genius evil

Chapter 226

Chapter 226
In the afternoon, Tiannan City, Song Family Villa.

Song Yuan received another call.

This time when something happened to Jiang Chen, Mr. Song handed over the matter to Song Yuan to handle it. Song Yuan received the second call today, counting this call.

The first phone call was made by Mr. Xu. He didn't care much at the time. He called Song Yang to inform him, but he mostly reminded him and didn't take it to heart.

However, this call...

Seeing the incoming call reminder on the mobile phone, Song Yuan's face immediately darkened. He stared at the mobile phone screen for a while before picking up the mobile phone to answer the call.

"Song Yuan, your arrogance is really getting bigger and bigger." As soon as the phone was connected, a deep voice came from the other end, dissatisfied and joking.

"Tang Tianxiong, you called me just to ridicule me?" Song Yuan said indifferently.

Tang family Tang Tianxiong, this person is a very special existence in Tiannan City. While being high-profile, he is also extremely low-key, which makes some people puzzled.

But everyone knew that Tang Tianxiong was extremely difficult to deal with.

Song Yuan and Tang Tianxiong didn't get along very well, so Tang Tianxiong was rude to him, so naturally he wouldn't be polite to Tang Tianxiong.

"Tsk tsk, from your tone, it sounds like you're in a hurry, what's the matter, can't you sit still?" Tang Tianxiong said with a smile.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Song Yuan said lightly.

"It's naturally Jiang Chen's matter." Tang Tianxiong suddenly called out his names very directly.

"Why, are you here to intercede for Jiang Chen?" Song Yuan asked bluntly.

"Begging?" Tang Tianxiong laughed loudly and said, "Song Yuan, I don't like the word begging, and you don't have the right to ask me to beg you. I'm calling you just to let you know that Jiang Chen is I am from the Tang family."

"What do you mean?" Song Yuan frowned.

"Jiang Chen is my daughter's man." Tang Tianxiong said it more directly this time.

"Huh?" Song Yuan's face changed slightly.

Regarding the intersection of Jiang Chen and Tang Tian in Yilan City, Song Yuan knew about the Song family's information. He also knew that with Jiang Chen's help, Tang Tian established an organization called the Bauhinia Society.

But the Song family's information only reached this point, but it was not detailed enough, even Jiang Chen was found to be Tang Tian's man.

Tang Tianxiong was so outspoken that Song Yuan immediately understood that this call was indeed not to plead for mercy, but to exert pressure.

"Since Jiang Chen is a member of my Tang family, you Song family, please stop this time." Tang Tianxiong on the other end of the phone said in a very casual tone.

"Impossible." Song Yuan refused without thinking.

Close hand?

It is absolutely impossible to stop!
It is rare to have such a great opportunity. The Song family has already started to take action, and the effect will be seen soon. How could it be possible to stop at this juncture.

"Song Yuan, what do you mean, you rejected me?" Tang Tianxiong's tone was very displeased.

"Tang Tianxiong, you don't have to talk to me in such a tone, it will make me think you are threatening me." Song Yuan was even more upset.

"Then, take it as if I'm threatening you." Tang Tianxiong disapproved, and said, "Without the power of the Earth Group, your Song family has lost its biggest minion, so don't be so self-righteous, especially, don't be in the I'm so self-righteous in front of me."

"You—" Song Yuan was furious.

He already knew this, and when Xu Xiuyuan called to put pressure on him, wouldn't it be exactly this kind of attitude, but Tang Tianxiong showed no scruples, and it was more obvious.

"What, are you angry?" Tang Tianxiong teased.

"Tang Tianxiong, even if my Song family doesn't have the power of the land group, it's not something a cat or dog can threaten. You threatened me, but you made a wrong calculation. Let me give you a word. No matter what, Jiang Chen will definitely I'm going to die." After Song Yang said this bitterly, he hung up the phone.

"Damn it, everyone should die." After hanging up the phone, Song Yuan's face was still ashen, his breathing was heavy, and he was full of anger.

When Song Shi and Song Yan were in the ground team, one was a member of the black iron level, and the other was a member of the bronze level, especially Song Yan, who was regarded as a seed player and was trained by the ground team. What was the Song family at that time? scenery?

But now, with the deaths of Song Shi and Song Yan, just as Tang Tianxiong said on the phone, the Song family has lost its biggest minion, or the sharpest minion.

At this time, it can be said that the Song family is at its most downcast. No, whether it is the Xu family or the Tang family, it is easy to step on it.

How could he, Song Yuan, tolerate this kind of thing happening?
"Tang Tianxiong, right? It doesn't matter that Jiang Chen is your daughter's man. I don't believe that he has to die. How dare you tear yourself apart with my Song family." Song Yuan said viciously.

After speaking, Song Yuan looked at his watch.

It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still early.

For the first time, Song Yuan felt that time passed so slowly, because he knew that Song Yang's action plan was arranged at night.

Song Yuan could not care about the Xu family's pressure, or even ignore it, but Tang Tianxiong was different. This call made Song Yuan feel anxious. He was a little worried that something uncontrollable would happen!
In fact, Song Yuan thought too much about this issue.

One must know that the reason Tang Tianxiong called him was because of being impatient with Tang Tian. Tang Tianxiong didn't really care that much about Jiang Chen's life or death.

Furthermore, for Tang Tianxiong, if Jiang Chen couldn't even deal with such a setback, so what if he was Tang Tian's man?

How can an incompetent guy be his son-in-law?

Not long after Tang Tianxiong ended his phone call with Song Yuan, Tang Tian's call came in.

"Old man, how are things going, what did the Song family say?" Tang Tian asked anxiously.

"The Song family didn't let go." Tang Tian said casually.

"What?" Tang Tian exclaimed, and shouted: "Old man, the Song family doesn't even give you face?"

Tang Tianxiong laughed, and said: "Ami, I brought you up with one hand, don't try to play tricks in front of me, this kind of provocative method is of no use to me."

Ami is Tang Tian's nickname, but not many people know this nickname, except for Shuang'er and Tang Tianxiong, even Lin Baobao doesn't know it.

"I'm not being playful." Tang Tian curled her lips and said, "It's obvious that you are not strong enough. The Song family is like this, but your words don't work. Stop bragging in front of me, or I will despise you." your."

Tang Tianxiong said indifferently: "Ami, I have already called, I will not interfere with this matter, and you can handle the next thing."

"Ah, I'm so mad." After hanging up the phone, Tang Tian scratched her hair vigorously.

"What do you say?" Shuang'er asked worriedly.

Tang Tian just repeated what Tang Tianxiong said on the phone, and finally said: "The old man didn't pay much attention at first glance, Jiang Chen is probably going to die now."

Different from the Xu family, it was Xu Xiuyuan who got the news and called Song Yuan. Xu Anqi didn't know anything about what happened to Jiang Chen, and Xu Xiuyuan didn't tell Xu Anqi either.

Tang Tian has the Bauhinia Club, and she has her own news channel, so after Song Yang came to Yilan City, Tang Tian received the news, which made Tang Tian realize that the Song family had once again intervened.If not, Tang Tian wouldn't be so nervous to call Tang Tianxiong.

"It should be, it's not that serious." Shuang'er said that she didn't have any confidence.

"It really doesn't work, let's go to prison." Tang Tian yelled loudly.


Night fell quietly without knowing it.

Outside the quiet detention room, there was suddenly the sound of footsteps, and not long after that, with a few bangs, the iron door was pushed open, and four people walked in one file at a time.

After the four of them entered, the iron gate closed, and footsteps sounded again, and the policeman who brought them over quickly walked away.

A small light bulb was on in the detention room, giving it a dim feeling.

"Brother Leopard, that kid is sleeping." Among the four of them, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said to a strong man with a height of 1.9 meters.

Brother Bao, a middle-aged strong man, took a look at Jiang Chen who was lying on the couch, and his eyes flickered fiercely. He patted the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek, and said, "Skinny monkey, go over and wake him up for me. "

Skinny Monkey gave a sinister smile, he knew very well what the four of them were doing here, according to the employer's request, they were here to kill the sleeping boy named Jiang Chen.

However, there are many ways to kill people. Some people like to kill people silently, but Brother Leopard likes to torture a person before killing him. Remember that pain.

Brother Leopard asked him to wake up Jiang Chen. This was about to start torturing Jiang Chen. Shouhou was still looking forward to it.

"Boy, don't sleep, get up for me." The thin monkey walked over and yelled loudly.

"Who?" Jiang Chen opened his eyes in a daze, saw a guy with a monkey face, and immediately said unhappily: "Ugly, did no one tell you that disturbing people's dreams is immoral?" Is it?"

"Moral?" The thin monkey chuckled and said, "Talk about morality with me, boy, you are really interesting."

"Interesting, your sister, you have no morals to just say so." Jiang Chen raised his hand, and slapped Shouhou on the face.

The thin monkey staggered under Jiang Chen's slap, almost fell to the ground, and grinned angrily, "Boy, I think you are looking for death."

"You really are morally corrupt." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Skinny Monkey is right, you kid is really interesting." At this time, Brother Leopard spoke, and his eyes stared straight at Jiang Chen, shining fiercely.

"Are you trying to tell me that you have no morals?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Boy, sharp teeth are useless. I will give you a chance. Come here and lick my shoes clean. I can make your death easier." Brother Leopard stretched out his right foot, and he pointed to Jiang Chen pointed to the pair of leather shoes he was wearing, and said in a commanding tone.

(End of this chapter)

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