genius evil

Chapter 219 Welcome to the injection next time

Chapter 219 Welcome to the injection next time

Jiang Chen didn't know that he escaped unintentionally. If Master Quan chose to attack him at all costs at this special time tonight, in terms of his physical condition, he would definitely be dead. died.

If he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely feel very lucky. After all, he himself knew what kind of risk it would be to chase and kill Song Yan with a silver needle to stimulate his potential, and it would very likely result in a lose-lose outcome.

What I have to say is that being famous is the benefit of being famous, especially when that kind of reputation is still notorious.

Fame is often a passport, but more often it is a business card. A person's notoriety, no matter what the reason for his notoriety, often means that he is not easy to provoke.

Jiang Chen is naturally the one who is absolutely not easy to provoke, at least in the land of Yilan City, even the king of the underground world, Lord Quan, would not dare to act rashly when he wanted to touch Jiang Chen, and had to think twice OK, thus missed a great opportunity!
Of course, if Jiang Chen knew the true thoughts deep in Master Quan's heart, he would have to thank Kong Yujie and Song Yan. If these two guys hadn't sacrificed their lives for righteousness, how could he have achieved such a great reputation so quickly?
Jiang Chen slept pretty well that night. When he woke up, it was around five o'clock in the morning. He was still pillowed on a soft and warm place, and it was exactly the same all night. This made Jiang Chen a little Fall in love with this taste.

"The long-legged beauty sleeps so sweetly... Well, she looks pretty good when she sleeps, just as good-looking as Xiao Xiuxiu." Looking at the long-legged beauty sleeping, Jiang Chen muttered to himself, unable to bear it. There is a little bit of a mindless horse.

A few hours later, his physical strength has recovered a lot. Although he has not fully recovered, his powerful self-healing ability has recovered by about [-]% to [-]%.

After waking up, it was the time when he was most energetic, especially leaning against such a stunning beauty. As a normal man who couldn't be normal, how could Jiang Chen have no other thoughts?
But Jiang Chen didn't bother the long-legged beauty, and let the long-legged beauty fall asleep like this, until about 05:30, the long-legged beauty woke up under the blink of her long eyelashes.

The moment the eyes were opened, through the thin skylight, the long-legged beauty immediately saw a pair of eyes...not very big, but clear and bright, as if they had the purity of a baby.

The long-legged beauty is a little confused, how could she see such a pair of eyes, who is the owner of these eyes?
And the next second, the long-legged beauty screamed.

"Get out, get out!"

The owner of those eyes was none other than Jiang Chen.

This made the long-legged beauty feel horrified. A guy who is so rogue and kills without batting an eye, actually has such a pair of eyes. God is too embarrassing.

"Long-legged beauty, how did you sleep last night? I think you slept soundly, and I can't bear to disturb you." Jiang Chen ignored the long-legged beauty's reaction and said with a smile.


The long-legged beauty still said the same thing, but her delicate face blushed unknowingly.

What happened last night was a nightmare to her, and the continuation of the nightmare was that she fell asleep under such circumstances.

As an assassin, it is common for her to stay awake for two or three days when carrying out tasks, but in order to kill Jiang Chen, she is well-prepared and extremely energetic.

However, under the influence of Jiang Chen, he fell asleep in a daze, and fell asleep in such an awkward position, how could this be tolerated?

Thinking about it for a while, the long-legged beauty is a little crazy, she has never done such a shameful thing.

"Long-legged beauty, your attitude is really outrageous, how polite do you think I am?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, naturally he wouldn't roll away.

He hasn't had enough sleep yet.

"Politeness? Do you still have the face to mention politeness to me?" It's okay for Jiang Chen not to say that, but when he mentions a long-legged beauty, he just comes here without getting angry. This damn beast, he knows what the word "politeness" means. did you write it?
"Why is there no face? Oh, you can't see my face." Jiang Chen chuckled.

The long-legged beauty was so ashamed and angry that she shouted louder, "Get out, get out!"

"The voice is quite loud. It looks like you really slept well last night. How about it? Doesn't it feel safe to sleep next to me?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

The face of the long-legged beauty turned red, and she pushed Jiang Chen angrily with her hand. With a movement of her hand, the long-legged beauty discovered that her body could actually move.

She was overjoyed, and suddenly pushed Jiang Chen hard, stood up herself, and quickly reached for the gun.

"do not!"

Jiang Chen spoke slowly, "Long-legged beauty, could it be that you really like being touched by me... er, the feeling of being searched?"

The long-legged beauty trembled in her heart, knowing that even if she had a gun in her hand, there was nothing she could do about Jiang Chen.

Moreover, if she still dared to point a gun at Jiang Chen, she might be searched again by Jiang Chen, that is... touch!

After a pause, the long-legged beauty was very frustrated, she had never been so powerless in any matter.

"Actually, I treat you very well, but you don't treat me well at all? You saw that you tried to kill me twice, but I didn't kill you. How many people in this world are treated like this? What's more, I lifted the restraint on you last night and planned to let you go free, but you actually fell asleep, so I didn't sleep well all night because of this, to protect your safety." Jiang Chen rambled talking.

The long-legged beauty gritted her teeth.

What, she was untied last night, when was that?Could it be while she was asleep?

But after she fell asleep, what would be the use of Jiang Chen untying the restraint on her body?
It was obvious that this rascal deliberately teased her and deliberately watched her jokes, but he just said such righteous words, as if he was the most good person in the world.

"Long-legged beauty, although I have done a lot of good things, but you must not think that I treat you differently, and promise me as soon as you are moved. I didn't mean that, I really didn't. Meaning, as for me, the only problem is that I am too soft-hearted. Normally, I would not even step on a small ant, let alone kill a living person?" Jiang Chen sighed, looking very frustrated. look.

The long-legged beauty glanced at Song Yan's body, and the corners of her mouth twitched wildly. This guy opened his eyes and said jokes with a serious look, which was shameless and indescribable.

As for the body promise?

The long-legged beauty responded with a sneer. Maybe Jiang Chen would have such an idea, but he thought it too well.Do you think this will impress her?Did he treat her as an idiot, or as a three-year-old child?

"I'm leaving." The long-legged beauty said lazily listening to Jiang Chen's wordiness.

Now that there is nothing he can do about Jiang Chen, there is no point in staying, so he might as well leave first.

"I'm leaving so soon, won't you kill me?" Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised.

"I will never forget what I said." The long-legged beauty said coldly.

"It means that you will kill me, right?" Jiang Chen laughed.

The long-legged beauty's nerves were tense, and she had a bad idea in her heart. Wouldn't she be angering Jiang Chen? What if Jiang Chen killed her?
"Since you still want to kill me, then you and I will exchange contact information so that you can find me conveniently." Following that, Jiang Chen said again.

The long-legged beauty was dumbfounded, exchanging contact information?How the hell does this guy's head grow?

Jiang Chen didn't wait for the long-legged beauty to refuse, but searched her mobile phone. I have to say that after searching a lot, he is very familiar with the road.

After quickly exchanging contact information, Jiang Chen stuffed the phone back and said with a faint smile: "Okay, my phone is on 24 hours a day, if you want to kill me next time, please contact me anytime, I promise to wait for you anytime Come kill."

The long-legged beauty is so angry. Doesn't this mean that she is incompetent?
How much confidence does it take to wait for her to kill at any time?How can you say such a thing?

But the long-legged beauty was silent. She had personally experienced Jiang Chen's methods. Apart from seeing the scene of Jiang Chen chasing the car frantically, she also saw the scene of Jiang Chen killing people.

This man is indeed not simple.

She wanted to kill him, it was difficult, very difficult!

But no matter how difficult it is, she will not give up. No matter what the price is, she will definitely kill him.

"I will come to you again." In the end, the long-legged beauty said silently.

"Oh, don't be so sad, as if we will never see each other again." Jiang Chen smiled, pointed at Song Yan's body on the ground, and said, "For the sake of being so talkative, this guy you Help me deal with it... Don't stare at me, you are a killer, and you are very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing, I am giving you a chance to display your talents."

The long-legged beauty stared at Jiang Chen, thinking about the possibility of refusing, but in the end she couldn't refuse, dragging Song Yan's body to the Audi car dealership in the distance.

What Jiang Chen said was right, she was indeed very experienced in dealing with this kind of thing, and, if this was the case, it would be the best ending if Jiang Chen could let her go.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Three times, I will give you a total of three chances to kill me. You have used these three chances twice. That is to say, you still have the last chance. I didn't Death, you are my Jiang Chen's woman, so you must make good use of the next opportunity." Jiang Chen said loudly.

The body of the long-legged beauty stiffened suddenly, and then she walked quickly, stuffed Song Yan's body into the trunk of the car, and drove away quickly.

"It seems that I was frightened by me. Could it be that you dare not come to kill me? I really welcome you to come to me again, welcome to come to get an injection next time!" Jiang Chen smiled angrily, turned around and went to the A Mitsubishi car, also drove away.

"Bastard, you and I are at odds. If you want me to be your woman, you will die to me." The Audi car was driving on the road, and the long-legged beauty slapped the steering wheel vigorously, furious!

(End of this chapter)

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