genius evil

Chapter 215 You Really Can't Praise People

Chapter 215 You Really Can't Praise People
"Jiang Chen, I thought I was crazy enough, but I never thought that you are even more crazy than me." He touched his ear with his hand, and the man grinned and said slowly.

You know, it is affected by the fist wind.He almost thought his ears were gone.

What I have to say is that Jiang Chen is really a pervert, so desperate to choose a style of play that hurts both sides, that is completely desperate.

"You are really good." After one sentence, the man said another sentence.

"You're not bad, but it's a pity that your methods are too cheap." Jiang Chen said coldly.

The strength of this person can be regarded as the strongest person he has ever encountered, much stronger than that Song Shi.

This kind of strong man is fully capable of fighting him head-on, but he installed a bomb on the chassis of his car, which made Jiang Chen extremely disdainful.

"Oh, you're talking about the bomb?" The man said lightly, "The reason why I did that is just that I don't like trouble. It would be wonderful if I could blow you up without using my hands." What about the matter? Of course, if you knew that the bomb would not kill you, then it seems that there is no need to do that. After all, it is quite troublesome to install a bomb. "

"Let me give you a piece of advice, if you are dead, there will be no trouble." Jiang Chen sneered.

The man laughed and said, "Your words are exactly what I often say to other people. I never thought you would be my confidant. Let me introduce myself. My name is Song Yan, and I come from... well, from the local group."

"People from the Song family? Land group?" Jiang Chen stared at this guy for a few times.

He had long thought that this person might come from the Song family, a few families in Yilan City, and I am afraid that no one is qualified to command such a strong man.

But the earth group is a rather strange existence.

"I know you met Song Shi last time and killed Song Shilai. Why, he didn't tell you that he couldn't be formed from where he came from? Or did he never have a chance to say it?" Song Yan said interestingly. asked.

"If you hadn't said it so soon, you might not have a chance." Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

"" Song Yan shook his hand and said, "You're mistaken, I'm not a waste like Song Shi, the reason why I introduced it like this is because I think you are still a person, and you are qualified to know me Well, though, you're going to die soon."

"In my eyes, are you a waste?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Hey, members of the black iron level can't be compared with the members of the bronze level. But there's no need to tell you so much, let's kill you." Song Yan said to himself, and immediately started to fight up.

And when Song Yan took the initiative to attack, Jiang Chen understood why Song Shi would be trash in Song Yan's mouth. Indeed, Song Yan had the right to say such words.

Song Yan's way of attacking was very simple, that is, he punched Jiang Chen directly.

Not a lot of bells and whistles, just power, pure power.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, but just punched him.


The fists collided, making a muffled sound, Song Yan's feet swayed, he staggered back a few steps, and looked at Jiang Chen in amazement.

Just now, didn't you see that Jiang Chen's power would be so tyrannical?what happened?

"Idiot." Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

If he hadn't stimulated his physical potential, Song Yan's punch could have matched him.But when his potential was stimulated, his physical strength was already several times stronger than that of the third layer of Body Tempering.

He just shot at will. If he wanted to kill Song Yan just now, one punch would be enough to completely kill Song Yan.

The reason why he didn't kill him immediately was because he heard Song Yan accidentally mention the bronze level, he was the bronze level, Song Shi was the black iron level, and they were also from the land group.

Obviously, the black iron level is not as good as the bronze level, but above the bronze level, there should be stronger existence.

Although he didn't know how the members above the bronze level were divided, it also made Jiang Chen have some interest in the ground group.

Therefore, Jiang Chen wanted to use Song Yan to test the strength of the bronze-level members of the team, but right now, Jiang Chen had a rough estimate.

Naturally, this inevitably made Jiang Chen feel a little bit of a sense of crisis.

The ground group, an existence he has never heard of, is actually a member of the bronze level who has the power to fight against him at the third level of body tempering. If it is an existence beyond the bronze level, it is very likely that with his current strength, it may not be is the opponent.

"I've heard about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the land of Huaxia. I never thought about it. It's really like this. If there is a chance in the future, I should get in touch with the land group more." Jiang Chen said secretly.

There was a crisis, but Jiang Chen didn't feel any pressure. On the contrary, he was very excited at the moment.

In the realm of comprehension, strong men emerge in large numbers, and almost every strong man comes out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood. It is a very primitive mode of survival of the fittest.

On Earth, subject to laws and other restrictions, it is impossible for such a model to exist. Jiang Chen's cultivation alone is naturally extremely boring, and he may even be passive and slack.

But now, with an opponent and a goal, motivation will be generated. How can this make Jiang Chen not feel excited?

If Song Yan knew Jiang Chen's true thoughts deep in his heart, he would be dumbfounded, thinking that Jiang Chen was completely crazy, after all, how could a normal person have such thoughts.

Song Yan didn't know, but he was also shocked.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen has hidden strength?" Song Yan thought in his heart.

"Song Yan, you can try to punch me too." Jiang Chen didn't give Song Yan too much time to think, he opened his mouth, clenched his fist, and just punched him.

Song Yan took the shot passively, but he had just punched out, and he felt an invisible restraint rushing toward his face.


The wind of the fist shattered, and Song Yan's body fell backward like a broken kite.

"Earth group, Bronze-level member, that's all. Next, you can die." Jiang Chen's silhouette rushed past, and he punched again violently, reaping Song Yan's life.

Stopping, Jiang Chen didn't even look at Song Yan, he took a deep breath, an unprecedented feeling of weakness swept over his whole body.

"Sure enough." Jiang Chen smiled wryly, quickly raised the needles, and pulled out the silver needles on his body one by one.

After the silver needle was pulled out, the feeling of weakness in Jiang Chen's body became extra intense, his hands became weak, and his legs felt as heavy as lead.

Not to mention, his head is also groggy and extremely heavy, as if what is supported on his neck is not a head, but a big mountain.

While still having some strength, Jiang Chen looked around.

He had chased the Mitsubishi car all the way before, and this place was already in the outskirts of the city, where the Mitsubishi car was parked on the side of the road. Besides, there were no other vehicles passing through this section of the road, let alone any lights.

From the looks of it, Song Yan brought him here on purpose. There was no one around this place, and it was undoubtedly an excellent place for murder and arson.

But in this way, it also brought Jiang Chen a lot of trouble.

Although there is still a car, but in his current state, not to mention driving back, even walking has become an impossible thing.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone from his pocket with great effort, and he decided to call Tang Tian and ask Tang Tian or Shuang'er to drive over to pick him up, otherwise, he would probably have to sleep in this barren place tonight. It's outside.

"Do you want to make a call? I think you will never try again. Is it because you are faster at calling, or I am faster at shooting." Just as Jiang Chen was groping to dial the number, a A familiar voice suddenly rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

Then, fluttering purple hair came into Jiang Chen's eyes, and the long-legged beauty came out. At this time, she did not wear sunglasses anymore, and her beautiful face was naked in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

It's a pity that due to the moonlight, Jiang Chen couldn't see her appearance clearly, but he had already seen the appearance of the long-legged beauty, so it didn't prevent him from imagining.

"The timing of your appearance is more coincidental every time." Jiang Chen sighed, stopped making calls, and simply sat down on the ground.

"You can probably say that I am very good at seizing opportunities." The long-legged beauty approached Jiang Chen step by step.

When she failed to kill Jiang Chen, she did not leave immediately, but was waiting for the next opportunity. Therefore, the long-legged beauty saw Jiang Chen galloping on the road, and also saw him killing Song Yan. Of course, she also saw Jiang Chen becoming weak.

Although it is not very clear why Jiang Chen became so weak, the long-legged beauty knew that her chance had come.

This hateful guy actually dared to molest her like that in the hotel room, which made her hate Jiang Chen to the core.

She is a killer, she shouldn't have such emotions, but her heart has been disturbed by Jiang Chen, so she must kill Jiang Chen, otherwise, she will have a flaw.

For a killer who pursues perfection, once a flaw appears, it often means that death is not far away.

"Isn't that complimenting you? Do you think I would say something like that?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"I don't need you to praise me." The long-legged beauty's face was very cold, and the way she looked at Jiang Chen was also very cold. Finally, when she was about one meter away from Jiang Chen, the long-legged beauty stopped in her tracks. The gun in her hand was aimed at Jiang Chen's head, as long as she wanted to, she could shoot Jiang Chen in the head at any time.

"But I suddenly want to praise you again." Jiang Chen's eyeballs rolled wildly, and he said with a smile: "Long-legged beauty, your legs are so beautiful, thin and straight, many people must like them."

"You are really good at complimenting others." The long-legged beauty was unmoved.

"Your breasts are really big." Jiang Chen was not convinced, and became angry from embarrassment.

"Shut up." The long-legged beauty was even angrier.

"You can touch it, can't you tell?" Jiang Chen was very upset.

"I said, shut up." The long-legged beauty trembled angrily, moved her finger, and pulled the trigger instantly. This guy dared to talk flirtatiously when he was about to die. She wanted to see it. When he died, his Can his eyes look around, can his mouth talk nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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