Kong Yujie's revenge, right now, was just the beginning.


Night, no wind and no moon, early ten o'clock.

Inside Yilan Middle School, the evening self-study had just ended. As the bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom in twos and threes and headed towards the dormitory building.

Although the teaching management of Yilan Middle School is relatively relaxed, and students are not forced to participate in evening self-study, affected by the strong learning atmosphere of the school, basically, except for the kind of students who give up on themselves, most of the students, I will still take part in evening self-study honestly.

Especially in the current third year of senior high school, after the swearing-in meeting, the college entrance examination will come soon. For senior high school students, the desire for knowledge is a race against time. The attendance rate of senior high school students participating in evening self-study is the highest among all grades .

As for Jiang Chen's class, it is a special situation, and the students envy them, and they will never follow suit. Basically, few people will joke about their own future.

Both Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan are good students. Basically, if there is nothing that must be dealt with, the second daughter will spend the rest of her time in the classroom studying besides normal classes.

After the classroom was almost empty, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan put away their books and workbooks, and walked towards the outside of the classroom together.

"Xu Anqi, someone is looking for you." Just as she walked to the door, she heard a female voice.

"Excuse me, who is looking for me?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"The man didn't say anything, you should go there quickly, it's over there in the indoor gymnasium." The girl shrugged, took the words to the back, and left quickly.

"An Qi, who would look for you so late?" Jiang Yanyan was also puzzled.

"I don't know." Xu Anqi shook her head, wondering if Jiang Chen or someone from her family was looking for her?
But it's not right, if Jiang Chen or someone in his family is looking for her, just give her a call, why do you need someone else to send a message?This situation, I have to say, is a bit strange.

"Then shall we go there?" Jiang Yanyan asked again, the person who sent the message said that she was here to find Xu Anqi, but she included herself in it.

"Is there a street light over the gymnasium?" Xu Anqi asked instead of answering Jiang Yanyan's words.

"Yes, it's brightly lit." Jiang Yanyan replied.

"Then go and have a look." Xu Anqi said after thinking about it.

The two girls walked out of the teaching building together, and walked towards the gymnasium. At this time, there were all people outside, and the two girls had nothing to worry about.

Not far from the gymnasium is a basketball court. Many energetic students rushed to the basketball court after evening self-study. The atmosphere was quite lively.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan soon appeared outside the gymnasium, a black Audi car was parked there.

The car had the license plate of Tiannan City. Apart from the driver sitting in the car, a young man was standing outside the car. When he saw Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, the young man smiled slightly.

"Miss." The young man greeted Xu Anqi and nodded to Jiang Yanyan.

"Are you looking for me?" Xu Anqi stopped walking about two meters away.

"Master sent me to pick you up. Something happened at home." The young man said.

"What happened at home?" Xu Anqi frowned secretly, and said, "Call Grandpa, I'll ask what happened."

"Miss, get in the car first, and I'll call later." The young man demanded.

"No, you call first." Xu Anqi shook her head and said.

The young man was slightly embarrassed, but he still took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said a few words. The young man came over and wanted to hand the mobile phone to Xu Anqi.

Seeing the young man approaching, Xu Anqi didn't know why, but suddenly had a bad feeling. She took Jiang Yanyan's hand and quickly backed away.

As soon as Xu Anqi retreated, the speed of the young man suddenly increased. Almost at the same time, the driver in the driving position of the car rushed out of the car and also rushed towards Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

"Who are you?" Xu Anqi asked coldly.

She has long felt that something is wrong. First, there is no car with such a license plate at home. Second, she does not know this young man. Third, she is the eldest lady of the Xu family. Her request is an order, but this He was actually bargaining with her.

"Miss Xu, don't worry about who we are, just come with us." The young man realized that the matter might be exposed, so he stopped pretending, stuffed his phone into his pocket, and grabbed Xu Anqi with his big hand. .

Xu Anqi ran away with Jiang Yanyan, and after a while, four strong men rushed out, one of them rushed towards Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, and fled with the two daughters, while the other three rushed towards the young man and the driver.

These four people are the bodyguards placed by the Xu family in the school to protect Xu Anqi. Usually, if nothing happens, they are transparent people and will never disturb Xu Anqi's life and study. Whenever something happens, they will show up as soon as possible.

The reason why this happened was because Xu Anqi was kidnapped last time. Mr. Xu was worried about Xu Anqi's safety, so after discussing with Xu Anqi, he sent someone here.

The four bodyguards were very skilled. Soon, the young man and the bodyguards were subdued. One bodyguard drove away in an Audi, and the other three bodyguards joined to protect Xu Anqi.

"It's nothing, you guys go back." Xu Anqi knew about the existence of bodyguards, that's why she dared to come to see them.

"Yes, Miss." The three bodyguards responded and quickly dispersed.

On the basketball court, the basketball players were still playing basketball, and few people noticed what was happening here.

"An Qi, that guy's acting skills are too bad, and he wants to lie to the two of us. Who are we? We are talented girls." Jiang Yanyan said with a curled lip.

Xu Anqi smiled, and said seriously: "We still have to be careful, if we hadn't been extra careful and got in the car, things would be troublesome."

Jiang Yanyan nodded, knowing that Xu Anqi was right. After all, even if there were bodyguards, once they were tricked into getting into the car, the bodyguards would be helpless.

"Tell me, who are they?" Jiang Yanyan asked wonderingly.

"I don't know, I'll make a call to Grandpa first." Xu Anqi took out her cell phone to make a call while talking, and after a few minutes, the phone hung up, and Xu Anqi made another call, which was to Jiang Chen.

She felt that it was necessary to tell Jiang Chen what happened here, because Mr. Xu told her that the matter might be related to Jiang Chen!


Sister Lan Hotel.

The closing time of Sister Lan's restaurant is not the same every day. If the weather is good, it will be later, and if the weather is bad, it will be a little earlier.

Today's weather is not bad, and the closing time of Sister Lan's restaurant has been slightly delayed.

After seeing off the last guest, Sister Lan cleaned up the dishes and brought them into the kitchen. After wiping the table with a rag, she checked the time and decided to close. She walked over and pulled down the shutter.

The door was only halfway down when I heard a voice: "Boss, it's still early, we haven't eaten yet, can you cook two dishes for me?"

Two people ran over quickly, one of them stretched out his hand, dragged it under the rolling gate, and pushed the rolling gate up.

Sister Lan felt a little helpless. This is the bad thing about running a restaurant. There is no fixed time for rest every day. Regardless of whether it is a meal or not, as long as guests come, they have to cook.

"What kind of food do you want to eat?" Sister Lan asked.

"Just order whatever you want, as long as you can eat." One of them replied.

Sister Lan nodded and walked towards the kitchen. When Sister Lan entered the kitchen, the two looked at each other, and one of them said in a low voice, "Hurry up and keep quiet."

"I'm doing business, why are you worried?" The other person laughed and also suppressed his voice.

After finishing speaking, one of them got up and walked towards the kitchen, while the other also got up and appeared at the door.

At this moment, a gun stretched out and hit the forehead of the person at the door. At the same time, a woman walked quickly to the kitchen. With a movement of her hand, the gun in her hand was pointed at another person. on the forehead.

The two of them were soon taken away. Sister Lan, who was cooking in the kitchen, didn't notice what was going on outside. It was only after she walked out of the kitchen with two dishes that she realized that the guests had already left.

Sister Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What kind of thing was this? She said she was here for dinner, but why did she disappear after a while? In desperation, Sister Lan had to put the two dishes in the refrigerator and save them for herself tomorrow. Then finally the hotel's rolling gate was pulled down.

In a small alley not far from Sister Lan's restaurant, John Li looked at the frightened guy in front of him with a half-smile, and said with a smile, "Guess, do I dare to shoot?"

Speaking of which, John Li's smiling expression was learned from Jiang Chen, he thought it was very cool.

"I...I..." The man didn't know how to answer, once he said that he didn't dare, what if he really shot?
"Yoxi, it seems that you think I dare to shoot, so please relax, tell me, who ordered you to attack Sister Lan?"

The process of getting the answer was effortless, and both John Li and Mulan felt a little boring. After all, this kind of life is far different from the intense and exciting life of a killer.

"Call Young Master Jiang, Young Master Jiang will be very satisfied with our performance." After whistling, John Li said triumphantly.

"What about these two guys?" Mulanhua asked instead of rushing to make a phone call.

"Of course it was...killed." John Li replied simply and rudely, he is very good at killing people!

(End of this chapter)

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