genius evil

Chapter 239 You just admit that you are a dog

Chapter 239 You just admit that you are a dog
Those five or six people did not come side by side, the one who walked in the front was a young man with an ordinary appearance.The gold necklace worn around the neck was unusually conspicuous, weighing nearly half a catty, like a dog chain.

The one who spoke was a wretched-looking guy walking on the right hand side of the young man. His voice was very sharp. When he spoke, he had a flattering look on his face, and he brought out his dog-legged strength to the fullest and unsurpassed level.

"A Bing, how do I teach you to be polite, do you understand?" the young man said.

"Yes, Brother Jin." The wretched guy named A Bing nodded like a chicken pecking rice, waved his hand again, and said to Jiang Chen and the others: "Please get out of the way, don't get in the way, okay?"

"Not bad, not bad, especially the word please, which is very well used, and has won the essence of me. Remember, this good habit must be maintained, not only for Bing, but also for you, so as not to embarrass me." The young man that A Bing called Brother Jin was exactly A Jin. Hearing this, his smiling face was like a flower blooming.

"Brother Jin is right." The rest of the people echoed.

"Tangyue, did you hear a group of dogs barking? I think the quality of this Shuiyunjian is not bad, who put the dogs in, and is there any public morality?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Where is the dog barking?" Tangyue didn't realize it for a while.

Li Pan'er snorted and laughed out loud. She pulled Tangyue's arm, stretched out a finger, and pointed to the back.

Tangyue finally came to her senses, and she couldn't help but glared at Jiang Chen reproachfully. Although these people were indeed annoying, how could they curse like this?

"Brat, what are you talking about, how dare you call us dogs?" A Bing was furious.

"Did I call you a dog? I just said I heard a dog barking. You said I called you a dog. Could it be that you were the one who barked just now?" Jiang Chen said pretending to be crazy.

"I think you're looking for death." In terms of eloquence, even if there were ten A Bings, they couldn't possibly be Jiang Chen's opponent. Being abducted by Jiang Chen, A Bing was almost fainted by Jiang Chen, and he was furious. road.

"Uh, let me be honest, calling you a dog is an insult to the dog's IQ." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Boy, I'll destroy you." A Bing knew that he couldn't beat Jiang Chen no matter what, so he rushed forward and wanted to do it.

"A Bing, stop." But at this moment, A Jin said lightly.

"Brother Jin, he called us dogs." A Bing said angrily.

"I've heard it all, but if I'm not mistaken, he called you a dog, not us... Besides, you are my dog, so it's not a curse." A Jin said with a light smile .

A Bing felt that what Brother Jin said was quite right, but he felt that it was wrong. When did Brother Jin's temper become so good?
Because he didn't feel that Jiang Chen was scolding him alone, at least he scolded Brother Jin together, after all, Brother Jin just said something.

However, Brother Jin had an attitude of letting things go, which made A Bing feel puzzled. However, since Brother Jin always had such an attitude, A Bing had no choice but to stop doing anything.

"Let's go." A Jin waved again and ordered.

"I'm talking about a group of dogs barking." Just at this time, Jiang Chen wanted to make up for it.

Ajin paused, his face turned ugly for a moment.

The eyes of the people who followed him, especially A Bing, were all rounded.

"Brother Jin, did you hear that, he scolded you." A Bing complained, looking at Jiang Chen like that, just like looking at a dead person.

A Bing knew very well Jin Ge's methods. In Yilan City, anyone who offended Jin Ge had never heard of anyone who would end well.

Brother Jin didn't want to be troublesome at first, but this Jiang Chen didn't know what to do. He was really killed by Brother Jin, so he couldn't blame others.

"Jiang Chen, don't say a few words." Tangyue was a little speechless, no one was looking for trouble, Jiang Chen actually caused trouble, which gave her a headache.

"It doesn't matter, these dogs only bark fiercely, they dare not bite people." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Oh, it seems that you know the owners of these dogs." Li Pan'er was very clever.

"It doesn't count as acquaintance." Jiang Chen smiled and didn't say much to Li Pan'er.

"Jiang Chen, everyone is messing around on the road. You can't see up and down. There's no need to do things so badly, right?" Ajin said gloomyly, looking at Jiang Chen sideways.

After seeing clearly that it was Jiang Chen, Ajin didn't intend to have a conflict with Jiang Chen. It was definitely not because he was afraid of getting into trouble, but he knew that Jiang Chen was not easy to mess with.After all, even Master Quan was unwilling to provoke Jiang Chen easily.

Since Jiang Chen focused on bullying him, Ah Jin could only open the skylight and tell the truth, and everyone revealed their identities.

"I'm a person who always leaves a bit of leeway when doing things. I won't do things absolutely. Otherwise, you'll admit that you're a dog, and I'll let you go. What do you think?" Jiang Chen looked lenient. .

Ah Jin's complexion suddenly sank.

"What if I don't?" Ah Jin said coldly.

"Then you will most likely become a dead dog." Ajin said slowly.

"You dare to do it? You know my identity, do you dare to do it?" Ah Jin said sharply.

"When I was in the private room just now, there was also a fellow who doubted whether I would dare to do anything. Guess what will happen in the end?" Jiang Chen's words were not at all smoky.

Ever since Master Quan registered with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was no stranger to the number one boy under Master Quan, Ah Jin. Tang Tian had given him a lot of information about Ah Jin.

Jiang Chen had no interest in Ah Jin, but he remembered this face.

The fact that the three members of the Meng family were silenced was planted on his head. Just like Tang Tian thought it was Master Quan's hands and feet, Jiang Chen also had such suspicions.

Although it is only suspicion, there is no evidence, but is evidence really needed?

No, it is not necessary.

Whoever has the bigger fist, the evidence is on his side.

It just so happened that Jiang Chen thought his fist was big enough.

If he hadn't met this Ah Jin today, Jiang Chen planned to find time to visit Master Quan. He just happened to meet him, and the people under Ah Jin happened to be clamoring in front of him, so he should help Master Quan first and educate him. The dogs under him can be regarded as charging a little interest in advance.

"This kind of game is too old-fashioned. I, Ajin, have long been tired of playing the routine. You are ashamed to play with me." Ajin dismissed it.

"I'm not playing with you, I'm just playing with you." Jiang Chen smiled, and walked towards Ah Jin step by step.

Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, Ah Jin's eyes flickered, he stared at Jiang Chen firmly, and at the same time waved, a few pony boys stopped in front of him.

Jiang Chen walked straight, slapped at random, and slapped them one after another. Without exception, Jiang Chen didn't even have the strength to resist, and they were all thrown to the ground by Jiang Chen's slap.

"It's your turn." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Are you provoking Master Quan?" A Jin said coldly.

"Threat me? What if I say yes?" Jiang Chen kicked Ajin to the ground with a random kick as he spoke, and kicked Ajin like a gourd Same, turn left and right.

"Xiao Yueyue, have your men always been this violent?" Li Pan'er's eyes shone like a big light bulb.

"" Tangyue stammered.

"I found him so manly, he's so awesome." The light in Li Pan'er's eyes became brighter.

Tangyue looked at Li Pan'er as if she was insane, so manly?Have it?
Why didn't she find out, what she felt was helplessness.

But Tang Yue didn't realize that Jiang Chen's identity was different in her and Li Pan'er's understanding.

Li Pan'er regarded Jiang Chen as Tangyue's man, and when looking at Jiang Chen, he treated and appreciated him from the perspective of a man.

And Tangyue, even though she had no choice but to let Jiang Chen pretend to be her boyfriend, but in her heart, she always regarded Jiang Chen as a student.

In Tangyue's heart, Jiang Chen's identity was a student, and he was still a high school senior who was about to take the college entrance examination, so he couldn't handle things like fighting, so he had no choice but to do so.

"Xiao Yueyue, what are you doing looking at me like this? Are you worried that I will rob you of a man? Oh, you are so beautiful and have such a good figure. Even if I rob you, I will definitely not be able to rob you. Yes." Li Pan'er's words sounded like consolation, but in fact they were not consolation at all.

"If you want to grab it, grab it." Tangyue said bitterly.

"This is what you said, just don't regret it when the time comes." Li Pan'er smiled, as if she really wanted to snatch Jiang Chen away.

For some reason, seeing Li Pan'er's nympho, Tangyue suddenly regretted it a bit. She knew that Li Pan'er was that kind of crazy woman, and she might really want to snatch Jiang Chen. What if the dust is snatched away.

"No, no, Jiang Chen is my student. Even if he was snatched away, what does it have to do with me?" Tangyue thought in her heart, trying to hypnotize herself, but she still couldn't succeed. She herself hadn't realized that since when, the teacher-student relationship between her and Jiang Chen was no longer simple.

Zheng Huan, who was being kicked by Jiang Chen, didn't notice the movements of Tangyue and Li Pan'er. He didn't know that Li Pan'er was thinking of snatching himself away from Tangyue.

But he was also robbing people at this time, and it was Ah Jin who was robbing.

Stretching out his hand, Jiang Chen pulled off the gold necklace that was as thick as a dog chain around Ah Jin's neck.

"This thing should be worth a lot of money." Jiang Chen weighed it casually a few times, and stuffed it into his pocket, thinking about where to exchange this thing for cash.

He doesn't like gold, especially this chain, which looks like a dog's. Even if it's a gift, it's too embarrassing to take it out, it's better to exchange it for money.

A Jin curled up, he was kicked by Jiang Chen countless times, it hurt like every joint in his body was broken.

The gold chain was snatched away by Jiang Chen, and Ah Jin stared at Jiang Chen resentfully, wishing he could peel Jiang Chen's skin and bones.

"Bring it." Jiang Chen didn't care about A Jin's reaction, stretched out his hand, and said in an orderly tone.

"What?" Ah Jin endured the pain, his voice a little hoarse.

"Car keys." Jiang Chen said it very naturally, as if he wasn't trying to grab A Jin's things, but A Jin owed him...

(End of this chapter)

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