genius evil

Chapter 222

Chapter 222
"Little girl, you mean, I was arrested?" Looking at the handcuffs in his hands, Jiang Chen blinked.

I don't know why, seeing Ding Lingling's serious and business-like appearance, Jiang Chen really wanted to laugh, and then, Jiang Chen really laughed, and burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at, what's so funny, don't laugh, be more serious." Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen angrily, that was a dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it. Let me laugh for a while. After laughing, I promise to be extremely serious." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, unable to stop at all.

Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with a tangled face. She didn't understand what was so funny about such a thing. She wanted to cry, okay?
However, Jiang Chen just smiled, and laughed so loudly, as if he was very happy, which gave her a deep sense of frustration.

Jiang Chen laughed for a full 3 minutes before he was able to control the expression on his face. He looked at Ding Lingling and said, "Little girl, I said you didn't mean to lure me to the police station on purpose and then arrest me Bar."

"That's not true." Ding Lingling immediately shook her head in denial, she didn't have such scheming.

In the beginning, she really just asked Jiang Chen to send her to work at the sub-bureau, and she had no intention of arresting Jiang Chen... Even in the hotel room, she received a call from the bureau, saying that something happened to the Meng family, and Jiang Chen was the biggest Ding Lingling still hesitated when asked her to return to the police station and arrange the arrest of Jiang Chen.

This is also the reason why Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with complicated and sad eyes when she came out of the bathroom after answering the phone, and it was also the reason why Ding Lingling would suddenly lose her temper when she was teased by Jiang Chen, saying that Jiang Chen was just crazy for the sake.

After all, if he wasn't crazy, how could he do such a crazy thing?

No matter how great the enmity with the Meng family is, you can't kill people, that's all, but you still kill so blatantly, as if you are afraid that others will not know, isn't this waiting to be sent to prison? ?

It is completely possible to kill secretly without leaving any evidence of crime. Deep in her heart, Ding Lingling did not complain about Jiang Chen. She felt that Jiang Chen was deliberately embarrassing himself and her.

What Ding Lingling hesitated was whether she should leak the news to Jiang Chen so that Jiang Chen could escape, but in the end, her conscience and sense of justice still defeated her urge to sacrifice herself for selfishness.

Ding Lingling planned to pretend that she didn't know anything, and neither leaked information to Jiang Chen nor arrested Jiang Chen... But as the police station got closer, the panic in Ding Lingling's heart became more and more serious. more and more.

What Ding Lingling panicked about was that even if she didn't arrest Jiang Chen, other policemen would arrest Jiang Chen. What if someone shot Jiang Chen and killed Jiang Chen?What if Jiang Chen survived being shot and became crippled?

It was precisely because of this panic that Ding Lingling decided to personally arrest Jiang Chen. In this way, Jiang Chen would not need to face other policemen, at least his personal safety could be guaranteed.

But doing so was not an easy task for Ding Lingling. God knows how determined she was to put the handcuffs on Jiang Chen's hands.

What a big deal this must be. Jiang Chen could still laugh. Ding Lingling was very depressed. If he was depressed, he would die or live.

"Oh, it's fine if it's not." Jiang Chen smiled. He could tell that Ding Lingling wasn't lying. Although he didn't know why this chick was determined to arrest him, he understood that Ding Lingling would not betray him. .

"Little girl, even if you want to arrest me, there should be a reason, right? If you don't have a reason to convince me, then I won't agree." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said decently.

"Where do you need any reason, you don't know what you do yourself." Ding Lingling said bitterly, very much hating iron but not steel, how could Jiang Chen do such a vicious thing?

"How would I know." Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"About the Meng family." Ding Lingling sighed.

"What does that have to do with me?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Ah——" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and immediately became excited, and asked in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, what do you mean, you didn't kill people?"

"Of course I didn't kill it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Then who killed them?" Soon, Ding Lingling asked again.

Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling like an idiot, as if you were asking me, who am I going to ask?
"No, what I mean is, what evidence do you have to prove that you didn't kill the person? You must know that you are the biggest and only suspect now." Ding Lingling realized that she asked an extremely idiotic question, and hurriedly Another way.

"Then, who has evidence to prove that I killed the person?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.


Ding Lingling was stunned. She found that what Jiang Chen said seemed to have a little truth.

After all, the suspect is the suspect, not the murderer with solid evidence. Even if Jiang Chen cannot prove his innocence, then there is no direct evidence to prove that Jiang Chen killed the person.

In this way, it seems that the nature of the whole matter is much lighter, and Ding Lingling is more or less relieved.

Because Ding Lingling naturally believed in Jiang Chen. Since Jiang Chen said he didn't kill anyone, then he didn't kill someone. She felt that Jiang Chen would not deceive her.

"There is no evidence to prove that I killed people. Is it inappropriate to put me in handcuffs or something? At most, I am here to assist your police in handling the case, right?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Oh, that's right." Ding Lingling nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and happily uncuffed Jiang Chen, as if Jiang Chen was fine.

"Jiang Chen, don't run away. If you run away, the matter will deteriorate. You can go in with me to assist in the investigation." Ding Lingling babbled, vowing: "Jiang Chen, as long as people You really didn't kill it, I can assure you that no one will make things difficult for you."

"How do you guarantee it?" Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling curiously.

"I...I..." Ding Lingling hesitated, and said, "Don't ask so many questions, anyway, you will know when the time comes, let's go."

Jiang Chen had no intention of running away. He knew very well that this was a situation. If he really escaped or was arrested, it would be to satisfy some people's intentions.

Naturally, Jiang Chen was incomparably aggrieved and annoyed by being calculated like this.

At that moment, Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling walked into the sub-bureau together.

"That's... Jiang Chen..."

"That's right, it's Jiang Chen."

"What's going on, Ding Lingling brought Jiang Chen back?"

"It doesn't seem to be. It seems that Jiang Chen walked in by himself."


It wasn't the first time Jiang Chen came here. The last time he came, his performance at the police station left a deep impression on many policemen.

No, as soon as they entered the sub-office, they were recognized by many people. Everyone looked at Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling and talked a lot.

Ding Lingling brought Jiang Chen into the interrogation room, and said, "Jiang Chen, I want to make a record for you."

"Okay." Jiang Chen was very relaxed, and looked around.It has to be said that this kind of thing is quite new to him.

"When I ask you some questions, don't say anything that you think is not good." Ding Lingling reminded.

Jiang Chen smiled, this little girl was so righteous when she was arrested, how could she be selfish now?
"Okay." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Before starting to take notes, Ding Lingling poured Jiang Chen a glass of water. It looked like he was interrogating a suspect, but he was chatting with an old friend.

However, before Ding Lingling could ask her first question, she saw three people outside, pushing open the door of the interrogation room and walking in.

"Lingling, you go out first, just let me handle the things here." A middle-aged man walking in the front said gently.

"Director Cheng, Jiang Chen was captured by me." Ding Lingling was a little stunned, but also a little nervous. How could even the biggest boss of the sub-bureau be alarmed and interrogate Jiang Chen himself? This is not a good sign.

"Okay, okay, it really is a tiger father without a dog girl." Director Cheng boasted, and then said: "This is what Secretary Ding means, Lingling, you should go out first."

"Secretary Ding?" Ding Lingling's complexion changed quietly, and she looked at Jiang Chen absent-mindedly. She had sworn to promise Jiang Chen that no one would embarrass Jiang Chen. Now, her guarantee would no longer be effective, or She said that the situation was beyond her control as a little policeman.

"Little girl, you go out first, I'll chat with this Director Cheng." Jiang Chen was very relaxed.

Ding Lingling was a little reluctant, but she also understood that she had no choice but to stay here, so she could only reluctantly leave the interrogation room.

As soon as she walked out of the interrogation room, Ding Lingling just picked up her mobile phone and made a call. She didn't say a few words on the phone, but started arguing.

Chief Cheng signaled the people around him to close the door of the interrogation room, glanced at the water glass in front of Jiang Chen, and then at Jiang Chen's empty hands.

But after just a glance, Chief Cheng withdrew his gaze. He spread out the notebook, tapped lightly with a pen, and said, "Jiang Chen, shall we start now?"

"If Director Cheng has any questions, feel free to ask them. I will definitely tell you everything." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Director Cheng's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Looking at Jiang Chen's posture, it was obvious that he was a hard-headed person. This record might not be so easy to make.

But when he thought about it, Director Cheng was relieved. Killing the three members of the Meng family, or shooting him, how could such criminals have a bad psychological quality?

Moreover, Director Cheng had heard of Jiang Chen before the Meng family incident happened. Jiang Chen and Fang Yongnian had a lot of conflicts. They all endured or endured silently.

"It seems that I have to spend a little more time dealing with it." Director Cheng thought to himself, pondered for a while, and asked the first question...

(End of this chapter)

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