genius evil

Chapter 236 The Goddess and the Female Nerve

Chapter 236 The Goddess and the Female Nerve
Around eleven o'clock at noon, a red car drove away from Yilan Middle School slowly.

Tangyue was sitting in the driving seat with a slightly anxious look on her face. She was holding the steering wheel with her left hand and holding the mobile phone with her right hand. What was displayed on the mobile phone was that she was dialing Jiang Chen's number.

However, just like the previous seven times, the other end of the phone is still prompted to shut down.

Gently pressing down the phone with her finger, Tangyue smiled wryly, Jiang Chen promised Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao to get well, saying that they would have dinner together in three days.

At that time, the words were more beautiful than the songs, but today, it was the day of the dinner party, his mobile phone was turned off, which made Tangyue really want to find Jiang Chen and beat him up.

You know, the relationship between her and Xiao Hua is not good, and Dong Zijiao once pursued her and is now Xiao Hua's boyfriend, so it can even be said that there is a little gap between her and Xiao Hua.

In terms of her personality, she would have rejected this dinner, because she understood that it would be somewhat troublesome, and one thing more is worse than one thing less, so why bother herself?

Before she had time to refuse, Jiang Chen agreed. At that time, Jiang Chen's identity was her boyfriend. Naturally, she didn't want to give Jiang Chen face, so she had to bite the bullet and agree.

However, what happened to Jiang Chen's mobile phone shutting down, could it be that he just ran away?

Tangyue felt a little restless in her heart. Holding her mobile phone, she wondered if she should call Jiang Chen again, but she finally chose to give up.

She already called Jiang Chen eight times in a row, and calling another one would make no difference, so she had to put away her phone, and Tangyue drove to the restaurant that Xiao Hua had made an appointment with in advance.

Half an hour later, Tangyue arrived.

This place is called Shuiyunjian. It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a private club with a high barrier to entry. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter unless they have a membership card or an invitation letter.

Tangyue knew that there was such a place in Yilan City, but it was the first time she came here. Fortunately, she just parked the car and saw Xiao Hua walking out of it.

"Tangyue, where's your boyfriend?" Xiao Hua saw Tangyue at a glance, searched around for a while, but couldn't see Jiang Chen, and couldn't help being a little curious.

"He has something to do, so he can't come over for the time being." Tangyue explained perfunctorily.

"Could it be that Zijiao and I have too little face, and your family doesn't like it." Xiao Hua said sourly.

Her impression of Jiang Chen was not very good, especially when she remembered the last time they met, Jiang Chen said that you had a thick skin, which made Xiao Hua's face so hot.

"Jiang Chen is not that kind of person, he really has something to do." Tangyue hurriedly explained.

"Oh, I was just joking, why are you so nervous, Tangyue, it seems that Jiang Chen has a very special place in your heart, let's go, let's go in quickly, someone is waiting for you inside early in the morning It's definitely a big surprise." Xiao Hua smiled and pulled Tangyue into the Shuiyunjian.

"Besides you and Dong Zijiao, is there anyone else? Who is it?" Tangyue was puzzled.

"Don't ask, you'll know who it is after you see it yourself." Xiao Hua made a fool of himself.

The interior of Shuiyunjian is a semi-enclosed layout. Xiao Hua and Tangyue appeared in a box named Clivia. The door of the box was just pushed open, and a figure rushed out like a gust of wind, stretched out. Opening his hands, he hugged Tangyue tightly.

"Xiao Yueyue, I really miss you." The woman who hugged Tangyue acted coquettishly.

"Panpan?" Tangyue was surprised and delighted, and she also opened her arms to hug the woman.

Just now when Xiao Hua said that there was a surprise, Tangyue was still a little apprehensive. She didn't want the inexplicable surprise to turn into a shock. Seeing this woman named Panpan now is indeed a great surprise.

Panpan's full name is Li Pan'er. The name is very cute, and the person is even cuter. She has short hair, a round face, and a height of about 1.6 meters, giving people a feeling of flesh.

Li Pan'er was Tangyue's best friend in high school. Originally, the two made an appointment to go to the same university. Unfortunately, Li Pan'er left the country after graduating from high school and gradually lost contact. This matter has always been in Tangyue's heart. A great regret.

She did not expect that she would see Li Pan'er again under such circumstances.

"Hee hee, it's not me." Li Pan'er squinted her eyes and smiled, she let go of her hand, took two steps back, looked Tang Yue up and down, and said, "Xiao Yueyue, you've gained weight."


Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and immediately became nervous.

She has always been abstinent in her diet, in order to maintain a good figure, how could she gain weight?
"I really gained weight." Li Pan'er stretched out her claws, touched Tangyue's body, and said with a smile: "Here, here, I have gained weight. Women with boyfriends are different."

Tangyue blushed instantly. What Li Pan'er was referring to was her breasts and buttocks. It wasn't that she had "gained weight" a lot. Fortunately, she really thought she had gained weight. This woman is still such a hooligan. , leaving her with nothing to do.

However, it seems that Li Pan'er hasn't changed much. She used to have short hair, but now she also has short hair. Her small face is round and full of sensuality. Tangyue couldn't help reaching out and pinching Li Pan'er's face.

"How does it feel?" Li Pan'er asked impatiently.

"Not bad." Tangyue smiled.

Tangyue felt very good about her best friend from high school, whom she hadn't seen for several years, and her relationship was the same as before.

"Tangyue, long time no see, how are you doing?" Just as Tangyue and Li Pan'er were playing around, a man got up and walked over slowly, asking with a smile on his face.

"You are... Ji Feng?" Tang Yue hesitated a little.

"I'm Ji Feng." The young man named Ji Feng smiled lightly and said, "Before I came here, I was worried that you would forget me as an old classmate. Fortunately, you still remember my name. It's my pleasure."

"It's an honor or not, it's sour, so sour." Li Pan'er rolled her eyes, pulled Tangyue over to sit down, and beckoned everyone to sit down, saying: "Today we are reuniting with old classmates, I can No matter who you are or how much you have achieved, put your airs down, and we won't go home until we're drunk."

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home." Ji Feng acted very gracefully, picked up a glass of red wine in front of him, and said to Tangyue: "Old classmate, I would like to respect you."

"I'm not very good at drinking." Tangyue said shyly.

"It's okay, I'll finish drinking, you can do whatever you want." Ji Feng said thoughtfully.

"Ji Feng, you haven't given up yet, have you? I heard that Xiao Yueyue has a boyfriend, how can you poach someone's boyfriend's corner?" Li Pan'er was straightforward, saying whatever came to her mind , without any scruples.

"Do I have to give up?" Ji Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's useless if you don't give up. Tangyue didn't give you a chance before, and now she won't give you a chance." Li Pan'er spoke quickly.

"Then maybe it's because I didn't do well enough." Ji Feng said lightly.

For Tangyue, Ji Feng has never really given up.

It's not that he loves Tangyue so much, it's just a sense of frustration that he can't ask for. This is also when he received a call from Xiao Hua, saying that he saw Tangyue in Yilan City, and Ji Feng pushed her away. All things come to Yilan City for sake.

Even if Tangyue has a boyfriend, so what, is this the reason why Ji Feng wants to give up?
It's a joke.

When he was young in high school, he pursued pure and perfect love. At his current age, if he can't get any kind of woman, love has long been bullshit.

What he wants is to get it, and it has nothing to do with anything else. This is a very pure and direct purpose, but of course, on the surface, it is naturally impossible for Ji Feng to show the slightest bit.

"It's so rare to be so infatuated. Why is there no man who is so infatuated with me?" Li Pan'er looked envious.

Then Li Pan'er said again: "Xiao Yueyue, for Ji Feng's infatuation, why don't you just kick your boyfriend, I think Ji Feng is pretty good."

Ji Feng's heart moved slightly. Originally, he didn't like this Li Pan'er very much. There was no way, this woman was too noisy and might hinder his plan.

I never thought that Li Pan'er would take the initiative to say good things for him. This made Ji Feng like Li Pan'er a little bit. Then, Ji Feng took a look at Li Pan'er and found that Li Pan'er was also in good shape. Didn't find this out?

"Pan'er, don't talk nonsense." Tangyue said angrily.

If seeing Li Pan'er was a pleasant surprise, seeing Ji Feng was a great surprise.

Ji Feng was also one of her suitors in high school, and she was an extremely fanatical one. Perhaps it was because of Ji Feng's fanaticism that it gave her a very uncomfortable feeling.

Today, Ji Feng has changed a lot, but Tangyue's uncomfortable feeling still exists, which makes her embarrassed and awkward.

However, Ji Feng hadn't given up yet, and Li Pan'er was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, which gave Tang Yue a headache and at the same time complained about Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen hadn't turned off his phone and appeared with her, then Jiang Chen would have been able to handle such a scene. With Jiang Chen's eloquence and thick skin, no one could resist it.

After thinking about it for a while, Tangyue was slightly taken aback. What happened? When did his dependence on Jiang Chen become so deep?This does not seem to be a good phenomenon.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just... well, I'm just jealous." Li Pan'er curled her lips and said, "Do you remember how those guys commented on the two of us? They said you are a goddess, I It's the neuropathy around the goddess, referred to as the female neuropathy... Oh, it's you, Xiao Yueyue, who have caused me to be unable to find a boyfriend until now, and you must be responsible for this."

Tangyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it really happened, but she didn't expect that after so many years, Li Pan'er still remembered it.

"Pan'er, you said you want Tangyue to be responsible to you, she is a woman like you, how should she be responsible to you?" Xiao Hua finally found a chance to speak.

"Then let her boyfriend be responsible for me." Li Pan'er said in a very disapproving tone.

(End of this chapter)

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