genius evil

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

His face was a little uneasy, and his footsteps were a little hesitant. After entering the restaurant, that figure walked directly towards Jiang Chen, and sat down opposite Jiang Chen.

But he only dared to sit down on half of his buttocks.

And perhaps because they were sitting opposite Jiang Chen, facing each other, the uneasiness on that person's face became a little deeper invisibly.

Jiang Chen just took a look at the person who came, then looked away, then smiled lightly, and asked, "Mulanhua, do you know why I called you to come and meet?"

"No... I don't know..." Magnolia felt nervous for no reason.

It was precisely because she didn't know that she was uneasy, because Jiang Chen's tone on the phone was not very good.

"Then, you will know after a while." Jiang Chen said.

"Why wait a while?" Mulan was stunned for a moment.

"Because I want to eat." Jiang Chen answered as a matter of course.

It happened that Sister Lan came out with a plate of dishes. Seeing Magnolia, she smiled and said, "Lanhua, have you eaten yet, how about I cook two dishes for you?"

Because Mulanhua and Li Yuehan often eat at Sister Lan's restaurant, Sister Lan is very familiar with Mulanhua, but Sister Lan doesn't know that the true identity of Mulanhua and John Li is her bodyguards, protecting her And Fluttershy's safety.

"I have eaten, thank you, Sister Lan." Mulan said very politely.

Mulanhua has never been able to understand what kind of relationship between Sister Lan and Jiang Chen is. It is not a sibling relationship, nor is it a lover relationship. On the surface, it seems very simple, but Mulanhua feels that , Jiang Chen asked her and John Li to protect Sister Lan, which in itself meant that Sister Lan was not easy in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Then do you want to eat some more?" Sister Lan was very enthusiastic.

" need..." Mulanhua said hastily.

Sister Lan entered the kitchen again, while Jiang Chen started to eat, bowl after bowl, with a good appetite and an astonishingly large appetite.

After finally waiting for Jiang Chen to finish his meal, Jiang Chen got up and left the restaurant, and Mulan quickly followed.

Sister Lan watched Jiang Chen and Mulanhua leave one by one, feeling a little confused.

"Did Jiang Chen and Magnolia know each other?" Sister Lan felt a little strange, she had never seen Jiang Chen and Magnolia in contact before, but now they looked very familiar.

As soon as she walked out of the hotel, the text message in Mulanhua's pocket rang. Mulanhua saw that it was Jiang Chen who sent her a text message, and she couldn't help but look weird.

She is here, if Jiang Chen has anything to say, just tell her directly, why send her a text message?

Mulanhua quickly took out her mobile phone, clicked on the text message, and took a look. Mulanhua's complexion changed drastically, and even her body couldn't help trembling slightly, her face gradually turned pale little by little until In the end, it was all white.

What Jiang Chen sent her was not a text message, but a picture.

That picture is very simple, showing a dark and gloomy color, it is a skull!

"Jiang Shao, what are you?" Mulanhua's hand holding the phone was trembling, and her voice was also trembling.

"Isn't it my duty to ask you this question?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, without any fumes.

Mulanhua hesitated for a moment, then said softly: "Jiang Shao, I have no intention of hiding anything."

"I know, so you are still alive up to now, and it looks like you are alive." Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

After a pause, Jiang Chen continued, "Tell me, what does this picture represent."

"This is a sign, a sign of a killer organization." Mulanhua didn't know exactly how much Jiang Chen knew, or whether this question was a test for her.

But she knew that she couldn't hide anything anymore, and as she herself said, she had no intention of hiding it. After all, Jiang Chen didn't ask her about the past, so she couldn't tell Jiang Chen eagerly.

Not to mention whether Jiang Chen is interested in knowing, and another point is that everyone has a secret, so why is it surprising that she has a secret herself?

"That killer organization is called the Flower God Association, and I am also a member of the Flower God Association." Mulanhua continued to speak.

"Skeleton head, Flower God Club?" Jiang Chen smiled and asked, "Don't you think the two don't go well together?"

Magnolia smiled wryly and said, "In the eyes of Buddhists, pink is nothing more than a skeleton."

"It seems to make some sense, but don't you think that this is all slander by those bald men who couldn't ask for it because of certain rules and regulations?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

Mulanhua was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't answer. She said, "Although I am a member of the Flower God Association, I am only a peripheral member. Young Master Jiang, you received a picture of a skeleton. Did someone come to look for it? passed you?"

"Oh, do you know a beautiful woman with purple hair and long legs?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Purple hair and long legs? Ziyu, one of the Twelve Flower Gods." According to the characteristics provided by Jiang Chen, Mulan immediately remembered a person.

Ziyu, one of the twelve flower gods of the Flower God Association.

The Twelve Flower Gods are the twelve core members of the Flower God Association.

It's just that the Twelve Flower Gods are just a collective term. In fact, according to what Mulan knows, except for the early days of the Flower God Association, where the Twelve Flower Gods competed for beauty, there have been no twelve flower gods in today's Flower God Association. Flower God.

Now, there are only nine Flower Gods.

This is because the Flora Society is a killer organization, and the probability of accidents among members is too high. This is because the Flora Society has been actively recruiting peripheral members, focusing on training, and replenishing the blood of the Twelve Flower Gods. The name of Erhuashen has long been misplaced.

"It turns out that the name of the long-legged beauty is Ziyu, which is really a good name." Jiang Chen smiled, glanced at Mulanhua, and said, "As a member of the Twelve Flower Gods, Ziyu actually came here for you. Going to Yilan City, it seems that even if you are a peripheral member of the Flower God Association, your status must not be too low."

Magnolia was in a daze for a moment before she said: "In the past few years, the organization has been cultivating and testing me, because I have a great chance to be among the Twelve Flower Gods."

"So that's it." Jiang Chen was relieved, it seemed that this magnolia was not simple.

But this point, Jiang Chen is not so strange, when he saw Mulanhua for the first time, the very peculiar temperament of Mulanhua attracted his attention.

And it was also because of the peculiar temperament of the magnolia flower that Jiang Chen would think of the magnolia flower when he saw Zi Yu, because Jiang Chen felt a similar aura from the two of them.

As for the reason why Jiang Chen asked for Ziyu's mobile phone number, it was naturally not because of the so-called convenience of contact, but because Jiang Chen wanted to confirm whether it was Ziyu who sent him the picture of the skeleton.

Facts have proved that it is indeed Ziyu, thus solving many doubts in Jiang Chen's heart.

Ziyu came to kill her because of Magnolia. Judging from Ziyu's performance, the members of the Flower God Association, at least the Twelve Flower Gods, are extremely proud women.

Since Magnolia is likely to enter the list of the Twelve Gods of Flowers, it means how much the God of Flowers will attach importance to it. Magnolia was forcibly left in Yilan City by Jiang Chen. For the proud God of Flowers, how can it be tolerate?

"Jiang Shao, you must have killed Ziyu, right?" Mulanhua asked extremely worried.

I heard Jiang Chen say that Ziyu came to Yilan City to kill him, but Jiang Chen was fine, so what about Ziyu, did he encounter Jiang Chen's poisonous hand?

"Do you think I look like the kind of man who destroys flowers with his hands?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

Magnolia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I'm just worried that if Ziyu is killed by you, the flower god will take revenge on you crazily."

"If it's a beautiful woman who came to take revenge on me, that's fine. If it's an ugly woman, then I don't mind pinching them all to death at all." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Shao, listen to me, the Flower God's Society is not as simple as you think." Mulanhua's expression was very serious, and she continued: "Although the Flower God's Society is a killer organization, it is not purely a killer organization. A killer organization has a huge network of relationships, and its infiltration in all aspects is unimaginable. Even I don't know what the Flower God Club is like. After all, you have to know that the members of the Flower God Club are all women."

"You mean, it is very likely that the strange beauty I will meet in the future is a member of the Flower God Association?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"That's right." Magnolia nodded.

Jiang Chen frowned. If that was the case, he really underestimated the existence of the Flower God Association.

You know, based on the strength of Mulanhua and Ziyu, he didn't take it seriously at all, but if Mulanhua's words were not alarmist, then the energy of the Huashenhui, an organization, would be extremely terrifying.

No one can underestimate the energy of a group of women, let alone a group of beautiful women. Their energy cannot be underestimated.

"Why did you tell me this? You can choose to hide it, and I won't know." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen asked.

Magnolia said: "No matter what, I don't want you and the flower god to have conflicts. I can see that Jiang Shao is very powerful. If the flower god turns against you, it will be of no benefit to the flower god."

"You're flattering me." Jiang Chen pretended to be very unhappy.

Mulan was very nervous and said, "Young Master Jiang, I'm not flattering you, I'm just telling the truth."

"Okay, I believe you are telling the truth, but you are still flattering me." Jiang Chen sighed, and said distressedly: "It seems that now everyone knows that I like to be flattered by others. Not a good thing."

Mulanhua was speechless for a moment. She was nervous for a long time. She never thought that Jiang Chen would react like this. It was too shameless and shameless.

"Jiang Shao, what will you do with me?" Mulan asked silently.

Ziyu showed up and came for her. If Jiang Chen didn't want to cause trouble, there would only be two ways to deal with her. One was to drive her away, and the other was to kill her.

Based on Mulanhua's understanding of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is not a timid person, so it is very likely that Jiang Chen will choose the second method of disposal, which is to kill her.

"Why should I dispose of you? I think it's best for you to stay here, and just pretend nothing happened." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"This—" Magnolia didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

The joy is that she will not die, but the sadness is that she still cannot escape Jiang Chen's control.

"Don't doubt my decision, you have to know, if you are dealt with by me, how can you attract the firepower of the twelve flower gods... Well, what if Xiao Zizi ignores me. "Jiang Chen said falteringly.

Little Zizi?Ziyu?

Magnolia stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded. This Jiang Chen must have taken a fancy to Ziyu, right?
This is the reason why he didn't kill Ziyu?
(End of this chapter)

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