genius evil

Chapter 242

Chapter 242
"Hey, Young Master Jiang, you're here too. What kind of wind is blowing here today that brought you here." The man walked into the meeting room, saw Jiang Chen there, and laughed.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, lazily paying attention to this guy.

"Mr. Gu, you came at a good time. We are discussing the issue of the spokesperson. If you have any ideas, you can mention them." Liu Yufei said.

"Please spokesperson, I'm the best at this." Gu Xiang's eyes lit up instantly, as if he saw the prelude to some unspoken rules, and sat down next to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Gu."

"Mr. Gu."


Several managers greeted Gu Xiang one after another. They were warm and polite, but there was a bit of restraint in the politeness.

Jiang Chen rarely came to the company, so everyone was unfamiliar with him, but because he worked in the same building, Gu Xiang came for a few times for a walk, and many people got to know him.

Compared to Jiang Chen's mystery, Gu Xiang's identity is not mysterious at all.

The manager and actual owner of Hongji Building, the general agent and general channel supplier of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, and the son-in-law of a high-ranking official in Yilan City.

The former two represent wealth, and the latter represent power. It can be said that Gu Xiang is a typical and perfect combination of government and business, and his identity is quite detached.

Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Co., Ltd. not only has abundant financial resources, but also has super strong channel supply. These two make it impossible for the company to think about its future development prospects without confidence.

It's just that while the managers were being cautious towards Gu Xiang, they looked at Jiang Chen with a slightly strange look.

As for why a newly opened company could establish a relationship with Gu Xiang, they were not inquisitive before, but now they finally know that it was because of Jiang Chen, which can be seen from the attitude of Gu Xiang and Jiang Chen when they talked.

Gu Xiang is not a member of the company, and does not participate in the actual operation and management of the company, but he has a close cooperative relationship with the company and has a certain right to speak. It is not against the rules to intervene in the spokesperson's affairs.

Gu Xiang was not polite either, he directly took the proposed list of candidates and looked at it.

"This one is not bad... this one is not bad too... all of them seem to be good. It's too embarrassing for people to choose. How about choosing more spokespersons, what do you think?" Gu Xiang murmured after a few glances.

"Young Master Jiang, take a look too." Gu Xiang handed the list to Jiang Chen.

"Do you have any photos?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Photos can be searched online, I'll show you." Gu Xiang took out his phone and started searching directly for the name.

"No, no, none of them can." Jiang Chen directly rejected all the candidates after viewing the photos.

"You have such high vision, be careful you don't have any friends." Gu Xiang was annoyed, he thought it was all right, but Jiang Chen didn't think it was all right, did he mean to be against him on purpose?
"If I say no, it's no good." Jiang Chen didn't even have a reason, just such a sentence.

Several managers looked at each other, but it was difficult to express any opinions. There was no other way. Whoever called Jiang Chen was the big boss of the company. Of course, he had the final say on everything.

"Jiang Chen, the spokesperson matter must be finalized as soon as possible." Liu Yufei reminded.

It is not an easy task for a company to start from scratch. Liu Yufei's idea is that when the endorsement advertisement is released, the company will officially enter the business model and become an instant hit.

A lot of time will be wasted if the spokesperson's affairs cannot be finalized.

Jiang Chen nodded, expressing that he understood what Liu Yufei meant. He glanced at several people and said, "Think about it, is there any other candidates?"

"Don't think about it, I have a candidate, it depends on whether you can invite it." Gu Xiang said with a smile.

"Ye Sichen." Gu Xiang spat out three words.

"Ye Sichen?"

Several managers were a little surprised, and Liu Yufei was also greatly surprised. She said: "As far as I know, Ye Sichen has focused on his singing career and has never accepted any endorsement activities."

Ye Sichen is quite an unusual existence in the entertainment circle, with a great reputation and amazing influence, but he never shows up in public, not to mention accepting commercial endorsements, even if it is a movie or TV series, he never participates.

If it was to invite Ye Sichen to endorse the company's products, it would be more difficult than reaching the sky.

"Of course I know this, so it depends on whether the supernatural Young Master Jiang can invite someone here." Gu Xiang said slowly with an irresponsible attitude: "It is precisely because Ye Sichen never She does not accept any endorsement, so she has more possibilities. She is not bound by any endorsement contract. She can not only endorse one of our products, but a series of products, and even the company's All the products... A star, who has covered all the products, can't afford to hire such a spokesperson. Moreover, there is no need to doubt whether Ye Sichen is suitable, and her fame, influence and commercial value are not at all. Don't doubt it."

Liu Yufei was very moved, but she still shook her head. She said, "Ye Sichen can join the list of candidates, and we will discuss other candidates."

"Then Ye Sichen." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Although he has never felt that there is anything so good about that silly, white and sweet girl, but Liu Yufei seems to be very moved by Gu Xiang's unclear expression, not to mention the managers, so, just Please Ye Sichen, why waste time and energy discussing other candidates?
"Jiang Chen, we can't invite Ye Sichen." Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen helplessly.

In fact, when Gu Xiang mentioned Ye Sichen, Liu Yufei felt that Ye Sichen was the best candidate, but it was impossible to ask Ye Sichen to speak for her, okay?

"I'll invite you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Are you going?" Liu Yufei was surprised.

"If I don't go, who will?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Shao, I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously, it's not easy to deal with Ye Sichen." Gu Xiang said with a frown.

"Don't worry, she will agree, big deal, I'll use some beauty tricks at that time... Uh, Da Feifei, you don't mind this, right?" Jiang Chen asked Liu Yufei's opinion pretendingly.

Liu Yufei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she gave Jiang Chen a coquettish look, and said, "As long as Ye Sichen likes you."

"Okay, then it's a happy deal." Jiang Chen chuckled, looking confident.

"You can really invite Ye Sichen?" Gu Xiang was really surprised. Where did Jiang Chen's confidence come from?
Could it be that he really wants to use his beauty trick, but the question is, can Ye Sichen see it?

If the beauty trick was useful to Ye Sichen, Gu Xiang still felt that it would be better for him to fight in person. For the development of the company, he would definitely be extremely willing to make such dedication and sacrifice.

"Is it difficult? Do you want me to call her immediately and ask her to come out for a meal, as if she hasn't left Yilan City yet?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, let's make a call." Gu Xiang's expression is called contempt. Let alone whether Jiang Chen has Ye Sichen's mobile phone number, even if he does, it's strange that he can get through the phone number. .

"I suddenly felt that it would be better for me to have a candlelight dinner with Silly Baitian in my own name, so you don't want to participate." Jiang Chen felt guilty.

Silly Baitian has his number over there, but he doesn't have Silly Baitian's number, the cowhide is almost blown to pieces.

"Pretend, you just keep pretending." Gu Xiang bared his teeth, thinking that fortunately bragging isn't breaking the law, otherwise this bastard would definitely be out of jail.

You know, it is very difficult for him, the majestic No. [-] young man in Yilan City, to meet Ye Sichen. Gu Xiang vaguely knew that Ye Sichen's identity was not simple. Gu Xiang had heard about the Supreme KTV matter even though all parties blocked the news.

That person's background, if you think about it, it's quite terrifying!

"Little Gu, you have to believe in my young master's charm. Alright, let's do this. I'll go first. You guys take your time to start the meeting." Jiang Chen shook his head, got up and walked to the outside of the meeting room.

"Mr. Liu, is Director Jiang sure about this?" A manager asked cautiously.

"Let him try it first." Liu Yufei smiled wryly, and quickly moved on to the next topic.

"Silly Baitian, silly Baitian, I should have asked you for a mobile phone number earlier, how should I contact you now?" Leaving the Hongji Building and getting into the Land Rover, Jiang Chen murmured.


Far south of Yilan City, among the holiday villas, in one of the villas, a woman nestled on the sofa sneezed.

"Sichen, what's wrong with you, do you have a cold?" Sister Mi asked nervously.

"I'm fine, but my nose is a little itchy." Ye Sichen put down the fan letters in his hand and said, "Sister Mi, we're going back to Yanjing the day after tomorrow, why don't we go shopping tomorrow."

"Miss, I don't have time here." Sister Mi complained.

It's not that she's hypocritical, but that she really doesn't have time. She has been in Yilan City for several days this time, but there are still many social activities in various fields.

Ye Sichen is a fairy, she can ignore it, but she can't as a manager, she has to pave the way for Ye Sichen, but her bones are going to fall apart from her busy work, how can she have time to go shopping?Even if you have the time, you don't have the energy.

What Sister Mi wants most now is to close the door and sleep for a long time after returning to Yanjing. It is best not to care about anything.

"Then I'll go by myself." Ye Sichen said hesitantly.

"No." Sister Mi yelled.

"Then find some bodyguards to accompany me in private." Ye Sichen said.

"No way, it's only tomorrow. I don't want any accidents to happen again. You have to go shopping and wait until you get back to Yanjing." Sister Mi said forcefully.

Ye Sichen was crying with a small face. She has a hobby, that is, every time she goes to a city, she will go around. The last time she went out alone, but something happened before she did a lot of shopping. After that, besides singing Outside the meeting, he has been grounded.

She was going back to Yanjing soon, and Ye Sichen didn't want to leave regrets, she didn't want to give up, but seeing Sister Mi's embarrassment, she also knew that her actions were too willful.

After thinking about it, Ye Sichen's eyeballs rolled slightly, she thought of someone, pursed her lips, and smiled sweetly, Ye Sichen took the phone and sent a text message secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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