genius evil

Chapter 243 The Silly Baitian Who Lives Well

Chapter 243 The Silly Baitian Who Lives Well
The next day, around ten o'clock in the morning, on the side of the road outside the holiday villa manor, a black Land Rover was parked there, and the person sitting in the car was Jiang Chen.

What is turning around, what is another village, and this is the current situation.

After Jiang Chen finished the meeting yesterday, he was still a little annoyed that he hadn't asked Ye Sichen for his cell phone number, and then on the way, he received a text message from Ye Sichen.

At that moment, Jiang Chen felt that the sky above his head was bright.

He didn't have Ye Sichen's cell phone number, but Ye Sichen couldn't help but have his cell phone number.

This kind of situation simply made Jiang Chen feel overwhelmed. He was so charming, but he couldn't help it. Even big stars secretly saved his mobile phone number, and even took the initiative to contact him to go shopping. Tsk tsk, it's wonderful to think about it.

You know, if Ye Sichen hadn't sent him a text message, Jiang Chen would have thought of calling Ye Sichen's manager, Sister Mi.

That time when he acted as the driver of a black car, Ye Sichen used his cell phone to call Sister Mi, and there was Sister Mi's number in his cell phone.

Jiang Chen didn't wait for long, about ten minutes later, he saw a tightly packed figure, walked over stealthily, opened the co-pilot's door, and quickly got into the car.

"Hey, is it necessary for you to be like this?" Jiang Chen felt a chill.

It’s a peaked cap, a toad mirror, a mask, and a long windbreaker. It’s wrapped like a rice dumpling. It’s almost like putting a burlap bag on the head. It’s scary in broad daylight, isn’t it?

"I'm a big star." Ye Sichen took off his mask and sunglasses, and winked at Jiang Chen.

"How big is it?" Jiang Chen also blinked.

"There should be many people who know me." Ye Sichen suddenly felt a little unconfident.

There was no way, that time when she stopped Jiang Chen's car, Jiang Chen didn't know her, so he didn't know how big a star she was.

"You're so narcissistic." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, started the car, and asked, "You said you want to go shopping, where do you plan to go?"

"I'm not familiar with Yilan City, so you decide." Ye Sichen said softly.

"I decide?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You won't let me take you to that corner and sell you? You said you are a big star, so you should be worth a lot of money, right?"

Ye Sichen smiled coquettishly, and said, "I know you won't, you're a good person, you've helped me twice."

"Don't tell me, I'm not a good person, whoever says I'm a good person, I'm in a hurry." Jiang Chen immediately became angry.

He agreed to go shopping with Ye Sichen, but he was not in the mood. If the company hadn't hired a spokesperson and Ye Sichen was a good fit, he wouldn't have come shopping out of nowhere. Not to mention wasting time, the main thing was wasting money.

Ye Sichen smiled softly, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, you are really interesting."

Jiang Chen had black lines all over his head, this silly Baitian couldn't get his sense of humor at all, and when he started teasing him, it really didn't make any sense at all, so he had to drive on the road silently.

In the villa room, Sister Mi finished answering the phone and came out of the room, only to find that Ye Sichen, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, was gone.

"Sichen... Sichen..." Miss Mi called out a few words.

After a while, she didn't get a response, and Mi Jie was a little flustered.

Miss Mi remembered very clearly, Ye Sichen said yesterday that she was going to go shopping, could it be that she sneaked out alone while she was not paying attention?

Sister Mi hurriedly searched in the villa room, searched a lot, but couldn't find Ye Sichen, and rushed into the yard.

There were all the cars in the yard, it seemed that Ye Sichen didn't drive away, but thinking about it, if Ye Sichen drove, she would be able to hear the movement when the car started.

"My God." Sister Mi suddenly became anxious.

She didn't know whether to call Ye Sichen stupid, or to call Ye Sichen bold, almost had an accident last time, isn't it enough to learn enough lessons?
Will something happen again to truly grow up?
"I didn't drive the car, and I went shopping alone? I don't know if I have a mobile phone wallet." Sister Mi was so worried that she quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed Ye Sichen's number.

Fortunately, Ye Sichen got through the phone very soon, which made Miss Mi heave a sigh of relief. After all, she wasn't so stupid that she forgot to bring her mobile phone. It would be easier to find someone now. .

"Sichen, where are you now?" After the call was connected, Sister Mi asked with a straight face.

"Sister Mi, I'm in the car now." Ye Sichen's voice came.

"In a taxi? In this case, you hurry up and ask the driver to stop, and I will drive to pick you up right away...I said Miss, you really killed me, can't I go shopping with you?" Sister Mi rubbed her forehead with her hand , a headache.

"I'm in my friend's car, Sister Mi, go and do your work if you have something to do, and I'll be back after shopping. Sister Mi, maybe I'll bring you a gift." Ye Sichen said with a smile.


Sister Mi's complexion became ugly. She has been active in Yilan City for so many days, but she has no friends. With Ye Sichen's scumbag communication skills, where did she come from?

"What friend?" Sister Mi asked tentatively, she felt that this question was very important.

"Miss Mi, you know, that black car driver... No, it's Jiang Chen, he went to my concert. I'm with Jiang Chen now, don't talk, I hung up the phone. " Ye Sichen said lightly, then hung up the phone.

Black car driver?Jiang Chen?
Sister Mi's complexion became even uglier, and her headache became even worse.

Take all precautions, but in the end they couldn't prevent Ye Sichen from being abducted by Jiang Chen after all. In an instant, Sister Mi had the urge to call the police.

That bastard pretending to be a black car driver, please don't sell Ye Sichen, otherwise, thinking about Ye Sichen counting money for Jiang Chen after being sold, you will want to vomit blood, okay?
What Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen didn't notice was that after Jiang Chen drove on the road, a small white QQ was also started a little further away in a slightly shaded place.

The driver is a woman, her name is Cao Xiaowen.

Cao Xiaowen, who is an entertainment paparazzi, is undoubtedly very dedicated. No, she has actually been staying here for several days, but Ye Sichen has always lived in seclusion, and it was Miss Mi who ran outside alone, and she still couldn't dig it out. news.

Cao Xiaowen is planning to give up. After all, since Ye Sichen's debut, no one has successfully dug out any breaking news from Ye Sichen, even the guy who is known as the king of paparazzi. Returned empty-handed.

But Cao Xiaowen is not reconciled, Ye Sichen finally came to Yilan City, and finally Ye Sichen's concert caused some disturbances, if she doesn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she will be worthy of herself and those gossip-loving group The prostitutes?
Furthermore, Cao Xiaowen was ambitious, and she was counting on Ye Sichen's line to get promoted and raise her salary.

Cao Xiaowen, who was about to give up, never thought that she would encounter a big news today, definitely super big news.

When the Land Rover Discovery God appeared, Cao Xiaowen recognized it, and it was Jiang Chen who was driving.

That was Jiang Chen, the guy who had an affair with Ye Sichen, Cao Xiaowen remembered this guy very clearly.

Moreover, after Cao Xiaowen learned that Jiang Chen was a student, she even went to Yilan Middle School for a while, but Jiang Chen was too careless, so she didn't gain anything, so she had to turn her focus to Ye Sichen.

Jiang Chen appeared in a luxury car outside Ye Sichen's holiday villa. Cao Xiaowen thought that he must have come to pick up Ye Sichen, but Ye Sichen appeared as expected.

Even if Ye Sichen wrapped himself up like a mummy, how could he escape Cao Xiaowen's piercing eyes, and the Land Rover drove away. Cao Xiaowen knew that Jiang Chen might go shopping with Ye Sichen, or go on a date, and even Maybe it's to open a room... But whether it's shopping for a date or opening a room, as long as she can capture a photo of the two of them together, preferably a frontal photo, she will succeed.

At this time, after Cao Xiaowen drove on the road, her hands were shaking. She had no choice but to be so excited.


Yilan City didn't have a mature commercial pedestrian street system, and Ye Sichen didn't like to go shopping, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to drive Ye Sichen to places with a lot of people.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen found a place to park, and got out of the car with Ye Sichen.

This is a snack street, and it was already very lively in the morning, with people coming and going, and the aroma of all kinds of food was everywhere.

Jiang Chen had only taken two steps with Ye Sichen, but Ye Sichen couldn't walk anymore.

"Want to eat?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Is it delicious?" Ye Sichen looked quite expectant.

"It's delicious, you'll know if you try it." Jiang Chen directly asked the stall owner to bring two servings, one for Ye Sichen and one for himself.

After taking the packaged food, Ye Sichen couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth, screaming that it was hot, but at the same time he couldn't bear to spit it out.

"It's delicious." Ye Sichen's eyes lit up.

"Poor baby." Jiang Chen was speechless. For a roadside stall that costs two yuan a piece, you, a big star, think it's delicious, and it's embarrassing to call it out so loudly.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Ye Sichen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but quickly finished what she had in hand. Of course, after a while, when Ye Sichen saw another snack, she couldn't move anymore. Got it.

So, in this snack street, Jiang Chen just kept buying, buying, and Ye Sichen kept eating and eating. Fortunately, they were all for a few dollars. Jiang Chen didn't feel bad at all when he spent money. Si Chen ate so happily again, which made Jiang Chen feel good.

"Silly Baitian seems to be well fed." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Little did they know, if Sister Mi heard this sentence, she would definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Well fed?Is there any mistake, when she was serving Ye Sichen, it was completely like serving a giant panda, no, it was even more difficult to serve than a giant panda!

(End of this chapter)

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