genius evil

Chapter 220 Murder husband

Chapter 220 Murder husband
At around eight o'clock in the morning, when the alarm clock by the bedside rang, Tangyue woke up faintly.

Because of work, Tangyue has always had the habit of setting the alarm clock. When the alarm clock rings, she naturally wakes up.

Especially after being cured of insomnia by Jiang Chen, they often sleep soundly at night. If they don't set the alarm clock, sometimes they can't get up at all.It would be embarrassing if you were accidentally late for class.For a responsible teacher, Tangyue would not allow herself to make such a mistake.

Sitting up from the head of the bed, turning off the noisy alarm clock, Tangyue's mind was empty for a while before she remembered what happened last night.

What happened last night, Tangyue originally thought that she would not be able to fall asleep, but judging from the current situation, she not only fell asleep, but also slept soundly.

Moreover, that bloody memory faded a lot after one night, to the point where she could deal with it calmly.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen did something to me last night?" Tangyue muttered to herself, rubbed her face, and got out of bed.

It was only at this time that Tangyue realized that she hadn't taken off her clothes when she slept last night, and then Tangyue remembered that Jiang Chen hadn't left after she fell asleep last night.

After thinking about it for a while, Tangyue's face turned red.

"That bad guy, didn't he do anything to me?" Tangyue thought in her heart, and walked into the bathroom.

After washing up, Tangyue came to the living room and smelled a faint fragrance, which was the unique fragrance of food.

Tangyue was surprised to see that on the small table next to the sofa, there was a plate of steamed buns and her favorite vegetable and lean meat porridge.

The porridge with green vegetables and lean meat is still steaming, and the fragrant taste comes from the porridge with green vegetables and lean meat.

Tangyue was slightly taken aback, who could have bought her breakfast, and it looked like she bought it just now.

She looked around the room, but didn't see anyone else. After hesitating for a while, she walked towards the sofa. After sitting down on the sofa, Tangyue saw that there was a post it.

"Beautiful teacher Tang, good morning, be in a good mood." At the back, there was a big smiling face.

Looking at that smiling face, Tangyue thought of another hateful smiling face for no reason, tensed for a while, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The post-it note was not signed, but Tangyue naturally knew that Jiang Chen bought the breakfast, so she picked up the spoon and ate it in small bites.

The porridge with green vegetables and lean meat tasted very good, and her appetite was also very good. After a while, Tangyue finished the porridge and ate two more steamed buns.

"I'm so full, I guess I'm going to gain weight." Tangyue complained softly, but there was a cheerful smile on her face.

It's not that she didn't think that when she woke up in the morning, there would be good food waiting for her, which meant that the day would have a good start.

The life of living alone was not as pleasant as imagined, but there were some things, just thinking about it, if Tangyue really asked her to find a boyfriend, she would definitely be timid.

Like, what should your boyfriend do when he sees her waking up unkempt in the morning?For example, what should we do if there is discordant friction in our life?
In short, there are too many things to worry about, and there is not enough psychological construction. It is temporarily difficult for Tangyue to bear the unknown confusion.

Jiang Chen unintentionally fulfilled some of her little fantasies, it was so reckless, and there was no need to ask for her consent.

Thinking of this, Tangyue sighed softly again, since that bad guy brought her snacks uninvited last time, now entering her door, there is really no psychological barrier at all. .

But surprisingly, not annoying.

Because no matter whether it was delivering snacks or breakfast, Jiang Chen was very careful about the details. He could easily turn himself into a translucent person, breaking into her life without affecting her life.

Tangyue felt very satisfied with this sense of distance.

Of course, if Jiang Chen was not too young, and Jiang Chen was not her student, perhaps Tangyue would be more satisfied.After all, in that case, Jiang Chen is completely qualified to play the role of a perfect boyfriend.

"Really, what am I thinking, maybe I was bought by a breakfast." Tangyue slandered herself in a low voice, complaining slightly.

Tangyue put the unfinished steamed buns into the refrigerator, cleaned up the trash, and seeing that it was almost time, she went to the bedroom to change into new clothes, and then opened the door and walked out of the room.

Tangyue had just walked to the corridor when she heard the sound of a door opening from the other end of the corridor, and a figure walked out of the room.

The sexy dress, but not too coquettish and kitsch, has the dignity of a teacher, and the makeup on the face is just right, who else can it be if it is not Teacher Xu Jiao.

Seeing Xu Jiao, Tangyue stopped quietly, and in an instant, she remembered what happened last night again, and she was suddenly a little scared.

Xu Jiao also saw Tangyue. Compared to her light makeup today, Tangyue's face was facing the sky, and her black hair was casually drawn behind her head, which gave people a refreshing feeling.

The smooth and delicate skin can't be compared even with makeup on. Xu Jiaowei feels jealous and feels that God is really unfair at all.

Not to mention giving Tangyue a perfect body and perfect facial features, Tangyue's skin is also so perfect, it is a collection of all the love in one body, and it is easy to compare her.

Jealousy is jealousy, Xu Jiao still smiled and said hello: "Teacher Tangyue, good morning."

"Mr. Xu Jiao, good morning." Tangyue regained her composure and replied.

"Are you going to the classroom? How about going together?" Xu Jiao invited along the way.

In fact, she didn't want to invite Tangyue. It was too stressful to be with Tangyue. Everyone's attention was focused on Tangyue. She had no sense of existence at all.

But if she didn't invite, she seemed too scheming. Xu Jiao was undoubtedly contradictory. Fortunately, after a while, Xu Jiao was relieved because Tangyue didn't accept her suggestion.

"There's still some time, I'll take a walk first, get some fresh air, Mr. Xu Jiao, you go first." Tangyue said.

"Okay." Xu Jiao blinked her eyes, thinking that you were playing tricks, and left quickly.

How did Tangyue know that Xu Jiao would have so many thoughts in such a short period of time, but she also had a lot of thoughts, but they had nothing to do with herself, but Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Xu Jiao's attitude towards me is the same as usual, but she seems to be a little more friendly. It seems that she really forgot what happened last night." Tangyue said to herself.

Last night, whether it was those underwear or Jiang Chen killing the middle-aged woman, it was not a trivial matter. The former is easy to cause gossip, while the latter can easily send Jiang Chen to prison.

But as Jiang Chen said, no one will remember, except her, except him.

She wanted to remember it deliberately, because she didn't want Jiang Chen to bear so much alone... Even if she did it deliberately, the memory has faded a lot now, so she can accept it calmly.

Watching Xu Jiao turn into the stairwell, Tangyue turned her head and looked outside the building. The weather today is very good, the sun is high, and the warm sun shines on her body, making her feel very comfortable.

Tangyue's mood immediately improved, because there will definitely be good weather today, just like she will definitely have a good mood today.

At this moment, Jiang Chen appeared in the downstairs of a hotel in that broken Mitsubishi car, picked up breakfast from the co-pilot's seat, and walked straight into the hotel.

Arriving at the door of a guest room in the hotel familiarly, Jiang Chen knocked on the door, and the door opened quickly, revealing Ding Lingling's little face.

"Oh, why are you here?" Ding Lingling exclaimed a little, and closed the door with a "bang", almost touching Jiang Chen's nose.

"What the hell are you doing, murdering your own husband?" Jiang Chen was a little confused.

After another 5 minutes, the door opened again, this time it was Liu Yufei who opened the door.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Liu Yufei was a little embarrassed.

Jiang Chen shook the breakfast in his hand as he entered the door, and said, "I came here specially to give you something to eat, don't be too moved."

"I'm so touched, we're almost done with breakfast, okay?" Ding Lingling, who was sitting by the bed, rolled her eyes and stuffed food into her mouth.

Jiang Chen was speechless, it seemed that he was a bit self-indulgent, but he was right after thinking about it, the hotel provides breakfast, why would he still bring breakfast eagerly?

"Jiang Chen, have you eaten? Have some together?" Liu Yufei asked.

"It's Da Feifei who treats me the best, come on, give me a kiss." Jiang Chen leaned over with a shy old face.

"Why, take advantage of Yufei as soon as you come here, please don't be in heat all the time, okay? Besides, I'm such a big light bulb stick here, can't you take care of my feelings a little bit?" Ding Lingling transformed instantly As Ding Lingling's flower protector, she got up and pulled Liu Yufei away.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, no, these two women just met last night, how did they become so close all of a sudden?Could it be that after he left last night, something happened here that he didn't know about?
But I didn't see that Ding Lingling or Liu Yufei, who has a lily tendency?
How could Jiang Chen know that after Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei got up this morning, they chatted for a while, women's friendship, sometimes, is often so strange.

Obviously they just met each other, and after exchanging some interests and hobbies, they easily became girlfriends or something.

This is completely unreasonable, because if it is two men, it is impossible to establish a buddy relationship so quickly.

That's why it is said that women are emotional animals, and men are rational animals. The difference in the way of thinking between them is too great.

After all the fun, Jiang Chen leaned over and sat on the bed to eat breakfast, while Ding Lingling and Liu Yufei were talking softly, of course, completely ignoring Jiang Chen.

While eating breakfast, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang. Jiang Chen took out the cell phone, glanced at the caller ID, and connected the call!

(End of this chapter)

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