genius evil

Chapter 221 You Are Arrested

Chapter 221 You Are Arrested

"Yu Fei, how about I make a bet with you, this call is [-]% from a woman, and [-]% is still a beautiful woman, do you believe it or not?" Ding Lingling said treacherously. Glancing at Jiang Chen, curled his lips, and said to Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei didn't say anything, and looked at Ding Lingling with some deep meaning and smiled softly.

Just like Ding Lingling has been testing the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, she has not given up from last night to this morning, why is she not curious about the relationship between Ding Lingling and Jiang Chen?
Although Ding Lingling is a policeman, perhaps because she is too young and has no experience in the world, she has no scheming. In this regard, she has certain work experience, and she has dealt with doctors, patients and patients' families for many years. It is necessary to occupy a certain advantage.

Although she didn't act as obvious as Ding Lingling, she could tell that Ding Lingling was a bit special to Jiang Chen. Don't look at the two of them talking back and arguing endlessly when they met, but if it wasn't for the close relationship To a certain extent, how could the two behave so casually?

Ding Lingling and Jiang Chen have such a close relationship, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Yufei to say that she is not jealous, but other than jealousy, Liu Yufei is more of a headache.

Of course, in Liu Yufei's opinion, maybe Jiang Chen would have even more headaches.

She is a woman who has a strong self-knowledge of herself. She knows that she is excellent, and she is proud of being excellent. Even if there is an inexplicable ambiguity between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling, she will not expose it.

In fact, isn't Ding Lingling the same way, although it looks like a decent temptation, but certain situations are definitely clear in his heart, but he doesn't expose them.

The reason why Liu Yufei felt that Jiang Chen would have a headache was because in her opinion, no matter whether Jiang Chen finally chose her or Ding Lingling, the selection process was definitely not an easy task.

It's just that what Liu Yufei is destined not to know is that what she sees as a single-choice question is actually a multiple-choice question for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is very greedy.

That's right, greed!
"Yufei, why are you looking at me like this and laughing like this? Do you not believe what I say?" Ding Lingling felt a little guilty for no reason, and wondered to herself if she cared too much about Jiang Chen, showing signs of jealousy , if Liu Yufei sees any clues to this, it will be bad, it will be very embarrassing.

Liu Yufei smiled and said, "Lingling, you have a phone."

Ding Lingling was taken aback, but no, her cell phone rang too. She took out the cell phone and looked at it, stuck out her tongue mischievously, got up and went to wash her hands to answer the call.


The person who called Jiang Chen was indeed a woman, and she was indeed a beautiful woman. This beautiful woman was Tang Tian. Apart from one point, there are no other shortcomings.

As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Tian yelled loudly, followed by gasps: "Jiang Chen, where are you now, I want to burn my body, hurry up and die!" .”

Jiang Chen felt a chill, and hurriedly covered the microphone to prevent Liu Yufei from hearing something unsuitable for children, and said angrily, "Little girl, why are you so nervous in broad daylight?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm obviously in heat, okay, can't you hear that I'm excited now?" Tang Tian yelled.

Jiang Chen really wanted to say that it was none of my business, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong. Tang Tian is his woman now, and it really has none of his business, especially when it comes to this kind of thing.

"What's the matter, so excited in broad daylight?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"It's not all because of you." Tang Tianjiao snorted and chatted, not knowing what to do on the other end of the phone.

Then I heard Tang Tian continue to say: "Jiang Chen, did you take the Meng family into a pot? It's too powerful. I really admire you."

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen frowned, realizing that something was wrong.

Perhaps it was because of the awareness of Jiang Chen's situation that Tang Tian's panting became less heavy, and she asked suspiciously: "Didn't you kill that woman Kong Yujie, and you also killed Meng Xingnan and Meng Xiaoyang? "

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

If he hadn't met Song Yan last night, he would have gone to Meng's house, but his physical condition didn't allow him, so he didn't go.

And early in the morning, he had to be distracted to coax the woman next to him, thinking that he would go to Meng's house after all the things here were settled, but he didn't expect that Tang Tian's call would give him bring such a message.

"It's really not you?" Tang Tian was very surprised, and immediately screamed: "No, you were framed and blamed, and now people outside are rumoring that you did it."

Tang Tian had heard about some things that happened last night, but Kong Yujie's actions were too fast, and she didn't have time to react effectively.

Then this morning, Tang Tian received the news that the Meng family was taken over by Jiang Chen. Because of what happened last night, Tang Tian naturally felt extremely happy, so she made this call to flirt with Jiang Chen. Who would have known? , it has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

"Did someone spread the rumors on purpose or what happened?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"The news spread quickly. It is very likely that someone is secretly manipulating it. Since you didn't do anything, maybe it was the man who secretly manipulated it... I know, it must be Master Quan, and he is the only one with such a big power." Energy is really a good way, I think the old guy is getting impatient." Tang Tian said in a cold voice, she had a sense of the sight of a domineering president falling in love with me.

"Okay, I see." Nodding his head, Jiang Chen hung up the phone.

Just at this moment, Ding Lingling also came out of the bathroom after making a phone call, and looked at Jiang Chen with resentful and complicated eyes, as if he was preoccupied and wanted to say something.

"Are you out of your mind too?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You're crazy, no, you're just crazy." Ding Lingling scolded, and then sighed softly, looking very worried.

A few minutes later, after Liu Yufei packed up, the three of Jiang Chen checked out and left the hotel. Jiang Chen wanted to send Liu Yufei to work at the company in Hongji Building first.

"Jiang Chen, where's your car?" Ding Lingling looked left and right, but didn't see Jiang Chen's Porsche, and asked strangely.

"Here, there." Jiang Chen pressed the remote control in his hand, and the Mitsubishi car beeped.

"I'm asking about your Porsche." Ding Lingling looked disgusted. Porsche doesn't drive Mitsubishi, as if she wants to pretend to be low-key, and she doesn't wear such a pretense.

"So much nonsense, get in the car." Jiang Chen glared at Ding Lingling.

He also wants to drive a Porsche. By the way, the first car is a BMW, and the second is a Porsche. He is used to driving luxury cars. Suddenly, he drives a broken Mitsubishi that costs tens of thousands of yuan. It was a little unbearable, not to mention that it couldn't be controlled smoothly, which almost gave Jiang Chen the urge to smash this broken car.

Naturally, there is still a scooter at any rate, so Jiang Chen will just drive it for the time being, and wait for a chance to buy a better car... As for asking Jiang Chen to pay for it, Jiang Chen is definitely not willing to buy it. Will go for it.

After all, the speed at which the cars he was driving was scrapped was too fast. The BMW was smashed, and the Porsche was even blown up. If he really spent his money to buy such an expensive car, Jiang Chen would be very distressed.

As for it being given by someone else or snatched, it doesn't feel so distressing anymore.

Ding Lingling hated it, but she still dragged Liu Yufei into the car, the two girls sat in the back seat, Jiang Chen started the car, and drove to Hongji Building.

After watching Liu Yufei get out of the car and enter the Hongji Building, Ding Lingling ran to the co-pilot's seat.

"Where are you going? The police station?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Go to the police station." Ding Lingling looked serious.

Jiang Chen smiled, doesn't this woman know that she looks funny like this?

Perhaps she also felt that it was not good for her to be stretched like this. After a while, Ding Lingling couldn't stretch herself any longer. She quietly glanced at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, what did I give you earlier?" When you opened the door, you didn't see anything you shouldn't see, did you?"

"You seem to be wearing clothes?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"I didn't mean that." Ding Lingling wrinkled her nose.

"Then what else can I see?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"It's better not to see anything." Ding Lingling snorted coldly, her heart was very dangerous, she heard the knock on the door and opened the door, thinking it was the waiter of the hotel, who would have thought it was Jiang Chen?

If she knew it was Jiang Chen, she would definitely... have to wait a few minutes before opening the door, at least tidy her hair and put on her clothes first.

She is a beautiful woman, okay? Being seen with disheveled hair is really detrimental to the image. Fortunately, Jiang Chen really didn't see it, it seemed that he saw it and pretended not to see it. This undoubtedly made Ding Lingling I feel a little better.

"By the way, you two women slept in the same bed last night, didn't anything happen?" Jiang Chen asked a psychological question at this moment.

"Crazy, crazy." Ding Lingling stared viciously.

"I was asking if something happened to you, what are you scolding me for?" Jiang Chen had a pure face.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, maybe I'm dreaming that Yu Fei and I are lying on the same bed and serving you. It's a beautiful idea." Ding Lingling exposed it unceremoniously.

"Little girl, life is already so difficult, so you don't have to tell the truth, it's very hurtful." Jiang Chen smiled a little weakly.

With Ding Lingling's pitiful IQ, she can see this, but what about Liu Yufei, can she also see it?This made Jiang Chen's heart bleed. It seems that the three of them will be in the same bed in a short time, so don't even think about it.

About half an hour later, the car arrived at the branch office where Ding Lingling was working. Ding Lingling got off the car, walked around to the driving position, and said, "Jiang Chen, stretch out your hand."

"Why, we still need to shake hands. We are so familiar, so we don't need to be so strangers?" Jiang Chen smiled and stretched out his right hand.


Ding Lingling threw out a pair of handcuffs, handcuffed Jiang Chen's right wrist, and said coldly: "Jiang Chen, I am now officially notifying you that you have been arrested!"

(End of this chapter)

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