genius evil

Chapter 235 Jiang Chen's Spring Has Come

Chapter 235 Jiang Chen's Spring Has Come

"You can't miss the opportunity." Ding Lingling said to herself.

God knows how much courage she mustered up to do such a thing. If she misses this time, maybe she will never have such courage again.

Ding Lingling, who has no experience with human beings, doesn't understand things between men and women, but she feels that it's just like that, that is, a man and a woman take off their clothes and do something shy that can be known but never seen. It's just a matter.

is it hard?
It's not difficult at all, is it?
"That's right, you can't miss the opportunity." Ding Lingling said to herself again.

Ding Lingling began to take off her clothes, trousers, shoes and socks. Based on the principle that she must be naked, Ding Lingling began to take off and take off.

This process lasted about 5 minutes, and Ding Lingling finally stripped herself into a naked lamb.

"My lady's figure is still very good." Looking at herself up and down, Ding Lingling said narcissistically.

Afterwards, Ding Lingling just took off Jiang Chen's clothes... No, she took off her shoes first... After taking off and taking off, Ding Lingling suddenly felt that her dizzy head became heavier inadvertently, and her eyes closed unconsciously. Lie down on the bed and fell asleep.

Jiang Chen stood up, picked up Ding Lingling, put her on the bed, pulled the quilt casually, and covered her white~pink tender body.Of course, before putting on the quilt, Jiang Chen accidentally exposed Ding Lingling.

"Little girl, fortunately I was on guard against you, otherwise I would have lost my virginity." Jiang Chen murmured to himself, with a weird expression on his face, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Jiang Chen is not stupid, not only is he not stupid, he is also very shrewd.

From the very first sentence Ding Lingling uttered when he appeared in front of him in a car, Jiang Chen discovered that something was wrong with Ding Lingling's state.

When he appeared downstairs in the hotel, at that moment, Jiang Chen knew what Ding Lingling was up to, and then, without accident, he saw wine in the hotel room.

With so much wine, even an elephant can get drunk.

But Ding Lingling just wanted to get him and herself drunk, and she really respected their drinking capacity.

As for why Ding Lingling did this, even though he didn't know Ding Lingling's inner monologue, Jiang Chen could probably guess to a certain extent.

"What a silly woman." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

Do you think this will make up for it?

Well, it is indeed possible to make up, and it is the best way to make up, but is Jiang Chen the kind of man who can do whatever he wants?
Well, he, Jiang Chen, does sometimes.

But sometimes, it is definitely not, at least, Ding Lingling in this state is absolutely not.

This was just Ding Lingling's impulsive behavior when she couldn't figure it out for a while. After this momentum passed, Ding Lingling would regret it. Even if she didn't regret it, she would still have a lot of resentment.

This was naturally not what Jiang Chen wanted to see.

And one thing is, Jiang Chen doesn't think that Ding Lingling needs to compensate him for anything, he doesn't think that Ding Lingling has done anything to offend him.

After all, even if Ding Lingling didn't arrest him, he would not be foolish to resist when other policemen arrested him. Sooner or later, he would enter the police station and be arrested by Ding Lingling or by other policemen. , what is the difference?

Combining these two factors, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to be sensitive to Ding Ling.

However, in this way, Jiang Chen found that he was really embarrassed.

One of the reasons for his embarrassment is that Ding Lingling's figure is much better than he imagined. The breasts that he has been teasing for a long time are not really that small when he is not wearing clothes. She's a little older than that girl Tang Tian.

Moreover, he had seen it secretly, no matter the shape or the color, they were all very attractive.

Jiang Chen drank a lot of wine, he was not drunk yet, but with his current cultivation level, it would be a joke to force the alcohol out of his body.

He was not drunk, but he was also affected by alcohol. Alcohol burned his stomach, while Ding Lingling burned his eyeballs.

"Could it be that my Jiang Chen's spring has come?" Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Leaving aside Tang Tian, ​​the night he spent with Lan Xiu, for him, the torment was already very difficult to restrain, and in the end there was no accident, but it was still out of control.

But now, Ding Lingling came to play this trick again, just like Tang Tian, ​​in an unusually active way, peeling himself into a lamb, saving him the step of undressing himself.

Who in a normal man can stand this?
Jiang Chen is the kind of normal man who can no longer be normal. Although he has proved his normality time and time again on Lan Xiu this morning, his combat power may be affected a little at this time, but there is no doubt that he is still defeated by Ding. Lingling successfully teased her.

"It's really killing me." Jiang Chen groaned.

This kind of situation where you can look at it casually, and in fact you can do whatever you want, but you can't be casual at all, makes Jiang Chen feel depressed to death.

"Too much luck, it's really not a good thing." Taking a deep breath, and forcibly suppressing the restless emotions in his heart, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

"No, if things go on like this, something will happen sooner or later." Jiang Chen said to himself, exhaling a foul breath.

It is true that Ding Lingling covered the quilt, but that layer of quilt can be easily lifted, even if he does not lift it, Ding Lingling may also lift it.

So, Jiang Chen did something that even he himself could not imagine, that is, to dress Ding Lingling.

Jiang Chen had worn clothes for himself countless times, but it was the first time for him to dress a woman... On the surface, there was not much difference in procedure between dressing himself and dressing others.

But obviously, it is not an easy task to dress a woman, or to dress a woman who is beautiful and has a good figure.

Even if Jiang Chen deliberately restrained and restrained, after successfully putting all the clothes on Ding Lingling, Jiang Chen's breathing became a lot heavier, and even his eyes were slightly bloody.

"This kind of thing, even if you beat me to death, you absolutely can't do it a second time." Jiang Chen gritted his teeth. He knew very well that he was not Liu Xiahui, but he was forced to sit still again and again. This was too torture. people.

After dressing Ding Lingling, Jiang Chen pulled out a silver needle from Ding Lingling's head with a light movement of his fingers. He lifted the quilt to cover his body, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in an instant.

When Ding Lingling woke up, it was already the morning of the next day. As soon as she opened her eyes, her hands were groping around her body.

After touching it for a while, Ding Lingling felt that something was wrong, so she lifted the quilt.

"I obviously took off my clothes, what's going on?" Looking at the intact clothes on her body, Ding Lingling was completely confused.

"Didn't I take off my clothes?" Ding Lingling was a little at a loss. She tilted her head and racked her brains to think about what had happened, and finally determined that she had actually taken off her clothes because, although her clothes were It was well worn, but the socks were on the ground.

"Is it the clothes Jiang Chen gave me?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen who was sleeping next to her, her expression changing.

"Damn beast, do you think you can cover up your evidence by putting on clothes for me?" Ding Lingling was annoyed.

Just do it, she doesn't care about a woman, she is still so proactive, but what's the matter with Jiang Chen, twisting Nini like a bitch, obviously eating her up, and trying to Eliminate evidence.

Shameless, too shameless.

Ding Lingling was angry and wronged. She didn't intend to make Jiang Chen responsible or anything. She just wanted to compensate Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's behavior of not having 300 taels of silver here undoubtedly hurt her greatly. self-esteem.

"Damn beast, I don't want to see you again." Stretching out her hand, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, Ding Lingling got off the bed softly.

Putting on the socks and shoes, Ding Lingling tiptoed towards the door. After two steps, Ding Lingling stopped suddenly.

She found that the situation was a little bit wrong. She said that for the first time for a woman, it often hurts so much that it is inconvenient to walk the next morning.

If it is said that she was drunk yesterday and didn't feel the pain for the first time, why is she walking now and everything is as usual?No discomfort at all?

"Could it be that my physique is different from ordinary people?" Ding Lingling thought blankly, she couldn't understand what was going on, perhaps the only possibility was that nothing happened yesterday.

Not only did it not happen, Jiang Chen also helped her put on the clothes and tried every means to prevent something from happening.

"Is it what I think?" Ding Lingling whispered softly.

Jiang Chen was still sleeping, she couldn't ask Jiang Chen, but Ding Lingling also understood that this was undoubtedly the biggest possibility.

Ding Lingling would not doubt her own charm, nor would she doubt Jiang Chen's ability in a certain aspect. Moreover, Jiang Chen drank a lot of wine, and she also drank a lot of wine.

Drunk lonely men and widows, living in an ambiguous environment like a hotel room, are indistinguishable from dry firewood meeting a raging fire.

Jiang Chen is such a rascal, and she is so proactive. If something happens, it is a very normal thing. If nothing happens, it is very abnormal.

But also because it is not normal, it is commendable.

"The little rascal has already seen through everything. He must have endured it very hard." Ding Lingling said silently. At this time, she no longer thought Jiang Chen was hateful, but instead felt that Jiang Chen was so cute.

A woman voluntarily took off her clothes but seduced a man, and that man clumsily put the clothes on for that woman... That picture is so funny when you think about it.

Ding Lingling didn't intend to wake Jiang Chen up. Some things require great courage. She no longer had the courage and impulsiveness she had yesterday. She still quietly left the room. Quietly closed the door.

The moment the door closed, Jiang Chen lying on the bed opened his eyes suddenly, grinning, Jiang Chen's smile was bitter.

"I swear, if I have the chance next time, I will definitely be in a mess." Jiang Chen said to himself angrily, almost out of breath!
(End of this chapter)

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