genius evil

Chapter 227

Chapter 227
"I suddenly feel very sorry." Jiang Chen shook his head regretfully.

While talking, Jiang Chen jumped down from the bunk. He took two steps and said, "I regret that I don't wear leather shoes. My sneakers are very expensive."

"What do you want to say?" Brother Bao snorted coldly.

"Your mouth is so stinky, and your saliva must be stinky too. Although, I really want you to lick my sneakers, but it must be ruining my shoes. Otherwise, I don't need you to lick my sneakers." If you lick the shoes clean, you can lick the soles clean, that's enough, what do you think?" Jiang Chen looked like everything was negotiable.

"court death!"

"court death!"


The other two guys, who hadn't spoken since they came in, said angrily at this moment.

"Mad dog, bobcat, don't get excited." Brother Bao waved his hand.

Bobcat is a thin guy with long hands and feet, while Mad Dog has a scar on his face, which looks crazy at first glance.

"We came here to have fun. This kid is so playful, which is exactly what I want. We have one night to play with him, so don't be so anxious." Licking his lips, Brother Leopard Said gloomyly.

Bobcat and Mad Dog looked at each other and smiled.

They knew that brother Bao was irritated.

Often, when Brother Bao was enraged, the objects to be played with were definitely destined to be played to death, and they all felt a little pity for Jiang Chen at this time.

"You're right, we did have one night." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

"You talk too much, I don't like it very much, now, I will give you ten seconds to think about it, come and lick my shoes clean, or, if I break one of your legs, you still come to lick~ my shoes. Brother Leopard said coldly.

"Do I have a third choice?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course, I will break your neck and send you to die." Brother Bao said playfully.

"To be honest, I suddenly felt that it wasn't fun at all." Jiang Chen shrugged and said, "What about you, hurry up and lick~ the soles of my shoes, I only give you a second, listen up Alright, I'll start counting now."


Jiang Chen said a number, and he really only gave Brother Bao a second to think about it. After the words fell, Jiang Chen's figure suddenly moved, raised his foot, and suddenly kicked Brother Bao's thigh.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded, and with a scream, brother Bao fell to the ground, sweating profusely in pain.

"Kill, give me your hands and kill him." Brother Bao yelled frantically.

They came to kill Jiang Chen, but before they did it, they actually did it first. Brother Bao never expected this.

Brother Leopard never thought that Jiang Chen would be so courageous, so big that he would attack him directly, so that he had no defense at all, and one leg was broken by Jiang Chen.

Of course, what Brother Bao didn't know was that even if he was prepared, Jiang Chen wanted to break one of his legs, and that would be an extremely simple thing, not more difficult than drinking water.

Including the thin monkey, the lynx and the mad dog all moved.

The thin monkey and the bobcat were holding a small machete, while the mad dog was holding a sharpened iron rod. The three of them rushed at Jiang Chen from three different directions.

"It's just such a trick, but you want to kill me. I really don't know if it's you idiots, or the people who instigated you are idiots." Jiang Chen felt very boring.

He slept in this detention room for a whole day, and finally saw someone coming in. He thought that he could relax his muscles and bones. In that case, he should be at least a guy at Song Shi's level.

These four guys are too weak, making Jiang Chen not even interested in taking a second look.

Without even looking at it, Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand and slapped the faces of the three of them madly~ slapping. The three Shouhou received an average of five slaps from Jiang Chen, and then All kinds of meat and eight vegetables fell to the ground.As for the weapons in their hands, they didn't know where they had thrown them into a corner.

"You can lick the soles of my shoes." Jiang Chen walked towards Brother Bao, and stretched out his feet in front of Brother Bao.

"You—" Brother Bao looked at Jiang Chen in horror, his eyes filled with incomparable panic.

It was too strong, Jiang Chen was really too strong, so easily, they could not find the way to beat them, not to mention, Jiang Chen was still unarmed.

Brother Leopard finally understood why the employment fee this time was 100 million, and why the employer gave them a gun. Otherwise, if they came in unarmed, they would be no different from courting death.

"Jiang Chen, you have to forgive others and forgive others. It will not do you any good to drive us to a dead end." Brother Bao said in a low voice.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "I know you still have some tricks to use, so let me give you a chance."

"Give me a chance?" Brother Bao was stunned for a moment, then realized something, quickly reached out, and took out the gun. He pointed the gun in his hand at Jiang Chen, tried his best to get up from the ground, and said in a gloomy voice : "This is really a good opportunity, but unfortunately I won't give you the opportunity."

Underestimating Jiang Chen's strength and paying such a heavy price, Brother Bao no longer has the intention of torturing Jiang Chen. All he wants now is to kill Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

"You said it yourself, you have to forgive others and forgive others." Jiang Chen was very innocent.

"You don't believe it naively, do you?" Brother Bao sneered.

"Sorry, I didn't believe it, I just wanted to prolong this boring little game." Jiang Chen's expression became even more innocent.

In the next second, Brother Leopard lightened his hand, and the gun in his hand disappeared, appearing in Jiang Chen's hand.

"I really don't understand. You can't even hold a gun steadily, so why do you want to kill me? Is it because you are stupid enough?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Brother Leopard was stunned, and the three of Shouhou were also stunned.

When the three of Shouhou saw Brother Bao finally took out the gun, they were all ecstatic. They were waiting for Brother Bao to shoot. No one could clearly see why the gun appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.

"The game is over, come and do what you should do." Jiang Chen sat on the bunk and raised his legs.

Brother Leopard and the four looked at each other, and the resentment in their eyes was profound, and after all, they were reluctant and began to do what they should do.


In the monitoring room, Song Yang, who saw everything that happened in the detention center, had his eyelids twitch heavily.

Wei Kun, on the other hand, reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead vigorously, feeling that everything was so dreamlike and unbelievable.

Especially the scene where Jiang Chen snatched the gun empty-handed, even if he kept staring at the screen, he couldn't see it clearly, it was too weird.

"This is the person you are looking for?" Song Yang turned his head and said viciously.

"Song Shao, that brother Bao and the three of his subordinates are desperadoes with several lives on them. It's not an exaggeration to say that they kill people without blinking an eye. I didn't know Jiang Chen would be so strong." Wei Kun knocked Baba said.

Song Yang already knew that Jiang Chen was very strong. Otherwise, how could Song Shi die, or how could Song Yan die. In the current situation, it is not that Jiang Chen is too strong, but Brother Bao and the others are clearly too weak.

This also made Song Yang realize that he had taken it for granted.

After all, he had never dealt with Jiang Chen before, so he didn't know how terrifying Jiang Chen was. What's more, with a gun, no matter how powerful Jiang Chen was, could he be stronger than a gun?
Of course, Song Yang would never think that he was wrong, he would only think that the time was too short, the arrangement was too hasty, and he didn't make thorough preparations.

"What should we do next?" Song Yang asked with a frown.

"I...I..." Wei Kun hesitated, even Song Yang didn't know what to do, so how could he know what to do.

"Could it be that you want to miss this great opportunity?" Song Yang sighed in his heart. He didn't want Wei Kun to give him an answer, he was just unwilling.


But at this moment, Song Yang's attention was once again attracted by the monitoring screen.

I saw through the surveillance that someone appeared in the detention room again, the same four people, but after the door of the detention room was opened, only two people walked in, and the other two stayed outside.

"You arranged it?" Song Yang was a little surprised.

"No." Wei Kun was also surprised, staring at the surveillance screen without blinking.

"No, it's not right." Song Yang quickly shook his head, because he suddenly recognized a person, that person was walking towards Jiang Chen, talking to Jiang Chen.

The surveillance screen was a bit blurry, but Song Yang could still see it clearly. That person was called Meng Xin.

After recognizing the man named Meng Xin, Song Yang's expression became even more surprised for no reason. His eyes suddenly widened, a little surprised, and more of a disbelief.

Because, Meng Xin is from the Earth Group.

In other words, the four people, including Meng Xin, are all members of the Earth Group, and the Earth Group has come.

The previous disappointment, at this moment, quietly turned into surprise, and Song Yang suddenly became extremely excited.

He failed to let Wei Kun arrange to kill Jiang Chen's people, but the people from the ground group showed up in another village.

The people from the ground group appeared at this time. From Song Yang's point of view, they must have come to deal with Jiang Chen, and four of them came at once. Once Meng Xin and the four of them did it, Jiang Chen would definitely die.

But not long after, Song Yang's expression changed again. He saw that after Meng Xin talked with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen followed Meng Xin out of the detention room.

"I didn't do anything at all, isn't it what I thought?" Song Yang's expression changed, and the hope that had just been raised was dashed in an instant.

After Jiang Chen and the others left the detention room, they walked out of the monitoring screen. Song Yang had no way of knowing what they were going to do, but he also understood that since the ground group took action, this matter must have an unusual significance, and he was not alone. I can afford it.

Without any hesitation, Song Yang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to Song Yuan!

"What? Someone from the ground group came and took Jiang Chen away?" Song Yuan said in a broken voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that one of them was Meng Xin." Song Yang said, the reason why he knew Meng Xin was because Meng Xin had been to Song's house before, but only with Song Yan.

"Then it's confirmed." Song Yuan pondered for a moment, and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, and you can't control it if you want to."

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuan rubbed his brows. He realized that the situation was completely out of control. Not only Song Yang couldn't control it, but he couldn't control it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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