genius evil

Chapter 225

Chapter 225
Jiang Chen was not taken to another place, but was sent to the detention room.

His procedure hadn't been completed yet, so he wouldn't have been detained so soon. However, this was Deputy Director Wei's intention, and the people below naturally didn't dare to raise any objections.

"I entered the detention room so soon, it seems that there is someone outside, I can't hold it anymore, but who could it be?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

This detention room had a big bunk, but there was no one else in the room. Jiang Chen didn't want to think about anything, so he casually found a place by the bed to lie down, closed his eyes and got up.

"Well, this Jiang Chen is very unrestrained." About two hours later, in a monitoring room, the young man who clearly saw Jiang Chen's every move in the detention room through the monitoring screen frowned and whispered.

This person was Song Yang who came here from Tiannan City on purpose. His appearance was five or six points similar to Song Chen's, but the firmness of his brows and eyes was by no means comparable to Song Chen's.

Accompanying Song Yang was naturally Wei Kun, Deputy Director of Wei.

The Song family is known as the No. [-] family under the three major families in Tiannan City. Although they are only giving money to themselves, how can it be easy to shout such slogans?
Its network of relationships in all aspects is everywhere. This Wei Kun is just a collateral branch of the Song family.

After Song Yang had a conversation with Song Yuan, his first call was to Wei Kun, and the second call was to Cheng Zhemao.

"He is very courageous." Wei Kun followed up.

Song Yang smiled softly and said, "In terms of arrangement, there will be no problem."

"There is a little problem." Wei Kun said after hesitating for a while.

"Huh?" Song Yang looked at Wei Kun dissatisfied.

"Inside the police station, we can't find a suitable candidate, and we don't have enough time." Wei Kun smiled wryly.

According to Song Yang's intention, he specially chose an empty detention room for Jiang Chen, and would send people in at night. Those people, of course, specially arranged to kill Jiang Chen.

From Wei Kun's point of view, this is actually very safe. After all, one of the people sent in has a gun in his hand, and the rest are also armed.

But Song Yang felt that it was not enough, so he asked him to arrange another policeman to mix in. The implication was that if something happened, Jiang Chenan would be charged with assaulting the policeman. It would be best if Jiang Chen killed the policeman. add guilt.

This kind of method is not poisonous, and it is fatal.

It's just that desperadoes are easy to find, as long as the money is enough, it's not a problem, but it's not easy to find a policeman to take the place of death, especially Wei Kun knows very well that if a policeman is really inserted in, it will be very important.

Therefore, it is one thing that it is difficult to find, but on the other hand, Wei Kun did not try to find it.

After all, he had already taken a great risk by doing this. If the incident got worse, he would definitely not be able to protect himself.

He is just a collateral branch of the Song family, if the Song family turns their backs and refuses to recognize anyone, he will be finished.

"It's fine if you can't find it." Song Yang also knew that it was hard to find someone, and the time was too short. Speaking of which, Wei Kun was quite good at being able to do this.

"It's still early. I've arranged a place for you to rest, Young Master Song. Let's go." Wei Kun asked.

"Then let's go." Song Yang nodded.

Song Yang came to Yilan City on purpose, meeting Jiang Chen was only one aspect, he was not wrong to be interested in Jiang Chen, but he would not be foolish enough to really go to see Jiang Chen, and there was no need for that.

The most important thing is that Song Yang has to personally watch the actions here to make sure nothing goes wrong. This is related to his future, so he has to be more careful.

Song Yang and Wei Kun walked out of the police station and got into their cars respectively.

Wei Kun was leading the way, and Song Yang told the driver to follow. Not long after the car was on the road, Song Yang's cell phone rang.

"Uncle." Song Yang called out in a respectful tone.

"Have you made all the arrangements?" Song Yuan's voice was a little low.

"The arrangements have been made," Song Yang said solemnly.

"As long as the arrangements are made properly, remember, be sure to beat and beat Wei Kun so that he can withstand the pressure." Song Yuan ordered.

"Uncle, did something happen?" Song Yang was a little puzzled, and he could tell that Song Yuan's tone was a little strange.

"That old guy Xu Xiuyuan didn't know where he got the news. When he learned that you went to Yilan City, he called me himself." Song Yuan sneered.

Mr. Xu?
Song Yang was startled secretly, and understood the intention of Song Yuan's call.

Undoubtedly, Mr. Xu must have put pressure on Song Yuan.

You know, Mr. Xu's seniority is the same as Mr. Song's. Logically speaking, even if Xu Xiuyuan wanted to get involved in this matter, he should call Mr. Song.

However, Mr. Xu actually called Song Yuan. From this, it can only be shown that Mr. Xu is very concerned about Jiang Chen.

This made Song Yang's complexion a bit unsightly. Although he knew from the information that Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi had a good relationship, but Xu Anqi is Xu Anqi, and Mr. Xu is Mr. Xu. The identities of the two are incomparable. sexual.

"Hmph, so what if Xu Xiuyuan comes forward? My Song family has suffered such a big loss. How could he just let it go when he said that it's okay to let it go. You don't need to worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself. The reason why I called you is just to remind you .” Song Yuan said on the other end of the phone.

The relationship between the Song family and the Xu family was originally at odds. After Chen Fu and his son betrayed the Xu family, they turned to the Song family. This made the conflict between the Song family and the Xu family even deeper.

Although on the surface, the two families lived in peace and did not break their faces, but in Song Yuan's view, breaking their faces was only a matter of time. No matter how big Xu Xiuyuan's face was, he would not be able to give Xu Xiuyuan face.

However, Xu Xiuyuan's phone call made Song Yuan secretly hate him.

When Song Chen died, the Song family sent Song Shi to make a move, wanting to make their voice heard... If it weren't for Jiang Chen, the current situation of the Song family would have been different from the past. No matter how resentful Xu Xiuyuan was, he would have to weigh himself portion.

How can it be like this now, Xu Xiuyuan directly threatened him on the phone.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, if it wasn't for you, how could my Song family have come to this point. This time, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came forward, I would not be able to stop my Song family from killing you." Song Yuan said viciously in his heart.


Yilan City Government.

A little policewoman suddenly broke into an office.

"Stop." Seeing this, the secretary hurriedly shouted.

Who is this female police officer? She is too courageous. How can she run around? You must know that this is Secretary Ding's office. The immediate boss of the police, large and small, in Yilan City.

"I'm looking for Ding Honghou." The little policewoman, without any sense of fear, directly stated her purpose of coming here.

"Let's go, Secretary Ding won't see you." The secretary said hastily.

"If he doesn't see me, I won't leave." The little policewoman said coquettishly.

"You—" the secretary was angry, and was about to drive the little policewoman away, but at this moment, a voice came from inside: "Lingling, come in."

The little policewoman soon entered the office. The secretary was a little puzzled. Hearing Secretary Ding's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with this little policewoman, but what was the relationship?

The secretary quickly didn't dare to think too much. As a secretary, the most taboo thing was the leader's personal life.

"Lingling, I didn't expect you to come here to find me." Ding Honghou looked at the little policewoman lovingly and said.

"I have something to tell you, and I'll leave when I'm done." This little policewoman is Ding Lingling.

"Oh, what is it?" Ding Honghou asked suspiciously.

"As for Jiang Chen's matter, I know the murderer is not Jiang Chen." Ding Lingling said directly.

Ding Honghou laughed lightly, and said: "This is what you want to talk about? How do you know that the murderer is not Jiang Chen? You have evidence to prove his innocence."

"I didn't, but I just believed in him. I can guarantee that the murderer is definitely not Jiang Chen." Ding Lingling's voice was much louder.

"Your guarantee is useless." Ding Honghou shook his head lightly, but felt a little bitter in his heart.

Since the death of Ding Lingling's mother back then, this daughter has not talked to him for several years. This time Ding Lingling came over, Ding Honghou was still very happy, but he did not expect that Ding Lingling would do it for such a reason. One thing came, and the performance was so childish.

This made Ding Honghou feel very uncomfortable. At the same time, he was secretly vigilant. Ding Lingling said that he could guarantee it. Doesn't the implication mean that she has a very close relationship with Jiang Chen? Otherwise, how could he believe Jiang Chen's words so much?

"Why is it useless? My guarantee can save the police from taking a lot of detours when investigating this case." Ding Lingling said loudly.

"Lingling, I'm not directly responsible for these, you can ask the bureau for instructions." Ding Honghou sighed.

"You are not directly responsible for anything. You just don't want to be responsible. It was the same with my mother back then. If you don't want to be responsible, just tell me. I promise I won't come to you again." Ding Lingling was very excited.

"Lingling, I can only say that this case is not as simple as you think... What is your relationship with Jiang Chen?" Ding Honghou asked patiently.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs, since when did you take care of me?" Ding Lingling sneered.

"This—" Ding Honghou was very helpless.

Ding Lingling left soon, and as soon as she got into the car, Ding Lingling's tears of grievance just fell down.

She knew that what she said when she came to see Ding Honghou this time was a bit vexatious, but what could she do?

She is a little policewoman. She personally arrested Jiang Chen and brought him into the police station, but she couldn't keep her promise to Jiang Chen. Even Jiang Chen had entered the detention room, and she couldn't even face Jiang Chen. Can't see you anymore.

This made Ding Lingling panic and afraid, she really didn't know what to do.

"Jiang Chen, I shouldn't have arrested you, I hurt you." Ding Lingling choked on her sobs.

This case is too involved in all aspects, Ding Lingling understands that even if no evidence of Jiang Chen's murder is found, Jiang Chen will suffer a lot... And all of this was caused by her alone, if it wasn't for her Self-righteously caught Jiang Chen, how could things have turned into this, Ding Lingling fell into deep self-blame...

(End of this chapter)

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