genius evil

Chapter 241 Just Be Pretty

Chapter 241 Just Be Pretty
After Jiang Chen sent Tangyue and Li Pan'er to Yilan Middle School, he just left. He received a call to go to Hongji Mansion.

As for how Tangyue would explain the relationship between the two to Li Paner, Jiang Chen was too lazy to bother, because he knew very well that if the relationship between Tangyue and Li Paner was really that good , then Tangyue will definitely not hide this kind of thing.

And he is a student, Tangyue is a teacher, or his homeroom teacher, these things must be exposed.

When the car arrived at Hongji Building, Jiang Chen went directly to the elevator to Feifei Medical Beauty Company. Cao Xiaoshan, the little girl at the front desk, saw Jiang Chen and smiled sweetly.

"Beauty Xiaoshan, she has become prettier recently, maybe she's looking for a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No..." Cao Xiaoshan hastily denied it.

"Really not? How about I introduce one to you, that guy Gu Xiang, you know him, what do you think?" Jiang Chen started to pull the red line.

Cao Xiaoshan's face was instantly flushed. Cao Xiaoshan didn't know how well-known Gu Xiang, the diamond king, was outside, but in Hongji Building, he was definitely first-class.

There is no way, whoever made this Hongji Building belong to Gu Xiang.

Jiang Chen said that he would introduce Gu Xiang to her, which made Cao Xiaoshan's heart almost jump out of her chest. She didn't know why the big boss would be interested in being a matchmaker, and she didn't know if the big boss was joking or what was going on. But what I have to say is that Jiang Chen's words shocked her.

"No need." Cao Xiaoshan said in a hurry.

Although every Cinderella has a princess dream, Cao Xiaoshan is very clear that she and Gu Xiang are not from the same world, and not every Cinderella can fly to the golden branch.

"Well, you really look down on that guy." Jiang Chen laughed, and walked into the company.

"Shut up!"

Cao Xiaoshan heaved a sigh of relief. Counting this time, he saw Jiang Chen for the second time. There was no way. The existence of a mysterious boss.

I don't know why, although Jiang Chen looks very easy-going and doesn't seem to be serious, he always makes Cao Xiaoshan feel pressure easily. This kind of pressure is something that even Liu Yufei has never brought her.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't insist on introducing Gu Xiang to her, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

Jiang Chen went to the meeting room, yes, he came here specially for the meeting.

Originally, as the big boss of the company, he should have been the organizer of the meeting, but now he was notified, but he was the last one to show up.

I have to say that he is too unqualified to be the boss.

Jiang Chen pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

The meeting had already started, several high-level executives of the company were discussing in full swing, Jiang Chen's appearance interrupted their conversation.

"Who told you to come in, get out." A voice sounded and said displeased.

The person who spoke was a man in his thirties, wearing a neat suit, combing his hair meticulously, and wearing a pair of gold rimless glasses, the style of a typical successful person.

When this man saw Jiang Chen, he just regarded it as some ignorant employee in the company, so how could he be polite.

"What are you doing with such a temper?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Didn't you hear me tell you to go out? I'll give you three seconds. If you don't go out, you will be fired immediately." The man's face darkened, and he burst into anger.

"Then you can fire me." Jiang Chen said indifferently, looking at this person thoughtfully.

If the reason why he was called out the first time was because his behavior was a little reckless, which is justifiable, then the second time he was asked to go out, he was directly threatened with dismissal, which made Jiang Chen feel very bad Happy.

It's such a big air to be so domineering and condescending!
"Very well, you've been fired." The man looked at Jiang Chen with disgust, and then said like chasing flies, "Now, you can get out."

"Manager Lu, I hope to see your resignation letter in an hour." But at this moment, Liu Yufei spoke.

"President Liu, what do you mean by that?" Lu Min was taken aback, looking at Liu Yufei in confusion.

Although the company has not opened yet, he has performed well since joining the company, and Liu Yufei regards him highly. Moreover, his department is the company's market development department, which can be said to be the most critical department of the company.

Because of his work experience and the background of his connections, he got the position of marketing manager. It can be said that Feifei Beauty Company needs to rely on him in many places in order to develop in the future, which is why he is extremely proud reason.

Because he believes that he has the capital to be proud of.

However, Liu Yufei actually said that she wanted to see his resignation letter. Could it be that something went wrong?
"My words have been made very clear." Liu Yufei's attitude was very indifferent, she said: "Lu Min, you are no longer a member of the company, and I am afraid it is not appropriate to stay in this conference room. Now, please first go out."

"I'm going out?" Lu Min pointed at himself with a devilish expression on his face.

He just told Jiang Chen to go out, but now, Jiang Chen didn't go out, instead he wanted to go out. This gap caused Lu Min's heart to drop to the bottom.

"I believe you are a sensible person. You don't have to make a fuss and ask me to call the company's security." Liu Yufei said sternly.

Lu Min's expression changed, and only then did he start to look at Jiang Chen seriously.

Lu Min is not stupid, not only is he not stupid, he is also very shrewd.

With things developing to this extent, how could Lu Min not know that the key to Liu Yufei's attitude change was related to Jiang Chen.

In other words, in order to protect Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei did not hesitate to fire him.

This made Lu Min angry and disgusted. You know, because he is single, and Liu Yufei is also single, he had hoped to have some beautiful relationships through his work.

Now, another man appeared, directly sent him to hell, how could he not be angry, how could he not be disgusted?

"Mr. Liu, I want to know, who is this person from our company?" Lu Min asked through gritted teeth.

This question was also asked by other people in the conference room. Like Lu Min, they also looked at Jiang Chen, wondering who Jiang Chen was.

"You don't need to know about this question." Liu Yufei was very rude.

Lu Min was very reconciled, but seeing Liu Yufei's attitude with no room for change, no matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to get up and leave the meeting room.

Naturally, Lu Min took a deep look at Jiang Chen again. This man directly deprived him of everything when he came, and he must remember it.

After Lu Min left, Liu Yufei pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "Let me introduce, his name is Jiang Chen, and he is also the big boss of our company. You and I are all working for him."

"big boss?"

"It turned out to be the big boss."

"How can you be so young?"

"It can't be the son of a consortium."


Several people in the conference room were very surprised after hearing Liu Yufei's introduction.

They had thought of Jiang Chen's identity, and even thought that Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei might be a couple. After all, Jiang Chen was young and handsome, so he was a good match with Liu Yufei.

It's just that who would have thought that Liu Yufei would drop such a blockbuster, and Jiang Chen was actually the big boss of the company.

You know, although Feifei Beauty Company is a newly opened company and its business has not yet started, they do know the company's registered capital. The reason is to move them to join the company.

Jiang Chen is the big boss of the company, which means that all the money belongs to Jiang Chen.

Being so young and so rich naturally made them daydream endlessly.

As for Liu Yufei's move to fire Lu Min, several people were also relieved. Even if Lu Min contradicted Jiang Chen like that, even if he was not fired, his future life in this company would not be easy.

It's just that they didn't feel that kind of sadness. Firstly, they just joined the company not long ago, and the colleagues were not familiar with each other. Secondly, in just a few days, Lu Min's unpopular side was fully exposed. I like it, but my colleagues don't like it even more. Being fired is actually a happy thing.

"Okay, let's continue the meeting. The next topic is the issue of the company's product spokesperson." Liu Yufei just briefly introduced Jiang Chen and continued with the business.

The reason why Liu Yufei specially called Jiang Chen over was to discuss the issue of the product spokesperson, because Liu Yufei felt that no matter who the company's products invited to endorse, Jiang Chen's consent had to be sought.

If the spokesperson Jiang Chen doesn't like it, no matter how suitable it is, it can't be used.

She herself is one of the best spokespersons, but she is a high-level executive of the company, and she has no intention of showing her face, so she can only spend money to invite celebrities.

There is no doubt about the importance of a good spokesperson for a product. There are many celebrities. Which one to invite is a big issue that must be seriously discussed, and there is no room for sloppy.

"Jiang Chen, do you have any candidates?" After asking the question, Liu Yufei was the first to ask Jiang Chen.

"There is no candidate, but there is one condition... well, beautiful, it has to be beautiful, just be beautiful." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Beautiful?" A group of senior executives of the company, including Liu Yufei, couldn't laugh or cry.

Since it is a beauty and makeup company, it is certain to hire a beautiful spokesperson, but Jiang Chen doesn't need to be so direct. He can have more and better adjectives, such as pure, such as temperament, such as private life should be clean, etc.

Just bluntly say you want to be beautiful, what the hell is this?

Several people couldn't help but secretly looked at Liu Yufei, thinking in their hearts, could it be that when Jiang Chen hired Liu Yufei as the general manager, he also asked for beauty?

However, Liu Yufei is beautiful, but her ability is beyond doubt. They just thought about it for a while, and they didn't have any other special ideas. They soon had a lively discussion and made a list.

"Hey, it's so lively." At this moment, a voice sounded, and another guy, without even knocking on the door, just pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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