genius evil

Chapter 224

Chapter 224
Far away in Tiannan City.

Song family.

In the magnificent and luxurious villa, in the study room, the lights were on, and a figure was sitting there quietly. He was holding two documents in his hand, and was checking them one by one in detail.

When there was a knock on the door outside the study, the man raised his head and said, "Song Yang, come in."

A young man opened the door and walked into the study. It was Song Yang.

"Uncle, you are looking for me." Song Yang said to the man with a smile after entering the door.

That person is none other than Song Yuan. Mr. Song is old and lives in seclusion. He has long ignored the internal affairs of the family. All matters, big or small, are taken care of by Song Yuan.

Song Yuan is the current head of the Song family.

And Song Yang is Song Yuan's brother and Song Qi's son. The two brothers Song Yuan and Song Qi have taken completely different paths. To a certain extent, although Song Yang represents the Song family, Song Qi actually This is the real reliance of the Song family.Song Qi's importance to the Song family was much higher than Song Yuan's.

Song Yang is Song Qi's son, but he is actually a few years older than Song Chen. Unlike Song Chen's dude, Song Yang's excellence is obvious to all inside the Song family. Future successors are being cultivated.

Song Yuan had always waited for Song Yang to come out as himself, and after the death of his own son Song Chen, he put all his thoughts on Song Yang, focusing on cultivating Song Yang, and Song Yang never let him down. .

"Song Yan is dead, you know that?" Song Yuan asked Song Yang.

Song Yang nodded. This matter, not only within the Song family, but also among several major families in Tiannan City, has already spread, making many people laugh at it. turmoil.

This matter was a thorn in the Song family's internal affairs. An unknown boy in Yilan City actually caused Song Shi and Song Yan to sink their halberds one after another. The blow to the Song family was too great.

You know, only Song Shi and Song Yan have joined the dignified Song family. These two are the Song family's surprise soldiers, and they are the biggest help for the Song family's struggle for hegemony in Tiannan City.

The death of these two people is tantamount to dragging the Song family into an extremely embarrassing predicament. Even if other family forces have not taken any action for the time being, but are watching the jokes of the Song family one by one, it still makes the Song family , I felt a lot of pressure.

How could Song Yang not know about such a major event, but Song Yang just nodded, he knew that Song Yuan must have other intentions for bringing up this matter alone, and meeting him alone.

"It's good to know, I have two documents here, you can read them first." Song Yuan said, and casually threw the two documents to Song Yang.

Song Yang took one of them, but it was the information about Jiang Chen.

The Song family had a lot of information about Jiang Chen, especially after Song Shi's death, the Song family's attention to Jiang Chen had reached a big level, and they did everything possible to collect information related to Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen seems to be acting against the sky, but everything related to him is really too simple, so simple that it is difficult to find any valuable clues in his information.

"Huh?" When Song Yang read the assessment of Jiang Chen's ability at the end of this document, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Fast enough to catch up with the car?" Song Yang was amazed. This was something he didn't know before, but seeing it now, he was extremely shocked.

After reading this document, Song Yang picked up the second copy. It recorded some things that Jiang Chen had done in Yilan City. The big and small things were very perfect. Of course, they were not Jiang Chen after all. It is impossible for Chen himself to cover everything and know everything, but the level of detail listed in this information is enough to make people astonishing.

"Yilan City, Meng Family, Miemen!" Song Yang whispered to himself, took a breath of air, put down the information in his hand, and then looked at Song Yuan.

"Jiang Chen is very strong. It can be seen from the fact that he was able to kill Song Yan. He is a different kind of person and cannot be taken lightly. But now, we have a very good opportunity. You should know that Jiang Chen entered the The police station is here." Song Yuan said slowly.

"The reason why Jiang Chen entered the police station was because he killed the three members of the Meng family. Although I don't like this reason very much, after all, it is too stupid, but since Jiang Chen entered the police station, we have to take care of it. Take advantage of this great opportunity." Immediately afterwards, Song Yuan said again.

"Uncle, what do you mean?" Song Yang faintly understood Song Yuan's intention, but asked anyway.

"Jiang Chen is currently the biggest suspect in killing the three members of the Meng family, but the evidence is obviously insufficient. If there is no accident, he will be released soon. What we have to do is to keep Jiang Chen in the police station for as long as possible. , Find a way to let him die inside."

Having said that, after a slight pause, Song Yuancai said: "I will leave this matter to you. If you think it is necessary, you can also go to Yilan City and meet that Jiang Chen."

There is a lot of Jiang Chen's information in the Song family, but the only ones who actually met Jiang Chen were Song Chen, Song Shi and Song Yan. Unfortunately, these three people all died in Jiang Chen's hands.

For Jiang Chen himself, Song Yang was not inquisitive. Hearing Song Yuan's words, his eyes lit up slightly.

"I'll take care of it." Song Yang said in a deep voice.

Although Song Yang was trained as the next successor of the Song family, he didn't have many opportunities to be alone. There was no way, Song Yuan's desire for power was too strong, and no one else was allowed to intervene. no.

But now, he, Song Yang, was going to deal with such a major matter concerning the future of the Song family. Song Yang understood that this time, he stood in front of the stage in a legitimate way.

Perhaps the existence of this Jiang Chen was Song Chen's sorrow, Song Shi and Song Yan's sorrow, and the Song family's sorrow, but it was precisely because of Jiang Chen's existence that he created a way to go up.

Naturally, the premise is that he can deal with this matter gracefully, and the final result will be Jiang Chen's death.

"Well, you go out first." Song Yuan still believed in Song Yang.

The reason why Song Yuan was pushed out at this time was because the deaths of Song Shi and Song Yan made Song Yuan feel a sense of crisis. He felt that it was time for Song Yang to shine.

"Yes." Song Yang went out quickly, and Song Yuan was the only one in the study.

"The hateful thing is that the land group will never be allowed to be used by my Song family, otherwise, Jiang Chen can be sent to a military court by making a fuss about the death of Song Shi and Song Yan, so there is no need for such a lot of trouble. "Song Yuan said bitterly to himself.

There are people in the Song family, but the land group is definitely not the Song family's land group. After the death of Song Shi and Song Yan, the Song family can say that it has nothing to do with the land group, and can no longer use the power of the land group. , this matter is not to make Song Yuan hate.

Moreover, Song Chen's death in the last period was entirely his own fault, and he failed to catch any handle. No matter how much the Song family resented Jiang Chen, there was no suitable reason to do it.

Now, there is no reason, and Song Yuan is going to create an unfounded reason. In short, Jiang Chen must die, otherwise, the Song family will most likely have a very difficult next step due to Jiang Chen's obstruction. .

Song Yang's actions were quick. After leaving the study, he immediately called Yilan City and made some arrangements. Then, Song Yang immediately went to Yilan City.

Since the Meng family was wiped out, and the subsequent fermented reaction, after Lan Xiu, a behemoth ushered in, the pressure on Cheng Zhemao suddenly became greater.

Because, Song Yang's call was made directly to his personal mobile phone.

"How many important people has this Jiang Chen provoked?" Cheng Zhemao was bitter. Although he knew that this matter would be difficult, Cheng Zhemao did not expect that it would be so difficult.

Fortunately, Song Yang came forward on behalf of the Song family, not to intercede for Jiang Chen, but to exert pressure. This was essentially the same as Cheng Zhemao's thoughts, so that Cheng Zhemao could withstand the pressure for the time being.

"I hope no other calls come in." Cheng Zhemao looked at his mobile phone. He wanted to turn it off, but he didn't dare.

Don't look at him as a bureau chief, but he is just a sub-bureau chief of a prefecture-level city, and there are a lot of people on it. Once he shuts down, he will offend many people. It is about to be moved.

Not too long passed. At this time, Jiang Chen was still in the interrogation room.

The interrogation against him is not over yet. This is an important case, which can be regarded as one of the few serious cases in Yilan City.

The order from above is to complete the iron case without any mistakes, which means that this will be a protracted battle.

Jiang Chen was drinking tea. This tea was brewed by Ding Lingling. That little girl Ding Lingling was worried about his situation, so she slipped over from time to time to take a look. What kind of organization and discipline and so on, she had completely forgotten. .

The police who interrogated Jiang Chen felt helpless about this, but they vaguely knew that Ding Lingling's status was unusual, so it was not too much to embarrass Ding Lingling.

Fortunately, Ding Lingling still had a sense of proportion, and did not do anything that made them too embarrassed, so she had to turn a blind eye.

The tea was very good, and Jiang Chen drank it leisurely, answering one or two insignificant questions from time to time. Of course, if it weren't for the two policemen who interrogated him with dark faces, as if they were facing a big enemy, the atmosphere would have been overwhelming. will be a little better.

Stretching slightly, Jiang Chen lazily said: "I said you two are tired too, so let's stop here for now... Well, don't work too hard."

The two policemen looked at each other, dumbfounded, Jiang Chen really was considerate of others, but how could it end now, nothing came out of this trial.

"Jiang Chen, if you really think we have worked hard, please cooperate more." One of the policemen said.

Jiang Chen smiled, blinked and said, "Why, could it be that I'm not cooperative enough?"

The two policemen smiled wryly. Jiang Chen was indeed very cooperative. The problem is that Jiang Chen's cooperation was not what they wanted.

While talking, suddenly, four police officers rushed up outside, and one of them ordered: "Come, take Jiang Chen away."

(End of this chapter)

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