genius evil

Chapter 216 Let's Sleep Together

Chapter 216 Let's Sleep Together
Long-legged beauties are so disgusting, even so disgusting.

She has never hated a person so much, even if among the people she killed, there are some vicious people.

But those people, at best, just made her feel a little disgusted. As a killer, her role was doomed to be detached, from the perspective of a bystander.

Only this time, her way of thinking could not maintain the usual objectivity and rationality, which was a very bad sign.

Fortunately, she waited for the second chance to kill Jiang Chen. When the gunshot sounded and the bullet pierced Jiang Chen's heart, everything was over.

And she will also be able to restore the calmness and objectivity of a killer.

However, soon, long-legged beauties realized that the more plump the ideal, the skinnier the reality.

Because even if she made the action of shooting in an instant, but this time, she still failed to pull the trigger to shoot the bullet, her right hand suddenly became extremely stiff, to be exact, her whole body became Stiff.

The face of the long-legged beauty changed drastically, and she said that it is difficult for a person to fall twice in the same pit, but counting this time, she has already fallen in the same pit three times.

Damn it, how could Jiang Chen's reaction be so fast, why was he able to sneak attack her silently even though he was completely unable to move?
"How does it feel?" Jiang Chen struggled to stand up from the ground, and smiled at the long-legged beauty. He leaned very close, and a hateful smile magnified infinitely in the pupils of the long-legged beauty.

"Is that all you have?" The long-legged beauty sneered.

"Whether the method is more or less, it doesn't matter at all. The important thing is that it is effective." Jiang Chen didn't feel ashamed at all, and he muttered to himself: "Obviously I have already searched you. Why is there still a gun, where is the gun hidden? No, I have to search again."

"How dare you!" The long-legged beauty was furious.

She has already been slighted once, could it be that Jiang Chen wants to slight her again?What a disgrace is this?

"Dare! Why don't you dare?" Jiang Chen smiled, his presumptuous gaze shot up and down the long-legged beauty like a machine gun, and he said with a purse, "I've already let you go once, and you still want to kill me?" You came to kill me because you didn’t know what’s good and what’s wrong. What’s the big deal if I belittle you once again? Even if I belittle you ten or eight times, it’s quite normal. After all, my little life , it’s still worth the money.”

"I will definitely kill you." The long-legged beauty gritted her teeth.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to continue to kill me next time, but now, I'm going to start touching you... No, I'm starting to search you." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and raised his hands unceremoniously.

The face of the long-legged beauty turned black, with red in the black, and white in the red. She stared at Jiang Chen, her beautiful eyes were breathing fire. If her eyes could kill, she would definitely kill Jiang Chen. But she was so powerless, she could only let Jiang Chen's wanton big hands linger on her delicate body.

"Tsk tsk, this feel is really quite good." Even if it was the second time to do this kind of thing, Jiang Chen was still very interested.

Especially the long-legged beauty who is in a rage, looks awe-inspiring and inviolable, but is invaded by him in this way, and the feeling is even more wonderful. The beauty is beyond words.

"Jiang Chen, I will remember everything you have done to me." The long-legged beauty said bitterly.

"Of course, my technique is so good, it would be a pity if you don't remember it, maybe you became addicted to being searched by me, fell in love with this kind of taste?" Jiang Chen smiled.

But after saying this, Jiang Chen's feet softened, and half of his body slammed towards the long-legged beauty. Half of his face just leaned against the tall part of the long-legged beauty's chest.

The soft touch almost made Jiang Chen moan comfortably.

"Sleepy." Yawning, Jiang Chen said lazily.

The beautiful eyes of the long-legged beauty opened wide, and the eyeballs were about to bulge out. What did Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that he wanted to sleep on her part?

An unprecedented sense of panic swept the whole body.

From childhood to adulthood, the part that has never been touched by a man has turned into the pillow of this shameless rascal, and he looks very comfortable on it, it's really damn good.

"Are you sleepy or not? Let's sleep together." Jiang Chen embraced the slender waist of the long-legged beauty, and with a light press, the long-legged beauty's body softened slowly. Chen pushed, and the two embracing figures rolled down on the grass beside him.

The long-legged beauty is like a marionette at the moment, unable to control her body, and can only let Jiang Chen do what she wants.

After the two rolled onto the grass, the long-legged beauty remained motionless, while Jiang Chen's head was still resting on the soft place, and after a while, he snored lightly and fell asleep.

"Really asleep?" Hearing Jiang Chen's heavy breathing, the long-legged beauty almost gnawed her teeth.

She still had a fluke mentality, thinking that Jiang Chen would not be so shameless, never thought that Jiang Chen's shamelessness was beyond imagination, and he actually slept on her pillow?
Being oppressed, there was a slight pain in her chest, and the long-legged beauty was mad with hatred, and also mad with anger, how much she wanted to blow this guy's head off with a single shot.

Ten minutes later, the long-legged beauty managed to open her eyes and said to herself, "No, I can't sleep, I must stay awake."

Another 10 minutes passed, perhaps because Jiang Chen slept so soundly and she was inevitably affected, the long-legged beauty's eyelids became heavier and heavier, almost to the point where she couldn't open them.

"I can't sleep." The long-legged beauty moaned in her heart, but after saying this, she couldn't resist the heavy sleepiness after all, and quietly closed her eyes.

And at the moment when the long-legged beauty fell asleep, Jiang Chen's eyes opened. With two fingers, he gently pulled out the silver needle on the long-legged beauty's body. , and fell asleep comfortably.


Jiang Chen fell asleep, but this night, for some people, was destined to be a sleepless night.

For example, Kong Yujie.





Every time the news of failure came, Kong Yujie was terrified, until finally, when he received the news from Hongji Building, he learned that Cobra had brought so many people to intercept Liu Yufei, but all ended in failure.Kong Yujie's whole body was slumped on the seat, and the energy and energy of her whole body seemed to be emptied in an instant, and her face was pale.

"Why? Why did it become like this?" Kong Yujie screamed hysterically.

This time when she attacked Jiang Chen, she didn't directly deal with Jiang Chen himself, but instead dealt with the people around Jiang Chen, and then used this to hold Jiang Chen hostage.

In doing so, on the one hand, Kong Yujie did not have the confidence to deal with Jiang Chen, and on the other hand, compared to dealing with Jiang Chen directly, it is undoubtedly easier to succeed in dealing with the people around Jiang Chen in this way.

However, things that seemed extremely easy turned out to end in failure in the end.

I don't know when it started, but Jiang Chen actually protected those women who are closely related to him so well one by one.

Even from the very beginning of the plan, Kong Yujie never thought that all of them could be successful. After all, that would be too unrealistic, but even one or two would be good.

In that way, it was enough for Jiang Chen to experience the heart-wrenching feeling deeply, just like Meng Xiangyang's death made her feel so heart-wrenching.

However, it failed once.

Fail Fail Fail, utterly fail.

Of course, Kong Yujie still had a chance, because there were three other women who were close to Jiang Chen, and she hadn't touched her for the time being, they were Tang Tianshuang'er and Lan Xiu.

Tang Tian and Shuang'er, needless to say, in a short period of time, a force has developed and grown in Yilan City, and the Bauhinia will be in full swing. It is not so easy to deal with, unless Master Quan is willing to take action.

However, even if she was willing to sell her body, she failed to convince Master Quan, and Kong Yujie could only temporarily choose to give up.

And Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu, Deputy Mayor of Yilan City.

It is conceivable that a woman at this age can become the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city, regardless of her status or background. Naturally, Kong Yujie would not naively think that it is a manifestation of Lan Xiu's own ability .

Lan Xiu seems to be easier to deal with, but what annoys Kong Yujie is that she doesn't dare to attack Lan Xiu easily. It is likely to be the end of it.

After all, with Lan Xiu's identity there, if something happened to Lan Xiu, the entire political circle in Yilan City would inevitably be hit by a storm, and the consequences would not be something that the mere Meng family could bear.

"What should I do? What should I do next?" Kong Yujie rubbed her face vigorously, scratched her hair again, tried to wake herself up, and said to herself.

Because she knew that even though she didn't show up for what happened tonight, it wasn't difficult for Jiang Chen to find out that she was the instigator behind it.

She exhausted all means and failed without exception. If she couldn't think of a way to deal with Jiang Chen's anger, there would be a 90.00% possibility that she wouldn't survive tonight.

"What should I do?" Kong Yujie became more and more anxious. She couldn't think of any solution at all, or in other words, she didn't expect that all failures would occur. Otherwise, she would not take action against the people around Jiang Chen.

Now, she has already pushed herself into a corner.

Kong Yujie in the study was grabbing her hair over and over again, and she didn't know how many hairs were broken. Because of being too nervous, her face was distorted and hideous, looking like a lunatic.

And at this moment, the sound of knocking on the door rang!

(End of this chapter)

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