genius evil

Chapter 234 The Best Compensation

Chapter 234 The Best Compensation
Ziyu is undoubtedly a stunner-like existence, even if she is also a woman, when she sees Ziyu several times, Magnolia is extremely ashamed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a disaster.

Jiang Chen would take a fancy to Ziyu, this point, Mulanhua didn't find it strange.

However, one must know that Ziyu wanted to kill Jiang Chen, and under such circumstances, Jiang Chen still fell in love with Ziyu, which made Mulanhua very strange.

"This is the so-called even if the peony flower dies, is it romantic to be a ghost?" Mulan murmured in her heart, not knowing whether to say that Jiang Chen was bold, or that Ziyu's charm was too great. So much so that Jiang Chen didn't even want his own life.

If Jiang Chen knew the complicated thoughts deep in Mulanhua's heart at this moment, he would definitely smile.

Maybe Ziyu is dangerous to others, but to him, Ziyu's behavior is just a fun little game.

"What's your reaction? Although I know that Ziyu is not good enough for me, don't be so obvious." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"I—" Magnolia's eyes widened.

"Oh, I also know that Ziyu is not good enough for me, but you just need to know about it. Don't tell others about it, otherwise, if Ziyu finds out, Ziyu will die of grief." Jiang Chen looked kind.

Magnolia couldn't cry or laugh immediately, she was dumbfounded and couldn't speak for a long time.

And Jiang Chen, after talking nonsense, whistled and left leisurely.

"It seems that there is a story between Young Master Jiang and Ziyu." Looking at Jiang Chen's leaving back, Mulanhua thought to herself.

However, even though Ziyu came to Yilan City this trip, her purpose was to kill Jiang Chen, and she did not meet her. As for what kind of entanglement there was between Ziyu and Jiang Chen, she had no way of knowing. .

Before Jiang Chen had time to enter the school, a car stopped beside him.

The window glass of the co-pilot fell down, and the woman sitting in the driver's seat waved to him and ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Get in the car."

"Sir, I just came out of the police station. You don't mean to arrest me again, do you?" Jiang Chen said with a sad face, and clattered into the co-pilot seat.

"Why, are you afraid?" Ding Lingling sneered, she was driving Jiang Chen's broken Mitsubishi.

"Yeah, I'm scared." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ding Lingling's eyes blinked lightly, and there was a gloomy emotion flowing quietly in them.

"I'm afraid you'll embezzle my car. Wouldn't it be a big loss for me?" Jiang Chen then said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, die to me, a broken car, you think I like it, even if you give it to me, I won't take it." Ding Lingling yelled.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Little girl, don't talk to me, I have a bad temper, if I get angry, maybe I will really give you this car."

"Then you give it away." Ding Lingling really ran on Jiang Chen.

"Didn't you say no?" Jiang Chen began to play dumb.

"Stingy ghost, I really don't want it, it's just to see if you dare to give it to me." Ding Lingling smiled contemptuously, kicked the accelerator, and started the car on the road.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped upstairs of a hotel. After Ding Lingling got off the car, she asked Jiang Chen to follow him.

The two entered the hotel, took the elevator directly to the tenth floor, and entered a room.

This is a suite. On the table in the outer room, there is a lot of wine, including red wine, white wine and beer. In addition, sumptuous appetizers are also prepared.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen poked his head in and out for a few glances, and asked furtively.

It's alright for Ding Lingling to bring him to open a room, but he has prepared so much red wine. Could it be that he wants to get him drunk and take advantage of the opportunity to do something wrong?
"What else can you do? Of course it's drinking. If you don't want to drink, I won't make things difficult for you. Just watch me drink." Ding Lingling curled her lips.

"Well, I won't drink it, I'll just watch you drink it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, are you still a man?" Ding Lingling yelled again.

"Obviously you said that yourself." Jiang Chen was very helpless, this woman was abnormally powerful today, she was duplicity, and she was doing the same thing.

"I told you to take it seriously?" Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a white look, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and drink, do you want to drink red or white?"

"I drink beer." Jiang Chen sat over, and with a slight movement of his fingers, he pried off the beer cap.

"He's pretty handsome." Ding Lingling grinned, picked up a bottle of beer and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying, "Come on, drink it for me."

Jiang Chen smiled, and flicked the wine cap away with a flick of his finger.

"This move is really good, I guess it's often used to pick up girls." Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen.

"Why should I go to pick up girls? It's always been girls who pick up on me, okay, girl, we're close friends, you must not slander me." Jiang Chen immediately quit.

"The girl picks you up? It's not dark yet, don't dream." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes, picked up the bottle and touched Jiang Chen, and said, "Drink."

After touching it, Ding Lingling raised her neck and poured wine into her small mouth. After drinking a bottle of beer in one breath, Ding Lingling urged: "Jiang Chen, what are you doing, why don't you hurry up?" drink wine."

"I'm not kidding, I'm just thinking, do you want to get yourself drunk, or do you want to get me drunk." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Of course I got you drunk." Ding Lingling said without a doubt.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"You'll know when you're drunk." Ding Lingling was mysterious.

"Okay, then I'll start drinking. I hope there will be surprises after I get drunk." Jiang Chen started to drink with an expectant expression on his face.

Jiang Chen drank a bottle of beer in one go, opened another bottle, and opened another bottle after drinking... Just like that, under Ding Lingling's crazy-looking eyes, Jiang Chen didn't stop, He drank five bottles of beer, one bottle of white wine and two bottles of red wine.

"Okay, I'm drunk." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling with drunken eyes, and said with his tongue out.

Ding Lingling's whole body is in a mess, what's going on?
Before she had time to drink, Jiang Chen took the initiative to drink himself, and it was the kind of direct drunk, which is too straightforward.

"Are you really drunk?" Ding Lingling asked tentatively.

"I'm really drunk, now you can tell me what the surprise is, right?" Jiang Chen said in an affirmative tone.

"There's no surprise at all. I just want to get you drunk. You think too much." Ding Lingling said with inexplicably guilty conscience, her eyes flickering.

"Little girl, you obviously don't want to be responsible. You told me that there were no surprises when I was drunk. How can you be like this?" Jiang Chen was very angry.

"I didn't say that there was a surprise. You are just being passionate. How can you blame me?" Ding Lingling retorted triumphantly.

"Okay, you won. I'm dizzy now. Go to sleep first. I'll settle the score with you when I wake up." Jiang Chen hiccupped, got up and staggered towards the bedroom inside. One rolled over on the bed and passed out.

"I'm really drunk." Ding Lingling stuck out her tongue mischievously, and was slightly distressed, because some things seemed to be a little different from what she had imagined.

Come on, she took the initiative to bring Jiang Chen to the hotel room, and even bought so much wine in advance. Doesn't Jiang Chen have any associations?

How could he get drunk so quickly?
Who in the world would do such a thing?
After worrying, Ding Lingling was very contradictory again. She opened a bottle of beer for herself and drank it sullenly by herself.

Perhaps when a person is drinking, it is usually easy to forget how much alcohol he has drunk and how much he has drunk.

Ding Lingling was in such a situation right now, until she became dizzy and smelled of alcohol, Ding Lingling counted the bottles... seven bottles!
"So much?" Ding Lingling was very surprised, but she knew very well that her drinking capacity was not so good.

In the past, if he forcibly drank seven bottles of beer, he would have been unconscious for a long time, but now, although his head is dizzy, his mind is basically clear.

Ding Lingling didn't drink any more, she got up, moved her steps, walked into the inner room, appeared at the bedside, and watched Jiang Chen sleep.

"Jiang Chen, you're a pig, haven't you thought about what I'm going to do today?" Ding Lingling was very annoyed and irritable.

"I took you into the police station with my own hands and almost killed you. You pighead, you dare to get drunk in front of me. Are you not afraid that I will kill you again?" red.

It was she who personally arrested Jiang Chen and brought him into the police station. She promised Jiang Chen swearingly, but then the situation quickly got out of control, beyond the scope of her control.

She went to Ding Honghou, hoping that Ding Honghou could help Jiang Chen, but Ding Honghou was not willing, and while Ding Lingling was disappointed, she was also extremely sad.

She didn't know that the situation would become like that. If she had known earlier, she would definitely not have arrested Jiang Chen. Instead of arresting him, she would have reminded Jiang Chen in advance to let Jiang Chen leave, as far away as possible.

Even in the end, Jiang Chen left the police station safe and sound, but this incident planted a thorn in Ding Lingling's heart, making her feel extremely guilty towards Jiang Chen.

She didn't know what she could do, maybe she couldn't do anything, but she still wanted to do something as compensation for Jiang Chen.

In Ding Lingling's view, the best compensation is undoubtedly to give Jiang Chen herself, that's why she opened the room, and that's why she prepared so much wine.

Ding Lingling set up a set of scripts for herself. If she followed the script, when she and Jiang Chen were drinking, drinking with each other, the lonely men and widows were in the same room. Certain things would be It happened naturally, and she successfully compensated Jiang Chen.

But the problem is, Jiang Chen doesn't play cards according to common sense at all, so what should she do next?
You can't take advantage of Jiang Chen's drunken unconsciousness and just pounce on him like this?

Inexplicably, after this idea emerged from her mind, Ding Lingling suddenly became a little moved, and, a little eager, her eyes looking at Jiang Chen like that, quietly became hot...

(End of this chapter)

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