genius evil

Chapter 228 You committed a capital crime

Chapter 228 You committed a capital crime

A black Hummer H2 is driving on the road.

Jiang Chen sat in the middle of the back seat, smiling and striking up a conversation with the only woman among the four.

"What's the girl's name? How old is she? Is there a marriage? She's the next best person. I don't know if the girl has a secret heart?" The woman who said it was stunned and almost fainted by Jiang Chen's words. up.

Where had she experienced such entanglements before, and Jiang Chen's playful smile, his eyes were even hotter, as if he could see through people, making her face red and purple.

"Can you shut up?" the woman shouted angrily.

"Shut up? Girl, what do you mean, the two of us are making eye contact, right? I'm very good at it, if you don't believe me, you can look at me secretly." Jiang Chen blinked, and his smile was so obscene and shameless.

"Close your eyes too." The woman couldn't resist, so she had to say.

"When a girl asks a boy to close his eyes, it means that the girl wants to kiss that boy." Jiang Chen muttered.

"What are you talking about?" The woman was very annoyed, why was she going to kiss him?She just finds him annoying. How can this man be so shameless?

"Okay, my eyes are already closed, hurry up and kiss me." Jiang Chen was talking to himself, and he closed his eyes at once, leaning towards him with an old face.

"You're dead." The woman couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily.

"Well, that's not right, you're acting wrong." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed: "You have to imagine yourself as the heroine in an idol drama... Yes, I know it's a bit embarrassing for you, but, look For the sake of my pretty face, don't you have a Cinderella dream?"

"I am a prince. When you imagine yourself as Cinderella, you will be in a difficult situation, and you can't help but want to kiss me. This is the correct rhythm."

"Shut up, shut up, or I'll throw you out of the car." The woman yelled, almost crying.

"Jiang Chen, don't embarrass Hong Yi." Meng Xin, who was driving the car in the front seat, was already dumbfounded when Jiang Chen opened his mouth.

This guy is really a living treasure, his mouth is too strong, he can tell the dead to be alive, and the alive can even be said to be dead.

Hong Yi had a cold temperament, and he rarely spoke, so he was no match for Jiang Chen, so he clearly met his nemesis.

"So you're called Hongyi, but why aren't you wearing red clothes?" Jiang Chen looked up and down the red clothes, feeling like he was being deceived, because the red clothes were wearing black clothes. This is too misnomer.

"Red clothes is just my name, you don't have to worry about what clothes I wear, and I don't like red the least, and it's even more impossible to wear red clothes." Hong Yi said coldly.

"Then what color do you like... don't tell me in a hurry, let me guess, you must like black the most." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You—" Hong Yi was so angry, this guy is really a snake, he can talk to anything, she really wants to use a needle to sew this guy's mouth shut, and see if he is still alive. How wordy.

"Hongyi's name is Mei Hongyi." Meng Xin explained.

"No red clothes, the red clothes are gone, no wonder you don't like red the least, I understand." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Jiang Chen--" Hong Yi's anger was instantly full.

Meng Xin was also a black thread. The reason why he told Jiang Chen Hongyi's full name was to save Hongyi from the siege, so that Jiang Chen would not use Hongyi's name to keep making jokes.

Jiang Chen's mouth is so cheap, Meng Xin shook his head with a headache.

The Hummer drove very fast on the road, and after about twenty minutes, it drove into a villa.

The car stopped, and the aggrieved Hong Yi, who was about to go crazy, immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Fortunately, I didn't stay with Jiang Chen for long, otherwise Hongyi really couldn't guarantee whether she would really kill Jiang Chen.

"Here?" Jiang Chen also got out of the car.

When we were in the detention room earlier, people from the ground team suddenly appeared. The conversation between Meng Xin and Jiang Chen was to tell Jiang Chen that someone wanted to see him, and vaguely hinted that the person who wanted to see Jiang Chen could solve it for Jiang Chen. Get rid of the troubles in front of you.

Jiang Chen didn't think his trouble was that big, but Jiang Chen was undoubtedly curious about the ground group.

In the past, the Song Shi and Song Yan he had come into contact with were all from the land group, but that kind of contact was naturally not friendly, and he knew very little about the land group.

It was a rare opportunity to have an open and aboveboard understanding of the Earth Group, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't miss it.

"It's right here." Meng Xin nodded, and led Jiang Chen into the villa.

Hongyi disappeared after entering the villa, probably because she didn't want to see Jiang Chen again, so Meng Xin took Jiang Chen directly to a study on the second floor.

After entering the study, an old man with white hair was waiting inside.

Meng Xin quickly retreated, leaving only Jiang Chen and the white-haired old man in the study. The white-haired old man was wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit, and looked solemnly at Jiang Chen.

The slightly muddy eyes were sharp like a sword in an instant, with an imposing manner.

When his eyes made contact with the white-haired old man, Jiang Chen smiled faintly. How powerful his soul is, how mixed his knowledge is, and his cultivation base once stood at the peak, overlooking the world. The mere look of the white-haired old man wanted to shock It's a big joke to oppress him.

He said he only took a look, but in fact, the white-haired old man had been paying attention to Jiang Chen since Meng Xin led him into the study. He stared straight at Jiang Chen for nearly five seconds. Responding, the white-haired old man was slightly taken aback.

The white-haired old man is in a high position, so he has developed an aura. When he deliberately uses this aura to overwhelm others, even Meng Xin and the others will never look at each other for more than two seconds.

However, he stared at Jiang Chen for five full seconds, Jiang Chen was not affected, and it gave the white-haired old man a feeling that Jiang Chen's relaxed demeanor was contemptuous and disdainful.

His eyes slowly retracted, and the white-haired old man frowned. At first, he wanted to oppress Jiang Chen with his eyes, and then continued the conversation with absolute dominance.

Looking at it now, it is necessary to use some other means to kill Jiang Chen's spirit.

"Jiang Chen, do you know that you have committed a capital crime." The white-haired old man suddenly spoke and drank softly.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Killing members of my team is a capital offense." The white-haired old man said in a deep voice.

"I don't know, is it a capital crime for members of the ground group to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"The members of the ground group are all the sharp weapons of the country, and they will not make a move easily. If you want to kill you, you must die for your own reasons." The white-haired old man sneered.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said word by word: "What a big tone, according to what you said, wouldn't I, Jiang Chen, deserve to die, then why don't you hurry up and kill me? I'm curious, who is it?" who to kill."

In an instant, Jiang Chen's momentum changed, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

His Jiang Chen's fate is in his own hands. He just wants to control his life and death. Let him live and he will live, let him die and he will die. He wants to see who controls whose life and death. .

The aura of the white-haired old man is nothing short of astonishing.

But Jiang Chen's sudden eruption, such an aura, forcibly suppressed the aura of the white-haired old man, making the hair on the white-haired old man's back stand on end.

If it was said that the oppression of the eyes at the beginning didn't work, maybe Jiang Chen's mentality was good, but at this time, Jiang Chen counter-suppressed him, and the white-haired old man's heart suddenly thumped.

For some reason, when Jiang Chen had an attack, he had a vague feeling of being invincible, which is so strange.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to talk big in front of me. You are a smart person and you already knew that since I had someone bring you here, I couldn't possibly kill you." The white-haired old man said slowly.

Jiang Chen said with a half-smile: "You didn't kill me because you didn't have a reason to kill me. If I really violated your interests, can you guarantee that you won't kill me?"

"No." The white-haired old man shook his head directly without hiding it.

As soon as the words came out, the white-haired old man realized that something was wrong, he seemed to have been fooled by Jiang Chen, and seeing the sneer on Jiang Chen's face, the white-haired old man felt a burst of bitterness in his heart.

With his age and experience, Wanxinyan can't play a high school student who is only seventeen or eighteen years old, how ridiculous is that?
"How do you know that I have no reason to kill you?" The white-haired old man asked after a short silence.

"If your group really cared so much about the life and death of Song Shi and Song Yan, you should have sent someone to find me as early as when I killed Song Shi. Why wait until I killed Song Yan to find me?" Jiang Chen said bluntly.

"The death of Song Shi and Song Yan was their own fault. Our land group is the most important weapon of the country. How can we serve a certain person? They acted privately and violated the laws of the land group. It can be said that death is more than justified, even if you didn't kill them Two, but was killed by one of them, and that person would never escape the court-martial. But..." The white-haired old man's voice was heavy.

"However, when I say this, it doesn't mean that you have no responsibility at all. Even if they are guilty, they are still members of my local group. The majesty of the local group cannot be disobeyed. Even if you are not guilty of death, such a crime, It must not be light." The white-haired old man continued.

"I'm timid, don't scare me." Jiang Chen pouted.

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, and said: "Both of you are responsible. Song Shi and Song Yan died, and the responsibility can no longer be pursued. The reason why I didn't pursue your responsibility is because you are a talent, so , our team is willing to give you a chance, a chance to make up for your mistakes. As long as you join my team, I can assure you that you will not be blamed for the past. Jiang Chen, are you willing to agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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