genius evil

Chapter 232 Sleep and Sleep

Chapter 232 Sleep and Sleep
Jiang Chen was already very familiar with the layout of the villa where Lan Xiu lived, so he sent Lan Xiu to the bed in the bedroom with ease.

The body fell gently into the big soft bed. Lan Xiu didn't resist, but pulled the quilt subconsciously and covered her body.

"I'm sleeping too." Jiang Chen smiled, quickly took off his clothes, lifted the quilt and got in, pulled Lan Xiu into his arms, and closed his eyes.


Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, could it be that the sleep that Jiang Chen said was really sleeping, instead of torturing her on the bed?

Lying on his side, snuggling in the man's arms, Lan Xiu could just see Jiang Chen's face clearly. The slightly lazy young man's appearance had changed a lot from when he first met. .

That childishness, I don't know when, gradually faded away, replaced by a kind of maturity with a bit of evil charm, and I have to admit that this evil charm is actually quite attractive.

Lan Xiu could clearly see that Jiang Chen's eyes were closed, and even though Jiang Chen's hand was wrapped around her waist, he was surprisingly honest and didn't move around.

Hearing Jiang Chen's breathing evenly, it seemed that he had already fallen into a deep sleep just for a short while.

"So many things have happened, he must be very tired." Lan Xiu said to herself, unable to tell whether it was disappointment or this was the result she wanted.

But thinking about it carefully, this didn't seem to be the result she really wanted so much. When she was hugged to the bed by Jiang Chen and didn't resist, she had actually acquiesced to being bullied by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't bully her, but was unexpectedly behaved and honest, which made Lan Xiu feel a little surprised and at a loss as to what to do.

"Then go to sleep." Staring at Jiang Chen for a long time, he didn't find any sign that Jiang Chen's eyes had opened, as if he wasn't pretending to be asleep.Lan Xiu squeezed her body into Jiang Chen's embrace, as if wanting to absorb more warmth, her eyes also slowly closed.

What Lan Xiu didn't realize was that at the moment her eyes closed, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly opened.

"Liu Xiahui, not everyone can do it." Jiang Chen smiled wryly in his heart.

No matter which man in the world, when such a warm fragrance is in his arms, can still keep his heart as still as water, then he has seen hell, unless there are only two possibilities, one is that the man can't do it, and the other is that the man , On other women, I was exhausted from tossing.

Jiang Chen is not the first type, and certainly not the second type.

In terms of the madness Tang Tian showed tonight, if Lan Xiu's phone call wasn't too coincidental, he might indeed be exhausted.

But that was just a possibility after all, and it didn't happen.

Jiang Chen definitely didn't pretend to be Liu Xiahui deliberately, but he could tell that Lan Xiu's attitude towards him was in a sensitive stage of change.

It was rare for Lan Xiu to take the initiative to call him over. This was a very good start, but it was still far from Lan Xiu's real acceptance of him.

Lan Xiu's mentality is changing. This is a process of Lan Xiu's inner struggle. Once he makes an inappropriate move, a bad one, it is likely to push Lan Xiu further.

Therefore, based on the principle of doing more mistakes and not doing good things, Jiang Chen became so honest.

On the other hand, it was Jiang Chen who left Tang Tian aside out of guilt towards Tang Tian, ​​and climbed into Lan Xiu's bed, how could he push Lan Xiu down so eagerly?
In that way, it would not only be unfair to Tang Tian, ​​but even more unfair to Lan Xiu.

Although he is a rogue, he is not a beast.

"Xiao Xiuxiu is asleep, I really have to sleep." With a mutter, Jiang Chen closed his eyes again, and fell asleep quietly.

When Jiang Chen woke up the next day, Lan Xiu was no longer on the bed.

Climbing out of the bed, he put on his underwear carelessly, and Jiang Chen walked out of the bedroom, just in time to see Lan Xiu downstairs coming out of the kitchen with breakfast.

"Go wash your mouth, there are toothbrushes and towels for you in the bathroom." Lan Xiu looked up at Jiang Chen and said, after putting the plate on the dining table, she turned and went back to the kitchen.

"It turns out that Little Xiuxiu, the cook fan, is so pretty." Jiang Chen didn't blink, and quickly ran into the bathroom. After washing up in a hurry, he quickly ran into the kitchen again.

In the kitchen, Lan Xiu is frying eggs.

These are things that the nanny should do, but because Jiang Chen is here, Lan Xiu doesn't want to create unnecessary disputes, so she gives the nanny a day off.

Lan Xiu's movements of frying eggs are very familiar, it can be seen that she has cooked, Jiang Chen is watching from the side, and does not interfere.

Lan Xiu was embarrassed by Jiang Chen, but it was hard to drive Jiang Chen out, so she could only hold back her embarrassment and continue with the work at hand.

After finally cutting the eggs, Lan Xiu took another bottle of milk from the refrigerator, and the breakfast was complete.

While eating breakfast, Jiang Chen kept smiling and never closed his mouth.

"Isn't it delicious?" Lan Xiu was a little worried.

She has been educated as a lady since she was a child, and her cooking skills are trained by professional chefs, but counting the time, she has not cooked for a long time.

On the one hand, she was busy with work, on the other hand, she hadn't found the man who let her cook, and all the housework was done by her own nanny, but she didn't touch her hands anymore.

Jiang Chen was the man worthy of her own cooking. It wasn't Jiang Chen's performance last night that made her feel a long-lost warmth. It was because Jiang Chen was her man, the man who possessed her.

Women are always born at a disadvantage in this respect, even if they are as strong as Lan Xiu, it is inevitable.

One night passed, and her acceptance of Jiang Chen was a little higher, so she went to cook breakfast for Jiang Chen herself.

Otherwise, in the past, she would never have done such a thing.

"It's delicious, Xiao Xiuxiu, you made it, you don't need to think about it, it's delicious." Jiang Chen picked up a poached egg, stuffed it into his mouth, and smiled so much that even his teeth were exposed.

"It's delicious and you're still laughing so hatefully." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Jiang Chen chuckled, rubbed his face with his hand, and asked: "I look really hateful, I'm very happy, right, Xiao Xiuxiu, don't slander me."

"Don't call me Xiao Xiuxiu." Lan Xiu couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, Xiao Xiuxiu." Jiang Chen nodded vigorously.

Lan Xiu immediately retreated. In terms of hooliganism, there were only ten of her, so she was definitely not Jiang Chen's opponent.

Forget it, Xiao Xiuxiu can be Xiao Xiuxiu, as long as this shameful title is not known by others, otherwise, her majesty as a female mayor will be completely discredited.

After dinner, Jiang Chen scrambled to wash the dishes, Lan Xiu didn't argue with Jiang Chen, and made coffee on the sidelines, the two of them divided the labor and cooperated, when Jiang Chen finished washing the dishes, Lan Xiu had already made the coffee .

"Don't you have to go to work today?" Jiang Chen asked casually while drinking coffee.

He felt very comfortable, such a comfortable feeling that he had never enjoyed before, whether it was in his previous life or this life.

Lan Xiu has never been the kind of passionate woman, she is rational and even a little cold, which has a lot to do with her background and occupation.

She is not Tang Tian's personality, Ding Lingling's personality, or Xu Anqi's personality. What she has done has always been backlogged in her heart, and she will not say it easily.

Because of this, it is extremely rare.

Jiang Chen knew very well how precious this breakfast was.

"Nothing to do in the morning, I'll go to work in the afternoon." Lan Xiu said softly.

Jiang Chen looked at the time and said, "It's only 09:30, it's still very early, should we arrange some activities next?"

"What do you want to do?" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen, her eyes flickering slightly.

In an instant, a spark burst out of Jiang Chen's eyes. He suppressed it and drank the coffee first. After finishing the cup of coffee, Jiang Chen continued to suppress it, because Lan Xiu had only drank half of his coffee.

After Lan Xiu finally drank the coffee, Jiang Chen couldn't hold back any longer, hugged Lan Xiu, and strode upstairs.

Jiang Chen didn't answer what he was going to do, but he had already proved what he was going to do with his actions. Seeing Jiang Chen's eagerness, Lan Xiu laughed dumbfounded in his heart.

This man has never been a gentleman, and he can't even pretend to be. I don't know how he became so honest last night for no reason. At this time, he is probably the most real him.

Lan Xiu was sent to the bed by Jiang Chen himself again. This time, Jiang Chen naturally no longer just slept for a while. Lan Xiu cooked him breakfast and didn't go to work in the morning. The meaning was obvious. Now, if he still doesn't get the hang of it, he's the biggest fool in the world.

The sky is bright outside the window, the sun shines through the layers of clouds, and then penetrates through the tightly drawn curtains, leaving a piece of spring light, and indoors, the spring light is infinitely beautiful.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, Lan Xiu had to go to the city hall, the driver was already waiting for her, and after Lan Xiu left, Jiang Chen also left Jingyuan Villa.

Jiang Chen stopped a taxi and headed towards Yilan Middle School.

When Jiang Chen returned to Yilan Middle School, he didn't enter the school, but went to Sister Lan's small restaurant.

Lan Xiu made him breakfast, but he didn't have time to make lunch. After several hours of fighting, he would have digested it long ago. Jiang Chen planned to eat something to fill his stomach.

"Jiang Chen, you haven't come to drink medicine for two days, nothing happened, right?" Sister Lan asked worriedly upon seeing Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen basically came to drink medicine every afternoon, even though the wind and rain did not change, but he didn't come for two days, which made Sister Lan feel uneasy.

"Sister Lan, look at me like this, what's the matter, I'm just too hungry." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"It's fine, I'm going to cook." Sister Lan smiled lightly, and she could tell that Jiang Chen was indeed starving.

And just as Sister Lan walked into the kitchen, a figure walked in slowly at the entrance of the small restaurant!
(End of this chapter)

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