genius evil

Chapter 240 A Stupid

Chapter 240

In the open-air parking lot outside Shuiyunjian, there is a Land Rover Discovery 4 parked. The location is quite coincidental, right next to the broken Mitsubishi that Jiang Chen drove over.

Jiang Chen took the key from Ah Jin, pressed it casually, and muttered, "Lu Rover, the grade is a bit low."

Jiang Chen has driven a BMW and a Porsche before, and the prices of those two cars are both higher than this Land Rover. Fortunately, this Land Rover is very big and looks quite powerful, at least it is better than a broken Mitsubishi There were many, Jiang Chen reluctantly accepted it.

"Low grade?"

Ah Jin almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He really wanted to say that you should not take it if the grade is low. Is it really okay to make sarcastic remarks like this?
"Well, I'll give you the car keys. Don't say I'm taking advantage of you. I've always been fair. I'm really fair. One car is exchanged for another. In this world, there's probably nothing better than this. It's a fairer thing." Jiang Chen casually threw the car keys of the broken Mitsubishi to A Jin.

"You—" Ajin yelled angrily, it's fair asshole.

This situation even made him a little suspicious, whether Jiang Chen attacked him today regardless of Master Quan's threat, was it because of his car.

You know, he had heard about Jiang Chen's glorious feats in the past. Speaking of which, Jiang Chen's Porsche that was blown up was not snatched from that unlucky guy Meng Xiaoyang.

At that time, he secretly joked about it for a while, but now it is good, Feng Shui turns, and when he came to his house today, he finally deeply understood what Meng Xiaoyang felt when Jiang Chen snatched his car.

This is even more uncomfortable than directly cutting ten or eight knives on him. He, Ajin, has always robbed other people's things, and this is the first time he has been robbed.

"You don't need to thank me... By the way, if you have time, go and handle the transfer procedures for me in the next two days. Driving an illegal car makes people feel uneasy." In essence, Jiang Chen is still a law-abiding person. of good citizens.

Leaving these words behind, Jiang Chen felt that it was almost done, led Tangyue and Li Pan'er into the Land Rover, and drove away.

"Jiang Chen, you said you changed a car with Ah Jin, what kind of car did you drive before?" Li Pan'er asked like a curious baby.

"Didn't you see it, it's the Mitsubishi next to the Land Rover." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Mitsubishi replaced someone else's Land Rover, you are so dark." Li Paner's eyes widened, and she suddenly realized: "I finally know why you are so rich. You have robbed others of hundreds of thousands. It’s no wonder there’s no money.”

"It's not grabbing, it's trading." Jiang Chen corrected.

Does he look like that?
"Tch, you're still talking nonsense in front of us, and you even robbed someone of a gold necklace, don't tell me you got it in exchange." Li Pan'er rolled her eyes.

"Jiang Chen, is this okay?" Tangyue was even more helpless.

It's okay for Jiang Chen to fight and beat people, anyway, it's not the first time, even Jiang Chen has seen the scene of killing people, beating people is already considered a small matter.

But how can you grab something?
"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm called black food... No, it's called eliminating harm for the people." Jiang Chen almost said baldly.

"I think you are the worst one. When you get rid of yourself, the world will be peaceful." Li Pan'er ran on.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Chen asked, ignoring Li Pan'er's moaning.

"Of course, I will go wherever Xiaoyueyue goes. Do you still have to ask this question? Why, you are worried that I will disturb your two-person world and want to get rid of me. Hmph, let me tell you, don't even think about it." Think." Li Pan'er yelled loudly.


"Brother Jin, are you okay?" A Bing hurriedly helped A Jin up from the ground.

"It's okay." After standing up, Ah Jin moved his hands and feet. Although the pain was still there, it was still tolerable.

"That Jiang Chen, should we call someone to kill him?" A Bing asked.

"I will deal with this matter." Ah Jin's brows and eyes instantly darkened.

It is certain to kill Jiang Chen, the humiliation he endured today can only be paid by Jiang Chen's life.

It was fine that the gold necklace was robbed, but Jiang Chen also blatantly robbed him of his car, not caring about him at all. This humiliation, compared to the pain of being kicked, made Ah Jin uncomfortable.

Ajin's right arm was drooping, and he touched the pocket of his trousers lightly. The pocket of his trousers was slightly raised, and what was inside was not a mobile phone, but a pistol.

Ajin has always had the habit of carrying a pistol with him. He knows that his identity is sensitive, and he may be killed if he is not careful. He carries a gun for self-protection.

But when he was kicked by Jiang Chen, Ah Jin never took out his gun. It wasn't that he didn't have the chance to take the gun, but that Ah Jin didn't have the certainty to kill Jiang Chen.

Without the certainty of killing Jiang Chen, once he took out the gun, if he couldn't kill Jiang Chen, he would be the one who died, and if he didn't take out the gun, there was still some room for buffering.

Facts finally proved that the decision he made by Ah Jin was correct, Jiang Chen just humiliated him, and had no intention of killing him.The situation is still within the controllable range.

Naturally, this still made Ah Jin's teeth itch with hatred. When facing Jiang Chen, he didn't even dare to take out a gun. How could this make him not hate.

"My friend, if I'm not mistaken, you have a gun in your pocket." A voice rang in Ah Jin's ear at this moment.

"Who are you?" Akin asked warily.

"Let me introduce myself, Song Yang. This name may be unfamiliar to you, but the Song family in Tiannan City must not be too unfamiliar." Song Yang smiled slightly.

"Are you from the Song family in Tiannan City?" Ah Jin's eyes lit up.

"That's right, how about it, how about we chat?" Song Yang invited.

"It's okay to talk, but I have to go to the hospital first." Ah Jin said.

"No problem. If you don't mind, I can drive you there in person. Maybe the time on the road is enough for us to talk, and it's not a waste of everyone's time. What do you think?" Song Yang suggested.

It has to be said that Ah Jin couldn't refuse Song Yang's words. Ah Jin didn't refuse, and got into Song Yang's car, but he was sitting in the back seat.

For the sake of safety, Ah Jin also brought three people, two sitting in the back row, one on the left and one on the right to protect him, one sitting in the co-pilot, watching Song Yang's every move all the time.

This caution and precaution displeased Song Yang a little. Who was he, the majestic eldest son of the Song family, the future Patriarch of the Song family, what status, condescending to deal with a small gangster, it was already a close relationship.

If it weren't for the sake of A Jin's usefulness, such a small bastard would never even look straight at him in normal times.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Ah Jin doesn't care what Song Yang thinks, for him, safety is the most important thing.

What's more, he doesn't really believe that Song Yang is from the Song family, and what's more, even if Song Yang is really from the Song family in Tiannan City?
You know, this is not Tiannan City, this is Yilan City, and this is his territory.

"Talk about a common enemy." Song Yang said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen?" Ah Jin raised his voice slightly.

"That's right, it's Jiang Chen." Song Yang was quite satisfied with Ah Jin's reaction.

"I've heard that the Song family is dealing with Jiang Chen. You came to Yilan City this time because of Jiang Chen." At this moment, Ah Jin had confirmed Song Yang's identity.

"I came here for Jiang Chen. You are very well informed. I am here. Jiang Chen is not dead. You must have guessed it. I have encountered a little trouble, so I need help." Song Yang said slowly.

"You want to beg me to kill Jiang Chen for you?" Ajin asked.

"I'm not begging you, I'm cooperating." Song Yang's displeasure grew stronger and stronger, and Ah Jin really felt so good about himself.

"Cooperation?" Ajin sneered, and said, "Why should I cooperate with you? What good does it do me?"

"Jiang Chen's death is the greatest benefit for you and me, isn't it?" Song Yang asked patiently.

"That's what I said, but if you don't give me some benefits, I won't cooperate with you." A Jin will not give up the opportunity of the lion to speak up. Don't forget, he was blackmailed by Jiang Chen just now.

"I won't give you any favors. This is just a very pure cooperation. You can refuse. I won't force others to do anything." Song Yang said with a frown.

"I refuse." Ah Jin was straightforward.

Song Yang gritted his teeth secretly. If a gangster in Tiannan City dared to talk to him in such a tone, he would definitely die long ago and never die again.

"You refuse? Don't you want to ask Master Quan's opinion?" Song Yang said coldly.

"Why, do you think that by moving out of Master Quan, you can overwhelm me? Master Quan will not embarrass me for things that I, Ajin, do not want to do, unless you have a way to directly cooperate with Master Quan, but can you do it? What's more, even if you can do it, I can assure you that Lord Quan will demand it even harder." A Jin snorted.

Song Yang's pupils flickered slightly. Most people might not know about Master Quan, a local snake entrenched in Yilan City, but Song Yang naturally knew about it.

Master Quan has been able to stand for so many years without falling down, so it is needless to say the means. A Jin's words may be exaggerated, but basically they are correct.

But Song Yang, it is naturally impossible to compromise with a small gangster.Otherwise, if the matter gets out, where will he put his face?
"It seems that we need to have a good chat." Just at this time, the car arrived at the hospital, Song Yang said.

"Isn't the chat over yet?" Ah Jin was no longer interested.

Song Yang smiled and said, "I have a few words, I will tell you alone, if you are really not interested, then forget it."

"Get out of the car first." Ah Jin wanted to see what kind of tricks this Song Yang was going to play.

When the three of them got out of the car, Song Yang said a few words quickly while suppressing his voice.

After Song Yang finished speaking, Ah Jin's expression immediately changed. He looked at Song Yang in surprise, as if Song Yang had said something terrible that frightened him.Even his Adam's apple trembled violently.

"Think about this matter carefully, and call me anytime you understand." Song Yang held a business card and handed it to A Jin.

A Jin took the business card, glanced at the mobile phone number on it, then returned the business card to Song Yang, opened the door and got out of the car, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

"What an idiot." Song Yang chuckled secretly, with contempt and disdain in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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