genius evil

Chapter 244 Could it be?

Chapter 244 Could it be?

An hour later, when Silly Baitian lingered in front of a stall for the nth time and refused to leave, Jiang Chen felt a little bit pained.

"Can you still eat?" Glancing at the endless snack street, Jiang Chen asked speechlessly, wondering how Ye Sichen's little stomach could stuff so many snacks into it.Looking at this posture, it is completely a bottomless pit.

"I think they are all delicious. I want to eat a portion of each, is that okay?" Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen innocently. Her eyes were big and clear, full of water, just like the little lamb. like.

"You don't need to go on a diet?" Jiang Chen felt very curious. When he was watching the news, didn't he say that the star's daily diet was so hard, that he only ate green vegetable leaves every day?Why is Ye Sichen not the same thing?
Among the girls that Jiang Chen had come into contact with, the chick Ding Lingling was more edible, but compared to Ye Sichen, she was a scumbag.

"I ate very little breakfast in the morning, really very little." Ye Sichen's voice was weak, as if he had made a huge mistake, and he didn't dare to raise his head to meet Jiang Chen's gaze.

"Okay, keep eating. I don't feel sorry for the money, I'm worried that you will be spoiled... Hey, why should I explain when I'm so good?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

Ye Sichen pursed his lips and chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed at the same time, as if he really spent a lot of money, almost 100 yuan.

She was well prepared for going out this time, not only did she bring her mobile phone, but she also brought her wallet, but Ye Sichen felt that when shopping with a boy, it would be better to let the boy pay the bill, lest the boy would be unhappy .

But I'm sorry, it only happened for a short while, Ye Sichen has never had such a good time since he was a child, a lot of snacks, not to mention eating, he has never even seen, and the taste is so good, All of a sudden, it aroused the glutton in her stomach.

Ye Sichen didn't eat so much in the past, this time it was purely extraordinary performance, and he could continue to perform, so Jiang Chen had to pay for it, and Ye Sichen bought another one, and ate it in his hand of.

However, Ye Sichen couldn't eat the entire snack street in the end. The snacks here are varied and varied, and there are too many types.

If Jiang Chen was allowed to eat freely, it would be no problem to eat it two or three times, but Ye Sichen obviously couldn't really eat that much, he was just greedy for something new.

Holding a cup of milk tea in his hand, Ye Sichen secretly rubbed his stomach, sticking out his tongue and complaining that he really had no restraint this time, how could he eat so much, like a pig.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, listen, someone is singing over there." After a while, Ye Sichen said happily as if he had discovered a new continent.

Not far ahead, someone was singing, and it was Ye Sichen's song, the Ye Sichen's song Ye Sichen sang when Jiang Chen went to Ye Sichen's concert.

Jiang Chen didn't listen to many songs, Ye Sichen had only heard Ye Sichen sing this song once, and this was the second time he heard someone singing it.

However, when he heard the singer singing the song Ye Zi, even if he was not very sensitive to the melody, Jiang Chen soon felt a comparison in his heart.

The singer and Ye Sichen were not at the same level at all. It wasn't that he rapped badly, but that he didn't interpret the unique flavor of this song at all.

"Do you want to go and have a look?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I want to sing." Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen anxiously, asking for Jiang Chen's permission.

"I'm going to smash someone's job." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart, and still led Ye Sichen over.

The female singer who sang was about twenty years old, with a ponytail and a clear face, neither ugly nor beautiful.

"Can you lend us the microphone for a few minutes?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You want to sing?" the female singer asked curiously.

"It's not me, it's her." Jiang Chen pointed to Ye Sichen who was wearing a peaked cap with sunglasses covering his face.

"Okay, but you have to give me money." The female singer thought for a while and said.

She sings here to make money. If someone wants to borrow a microphone, all they need to do is give her the money. It's all about making money anyway.

"How much do you want?" Jiang Chen smiled, but this woman was straightforward.

"One... fifty, is that okay?" the female singer said in a negotiating tone.

She originally wanted 100 yuan, but she was worried that the business would fail, so she lowered the price by half. After all, at this time, [-] yuan can go to ktv to sing for several hours.

"Then one hundred." Jiang Chen took out 100 yuan and handed it over, took the microphone, and stuffed it into Ye Sichen's hand.

"Jiang Chen, what song do you want to hear?" Ye Sichen asked Jiang Chen with a smile.

She knows that there are many singers who sometimes go to the streets of foreign countries to sell and sing, which can be regarded as experiencing life. In China, there are relatively few singers, after all, it is easy to attract crowds.

She didn't expect that she would have such an opportunity, and now that she is not recognized by anyone, she can sing without any scruples, which is a very good experience.

However, Ye Sichen still consulted Jiang Chen's opinion. She felt that she wanted to sing a song that Jiang Chen liked, and then gave this song to Jiang Chen as a small gift from her.

"I don't listen to many songs, so you can sing whatever you want, and you will be rewarded if you sing well." Jiang Chen laughed.

He rather liked Ye Sichen's character, innocent and simple, but not ignorant of the world, carefully maintaining the relationship with him, thinking of him everywhere, which made him very relaxed.

"How about I sing the song "Sinking Fish and Wild Goose." Ye Sichen thought for a while and said.

"Alright, let's sing this one." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

The female singer who sang was probably a fan of Ye Sichen. When Ye Sichen said that she was going to sing "Sinking Fish and Wild Goose", she quickly tuned up the accompaniment.

Ye Sichen smiled slightly, and sang briskly along with the melody.

"That night, the rain beat on the plantains and the leaves fell..."

This song was not a cheerful song, but because Ye Sichen was in a good mood, she gave this song a different interpretation.

When Ye Sichen started to sing, the female singer's attention was all attracted to her.

She was indeed Ye Sichen's fan, a die-hard fan, so she would sing Ye Sichen's songs when singing.

To be honest, Ye Sichen's songs are difficult to sing, not because of technique, but because of emotion and taste. It is too difficult to sing Ye Sichen's ethereal feeling.

But when Ye Sichen opened his mouth, she was stunned. When Ye Sichen sang one sentence after another, the singer's mouth opened wider and wider until it was enough to stuff a duck's egg in.

Because Ye Sichen sang the song "Sinking Fish and Falling Wild Goose", which is basically exactly the same as the original song. If she hadn't played the accompaniment by herself, the female singer would almost think she was playing the original song.

"How can you sing so well?" Jiang Chen dragged Ye Sichen away after a song was finished. The singer was still immersed in Ye Sichen's song just now, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

"No...not right..." The singing female singer suddenly understood that not only did her mouth open wide, but her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"The singing woman is Ye Sichen." The female singing singer came to her senses.

Seeing Ye Sichen's incomparably weird appearance at first, he was a bit puzzled by the singing female singer, but now he finally understood, if it wasn't for Ye Sichen, why would he have to pretend to be like that?If it wasn't for Ye Sichen, how could he sing so well, with the same effect as the original singer?

Because this song originally belonged to Ye Sichen, and Ye Sichen sang it, so it was naturally the original song.

"It turns out that Ye Sichen sang so well live. I thought it was the effect of the recording studio." The singing female singer murmured to herself, and suddenly ran after Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen in the direction where they left.

She didn't want to do anything, and she couldn't do anything, she just wanted an autograph, and at the same time told Ye Sichen that she was her fan, liked her songs, and liked every song of hers.Moreover, she wanted to return the 50 yuan. Ye Sichen was her idol, and it was her honor to hear Ye Sichen sing live. How could she ask for money?
However, the singing female singer failed to catch up with Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen, and Jiang Chen had already dragged Ye Sichen far away.This made the singing female singer extremely regretful. She felt that if she had recognized Ye Sichen earlier, she would definitely not have asked for money.And maybe, he could also listen to Ye Sichen sing a few more songs.

The female singer who sold and sang failed to catch up, but there was one person who kept an eye on the movements of the two of them, chased them very close, and even took a lot of photos. That person was Cao Xiaowen.

"The relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen is so good." Cao Xiaowen sighed somewhere.

"So it's not a gossip, but a truth. These two people are in love." Cao Xiaowen's eyes were as bright as light bulbs.

This is shopping, eating snacks, and singing a song in the mood... It's exactly what men and women in love do, but what Cao Xiaowen didn't expect is that Ye Sichen's appetite seems to be particularly good. , very very edible.

"Could it be?" Cao Xiaowen secretly gossiped, thinking about it made Cao Xiaowen tremble with excitement.

If Ye Sichen really had it, then this news would definitely cause a sensation in the entire entertainment industry. Her promotion and salary increase would no longer be a dream.

"No, no, I must take a few more good photos." Cao Xiaowen said to herself.

She has already taken a lot of photos, but unfortunately, she has not been able to take a frontal photo of Ye Sichen. There is no way, Ye Sichen protects herself too well, so Cao Xiaowen feels that there is really no way to take photos For Ye Sichen's frontal photo, it would be best if he could take a photo of the two making out.

Otherwise, no matter how many photos were taken, it would be useless, not to mention the low credibility, and the explosive points were far from enough, far from her goal.

"Jiang Chen, you said just now that if I sing well, I will be rewarded. What should I be rewarded for?" Ye Sichen was dragged away by Jiang Chen, like a little girl who stole candy. A face that glows.

"What do you want?" Jiang Chen asked, he just said it casually, but Ye Sichen actually remembered it.

"How about you give me a small gift, and I can pick it myself?" Ye Sichen pointed to a jewelry store ahead, and the two of them had already left the snack street.

"Give two, didn't you say you brought a gift for Miss Mi?" Jiang Chen suggested.

Ye Sichen took the initiative to ask for a gift, Jiang Chen couldn't wait for it, so he just took the opportunity to buy Ye Sichen, and Sister Mi was also bought by the way.

"You are so kind." Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen brightly, deeply moved.

"Uh——" Jiang Chen was inexplicably guilty. What happened, he seemed to be a little bit unbearable. This situation is not good, so he hurriedly dragged Ye Sichen to the jewelry store...

(End of this chapter)

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