genius evil

Chapter 211 Shame is better than life

Chapter 211 Shame is better than life
Ten minutes later, Ding Lingling got into Jiang Chen's car and walked away with Jiang Chen. The few young police officers who stayed behind were stunned.

Hearing that Ding Lingling meant to hurry to eat supper, her appetite is really good. I have never seen such a tough side of Ding Lingling before. Could it be that some hidden attribute has been activated?

"Hey, where are we going to eat?" Ding Lingling said as the car started on the road.

"Are you really good at eating?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Okay, I can't eat it." Ding Lingling said softly with a bitter face, "Did those two people really want to kill me just now?"

"You're not so naive as to think it's a misunderstanding, are you?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Ding Lingling didn't speak. At the beginning, she really thought it was a misunderstanding, it was purely two drunk guys going crazy with alcohol.

Thinking about it now, Ding Lingling realized that it couldn't be a misunderstanding.

Not to mention that the two of them were not drunk, even if they were drunk, who would have the guts to snatch the police's gun? This is a serious crime and they will go to jail.

That guy was really good, not to mention grabbing the police gun, he even pulled the safety off, judging by his level of proficiency, it was obviously not the first time he played with guns.

If Jiang Chen hadn't appeared in time, maybe he would have died like that unlucky guy, which made Ding Lingling afraid for a while.

"I haven't offended anyone during this time, right?" After thinking about it, Ding Lingling smiled wryly.

"I offended someone." Jiang Chen flicked Ding Lingling's forehead with his hand, telling the woman not to think so much, so as not to scare herself.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence. If Ding Lingling hadn't called him and turned off his cell phone, he would definitely not have appeared in front of Ding Lingling.

"Kong Yujie?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

First Tangyue, then Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, then Sister Lan, and now Ding Lingling... Who will be next?
Such a big hand, such a ruthless scheming, it seems that he intends to wipe out some people who are close to him in one go!

"In this way, you are the one who got me involved, right?" Ding Lingling blinked.

"The logic is this logic, but why did your tone become like this?" Jiang Chen trembled.

"Hmph, what do you think?" Ding Lingling rolled her eyes and said loudly, "I almost died, you know, you must be responsible for me."

"Little girl, are you sure you didn't say the wrong thing?" Jiang Chen shivered.

"What's the matter, are you still not happy to make you responsible for me?" Ding Lingling said bitterly.

"Of course not... no, I am very willing." Jiang Chen said hastily, he was sure that if he dared to say something he was not happy with, Ding Lingling would definitely tear him apart.

"It's more or less the same." Ding Lingling was satisfied, and then saw Ding Lingling turn over the vanity mirror of the car and straighten her hair in front of the mirror.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"See if your hair is messed up... Oh, just concentrate on driving and leave me alone." Ding Lingling was very impatient.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he kicked the accelerator, and the car headed towards Hongji Building.


"Jingle bell... Jingle bell..."

On the phone on the table, the alarm clock rang. Liu Yufei, who was immersed in reviewing the documents, raised her head, grabbed the phone and looked at it, then stood up and stretched.

"It's time to go home and rest." Liu Yufei said to herself.

The company hasn't officially opened yet, but for the past few days, Liu Yufei has been spending time here, returning very late every night.

There's no way, the big boss of the company doesn't care about anything, but she, the little manager, can only take care of everything and worry about everything.

These things include recruitment, procurement of medicinal materials, production at the factory, and channel maintenance.

Every aspect requires a lot of energy, and it is the first time for her to do this kind of thing, so she is not familiar with it. Fortunately, the company is not short of money, so it directly recruited two managers to help her share the burden. Quite a lot, but still very busy, so busy that I don't even have time to rest.

And what is Jiang Chen doing?

Apart from giving her a list, she did nothing. It's not that Liu Yufei doesn't complain about this matter, but there is nothing she can do about it. Jiang Chen has such a detached temper, and Jiang Chen really needs to spend more than ten hours a day. Sitting outside the office, it was harder than killing him.

Thinking of this, Liu Yufei just felt like laughing. It seemed that this company really belonged to her personally.

After filing the documents in a hurry, Liu Yufei picked up her bag and coat and walked out of the office.

In the huge company, she was the only one left. She carefully turned off all the lights, locked the door, and Liu Yufei took the elevator downstairs.

"Miss Liu is off work." On the first floor of the company, the security guards on duty greeted Liu Yufei very politely when they saw Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei is beautiful and has no airs, but the general manager of such a big company is extremely kind and easy-going. The security guards in the building all have a good impression of Liu Yufei.

"Yeah, I'm off work." Liu Yufei smiled back and walked outside briskly.

Just as Liu Yufei walked out of the building, there were more than a dozen people walking towards her. One of them was walking in the front, a guy wearing glasses asked, "You are Liu Yufei, right?"

"I'm Liu Yufei, who are you?" Liu Yufei asked with a slight frown.

"You don't care who I am, just follow me." The man with glasses beckoned, and the two people behind him rushed up immediately.

"Stop, what are you going to do?" The security guards in the building saw that something was wrong, rushed over immediately, and stopped Liu Yufei behind him.

"Hit." The man in glasses didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly motioned to do it.

The dozen or so people he brought over immediately swarmed up and wrestled with the security guards, while the man with glasses walked slowly towards Liu Yufei, looked Liu Yufei in the eye, and said with a smile, "You can go now."

"Cobra, you want to take Miss Liu away, have you asked me?" A voice came, and Brother Dao appeared with someone.

"Xiaodao?" The man with glasses glanced at Brother Dao and said lightly, "Xiaodao, this matter tonight has nothing to do with you. You'd better not offend me."

"What's wrong with me offending you?" Brother Dao sneered, and walked directly to the cobra.

"Oh, after following a good master, this temper has grown." The man with glasses waved again, and when he saw two vans parked by the side of the road, more than [-] people rushed out.

"You will know the fate of offending me soon." Cobra said slowly.

"In order to kidnap Ms. Liu, I did not hesitate to bring everyone here. It's really a big deal." Brother Dao was a little surprised. He knew that this fight tonight was destined to be difficult.

You must know that even though he is in charge of Liu Yufei's security, he is not as prepared as the Cobra. In terms of numbers, he is now at a disadvantage.

But no matter how difficult it was, Brother Dao understood that Liu Yufei must not be taken away by the cobra, otherwise, he would not be able to bear Jiang Chen's anger at all.

"Give me your hands." Brother Dao said in a low voice. He took the lead and rushed to the cobra. A scuffle kicked off.

"Brother Dao, it seems that you are determined to fight against me, right? You used to be considered a person, but now you have become a watchdog for others, don't you feel ashamed?" Cobra said, with a fist The machete slashed at Brother Dao.

"Being ashamed is better than losing your life." Brother Dao slashed at the cobra frantically with the knife in his hand.

A Porsche stopped silently on the side of the road.

"Jiang Chen, can't you tell that Brother Dao is very sincere to you?" In the car, Ding Lingling said excitedly, she looked like a female hooligan, her eyes glistened when she saw men fighting.

"You're a policeman, don't you care?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"So many people hacked here and there, what do you want me to do? I'm not stupid." Ding Lingling only cared about the excitement, not paying attention to these crap things.

"You don't care, then I will take care of it." Jiang Chen opened the car door and got out of the car. With one move, a guy was slapped away by him, and a knife appeared in his hand.

When the knife was lifted and the knife fell, blood sprayed everywhere, Jiang Chen felt as if he had entered a no-man's land, passing all the way, like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Xiaodao, you are too weak." Jiang Chen appeared around Brother Dao and Cobra, frowning and said.

"Brother Jiang." Brother Dao greeted Jiang Chen.

"Look clearly, this is how the beheading is done." Jiang Chen said, and slashed Cobra's right hand with a knife.

"First cut off the right hand, then cut off the left hand, and then cut off the two legs..." Jiang Chen casually drew out his knife while speaking, one knife after another, instantly chopped the cobra into a bloody man.

"You are Jiang Chen?" Cobra didn't even have the strength to resist, and fell to the ground, crying out in grief and indignation.

"That's right, I am Jiang Chen. I think tonight must be enough to leave an incomparably deep impression on you." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

The cobra's face was pale. He had slashed many people, but he couldn't compare with Jiang Chen who talked and laughed happily after slashing people. He regretted accepting such a task.

No wonder the woman asked him to bring everyone with him. At first he thought it was a fuss, but now he understood why the woman said such a thing, but it was too late to understand, facing this murderous man No matter how many people he brings, it is useless.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?" Cobra asked laboriously.

He didn't know how he would ask such a naive question, maybe the man with a knife in front of him made him feel scared for the first time.

In front of this man, he was so weak, so powerless, he could only be slaughtered, without any ability to resist.

"No, I won't kill you." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Don't kill me?" Cobra was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatically.

"I'm just going to cost you." After laughing, Jiang Chen replied lightly, and then asked Brother Dao: "Xiaodao, do you know how to make a human stick?"

"Know...know..." Brother Dao's voice was trembling, his legs were trembling, listening to Jiang Chen's words, this is going to chop the cobra into a stick.

In this way, Jiang Chen did not kill the cobra, but it was definitely ten thousand times more ruthless and ten thousand times more poisonous than killing the cobra directly.

In terms of cruelty and poison, who can compare with Jiang Chen?

(End of this chapter)

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