genius evil

Chapter 237 Funny and Stupid

Chapter 237 Funny and Stupid

When Li Pan'er said a word, everyone in the box fell silent, four pairs of eyes and eight eyeballs all fell on Li Pan'er's body.

"This Li Pan'er has a big mouth, he really dares to say anything." Smacking his mouth, Xiao Hua said in his heart.

Dong Zijiao was silent, while Ji Feng picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the red wine, glanced at Li Pan'er with a half-smile, and then at Tangyue.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Did I say something wrong?" Li Paner blinked and said with a smile.

Tangyue gave her a headache. What do you mean by saying the wrong thing? She already said the wrong thing. A girl, how could she say such things casually?
"No, no, I just think that Tangyue's boyfriend will be very happy, after all, Pan'er, you have such a good figure and look so beautiful." Xiao Hua complimented.

Li Pan'er came uninvited, and was not within Xiao Hua's plan. Xiao Hua only invited Ji Feng alone, and she didn't understand why Li Pan'er came.

Xiao Hua understood what Ji Feng was thinking. If at this time, he could successfully push Li Pan'er to Jiang Chen, maybe Ji Feng would have a chance to embrace the beauty, and at that time, her benefits would be absolute. Indispensable.

"Is there?" Li Pan'er giggled and said, "Xiao Yueyue, we have such a good relationship, you won't mind."

"I mind." Hearing Li Pan'er's words became more and more chaotic, Tangyue hurriedly interrupted her wild thoughts.Although I knew that Li Pan'er was a little nervous before, I didn't know that Li Pan'er had such a funny side.

"Xiao Yueyue, our sisters have such a good relationship, how can you be so stingy." Li Pan'er was very dissatisfied with this.

"Okay, let's have a drink." At the right time, Ji Feng interrupted Li Pan'er and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Drink and drink." Dong Zijiao followed suit.

Tangyue only took a sip before putting down the wine glass, but Li Pan'er poured all the red wine in the glass into her mouth in one go.

After drinking a glass of wine, Li Pan'er blushed and said, "Xiao Hua, have you met Xiao Yueyue's boyfriend, how is he handsome, is he rich?"

"It's definitely young and rich, handsome and extraordinary." Xiao Hua said in an affirmative tone.

"Tsk, it sounds pretty good, but in this way, don't you have a chance, Ji Feng?" Suddenly, Li Pan'er's topic turned to Ji Feng.

Frowning slightly, Ji Feng said, "I'm not bad either."

"Maybe you are far behind." Li Pan'er said with a whimper.

"Really? Then I'm curious, what kind of person is that Jiang Chen?" Ji Feng said noncommittally.

"If you want to know who I am, then take a good look at me. When you see clearly, you will definitely have low self-esteem and die." But at this time, a voice sounded in the box.

The young man who seemed a bit tired walked into the box carelessly, sat down beside Tangyue, picked up the wine glass in front of Tangyue, took a sip of the red wine, and smiled.

"You are Jiang Chen?" Ji Feng's eyes fell on the young man who came in, and he said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I am, are you still curious about me now?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know if Ji Feng is curious about you. Anyway, I am very curious about you... Well, you are quite handsome, but your taste is not good. Look at your clothes and hairstyle. Oh, you are so ugly. By the way, are you really rich?" Li Pan'er stared at Jiang Chen carefully.

Jiang Chen was sitting on Tangyue's right side, and Li Pan'er happened to be on his right side. The two sat very close, making it very convenient for Li Pan'er to watch Jiang Chen.

"I'm so handsome, this face can be used as a bank card, do you think I have money or not?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Smelly." Li Pan'er gave Jiang Chen a supercilious look.

"Shameless." Tangyue said silently in her heart, but her heart suddenly settled down.

She didn't get through to Jiang Chen's phone number, thinking that Jiang Chen wouldn't come, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen would appear in such a way.

"Jiang Chen, you're here. I thought you weren't coming." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little off, Xiao Hua hurriedly said.

"Aren't you very happy that I'm here?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua felt guilty.

"Student joke, don't lie to me, you think I can't see what's on your mind? Otherwise, why do you think I agreed to this dinner?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Xiao Hua was dumbfounded. Could it be that Jiang Chen had already seen through everything.

"I don't understand what you mean." Xiao Hua muttered.

"You are jealous of Tangyue, jealous that she is prettier than you, jealous that she is better than you, jealous that she has found a man who is better than your boyfriend." Jiang Chen pointed at Xiao Hua, and the words he said were not a little fussy .

"I didn't." Xiao Hua vehemently denied it, even if she was really jealous, she would never admit it.

"There is no need to deny it, the facts are the facts. There are not too many women in this world who are jealous of Tangyue. After all, not everyone can find an outstanding man like me as a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said narcissistically.

"Eh—" Xiao Hua couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm.

"When some people are jealous of someone, they will work hard to shorten the gap between each other and make themselves better, but you have done a very stupid thing. You are jealous of Tangyue, and you No matter what you do, you can't shorten the gap with Tangyue, just like you can never become better, so you are deliberately trying to destroy Tangyue's happiness, but you can destroy it if you want to. Is it?" Jiang Chen's tone gradually became a little more serious.

Tangyue was first stunned, then unbelievable, and then unbelievable. She looked at Xiao Hua in a daze, and finally understood why Ji Feng appeared.

It turned out that Xiao Hua had such an idea?

An old classmate, such an act, how disgusting, how chilling.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're too self-righteous? You're the one talking about everything, and I'm not at all." Xiao Hua said loudly.

"A joke is a joke. It is impossible to become a school girl. Unfortunately, some people will never understand this truth. They are extremely self-righteous, but they can be seen as a fool at a glance." Jiang Chen sighed, stood up and turned back. , across the table was a slap on Xiao Hua's face.

"Jiang Chen, how can you hit someone?" Dong Zijiao stood up abruptly.

"You should ask me how I can hit a woman." Jiang Chen shrugged, and said with a smile: "In fact, I have always loved women and women, and I am also very peace-loving. I never do it easily, let alone hit women, but you let me It's very embarrassing, because you didn't stand up before you laughed at your classmates, so I can only hit women, but now, I can hit you."

Jiang Chen spoke very fast, and his moves were even faster. He raised his hand and slapped Dong Zijiao to the ground.

"Next, do you want to slap me?" Ji Feng put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Your name is Ji Feng, right? Do you think you are very smart?" Jiang Chen asked without making a move.

"You're not smart enough." Ji Feng didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but said.

"Really? Then next, you must want to tell me how big your background is, how extraordinary your background is, how poor I am compared to you, and how big it is for Tangyue to choose me." Wrong... Besides, I also hit women, God, I don't have any violent tendencies." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.


Li Pan'er couldn't help laughing out loud.

She felt that she was funny enough, but she never thought that Jiang Chen was even more funny than her, this guy is too quick-spoken.

Not to mention hands, just this mouth is enough to make people mad.

"My background, my background, are all facts. I don't need to say more. You are terrible, so I don't need to say more. However, I won't interrupt about Tangyue's choice." Ji Feng behaved very well. demeanor.

"You're pretending, do you know that?" Jiang Chen kindly reminded.

"You are too vulgar." Ji Feng was displeased.

"Compared to you, I am naturally very vulgar, but compared to dirty, I must not be able to compare with you. I said you, why did you come to Yilan City? You are really stupid. You think your pretentious shit demeanor is better than mine. Gao Ming, you can attract women more than me..." Jiang Chen said contemptuously.

Ji Feng couldn't stand it anymore, it's okay for this guy to be narcissistic, he's shameless, it's okay to be shameless, and he's so shameless, fresh and refined, how can he be an opponent?
Ji Feng suddenly realized that he was really stupid. You know, although he knew from Xiao Hua that Tangyue had a boyfriend, who would have known that Tangyue's boyfriend would be like this?

"Okay, that's enough talking, now let's start to solve the problem, do you want to slap me with your face, or should I reach out and slap your face?" Jiang Chen looked lazy and continued to talk nonsense.

"Are you sure you want to attack me?" Ji Feng was angry.


Almost as soon as Ji Feng's voice fell, Jiang Chen slapped him across the face.

"See clearly, I'm really sure." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and slapped Ji Feng's face again.

Two slaps in a row, Ji Feng was blinded by the slap, he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, this guy really dared to do it, and, he enjoyed the treatment that even Xiao Hua and Dong Zijiao didn't have, because he was slapped Two slaps.

"There are idiots every year, and this year there are so many, wave after wave, it's impossible to guard against." Jiang Chen was very distressed, took Tangyue's little hand, and said: "I heard that idiots are contagious, I don't want to be After being infected, he was defeated by the opponent with rich experience."

Pulling Tangyue and walking towards the outside of the private room, Li Pan'er followed naturally, she kept laughing, her round face was swollen from laughing, making it look rounder, she thought it was so funny.

It's not how interesting things are, but that Tangyue's boyfriend is really too interesting, which makes her curious to death. How could Tangyue, who has no interest, find such an interesting boyfriend?This style of painting is not harmonious at all, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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