genius evil

Chapter 212

Chapter 212
"It's good to know, then I don't need to teach you how to do it myself. Remember, I want him to live, even better than he has ever lived before, Xiao Dao, can you do it?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly. asked.

"Yes!" Brother Dao's back was completely wet with cold sweat.

What does Jiang Chen mean? Could it be that he once chopped people into sticks?This is real?Are you still joking?

Brother Dao had a hard time imagining that a boy who was only seventeen or eighteen years old had done such a horrible thing, but just because he couldn't imagine it, didn't mean he didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

After all, when Jiang Chen said this, there was no smoke at all, which meant that even if Jiang Chen had no experience of chopping people into sticks, he must have done something similar to it.

He is a devil!
Yes, the devil.

Brother Dao thinks he is a ruthless person, but how can he compare with Jiang Chen?
"Then, Cobra, right? Speaking of which, I should thank you." Jiang Chen looked at Cobra and smiled slightly.

"Thank you...thank me..." Cobra asked puzzledly.

"That's right, just thank you... because I think, starting tonight, no, starting from this second, anyone who dares to think of me, Jiang Chen, or those around me will be reminded of your fate, you You are a role model, not only I thank you, many people will also thank you, because, seeing you, they can deeply realize how wonderful it is to be alive." Jiang Chen talked eloquently.

The cobra could no longer speak, and could only make a panting sound like a broken bellows.

"Come on, Da Feifei, come quickly." Jiang Chen waved to Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei walked towards Jiang Chen awkwardly. Jiang Chen grabbed Liu Yufei's little hand and pulled him into the Porsche. The Porsche left quickly. What happened tonight at the Hongji Mansion was destined to be in the underground world of Yilan City. , causing an uproar.

After the panic, Brother Dao only felt his blood was burning and boiling.

In the beginning, the reason why he worked for Jiang Chen was largely because he was intimidated by Jiang Chen's powerful force and could not resist, but now, Brother Dao understood very well that he was following the right person.

Powerful force, ruthless means... These two are the essential qualities to become a hero. If Brother Dao hadn't discovered this before, then the current experience even made his soul tremble.

"Come here, take the cobra away." Taking a deep breath, Brother Dao ordered loudly.


As the Porsche was driving on the road, Ding Lingling pulled Liu Yufei and muttered in the back seat.

Ding Lingling was a chatterbox in a second, and all kinds of weird questions came up one after another. Liu Yufei responded copiously. Ding Lingling was too enthusiastic, which made her a little overwhelmed, and she was also curious. This policewoman, and Jiang Chen What is the relationship.

What Liu Yufei was curious about was also what Ding Lingling was curious about.

Ding Lingling's current strategy is to encircle the cities from the countryside, first to distract Liu Yufei by saying some irrelevant words, and then to unknowingly, set out the relationship between Liu Yufei and Jiang Chen.

Shamefully, she soon found out that she was failing.

Although Liu Yufei always answered her questions, but whenever she came to a critical question, she would avoid the serious ones and ignore the minor ones, which made Ding Lingling very angry.

"Why don't we go to have supper." Seeing that nothing came out of the question, Ding Lingling simply stopped asking and changed the subject instantly.

Jiang Chen almost mistakenly used the brake for the gas pedal, and rear-ended a car in front of him. This chick's nerves are really strong, and she is still thinking about eating supper.

Could it be that seeing him slashing people just now gave him an appetite?

Jiang Chen simply couldn't understand, what kind of strange appetite is this?
"Eat supper?" Liu Yufei's mouth twitched slightly, apparently stunned by Ding Lingling.

"Yeah, aren't you hungry?" Ding Lingling asked as a matter of course, not feeling that there was anything wrong with her proposal.

"Yes... I'm a little hungry." Liu Yufei rubbed her stomach. She had a small appetite and ate little, and she worked overtime until after ten o'clock, so she had already digested what she ate at night.

In the past, in order to keep in shape, she would fall asleep soon after returning home and taking a bath, eating an apple at most.

Ding Lingling didn't say she was hungry, but when she said she was hungry, Liu Yufei realized that she was really hungry, very hungry, very hungry,

"Since you're hungry." Ding Lingling patted the chair and said, "Jiang Chen, did you hear that?"

Jiang Chen had no choice but to take the two of them to find a place to eat late at night, and they went to a barbecue restaurant, so Ding Lingling had to order again the food he had ordered at the last barbecue restaurant.

"Bring another case of beer over here." After ordering, Ding Lingling said loudly.

"Are you a good drinker?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"So-so." Ding Lingling blinked. She didn't want to drink for herself, but for Liu Yufei. She didn't ask anything just now. She will drink some wine for Liu Yufei later. It is best to get Liu Yufei drunk, Liu Yufei You should tell the truth after drinking, right?

Thinking about it for a while, Ding Lingling is a bit flirtatious, too smart and witty.

The order was quickly baked and brought over, and the beer was also brought over. Ding Lingling refused to let the waiter help, and opened six bottles of beer in a feigned skillful way, and put two bottles in front of everyone.

"Come on, let's start drinking, first drink two bottles for each person, and drink the rest later." Ding Lingling said carelessly.

"I still have to drive later." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh, it's just two bottles of beer. It's like drinking water. If you're a man, just kill it in one gulp. Don't make me look down on you." Ding Lingling looked contemptuous.

"If there is a traffic policeman checking for drunk driving, you will be responsible." Jiang Chen made a joke, took a bottle of beer and drank it in one gulp, and took another bottle of beer and drank it in one gulp.

The question of whether he is a man or not is a principle. Although Jiang Chen has at least a hundred ways to make Ding Lingling regret saying such a thing, since it is at the wine table, let's use drinking to solve the problem.

Ding Lingling was dumbfounded. Although the alcohol content of the beer was very low, she didn't drink like this, did she?

This is not drinking, it is completely drinking water.

Seeing Ding Lingling's reaction, Liu Yufei pursed her lips and chuckled, picked up a wine bottle and said to Ding Lingling, "Lingling, let's drink too."

"Don't you need a cup?" Ding Lingling asked in a daze.

"Just use the wine bottle," Liu Yufei said.

When I was in the car just now, Ding Lingling always took the initiative to ask this and that, and Liu Yufei was always on the passive side, but that was because her nerves were not as tough as Ding Lingling's, and she was frightened by the scene of Jiang Chen beheading people. Just arrived.

Now that there is such a commotion, Liu Yufei has relaxed a lot, recovered her original side, and naturally took the initiative.

Liu Yufei was not a weak woman. She resigned when she said she would resign at the time, and she did not procrastinate, which is evident.

But now, Liu Yufei is in charge of a company, and all matters within the company are decided by her. The strong and self-improvement side in her bones is fully inspired, and she has the air of a domineering female president.

"Okay, okay, use the wine bottle." Ding Lingling is not the one to admit defeat easily, even the delicate Liu Yufei offered to drink from the bottle, how could she have the nerve to ask for a cup?

That's gross and not her style.

The two women each held a bottle of beer and drank it.

Three minutes later, Liu Yufei finished his drink; five minutes later, Ding Lingling barely finished his drink.

"Lingling, let's drink another bottle." Liu Yufei suggested.

"You will get drunk." Ding Lingling said weakly.

"It's okay, Jiang Chen will take care of both of us." Liu Yufei is still very reassuring towards Jiang Chen, this extremely domineering guy, no matter if she is sober or drunk, she will never let others take advantage of her .

As for whether Jiang Chen will take advantage of it, of course it is certain, but after what happened last time, Liu Yufei's mentality has quietly changed a lot.

Anyway, sooner or later, I will hand myself over to Jiang Chen. It doesn't seem to make much difference if it's later or sooner, otherwise, maybe this guy will do something next time.

That's right, after Liu Yufei was moved by the opening of the hotel last time, she quickly saw some flaws, and faintly realized that Jiang Chen was deliberately training her.

The word "training" undoubtedly connotes shame. Thinking about it now, Liu Yufei still has a deep sense of shame.

"Jiang Chen will take care of you? What's your relationship?" Ding Lingling immediately started gossiping.

"I'll tell you when you drink this bottle of wine." Liu Yufei smiled slightly.

She could hear that Ding Lingling had been tricking her, but she didn't know the relationship between Ding Lingling and Jiang Chen, so many questions were difficult to answer.

Since Ding Lingling wants to know so much, let's get Ding Lingling drunk first.

Liu Yufei didn't know that her thoughts were exactly what Ding Lingling was thinking. The two girls had different thoughts and their own ghosts, and soon each drank another bottle of beer.

After drinking the second bottle of beer, the two girls were six to seven points drunk. When the wine reaches this level, it is often the most confused time. No, Ding Lingling re-opened three bottles of beer, and Liu Yufei They drank another bottle together, so the two women were all drunk on the table.

"Two drunkards." Jiang Chen smiled, beckoned the boss to come over and pay the bill, then put his arm around one, and walked out amidst the envious and jealous eyes of everyone in the barbecue shop.

Jiang Chen suddenly heard the words of Shuangfei, which made Jiang Chen's heart skip a beat after stuffing Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei into the car.

It seems, it seems, maybe... While the second daughter is drunk and unconscious, he can come here once, that is, the legendary, double flower?
"Such a good opportunity, should we do it or not?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

"If you do it, you're a beast. If you don't do it, you're worse than a beast. Is it better to be a beast, or even worse than a beast?" Jiang Chen was entangled, the more he thought about it, the more distracted he became...

(End of this chapter)

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