genius evil

Chapter 213 I'm Pure

Chapter 213 I'm Pure

Ten minutes later, in a hotel room, Jiang Chen stared straight at Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei lying on the big bed.

Two girls, one in police uniform and one in OL suit.

Regardless of whether it is a police uniform or a suit, it is completely a big killer in the temptation of uniforms.

Not to mention, with the perfect figures of Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei, they made the clothes look different, and the temptation became even bigger.

Especially under such circumstances, the breath of temptation rushed towards his face, even with Jiang Chen's super concentration, his heart couldn't help shaking a few times.

"It's really killing me." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

You know, when Liu Yufei and Ding Lingling were drinking together, the reason why he didn't stop him was because he knew that both Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei needed to get drunk to ease their minds.

Don't look at Ding Lingling's carefree appearance and tough nerves, but her mind is still sensitive and delicate, not to mention Liu Yufei, who encountered such a big battle for no reason, and it was because of Ding Lingling's existence , there was no way to ask Jiang Chen in detail, tension and doubt intertwined, mood ups and downs were inevitable.

Even though the two girls have their own thoughts at the wine table, why don't they have the same thoughts when they get drunk?
It's just that the two daughters Liu Yufei and Ding Lingling ignored their drunken and charming appearance, and Jiang Chen also inadvertently ignored this point.

"Da Feifei is my woman, and Ding Xiaoniu keeps asking me to be responsible, so she probably can be regarded as my woman?" Jiang Chen swallowed and muttered to himself.

"Since they are all my women, is there no such thing as a beast or a beast? It's just a matter of action or inaction?" Jiang Chen said, heaven and man were at war.

"Uh, there seems to be some other problem. I don't count Ding Xiaoniu for the time being. I haven't eaten Da Feifei yet. I just ate her with other women. Wouldn't it be too bad?" Okay?" Jiang Chen was very worried.

The main reason is that happiness came too fast, so caught off guard, and I was not mentally prepared at all.

"Twenty minutes." But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, the curtains were lifted immediately, and a woman appeared in the room.

"So I've been struggling for 10 minutes?" Seeing the appearance of this person, Jiang Chen didn't seem surprised at all, he just said lightly.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen's eyes wandered up and down on the woman. This woman had a pair of slender and straight legs. Even though she was not leg control, Jiang Chen couldn't move his eyes at a glance.

There was a gleam of disgust in the woman's eyes, and she said indifferently: "There are already two women lying on this bed, isn't that enough?"

"Is there any man in the world who thinks this kind of thing too much?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"I don't know if there are too many men. I only know that you are just a pervert with a lustful heart but no guts." The woman said quietly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I understand that you are scolding me, but I have to be thankful that I have no lust, otherwise, wouldn't you have seen both of their bodies? Although you are a woman, I You will be jealous too. Of course, if you want to see my body, you can say something else, how about we two have a separate room, lie on the big bed, and have a long talk all night?"

"Sharp teeth." The woman sneered.

"So-so." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I'm here to kill you." Perhaps realizing that there was too much nonsense, the woman said suddenly.

"Understand, understand, with such a strong murderous intent, even a fool would know that you are here to kill me, and you definitely did not come from a recommendation." Jiang Chen nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Murderous?" The delicate brows were slightly frowned, and the woman was slightly surprised.

It is impossible for a killer to be like that shown in TV dramas or movies, wishing that others would know that he (she) is a killer.

The best killers are often the ones who are the best at disguising, they can turn into anyone, and they can use the shortest way to disguise themselves.

The woman had always had enough confidence in her disguise, but she hadn't expected that Jiang Chen would say such words as murderous intent, which did not stop her from being surprised.

"Are you not afraid at all?" the woman asked in a deep voice.

"Are all your assassins such idiots?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, and said unhappily, "Could it be that I told you that I was afraid, so you wouldn't kill me?"

"Of course not." The woman shook her head, realizing that she had asked the wrong question. With a flick of her wrist, a small silver gun appeared in her hand.

"But I will scare you." Before the words finished, the woman pulled the trigger immediately.

"You are wrong. I should be the one who will scare you." When the trigger was pulled, the expected gunshot did not sound, because the woman's finger only moved, and there was an extra finger on her right wrist. silver needle.

But Jiang Chen walked over, snatched the gun, played with it casually, and said puzzledly: "I really don't understand, you are here to kill me, why don't you just point and shoot in the dark? Why do you have to appear in front of me? Do you think you are beautiful and want me to look at you more?"

The woman almost vomited blood, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

She didn't see clearly when Jiang Chen made the shot. In other words, the speed of Jiang Chen's shot was faster than the speed at which she pulled the trigger. This was unbelievable and incomprehensible.

"Are you really beautiful? If it's true, why do you still wear sunglasses at night?" Jiang Chen muttered, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took off the sunglasses on the woman's face.

"Hey, it's really pretty, but why is your hair purple? Where did you dye it? The craftsmanship is too bad. I prefer black, which means black is long and straight. Do you understand?" Jiang Chen Xuxu Chattering, changing into chatter in a second.


At this moment, the gunshot finally rang out. On the woman's left hand, there was a gun suddenly, a silver gun that was exactly the same.

"Jiang Chen, you are right. When I want to kill you, there is no need for me to appear in front of you, but it is not too late. I can tell you with certainty that the reason why I appear in front of you , that's because I am absolutely sure to kill you." The woman said coldly.

"Kill me with absolute certainty? Then how can I still talk? Have I become a ghost? Ghosts can also talk? Tsk tsk, it's so fresh." Jiang Chen grinned.


The woman really had the feeling of seeing a ghost now. She used two guns, the left hand gun was the same as the right hand gun, and the control was precise and perfect.

When she shot, she aimed directly at Jiang Chen's heart, trying to kill him with one shot, but firing from such a short distance failed to kill Jiang Chen.

How did Jiang Chen avoid the bullet?
"Not good." Soon, a bad premonition swept over her heart. The woman didn't want Jiang Chen to prick her left hand again, and quickly pulled the trigger again.

Unfortunately, even though the woman's speed was fast enough, it was still a beat slower than Jiang Chen's. There was also a silver needle on her left wrist.

"I'm making rapid progress, a child can be taught, and she's much smarter than that Magnolia. If she trains her well, she still has some future." Jiang Chen commented decently.

In the end, Jiang Chen gave the woman a sneaky look, and asked meanly: "Woman, don't you have a third gun on you? No, just to be on the safe side, it's better to do a body search. Otherwise, just in case Accidentally sent a bullet by you, I have no place to cry."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen really walked up to the woman and stretched out his big hand.

"What are you doing?" The woman who had always been calm, even after her right hand was restrained, finally panicked after seeing Jiang Chen's extended hand.

"Touch... No, it's a body search. I'm very pure, so don't let your imagination run wild." Jiang Chen smiled, and his big hands started to grope the woman's body.

"Ah—" the woman yelled like crazy.

"You're too noisy." Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and stuck a silver needle in the woman's throat, making her shut up completely.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The woman tried hard to make a sound, but she couldn't make any sound.

I have to say that the woman's figure is really good, even through a layer of clothes, there is a soft and smooth feeling, which makes Jiang Chen love it so much that he can't put it down. It lasted 5 minutes.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing? Why are there other women in the room?" Suddenly, Liu Yufei who was lying on the bed turned over, sat up, and asked in a daze.

"Oh, you read it wrong." Jiang Chen turned his head to respond, and hastily withdrew his hand like an electric shock. The timing was wrong, why did Da Feifei wake up at this time.

"I'm thirsty, can you pour me a glass of water?" Liu Yufei said coquettishly, she was in a dazed state, and couldn't tell whether Jiang Chen was lying.

"Of course." Jiang Chen replied, seeing mineral water at the entrance, he went over to get a bottle, and at this moment, he saw the woman rush straight towards the window with her legs kicked. , In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the room.

Jiang Chen didn't chase after him either, and after feeding Liu Yufei water and letting Liu Yufei lie down again, he walked to the window.

This is the eleventh floor of the hotel. Jiang Chen could see a long and slender silk thread with a silver needle going down. It is about the height of the fourth floor.

"Long legs are good." Jiang Chen sighed, and pinched his fingers towards the silk thread, but soon, Jiang Chen shook his head again, "Forget it, for the sake of your long legs, I will let you go for a while. Let’s go horse. It’s such a pity that she fell to her death just like that.”

And after a few minutes, Jiang Chen just left the hotel...

(End of this chapter)

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