genius evil

Chapter 223 Your life is mine

Chapter 223 Your life is mine
About half an hour later, Director Cheng left the interrogation room with a confused expression on his face.

As Jiang Chen said, Jiang Chen really knows everything, no matter what question he asks, no matter how he asks, Jiang Chen will give him an answer, and his attitude is still absolutely sincere, which is absolutely impressive. Can't fault it at all.

Naturally, in this way, even though the transcript is densely written, this transcript is actually worthless, and it is completely equivalent to wasting half an hour.

Director Cheng had a bit of a headache. Although he had seen Jiang Chen's reluctance, he never imagined that Jiang Chen would be so difficult to deal with. Moreover, Jiang Chen was still so young, but his mind was so sophisticated that even an old man like him Fried dough sticks had to brace themselves to deal with them, otherwise they would easily be led away by Jiang Chen.

"This matter is troublesome." After muttering, Director Cheng walked to his office.


Three members of the Meng family, Meng Xingnan, Kong Yujie, and Meng Xiaoyang, were killed in their villa. When the news spread, it was immediately spread in some circles in Yilan City.

Especially when they learned that the biggest suspect was Jiang Chen, many people were astonished, but at the same time they were relieved.

After all, if there is anyone in Yilan City who can be so crazy, Jiang Chen is probably the only one.

Because Jiang Chen and the Meng family had long had a deep grudge, and it was even rumored that Meng Xiangyang's death had something to do with Jiang Chen.

Although speaking of this matter, many people thought that the Meng family maliciously slandered Jiang Chen, but the Meng family did not slander others, but did slander Jiang Chen, and some people could still see a little truth from it.

"What, Jiang Chen took over the Meng family?" In an office in Hongji Building, Gu Xiang almost jumped out of his chair in shock as soon as he heard the news.

"What's the situation, tell me in detail." Soon, Gu Xiang said to the person on the other end of the phone.

The man told Gu Xiang all the news, hung up the phone, and Gu Xiang frowned tightly.

"Something's not quite right." Gu Xiang said to himself.

Gu Xiang had confronted Jiang Chen before, he knew how powerful Jiang Chen was, a freak who completely crushed him in terms of IQ, it would be no wonder if he wasn't so good.

You have to know that although he looks like a dandy on the surface, how can it be simple for the Gu family to operate in Yilan City for three generations?
As the third generation of the Gu family, no matter how unmotivated he is, he is still not a simple character under the influence of his ears and eyes. What's more, this Hongji Building is managed by Gu Xiang, so how can he be a simple character?

Gu Xiang felt that something was wrong, he was the one who realized that the whole thing seemed too simple, almost a straightforward way, pointing the final suspect to Jiang Chen.

And with Jiang Chen's monster-like IQ, even if he really took over the Meng family, would he leave such a conspicuous handle?

Gu Xiang didn't know how others looked at this issue. Anyway, he would never think that Jiang Chen would make such a stupid mistake.

"I don't know what's going on with Jiang Chen. There must be a big problem with this matter." Gu Xiang pondered, took out his cell phone, and found a phone number.

That phone number was Gu Jiahao, a high-ranking official in Yilan City.

Gu Xiang wanted to make a call to Gu Jiahao, but in the end, he put the phone away again.

"Look again." Gu Xiang said to himself.

The reason why he cares about Jiang Chen is largely because he and Jiang Chen are closely related in terms of interests.

Feifei Medicine & Beauty Company is about to open. Naturally, even Gu Xiang is unwilling to see such a change at such a critical moment.

But for this reason, it alarmed Gu Jiahao and made Gu Xiang hesitate a bit. Firstly, the relationship between him and Jiang Chen didn’t seem to reach this level. Secondly, in Gu Xiang’s opinion , even if this matter is very tricky, with Gu Jiahao's identity, it is not easy to intervene in it. If he calls this way, it will only make it difficult for Gu Jiahao.


Yilan City Government.

In the secretary's office, an office meeting is in progress.

After Gu Jiahao said something, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket, Gu Jiahao took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and was about to light it up, when he saw Lan Xiu's direct eyes, he was Putting the cigarette on the table, he took a sip of the tea at hand.

When the rest of the people saw such a scene, they all secretly laughed, and at the same time felt helpless.

Smoked tea is indispensable for a group of senior men to have a meeting. Normally, when the meeting starts, the meeting room is almost smoky.

But such a scene became different after Lan Xiu arrived, especially after Lan Xiu bluntly asked Gu Jiahao to put out the cigarette in front of Gu Jiahao.

As the leader of Yilan City, Gu Jiahao, no one would doubt his mind and bearing. After all, no matter how outstanding his ability is, how can he sit in this position if he doesn't have a certain bearing and mind?

But it's one thing for Gu Jiahao to be broad-minded and magnanimous, but another thing to be dignified as the leader. Who dares to be like Lan Xiu and not give any face?

Lan Xiu just dared not give face, and she also has a great advantage, that is, she is a woman, a beautiful woman, and a woman with strong ability.

Since then, basically no one smokes in various large and small meetings, and often after the meeting is over, a group of old smokers will rush back to their office and take a few puffs before talking. There is no way, sometimes The meeting time is long, and it can almost suffocate people.

Putting down his teacup, Gu Jiahao coughed lightly, and said: "Just last night, a criminal incident of extremely vile nature occurred. Before the meeting, I received a call from Director Cheng. The suspect Jiang Chen has been brought to justice, but this incident The case must not be taken lightly, Secretary Honghou, you must not relax your demands on yourself."

Ding Honghou, a senior official of Yilan Municipal Law, said at this time: "I talked with Director Cheng on the phone, and I will follow up at any time."

"That's good." Gu Jiahao nodded.

The Meng family is a big family in Yilan City. During his term of office, it is absolutely not what Gu Jiahao would like to see happen.

This case must be taken seriously, and it has to be taken seriously.

"The suspect...Jiang Chen..."

Lan Xiu, who hadn't spoken much all this time, heard the key words, and her mind tensed quietly. She basically didn't listen to any of the agenda items in the subsequent meeting. Her mind was no longer here.

As soon as the meeting was over, after returning to the office, Lan Xiu asked secretary Shen Lili to investigate the detailed situation immediately, and within a short time, Shen Lili gave her a detailed reply.

"How could this be?" Lan Xiu frowned.

She knew that that nasty bad guy was lawless, otherwise how could he not even care about Chi Kaize, but Lan Xiu never thought that Jiang Chen would be so lawless.

"What should I do?" Lan Xiu became distressed, and at the same time she was a little hesitant and at a loss.

Jiang Chen, her man... Even if she would never admit it, at least she would not admit it in front of Jiang Chen, but this is the fact that Jiang Chen is her man, the only man.

"Suspect, the evidence is insufficient... It's a pity that I can't contact Jiang Chen for the time being, otherwise I can ask what's going on." Lan Xiu kept thinking about this issue.

In the end, Lan Xiu dialed Director Cheng with complicated thoughts.

"Director Zhe Mao, I have a question..." Lan Xiu adjusted her tone and said slowly.

In the office, Cheng Zhemao has been flipping through Jiang Chen's transcripts, hoping to find useful clues from them. This is a serious case, and the municipal party committee and government were alarmed. Secretary Honghou even gave him a lot of support. He had to be cautious about the pressure.

After finishing the call with Lan Xiu, Cheng Zhemao lit a cigarette for himself.

Sure enough, as he expected, there was a chain reaction after the incident.

Lan Xiu's phone call, although he only asked about Jiang Chen's case and didn't say anything else, Cheng Zhemao couldn't hear it.

Lan Xiu came to intercede with Jiang Chen, but Lan Xiu's method was relatively clever.

"Jiang Chen actually got on the line of Mayor Lan." Cheng Zhemao smiled wryly.

Lan Xiu's ranking in the city government is relatively high, especially after Chi Kaize was transferred, the work in charge of Lan Xiu is much more arduous than before. This is obviously because her qualifications are too shallow The reason, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lan Xiu has a bright future.

Cheng Zhemao has no friendship with Lan Xiu, but he must pay attention to this call.


In a very ordinary hotel, on the big bed, a sleeping figure woke up faintly, the quilt was kicked away, revealing a pair of slender legs.

With fluttering purple hair and a delicate and picturesque face, she was the long-legged beauty who had dealt with Jiang Chen before.

After the long-legged beauty woke up, she picked up the phone next to the bed and quickly flipped through it.

"Well, Jiang Chen has been arrested, it's related to the Meng family..."

The long-legged beauty came to Yilan City this time, and the itinerary was related to Jiang Chen, so she was always paying attention to any information related to Jiang Chen.

After returning from the suburbs last night, the long-legged beauty stayed in this small hotel. According to her plan, she would leave Yilan City within today.

If you can't kill Jiang Chen, you can only be humiliated by Jiang Chen if you stay. Naturally, the long-legged beauty won't stay here foolishly, and there is no point in staying.

The long-legged beauty never thought that she would receive such a message before she left.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, are you finally unlucky?" The long-legged beauty laughed gloatingly.

The news she received was very detailed, including the time of the deaths of the three members of the Meng family. This let the long-legged beauty know that it was impossible for Jiang Chen to kill people at that time because Jiang Chen was with her.

This also means that she is Jiang Chen's only time witness.

But, will she testify against Jiang Chen?Obviously not.

"Jiang Chen, you don't want to be killed so easily. Don't forget, your life is mine. I haven't killed you myself. How can you die?" Long-legged The beauty smiled slightly, as bright as snow!

(End of this chapter)

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