genius evil

Chapter 218 Please Die

Chapter 218 Please Die

There were four people who came in, and the one who walked in the front was a young man, who looked a little funny. He was smoking a cigarette like Meng Xingnan, except that he was smoking a cigar.

"Meng Xiaoyang, everyone only sees Meng Xiangyang's excellence, but ignores your existence, and only thinks that you are an ignorant idiot, a good-for-nothing playboy, what you said tonight is still true. It really opened my eyes. If you want me to say, Meng Xiangyang is far worse than you." After the man entered the door, he laughed and said.




Suddenly someone broke in from the outside and interrupted the conversation of the three of them. Meng Xingnan was slightly displeased and worried that the conversation of the three of them would be leaked out. After seeing who it was, his pupils shrank slightly, and he whispered who it was. name.

As for Kong Yujie, she lost her voice slightly, and also called out A Jin's name. Her eyes flickered a little. You need to know that A Jin knew everything she did when she went to find Master Quan a few days ago.

And she did it behind Meng Xingnan's back. If Ah Jin accidentally said it, how could Meng Xingnan, as a man, tolerate being cuckolded by his own woman?
Even that green hat was not successfully put on.But with Meng Xingnan's pride, it was absolutely unbearable.

"It's not me." Ajin laughed.

"Xiaoyang, go make tea." Meng Xingnan ordered immediately.

A Jin is not a big shot, but he hangs out with Master Quan, and he is quite valued by Master Quan, as if he is the spokesperson of Lord Quan, so Meng Xingnan cannot help but not take it seriously.

Although it is not very clear what Ah Jin brought people over in the middle of the night, Meng Xingnan still did a good job in terms of etiquette.

Just like he didn't like to deal with Jiang Chen, Master Quan was not an easy person to get along with. On the surface, he was still unwilling to offend and offend.

"No, I'm not here for tea." A Jin waved his hand, signaling Meng Xiaoyang not to stand up.

"Then what's the matter?" Meng Xingnan asked speculatively.

"Oh, actually, it's not a big deal. I just come here and do some small things." A Jin smiled, looking easy to get along with, but in that funny appearance, there was something hidden in his heart. There was a bit of a weird and sinister look.

"Is the matter related to my Meng family?" Meng Xingnan asked slowly. It seemed that this Ah Jin was a bad visitor, so he secretly raised the warning.

"That's right, it's related to the Meng family." A Jin admitted it very readily, with a look of no intention, his small eyes darted around the three of them, and finally landed on Kong Yujie.

With his tongue sticking out, he made a gesture of licking his lips, and Ah Jin's expression suddenly became ambiguous.

Kong Yujie's body tensed quietly, secretly cursing "Damn it", thinking that this guy is trying to reveal the things about her, right?So what should we do?
Kong Yujie was about to speak to divert Ah Jin's attention, and at the same time hinted that Ah Jin should not talk too much. Before he could say anything, he heard Ah Jin say slowly: "I heard that your Meng family has made a move against Jiang Chen tonight. ?”

"The news about Master Quan is really well-informed." Meng Xingnan mocked.

A Jin smiled and said, "Is there anything that Master Quan doesn't know about the big and small things that happened in Yilan City? The question is whether Master Quan wants to know or not. I came here tonight because of Master Quan's orders. I hope you will The Meng family do me a favor."

"Help?" Meng Xingnan was stunned for a moment, and relaxed a lot. He thought that Master Quan was going to deal with the Meng family. Since he was helping, it would be easier to say, the big deal, just promise a little benefit.

"I don't know what's busy?" Meng Xingnan asked quickly.

"It's very simple. It's definitely a trivial matter. It's a trivial matter...that is, please go to your death." Ah Jin's voice was eerie and extremely penetrating.

"What?" The expressions of Meng Xingnan and the others changed drastically.

"Do it." Ah Jin stopped talking nonsense and stretched out his hand to greet him.

Ah Jingang happened to bring three people over, and as the sound of his words fell, each of the three people had an extra gun in their hands, and then, in an instant, the gunshot rang out, and the three of Meng Xingnan, each of them had a gun on their foreheads. On the ground, there is an extra blood hole.

"Good marksmanship." A Jin smiled happily, shook his head, turned and walked outside.


In the center of Yilan City, there is an old two-story building.

The small building is low and low, and it is inconspicuous compared to the magnificent high-rise buildings around it.

But in this small building, there is a prominent figure who can cause a big earthquake in Yilan City by stomping his feet - Master Quan.

The old small building was in stark contrast to Master Quan's prominent status.

Few people could figure out why Master Quan wanted to live in such a place. Although the location here was good, it was dark and humid because of the surrounding high-rise buildings, so it might not be comfortable to live in.

With Lord Quan's status and power, if he wanted, he could buy all the surrounding buildings without any effort.

The king of the underground world of Yilan City is powerful and mysterious.

Half an hour later, Ah Jin appeared in this small building.

On the second floor of the small building, there is a meditation room. Master Quan is not on the second floor, but in the living room on the first floor. After Ah Jin came, he went directly to see Master Quan.

"Is everything done?" Master Quan asked lightly.

"Master, I'm doing business, do you still have any worries?" Ajin smiled flatteringly.

"It's not that you're worried, but it's better to be cautious." Master Quan said indifferently.

Ajin said: "Master, there is a question I don't understand. Why did we take action to kill Meng Xingnan and the others? Even if we can take the opportunity to blame Jiang Chen for this matter, in my opinion, it won't be too big a problem. The usefulness of it is, at best, to disgust him."

"Oh, have you learned to think about problems yet? Very good progress." Master Quan said with a smile.

"It's all because of you, you teach well." A Jin said brazenly and sycophant.

"You're right, but what I want to do is actually to make Jiang Chen feel sick." Master Quan immediately said casually, glanced at A Jin, and seeing A Jin's bewildered appearance, Master Quan said again: "Have you ever thought about a question, if you were Jiang Chen and stood in Jiang Chen's position, how would you take revenge on Kong Yujie?"

"Of course Kong Yujie must be killed." A Jin said without thinking.

"How?" Master Quan asked quickly.

"At least it's torture, but it won't be so blatant." Ajin said again.

"That's the problem. Kong Yujie's death is certain. There are many different ways how to die. But there is no doubt that Jiang Chen will choose a more concealed way to kill Kong Yujie, and we have to do it It is to tear off this layer of camouflage and make Kong Yujie die a little bit more tragically." Master Quan said.

"Is there any use in doing this?" Ah Jin asked at the right time.

"Is it useful?" Master Quan smiled slightly, and said, "The police will investigate Jiang Chen, that's for sure. On the other hand, the Meng family died so terribly. Will other people feel sad when they die like rabbits and foxes?" Woolen cloth?"

"Once the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, then Jiang Chen will be isolated." Ah Jin's eyes lit up.

"What I want is this kind of effect. Jiang Chen is such a person who can draw hatred. I just help him to draw a little hatred. I believe he won't mind." A sharp cold light flashed in Master Quan's eyes. .

Jiang Chen's development was too fast, and the momentum was too fierce. If he was fighting alone, Master Quan might not be so attentive. The problem is, Jiang Chen still has a Bauhinia Society behind him.

Even if the Bauhinia Society is not a big deal in his eyes now, if it develops like this, in time, it may really grow into a force that can rival him.

And that was something that Master Quan would never allow to happen.

Therefore, if he wants to suppress Jiang Chen, the first step in suppressing is to isolate, let other people feel the same pain, and let everyone reject Jiang Chen.

Originally, this was not an easy thing to do, but as Master Quan said, Jiang Chen was really good at attracting hatred, and the hatred value was almost full.

Jiang Chen wanted to chop the cobra into a human stick, so as to deter others, the effect would definitely be there, but isn't it just pulling hatred?It was a double-edged sword. If it was not used well, Jiang Chen would hurt himself first before hurting anyone.

Now that Master Quan killed Meng Xingnan and the others, it was tantamount to adding a fire to Jiang Chen's hatred value, making the fire burn more vigorously.

Master Quan has reason to believe that after these two incidents, other people will have completely different attitudes when facing Jiang Chen in the future.

"Of course he won't mind." A Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of something, he suddenly said: "Master, this move is indeed extremely clever, but why, we don't take the opportunity to kill Bauhinia." How about killing Jiang Chen?"

"Have you forgotten what I said last time?" Master Quan asked instead of answering A Jin's question.

"My lord, you said that the time has not yet come, but now, the Meng family and Jiang Chen are completely tearing their faces apart, isn't this the best time?" Ajin was puzzled.

That's what he thought of when he heard Lord Quan say this.

Sure enough, Kong Yujie couldn't bear it anymore and made a move. Isn't this the kind of opportunity Master Quan was waiting for?
"I did think about taking advantage of such an opportunity, but unfortunately, Kong Yujie is too weak, or Jiang Chen is too strong." Master Quan sighed, shook his head and said, "If Jiang Chen doesn't show If it is so strong, then the time has indeed come, now, no.”

"Jiang Chen has grown so fast, he is completely breeding tigers." A Jin said cautiously.

Master Quan glanced at A Jin, frowned, and was slightly displeased. He said, "Don't do anything you are not sure about. Jiang Chen is more difficult than you think. As for the Bauhinia Society, it is not a simple existence."

Just like the members of the Meng family had seen that period of monitoring, with Master Quan's energy skills, they had also seen it. Jiang Chen's performance in the monitoring made Master Quan feel extremely troublesome.

As for the Bauhinia Society, it seems insignificant, but there is a Tang family in the provincial capital behind it, and there is no absolute certainty, so how can you touch it?

That's why he would take it slowly, otherwise, how could he just let Jiang Chen under his nose and become a climate?
What Master Quan didn't know was that he missed a best chance, a chance to kill Jiang Chen.He thought he was brilliant, but he made a bad move, which is beyond words!

(End of this chapter)

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