genius evil

Chapter 214 Humanoid Bulldozer

Chapter 214 Humanoid Bulldozer

Is Jiang Chen the kind of man whose lower body dominates the upper body?You can choose to answer this question with your feet, of course he is!
Sorry, do it again.

Is Jiang Chen the kind of man whose lower body matches his upper body?
Of course he is not!
That may be called a man's appreciation of beautiful things, especially beautiful women, which belongs to the normal reaction category.

Not to mention, did Jiang Chen see two women at once, or two drunk and seductive women, or even two women who staged a seductive uniform.

So, if Jiang Chen really couldn't control himself and did something outrageous, it was normal, and if he didn't do it, it would be a bit abnormal.

It's not that Jiang Chen doesn't want to do it, but he really doesn't have time to do it tonight.

The flames of war were ignited by Kong Yujie and burned in all directions. People around him were affected one by one. This made Jiang Chen's nerves tense all the time.

In this state, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to be distracted and do other things.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was driving to the Meng family.

"Kong Yujie, you are at the end of your rope. Next, it's time for me to take action." A stern light flashed in his eyes, Jiang Chen kicked the accelerator, and the Porsche driving on the road was like an arrow flying off the string.


While the car was driving, a small voice sounded quietly.

The sound is very soft, on the road, there are other driving cars, and pedestrians, the sound of car tires rolling on the ground, pedestrian footsteps, and occasional horn sounds, to a large extent, Covered that voice.

But since Jiang Chen broke through the third layer of Body Tempering, his senses are so keen. Even though the voice was so slight that it was almost inaudible, Jiang Chen still heard it very clearly.

"What sound?" Frowning suddenly, Jiang Chen realized that something was wrong. The next moment, in less than a tenth of a second, Jiang Chen suddenly made an extremely bizarre move.

Just saw that Jiang Chen turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the Porsche, which was driving straight on the road, suddenly turned into a fork in the road. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen pushed the car door forcefully, his body was like a bullet fired, From the driver's seat, burst out.


"Boom! Boom!"


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's butt left the seat and his whole body exploded, the Porsche shook violently, and then exploded.

The flames were burning, black smoke was billowing, and shattered glass and iron pieces were flying in all directions.

Even though Jiang Chen's reaction was fast enough, he was in the vortex of the explosion and avoided the broken glass and iron pieces, but he couldn't escape the impact of the airflow produced by the explosion no matter what.

After the explosion sounded three times, there was another muffled sound of "bang". Jiang Chen was thrown out by the violent airflow generated by the explosion, and fell heavily in the distance. on the ground.


Opening his mouth, Jiang Chen spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Installing a bomb on the chassis of my car is really a ruthless method." Jiang Chen muttered to himself as he wiped away the blood stains at the corner of his mouth with his hands, his eyes flickering with crazy light.

Immediately, Jiang Chen shot up and ran towards the burning Porsche. A few seconds later, Jiang Chen saw a black Mitsubishi parked on the opposite side of the road.

The window glass at the driving position of the car was lowered. When the man driving saw Jiang Chen, he smiled slightly, held something in his hand, and made a virtual press.

Jiang Chen could clearly see that it was the detonator of a miniature time bomb.

After making a virtual press, the man smiled sinisterly. He was an ordinary-looking man, but when he laughed, his eyebrows and eyes were extremely sharp.

"Jiang Chen, you really surprised me, this didn't kill you." The man's voice came from inside the car, it wasn't too loud, but Jiang Chen could hear it.

"I'm not dead, so you'll be the one who died next." Jiang Chen snorted coldly, stomped his right foot on the ground, and rushed towards the Mitsubishi car with force.

"It's not an easy thing to want me to die." The man smiled lightly, and said again: "Jiang Chen, it seems that your speed is good, so let's compare the speed first, and wait for you to catch up. Without me, maybe you are qualified to kill me. Then, let me see how fast you are."

After laughing, the man stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out with a bang, and soon appeared more than ten meters away.

Jiang Chen's figure folded, facing the moving car, and chased after it.

"What an idiot." The man in the car smiled jokingly and drove slowly.

Comparing the speed of people and cars, anyone with a little brain knows what will happen in the end.

Even if the initial explosive power is strong enough to reach the starting speed of the car, so what?When a car starts to accelerate a hundred yards, it is a process of continuous acceleration, and the explosive power of the human body is very short-lived. The man doesn't think that Jiang Chen's speed can catch up with the car.

Jiang Chen didn't know what the man was thinking. There was a rage in his chest, no matter what, this rage must be vented tonight.

Jiang Chen's speed was still accelerating.

"Hey, it's interesting." Through the rearview mirror, looking at Jiang Chen who was chasing after the car, the man's eyes lit up slightly, and then he smiled again, and said slowly: "Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, I really look forward to seeing you." Until you are as tired as a dead dog."

While speaking, the man lightly tapped the accelerator with his right foot, and the car kept driving at a constant speed. He didn't want to throw Jiang Chen far away. If that happened, wouldn't this game be very boring?
Moreover, the explosion failed to kill Jiang Chen, so after a while, he would kill Jiang Chen with his own hands, although it was a little troublesome.

"No, if you keep chasing like this, you will only exhaust yourself to death." After chasing for two or three miles in one breath, he saw the Mitsubishi in front of him, driving at a leisurely pace. How could Jiang Chen not know that the man It was done on purpose, in order to consume his energy.

"The car must be stopped as soon as possible, this person must die." Jiang Chen said viciously.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen moved his right hand, and a silver needle appeared in the palm of his hand. Jiang Chen who was running, that silver needle, inserted it into several big acupuncture points all over his body at an extremely fast speed. Above, even above Jiang Chen's head, there were three silver needles inserted.

After the silver needle entered the body, Jiang Chen's aura suddenly rose sharply. As the aura skyrocketed, Jiang Chen's speed became faster at an incredible speed, and it was getting faster and faster.

The figure was like the wind, constantly overtaking one car after another on the road. Fortunately, there were not many cars driving on the road at this time, but when those drivers saw Jiang Chen, they all felt like they had seen a ghost. a feeling of.

"Is that guy really a human?"

Many drivers have such thoughts in their minds. You must know that the speed is too fast, definitely exceeding a hundred yards.

Because when Jiang Chen overtook another car, it was so effortless. In this urban area with a speed limit of [-], he passed one car in the blink of an eye, and another car in the blink of an eye, and then drove the car far away. Leave behind.

This is inhuman speed!

Jiang Chen stimulated the potential of his body through the silver needles, and then squeezed his own potential. Now his whole body is like a humanoid bulldozer.

Even if Jiang Chen knew that it was very dangerous to do so, after his own potential was squeezed out, he would become extremely empty, and at that time, if someone took advantage of the void, he would definitely die.

But now, Jiang Chen can't control so much. Since crossing the earth, there has never been a time like tonight when he wanted to kill so much.

First, Kong Yujie challenged his bottom line again and again, and then this guy who appeared out of nowhere hurt him even more.

To Jiang Chen, this was a great humiliation and absolutely intolerable.


Jiang Chen took a sharp breath while running, and the distance between him and the Mitsubishi was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye, 500 meters... 300 meters... 100 meters...

The man in the car had already sensed that something was wrong, or Jiang Chen's speed was far beyond his imagination. He stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the car was roaring, but the acceleration in the rear section , but at this moment is so powerless.

The man was a little depressed. If he had known earlier, he would have driven a good car. At the beginning, he only thought that after the explosion, Jiang Chen would definitely die. How could he have prepared so much?

Furthermore, Jiang Chen's speed can be compared with the speed of a car, how incredible is this?
Unless he had prepared a sports car at the beginning, it would be more or less the same, but who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be such a monster?This is simply beyond the scope of human beings.

"50 meters... 30 meters... ten meters..."

After only about ten meters away from the Mitsubishi, Jiang Chen stepped out and appeared next to the driving seat in an instant.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen punched, and the window glass of the car was shattered like crispy tofu. With a big hand, Jiang Chen pulled the man in the car out of the car abruptly.

At the same time, Jiang Chen clenched his fist with his left hand and punched the man's head. He wanted to blow this guy's head off with one punch!
Jiang Chen shot quickly, and the man's reaction was not slow. When Jiang Chen punched with his left hand, his two arms stretched out in a circle, and arched into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Along with the movement of the man's hands to attack, Jiang Chen felt a heavy hammer hitting his chest. If he didn't stop in time, he would be injured again.

But Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, he didn't even think of stopping, that punch still hit the man's head, the man's neck tilted, Jiang Chen's punch brushed past his ear, and the wind of the fist blew him away. His face was burning with pain.

And his handcup hit Jiang Chen's chest, and after a muffled sound, the two figures quickly backed away, facing each other far away!

(End of this chapter)

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