genius evil

Chapter 230 My Man

Chapter 230 My Man
Jiang Chen left, taking the same Hummer H2, and he was the only one in the car besides the driver.

The driver was a silent big man, with a simple and honest face, taciturn, and he looked a bit stupid, but there was a bloody smell on his body. Obviously, this man was definitely not stupid, not only not stupid, Still that kind of extremely vicious existence.

However, Jiang Chen has always been only interested in beautiful women. Although this big man named Qiao Yan is not ordinary, Jiang Chen is not even interested in talking.

Because of Mu Fang's nodding approval, the finishing work was handled by his own team. Jiang Chen was not sent to the police station at this time, but was sent directly to Yilan Middle School.

However, on this issue, Jiang Chen didn't have a big reaction. He didn't care if the ground team didn't do anything. The ground group is just giving him favors.

He is not an ungrateful person, it's just that such a little affection is too insignificant.

For the ground group, it is something that can be done easily, so he can accept it casually.

"Your name is Jiang Chen, right?" The car arrived at the gate of Yilan Middle School, just as Jiang Chen got out of the car, Qiao Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"I am." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I will stay in Yilan City for the next few days, and I will come to see you again." Qiao Yan stared at Jiang Chen, and said firmly.

"No problem, but if you come to me, can you bring the girl in red along with you, after all, you have to know that I really have no interest in you at all." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Qiao Yan snorted coldly, but didn't reply, he kicked the accelerator and drove away quickly.

It wasn't until the car got on the road and left Xu Yuan that Qiao Yan, who was driving, murmured to himself, "The idea of ​​playing the red dress is really a toad's delusional desire to eat swan meat."

The reason why Qiao Yan said those words to Jiang Chen was naturally not a temporary idea, but after learning that Song Yan died at Jiang Chen's hands, he had such an idea.

Because Mu Fang intended to lure Jiang Chen into the ground group, Qiao Yan suppressed that idea for now, and waited until Jiang Chen entered the ground group. Anyway, by then, no matter whether it was to trouble Jiang Chen or something else, there would be plenty of them. Chance.

Jiang Chen's departure showed that the wooing was unsuccessful, while Qiao Yan no longer suppressed him, showing a certain amount of hostility towards Jiang Chen. Naturally, more of it was a strong fighting spirit.

In the whole group, he was silent, seemingly inconspicuous, but in fact he was an extremely crazy militant. He had fought Song Yan once, and Song Yan was not weak. One end, but the strength gap between the two is not obvious.

Moreover, among the bronze-level members of the Earth Group, Song Yan was recognized as having great potential.

As for Song Yan, who died at the hands of Jiang Chen, Qiao Yan naturally wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, fight Jiang Chen, and experience Jiang Chen's strength for himself.

And Qiao Yan's hostility, of course, is not limited to this. On the other hand, it stems from Mu Fang's respect for Jiang Chen. For Jiang Chen, the ground team dispatched four people, and even Mu Fang came to Yilan City in person, just to win over Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen, this made Qiao Yan extremely unbalanced.

He must fight Jiang Chen!
Jiang Chen naturally didn't know what was going on in Qiao Yan's mind, nor would he know that Qiao Yan would treat his casual joke as that toad that wanted to eat swan meat.

Watching the car leave, Jiang Chen smiled.

Trouble solved, nothing to worry about, Jiang Chen's feeling at this time is quite good.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen walked towards the gate.

Now, he is a celebrity in Yilan Middle School. He used to drive a BMW, and then a Porsche. The guards have long remembered his face, and no matter whether he is entering or exiting, he will never stop him. This is the treatment that other students only dream of.

At this moment, two strong lights shone on Jiang Chen's body.

The white Porsche, with a beautiful drift and flick, stopped almost close to Jiang Chen's body. Before the car came to a complete stop, a figure opened the door and jumped down from the passenger seat. It hung on Jiang Chen's body like a bear.

"Jiang Chen, I really love you to death." The woman hanging on Jiang Chen's body was talking indiscriminately, sticking out her pink and tender tongue, aiming at Jiang Chen's mouth.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, that soft little tongue just took advantage of the situation and got in, stirring randomly in Jiang Chen's mouth.

It wasn't until he couldn't breathe that he moved his tongue away, and a pair of big eyes looked and looked at Jiang Chen's face, full of joy and love.

"Xiao Tiantian, have I become handsome again?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, he's become handsome again." Tang Tian grinned.

Shuang'er, who just got out of the car, was speechless when she saw this. I have to say that this couple is really a perfect match, the woman is crazy, and the man is even more crazy.

"Jiang Chen, let's go open a room." Blinking her eyes, Tang Tian looked eager.

"Now?" Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

In the past, he was the one who dragged a woman to open a room, and it was the first time that he was dragged to open a room by a woman. This made Jiang Chen want to look in the mirror and see if he really became handsome again, otherwise, how could he let him go? Tang Tian is a nympho.

"That's right, it's now, people can't wait any longer." Tang Tian said sweetly.

Shuang'er rubbed her brows vigorously, she couldn't listen anymore, can't Miss Tang be a little more reserved?Is it really okay to go on like this?
"It's okay, I can wait, tell me why you came here at this time." Jiang Chen said a little curiously.

He had just finished contacting the people from the ground group, presumably the news hadn't spread much yet, Tang Tian came over so soon, it's not surprising that Jiang Chen was surprised.

"It's not my old man who called me." Tang Tian curled her lips and said, "The old man's ability to handle affairs is not very good, but the news is quite well-informed."

"Your father?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Yeah, my dad already knows about our relationship." Tang Tian said carelessly.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment, he got the point wrong, woman.

Tang Tian didn't care what was important or not, she smiled openly and said, "Jiang Chen, let me tell you, you have registered with the old man now, you must make some money and strive to enter my Tang family as soon as possible. door."

As soon as she said this, Tang Tian was even more overjoyed, feeling that her bones were a few taels crisp.

At the beginning, when she begged the old man to do something, she was so humble that the old man reluctantly agreed to ask about the situation. In the end, the Song family didn't give any face.

Of course, this is only the superficial situation. In fact, how could Tang Tian not know that the old man didn't contribute much at all. Otherwise, if the Song family really didn't give any face, the old man would be so calm?Maybe how to get angry, growl like a lion, and eat a few pieces of flesh and blood from the Song family.

After Jiang Chen came into contact with the ground group, everything was reversed. It was Tang Tianxiong who took the initiative to call her, and she knew about Jiang Chen's situation. And also refused to be wooed.

Land group?

Although I don't know what it is, but I can't figure it out when I think about it, okay?
The ground group wanted to win over Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen refused, that's really awesome, okay?

But Tang Tian felt that she was the most amazing person, because Jiang Chen was her man.

According to Tang Tian, ​​this is my man, it is unreasonable for you to look down on me, old man!Now being slapped in the face, slapped, slapped, doesn't feel good, doesn't it?
Tang Tianxiong's initiative, the attitude of the land group, and the solution to Jiang Chen's troubles. The combination of these three factors made Tang Tian so active and eager to appear in front of Jiang Chen.

This kind of excitement was even more turbulent than when she learned that the Meng family had been silenced. Tang Tian didn't grab Jiang Chen into the car and shake her up, which was already a very restrained performance.

Jiang Chen ignored Tang Tian's nonsense for the time being, and he vaguely understood that Tang Tian was running for him when he had an accident this time.

Although the matter is not a big deal in his opinion, what is important is an attitude. It just so happens that Tang Tian has such an attitude.

This moved Jiang Chen slightly. Perhaps, at this moment, he had completely accepted Tang Tian. Tang Tian had also become a woman recognized by him in the true sense.

"Let's go, open a room." Tang Tian has the wish in this regard, and Jiang Chen will naturally not let her down.

In other respects, he may sometimes let his woman down, but in this kind of matter, he will never.

"gogogo!" Tang Tian waved her small fist, as if she was about to kill Jiang Chen on the big hotel bed.

Shuang'er was still driving, speechless again and again, and simply chose to be insensitive. After sending Jiang Chen and Tang Tian to the nearest hotel, they left in despair.

Out of sight out of mind!

Looking at monsters at the front desk of the hotel, Jiang Chen and Tang Tian entered the elevator. Tang Tian was fine in the elevator, but when Jiang Chen swiped his card to open the room door, Tang Tian immediately revealed her true nature, and she immediately threw Jiang Chen into the elevator. Chen fell on the big bed.

"Jiang Chen, now you can't run away even if you want to." Tang Tian giggled, very much like a female bandit forcing her into prostitution.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and he said, "What are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? I want to be you!" Tang Tianjiao snorted, and the clothes on her body, one after another, quickly left her body.

Soon, the graceful and soft body, like a clean lamb, appeared in front of Jiang Chen without any concealment.

There was no need for Jiang Chen to undress himself, Tang Tian took the initiative to pull Jiang Chen's pants down.

"Belt." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's really in the way." Tang Tian rolled her eyes, and leaned over to untie Jiang Chen's belt.

Jiang Chen's mobile phone rang at this moment. Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He was about to hang up after just one glance. A moment in Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, and he didn't want to waste time on insignificant things.

But after seeing the caller ID clearly, there was no way to hang up Jiang Chen's call.

"Jiang Chen, where are you, I want to see you." When the phone was connected, a voice came faintly from the other end...

(End of this chapter)

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