genius evil

Chapter 217 Is He Still Human

Chapter 217 Is He Still Human

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

There was a loud knock on the door, and because of the nervousness in her heart, Kong Yujie almost jumped up from her chair in shock from the sound.

"Who?" Kong Yujie asked with a frown.

"Mom, Dad has something to ask for you, come downstairs quickly." Meng Xiaoyang's voice came from outside the door.

"I need you for something? What could it be?" Kong Yujie thought to himself, went to open the door, and saw Meng Xiaoyang standing outside the door, mother and son, one in front and one behind, walking downstairs.

In the living room, on the sofa, Meng Xingnan was sitting there smoking. When he saw Kong Yujie going downstairs, Meng Xingnan paused for a moment while smoking. He took a deep look at Kong Yujie, and soon took a big puff and extinguished the cigarette. In the ashtray.

"Xingnan, what do you want from me?" Kong Yujie walked over and sat down opposite Meng Xingnan.

"You sit here, I'll show you something." Meng Xingnan patted the seat beside him.

For some reason, Kong Yujie suddenly had an extremely bad premonition, but since Meng Xingnan said so, she quickly got up and sat beside Meng Xingnan.

"Xiaoyang, sit down too." Meng Xingnan said to Meng Xiaoyang.

Meng Xiaoyang nodded, and sat on the other side very honestly.

After Meng Xiaoyang sat down, Meng Xingnan picked up a remote control on the table and pressed it lightly. Soon, a frame appeared on the TV.

The picture quality is very rough, and because of the night, it is not very clear, it seems to be cut from a certain section of road surveillance.

In that scene, there were several scenes of cars coming and going, and then a person appeared, and that person was running.

When the running man appeared on the screen, Kong Yujie's breathing became rapid in an instant, because she could see that the man was none other than Jiang Chen.

After watching for a while, Kong Yujie turned her head quietly, and took a look at Meng Xingnan. She was a little confused. What was Meng Xingnan's intention in letting her watch this surveillance?
As the video progressed, Kong Yujie suddenly discovered that Jiang Chen was running faster and faster, unbelievably fast.

The reason for this feeling is that Jiang Chen is crazily overtaking one car after another. Even if the speed of the car is limited, there are not many cars on the road, and they are often pressed by sixty yards. The speed is running.

Jiang Chen ran faster than the car, in other words, it meant that Jiang Chen's running speed exceeded at least sixty yards.

"Is he still human?" Kong Yujie took a deep breath.

She has always known that Jiang Chen is very powerful and difficult to deal with. Whether it is conventional means or unconventional means, it is difficult to get benefits from Jiang Chen. This is also when she decided to attack Jiang Chen, she did not directly The reason for moving Jiang Chen.

And perhaps it was at this time that Kong Yujie had a more intuitive concept of how powerful Jiang Chen was.

How fast does a world champion run?
However, even if there is a world champion running with Jiang Chen at this moment, what is the difference between that speed and a toddler trying to catch up with a strong adult?
A person's running speed is so fast, what kind of freak is Jiang Chen?

Kong Yujie felt a sudden chill in her heart, her hairs stood on end, and the cold sweat quietly soaked the clothes on her back.

"Xingnan, where did you get this monitoring?" Kong Yujie asked with a suppressed voice, suppressing the panic in her heart.

"Don't talk, read it first." Meng Xingnan replied indifferently, took out another cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it in his mouth, and took a deep breath.

Kong Yujie had always disliked Meng Xingnan smoking, especially not liking Meng Xingnan smoking in front of her, but now, she was so flustered and confused that she didn't have the time to pay attention to these insignificant details.

With an anxious mind, Kong Yujie continued to watch. The picture was rough and simple, and because there was no sound, it was like watching a pantomime.

All of Kong Yujie's attention was focused on Jiang Chen alone, watching Jiang Chen running in the screen.

In this way, about 3 minutes passed, Jiang Chen disappeared from the screen, and the video also ended.

Meng Xingnan picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Kong Yujie and said, "There is no Skynet installed in Yilan City, so there are only so many monitoring. Now, tell me your views and ideas."

"What views and ideas can I have?" Kong Yujie asked in astonishment.

Meng Xingnan smiled, just that kind of smile, a little cold, he said: "For example, do you want to kill Jiang Chen?"


Kong Yujie opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

Does she want to kill Jiang Chen?
This was beyond doubt, and it wasn't the first time she had shown killing intent towards Jiang Chen. Meng Xingnan was quite clear about her thoughts on this aspect.

"It's not just you who want to kill Jiang Chen, I also want to kill him. There are too many people in Yilan City who want Jiang Chen to die, but you've seen it too. Is he so easy to kill?" Meng Xingnan said.

"I don't understand." Kong Yujie shook her head.

"How could you not understand, you stupid woman, you did such a stupid thing, why didn't you tell me that you did something to Jiang Chen, you thought you were very powerful, but now you have also seen that he is such a weird fetus, who can kill him? Who can?"

Meng Xingnan spoke angrily, got up abruptly, and slapped Kong Yujie's face heavily with his backhand.

"Idiot, the reason why I let you watch this video is to let you know what a stupid thing you did, and because of your stupidity, our entire Meng family will be buried with you." Meng Xingnan was outraged, Another slap hit Kong Yujie's face.

Kong Yujie was dumbfounded, she didn't know if she was beaten by Meng Xingnan, or by Meng Xingnan's words.


That's right, Jiang Chen is a freak.

A freak who can run faster than a car, can such a person be killed?
Maybe someone could, but it was definitely beyond her ability.

Kong Yujie understood that what Meng Xingnan said was correct, because of her stupidity, the Meng family would bear Jiang Chen's anger, and even be buried with her!
"Speak, aren't you very eloquent? Talk, why don't you speak?" Meng Xingnan's eyes were breathing fire.

He was always holding back a bad breath, who wouldn't want Jiang Chen to die?But the premise is that Jiang Chen can be killed with one strike, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

It was good for Kong Yujie to avoid everyone, and privately mobilized people to attack Jiang Chen. It would be fine if he succeeded, but in the current situation, it was tantamount to dragging the entire Meng family into a desperate situation.

Meng Xingnan wanted to do something to Kong Yujie a long time ago. He forced Kong Yujie to watch the video before doing anything. He wanted Kong Yujie to understand clearly what an unforgivable mistake she had made.

"I... have nothing to say." Kong Yujie's voice was a little hoarse.

"Haha--" Meng Xingnan laughed loudly, "Kong Yujie, Kong Yujie, you don't regret your own death, but why are you dragging us to die together?"

"Meng Xingnan, you coward." Kong Yujie immediately yelled.

"Coward, that's right, I'm a coward. I just don't want to die. What's the use of us earning so much money. When people die, they have nothing. Do you understand?" Meng Xingnan said sharply.

"But do you understand how Xiangyang died? Do you think I won't do something to Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen will let us go? Meng Xingnan, can you stop being so naive? Let me tell you, if we do something, we may still be able to turn the tables. Opportunity, if we don't do it, we will have no chance." Kong Yujie said loudly.

"But you failed." Meng Xingnan hit the nail on the head.

Kong Yujie's face changed, and he opened his mouth to argue, but in the end, he was unable to speak.

"Mom and Dad, stop arguing between you two. What's the use of arguing like this? The most urgent thing is to discuss how to solve this problem." Meng Xiaoyang had to say.

"This is already a dead end." Meng Xingnan sighed, sat down on the sofa, and smoked dejectedly.

"Dead end? Is it possible that Jiang Chen dares to rush directly to my Meng's house to kill?" Meng Xiaoyang sneered, and he said: "I have also watched the video. I admit that Jiang Chen is very powerful, but if Jiang Chen really dares to come directly to kill , then how can he escape legal sanctions?"

After a pause, Meng Xiaoyang went on to say: "If Jiang Chen had a little bit of brains, he wouldn't do something like killing one thousand enemies and harming himself by eight hundred. In this way, we might not have no chance at all, right?"

Both Meng Xingnan and Kong Yujie looked at Meng Xiaoyang in surprise, obviously they did not expect that Meng Xiaoyang would say such a thing.

Moreover, although there are still some loopholes in Meng Xiaoyang's words, the general idea is correct.

That is, Jiang Chen will not come directly to kill them.

"As long as Jiang Chen doesn't do it directly, even if he has other means and other people are available, my Meng family has been operating in Yilan City for many years, and the relationship in various aspects is just a display... At that time, we will have to deal with it again. When Jiang Chen realizes that our Meng family is not so easy to provoke, and then bows his head to him, does he really want our Meng family to die?" Meng Xiaoyang said sternly.

Afterwards, Meng Xiaoyang said in a low voice: "Low your head, it doesn't mean that you are fussy. My Meng family will slowly accumulate strength in the dark. If you make a move in the future, if you don't make a move, it will be fine. If you make a move, it will definitely make Jiang Chen never A place to turn around."

"Well said." Meng Xingnan's eyes brightened, it was clearly a dead end, but under Meng Xiaoyang's analysis, he saw the dawn of hope.

Although that would be very troublesome and would bring certain losses to the Meng family, as long as people are alive, why should they care too much about things outside of them, living is the best.

"That's right, that's right, really, that's really good." Just as Meng Xingnan's voice fell, a voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile came in from outside the door of the living room. Immediately, several figures swaggered entered the living room of the Meng family...

(End of this chapter)

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