genius evil

Chapter 210 So Happy Decision

Chapter 210 So Happy Decision

It was still night, ten past ten.

A police car was driving on a somewhat empty road, patrolling regularly, Ding Lingling, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, opened her small mouth and yawned softly.

She glanced at another policeman in the driving position and asked, "Brother Hua, how long is it?"

"Twenty minutes, we can call it a day at 10:10." The middle-aged policeman whom Ding Lingling called Brother Hua said with a smile.

"Why is it still so long?" Ding Lingling muttered.

"Why don't you squint for a while, and I'll call you when the time is up." Brother Hua said kindly.

Routine patrols, that is, driving police cars through the streets, and criminals fleeing in the wind. There are so many things.Brother Hua's mentality is very relaxed.

"Forget it, you can't neglect your duties." Ding Lingling shook her head, but took out a mobile phone and began to fiddle with it.

Brother Hua felt a little speechless, it seems that this is no better than dereliction of duty, right?

However, for a young and beautiful girl, that's it. At the age when she should be shopping, she is forced into a police station with a lot of gentlemen, and she is active and eye-catching, which is considered pretty good.

Ding Lingling has recently become obsessed with a small mobile phone game. She likes the majestic feeling in the game.

But maybe it’s just too boring. I used to play a small game that I couldn’t put it down every time. Now I played it for less than 10 minutes, but it was a bit boring.

But without playing with the mobile phone, it seemed that there was nothing else to do. Ding Lingling insisted on playing. After playing for 5 minutes, she couldn't take it anymore, so she just picked up the mobile phone and turned around.

"Jiang Chen." Inadvertently flipping through the phone's address book, Ding Lingling blinked when she saw the word Jiang Chen.

"Damn little rascal, you haven't called me for so long, maybe you forgot about me." Ding Lingling complained in a low voice.

"Xiao Ling, is that your boyfriend?" Brother Hua glanced sideways and joked with a smile.

"Where did the boyfriend come from? It's just a male." Ding Lingling was very tough.

"Xiao Ling, you are not young at this age, it's normal to find a boyfriend." Brother Hua said as someone who came here, but he was a bit thoughtful.

By the way, ever since he and Ding Lingling partnered on patrol, the single young policemen in the bureau have been extra diligent in running towards him, smoking and drinking well, and needless to say, Brother Hua also knows what those guys are like. idea.

Isn't it just to ask him to help follow Ding Lingling to see what kind of personality Ding Lingling has, what he likes and dislikes, and of course the most important thing is whether he has a boyfriend or a close male friend.

With a short manpower, Brother Hua sometimes reveals a little bit of information, not much, but he is very measured. Moreover, Brother Hua likes the little girl Ding Lingling very much. Those big bosses in the bureau, Just kidding, but if you really want to harm Ding Lingling, you don't have the qualifications.

It's not just that Ding Lingling doesn't like it, he doesn't like it either.

"It's normal to find a boyfriend, but you can't just grab a man from the street." Ding Lingling curled her lips and muttered.

Brother Hua just smiled, didn't ask too many questions, and concentrated on driving.

Ding Lingling continued to fiddle with the phone, staring at Jiang Chen's name and looking again and again, finally decided to call Jiang Chen, see the time is almost up, let Jiang Chen treat her to a supper.

Ding Lingling, who managed to find a perfect excuse for herself, quickly dialed Jiang Chen's cell phone number.

"Jiang Chen, where are you?" Ding Lingling asked directly.

"In the car, on the road." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Which very close to my side, you can drive here, Miss Ben will give you a chance to treat you to a supper." Ding Lingling put forward her intention.

"No time." Jiang Chen shook his head.

If it were any other time, he wouldn't mind treating Ding Lingling to something to eat, but he hadn't seen Ding Lingling for a while, so he missed it.

"What, you said you don't have time?" Ding Lingling immediately raised her voice a lot, the damn stinky hooligan dared to say that she didn't have time.

Don't you have to make time for things like dating beautiful women if you don't have time?This hooligan is really a piece of wood, too incomprehensible.

"I really don't have time." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"I don't care, anyway, you come here quickly, we will meet at the barbecue restaurant at the intersection, remember, if I don't see you in 10 minutes, I will be very angry." Ding Lingling warned very seriously , without waiting for Jiang Chen to refuse, he just hung up the phone and turned it off smartly.

"Xiao Ling, girls need to be gentle so that men will like them." Brother Hua couldn't help persuading again.

"I'm very gentle." Ding Lingling blinked her eyes, she just couldn't be gentle with that little rascal.

Brother Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing that the time was almost up, he drove directly to the barbecue restaurant.

Ding Lingling didn't invite him to join him, Hua Ge is also very interesting, young men and women are dating, he is an old man, so don't get involved, otherwise, he will be disgusted for no reason, but those young men in the bureau, if they know about it, One by one must be heartbroken.

It should be noted that even though Ding Lingling didn't directly admit that he was her boyfriend, she could speak so casually, but it seemed that she had a lot of relationship, otherwise how could she talk like that?
After sending Ding Lingling to the barbecue restaurant, Brother Hua immediately drove back to meet business. Ding Lingling chose a place and ordered a lot of food, but she chose the expensive ones, but she didn't pay the bill.

While waiting for the food to be served, suddenly, there was chaos in the barbecue restaurant. A few guys who drank too much wine clashed with another table for some reason. More than a dozen people at the two tables confronted each other with wine bottles stand up.

"What are you doing, stop it." Ding Lingling was annoyed, stood up abruptly, and said angrily.

"Beautiful police officer, we're just having a fight. You haven't seen it before, have you?" Someone was smiling and showing off his power with a wine bottle.

"It seems that your mind is not clear enough, why don't I arrest you to refresh your mind?" Ding Lingling said coldly.

She has grown a lot during this time, and she is mature and calm when dealing with this kind of thing.

The two sides hadn't fought much before they were stopped by her, and it wasn't time to arrest him, but since this person spoke rudely, Ding Lingling naturally wouldn't take advantage of him.

"The beautiful police officer has a lot of temper. If you really want that ability, why don't you arrest us all?" That guy looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"You think I dare not?" Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

"Dare, why would I think you dare not." The guy laughed out loud.

He smiled, and the rest of the people laughed, and two people walked towards Ding Lingling staggeringly, and said with a playful smile: "Beautiful police officer, don't be so serious, it's not working time now, why don't you accompany us?" The buddies are happy."

"Stop!" Ding Lingling stretched his hand to his waist, ready to draw his gun at any time if the situation was wrong.

"Pretty police officer, don't draw your gun, it's scary." Hehe laughed, instead of standing still, the two got closer, and one of them reached out to Ding Ling Spirit catches.

Ding Lingling twisted her waist, avoiding the salty pig's hand, quickly took out the gun, pointed at the guy's head, and reprimanded with a blank face: "Do you want to die?"

"Yeah, I want to die, you shoot." That bastard didn't show any fear, and smiled obscenely.

Ding Lingling was a headache. These guys are all old fried dough sticks. They don't eat oil and salt. They are not afraid of threats at all, because they are sure that she will not dare to shoot.

And it was indeed impossible for her to shoot indiscriminately, otherwise the nature of the matter would change as soon as the gunshot rang out.

Ding Lingling took the gun and pointed it hard at the guy's forehead, threatening: "I really shot."

"Come on, that's it. Just shoot me in the head. It must be very satisfying." The guy squinted his eyes and looked at Ding Lingling with a smile.

Ding Lingling frowned and took a step back, but at this moment, the man moved quickly and snatched the gun from her hand.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Ding Lingling instantly.

Ding Lingling was short of breath and her body was stiff. Damn it, this guy is too courageous to snatch a policeman's gun. Is he impatient?

"Give me back the gun." Ding Lingling shouted angrily.

"Don't worry, I've never played with a gun before. This is a safety catch, right? After you pull it out, you can shoot." Really opened the safety, and made a shooting motion at Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling was terrified, but she didn't dare to grab the gun.


At this moment, the gunshot rang out in an extremely abrupt manner.

Ding Lingling's face was pale, and she wanted something bad in her heart. Could it be that she was shot?

Not to mention being robbed of the gun and being shot, it would be too embarrassing for the news to spread. Ding Lingling, who was thinking wildly, never thought about whether she would be able to walk out of the barbecue shop alive if she was shot.

"Little girl, what are you doing with your eyes closed?" A playful voice came into Ding Lingling's ears.

"Jiang Chen." Ding Lingling hurriedly opened her eyes and shouted.

"But it's not me." Jiang Chen walked in slowly from the outside, pointed at the guy who grabbed the gun, smacked his mouth, and said: "Little girl, you are too inferior, you don't know how to play with guns Just don't bring a gun."

While talking, Jiang Chen casually took the gun from that guy and threw it to Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling took the pistol dully, only to realize that it wasn't her who was shot, but the person who walked over with that guy. He was shot in the heart and killed with a sharp shot.

"You've been arrested." Ding Lingling grabbed the handcuffs and stepped forward to handcuff him. At this moment, Ding Lingling realized that there was a silver needle on the man's right wrist. .

"Not bad." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, shook his head, and said, "I probably don't have time for supper right now, I'm leaving first."

"Why can't we eat late at night, let's eat in another place." Ding Lingling argued.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines. Does this woman have a heart and lungs? After all this happened, she was still thinking about eating supper.

"Isn't that good?" Jiang Chen glanced at the corpse and reminded Ding Lingling.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's such a happy decision." Ding Lingling didn't care about 21, and quickly called the bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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