genius evil

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

"Let go of the past, solve troubles, avoid death, gold medal, three temptations, one is more important than the other, it is really hard to refuse." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

A smile appeared on the rigid old face of the white-haired old man, and he said, "Jiang Chen, it seems that you have already made a decision."

"I have indeed made up my mind, but I refuse." Jiang Chen said casually.


The white-haired old man choked for breath, he clearly saw that Jiang Chen was about to agree, how could he refuse, what exactly was Jiang Chen thinking.

"Old man, don't be surprised. Don't you think that your method is very low-level and clumsy? Slapping a candy must be your usual method. It's a pity that you didn't even slap. How dare you take it?" Candy come out? In this case, the temptation of this candy is much smaller." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The white-haired old man's face was ugly, Jiang Chen could see his scheming methods so clearly, could this person really not reach him?Why does it make him feel like an extremely cunning old fox?
Difficult to deal with, really difficult to deal with.

It's not that the white-haired old man has never met difficult partners in his life, but those targets are often old guys. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are old but not dead or they are thieves. Who is as young as Jiang Chen?
It can be called a monster.

"This slap didn't make a sound, but I think it doesn't prevent me from giving you a piece of candy. This is a great opportunity for you. If you accept it, it will only benefit you and will not harm you at all." Bai The old man said earnestly.

"Unfortunately, I still refuse." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Why, give me a reason?" The white-haired old man frowned.

"Does this kind of thing need a reason?" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"If you don't give me a reason, how can you convince me?" the white-haired old man insisted.

"Well, I will give you a reason, but before I give you this reason, I want to ask you, have you ever seen someone raise a goldfish? Someone changes the water, someone feeds, and the goldfish can also be free in the water Swimming, it's a pity that no matter how much it swims, it's just swimming within a square inch." Jiang Chen said in a concentrated voice.

"Playing the piano randomly." The white-haired old man's face suddenly changed. With his wisdom, how could he not understand what Jiang Chen's metaphor meant.

In other words, he and them are just goldfish raised in captivity. They seem to be free, but in fact, they live in a cage.

"Being a goldfish has so many benefits, but how many people in this world would be willing to become a goldfish?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, you are too thoughtful, not as scary as you think." The white-haired old man had to say.

"Isn't it scary? Being a goldfish, but not knowing which goldfish you are, is the scariest thing." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Presumptuous." The white-haired old man slapped the table and stood up, angrily said: "Jiang Chen, I think you are a talent, that's why you treat each other with such courtesy, you must know the good and the bad."

"Tsk tsk, this is considered embarrassment and anger? But, do you think that with your strength, you can threaten me?" Jiang Chen didn't care at all.

His vision is so high that he can only be convinced if he is strong, and no matter how passionate his verbal promise is, it won't interest him in the slightest.

"I'm not threatening you, Jiang Chen, have you ever thought about it, even if you have some means, what about your family and your friends, what will you do when they need protection?" The white-haired old man quickly Forbearance of anger, persuasive and persuasive.

"When they need protection, I will naturally protect them. If I can't protect them myself, I will never believe that others can protect them." Jiang Chen said firmly.

This is self-confidence, but also conceit.

The ground team would know what happened last night, Jiang Chen didn't feel surprised, on the contrary, if the ground team didn't know, it would surprise him instead.

However, on this issue, the only thing Jiang Chen believed in was himself. What he couldn't do by himself was even more impossible for others to do. He didn't need to rely on others, he only believed in himself.

"You can't carve rotten wood." The white-haired old man hated iron but not steel.

"Just treat me as stubborn." Jiang Chen got up and walked outside the study.

The conversation reached such a point that it was already at an impasse, and if we tried to continue the conversation, it would be nothing more than tearing each other's skins apart. Although the white-haired old man was full of tricks, Jiang Chen didn't feel too much ill feeling.

He knew that it was time for him to leave, otherwise, how embarrassing the white-haired old man would be.

Jiang Chen got up, but the white-haired old man didn't stop him, and let Jiang Chen walk out of the study room. It wasn't until the door was closed that the white-haired old man rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

"It's a talent, but it's a pity that it can't be used by my team for the time being." The white-haired old man whispered to himself.

"Jiang Chen." Just as Jiang Chen went downstairs, Meng Xin greeted him.

"You came at the right time. I have something to ask you." This Meng Xin is very humble, not at all as arrogant as Song Shi and Song Yan. Jiang Chen's impression of him is still very good .

"What is it?" Meng Xin felt strange.

"As far as I know, that Song Shi is a member of the black iron level in the ground group, and Song Yan is a member of the bronze level. I want to know, are there other stronger existences?" Jiang Chen asked.

Meng Xin's face was a little weird for a moment. Jiang Chen's question made him realize that the conversation in the study might not be friendly. Otherwise, if Jiang Chen joined the ground group, how could he not even know about these things?
But these are not secrets, they can be accessed at a certain level, since Jiang Chen asked, Meng Xin did not hide anything, he said: "Above the Bronze level, it is the Silver level, and if it is higher, it is the Gold level. However, there are only two gold-level members in Jiangnan Province."

Meng Xin's aura was similar to Song Yan's. Jiang Chen knew that he was a member of the Bronze rank...but what Meng Xin said later caught Jiang Chen's attention.

"There are only two gold-level members in Jiangnan Province?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"Yes, there are two." Meng Xin explained, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't think that there are very few two. In fact, in so many provinces across the country, there are two, which are already very strong local groups. You You know, some provinces don’t even have a gold-level member.”

What Meng Xin didn't tell Jiang Chen was that the reason why Jiangnan Province had two gold-level members was because those two were a couple, and they were also natives of Tiannan City in Jiangnan Province. Let the ground formation team in Jiangnan Province take advantage of it.

"How is the strength of the silver-level members? How about the strength of the gold-level members?" Jiang Chen asked immediately.

The number of people is of course what he cares about, but what Jiang Chen cares more about is the opponent's strength.

He had fought against Song Yan. As a member of the bronze rank, if Song Yan hadn't used the silver needle to stimulate his potential, even if he could suppress Song Yan, it would have been a fierce battle.

"I'm a member of the bronze level. If the members of the silver level attack me, I can't even catch a single move." Meng Xin said the truth, very calmly, he said: "As for the members of the gold level, I have never seen them make a move, but it must be extremely terrifying."

"Okay, I get it, you can find me for a drink when you have time." Jiang Chen smiled.

This trip is finally not in vain, no matter what, I have a general understanding of the ground group.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen strode out of the villa.

Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the villa, a figure walked in the study upstairs.

"Old Mu, Jiang Chen refused?" That man was dressed in red, with a black skirt that reached to the ground, and the black hair like a waterfall fell casually behind his head, cold and unruly.

"Yes, I declined." The white-haired old man, Mu Fang, said.

"Why does he refuse?" Hong Yi said angrily.

Mu Fang smiled. Of course, he couldn't relate Jiang Chen's goldfish analogy to Hong Yi. He said, "It's not surprising that capable people have their own personalities. Just try it a few more times."

It's not like there is no such precedent in the Earth Group. Although Jiang Chen is considered a more difficult category, it is impossible for Mu Fang to give up recruiting Jiang Chen just because of this.

"I don't see what ability he has." Hongyi sneered, if Jiang Chen really had any ability, then all of Jiang Chen's abilities were reflected in that pair of lips.

Thinking of being molested by Jiang Chen in the car, Hong Yi just gritted her teeth in hatred. She originally thought about waiting for Jiang Chen to join the ground group, and then trying to find a way to take revenge on Jiang Chen. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would refuse.

"Hong Yi, don't underestimate Jiang Chen. This person is by no means simple. Even Song Yan died in his hands. If he didn't retain his strength, look at my team. Among the bronze-level members, he They will all have a place," Mu Fang urged.

Among the bronze level members, there are also high and low strengths. Song Yan is only at the middle level. In the ground group, it is not nobody who can defeat and kill Song Yan at the same level.

"Then once he enters the ground group, won't he be trained as a seed player?" Hong Yi's heart suddenly became unbalanced.

Seed players, that means that no one can underestimate those who have the opportunity to reach the silver level in the future.

"But he still refused." Mu Fang smiled wryly.

"It's best to refuse." Hongyi thought in her heart, but said on the mouth: "Old Mu, then we don't care about Jiang Chen's affairs?"

"Of course we have to take care of it. Let's clean it up. Talent is rare." Mu Fang nodded.

"Old Mu, you mean to sell Jiang Chen as a favor?" Hong Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking she didn't care.

Mu Fang smiled slightly, and said, "That's right, it's just selling him a favor, and he won't allow him to refuse, so sell him forcibly."

At the end, seeing the puzzled look on Hong Yi's face, Mu Fang explained: "Do you know how old Jiang Chen is? He is only a high school student, and he already has the strength of a Bronze-level member. His potential is obvious." Normally, our local team must try its best to attract such talents, naturally, this is under the category of a major premise."

The main premise is that Jiang Chen does not kill himself. That does not mean that Jiang Chen does evil or kills people. It is necessary to know that not everyone in the group is a good person, otherwise Song Shi and Song Yan will not be far away. The one who came to Yilan City to kill Jiang Chen.

That refers to - damage to national interests!

That is a bottom line, a bottom line that must not be crossed, once crossed, no matter how amazing the potential is, no matter how talented, the Earth Team will absolutely eradicate it at all costs!

(End of this chapter)

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