genius evil

Chapter 245 That's Love

Chapter 245 That's Love

The jewelry store is not big, except for a young proprietress, there are only a couple of young men and women wandering around in it.

The young men and women are estimated to be fifteen or sixteen years old, the boys are delicate, the girls are cute, and they hold small hands, looking extremely sweet.

When Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen entered the jewelry store, the girl was trying on a silver ring. She spread her small hand in front of the boy and asked with a sweet smile, "Does it look good?"

"Looking good." The boy nodded honestly.

"I think it looks pretty too." The girl smiled like a flower, but quickly took off the ring and put it back.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Seeing this, the boy said hastily.

"Oh, I have so many favorites, don't you give them all to me?" The girl blinked.

"When I make money in the future, I will give you everything you like." The boy said vowedly.

"No, no, I like so many, how much money do you need to earn?" The girl tilted her neck and looked at the boy.

"I...I..." The boy was speechless, he seemed to think that what the girl said was right, and he seemed to have no confidence in his ability to make money in the future.

"Then I won't like it so much in the future, so you don't have to buy me a lot of things, how stupid." The girl nodded the boy's head with her hands.

The boy laughed honestly, and said, "I will work hard to earn a lot of money, and I will work hard to buy you more things."

"Then I'll wait." As she spoke, the girl casually picked up a pink butterfly clip, pinned it to her head, and asked, "Does this look good?"

"Very suitable for you." The boy said without hesitation.

"Then you can buy this and give it to me. I like it too." The girl looked at the boy eagerly, her mouth pouting.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you." The boy readily took the girl's little hand to pay the bill, which was three yuan in total, and then left the jewelry store.

Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen happened to turn to the place where the silver ring was placed. Ye Sichen reached out and gently picked it up, looking at the price.

Compared with other trinkets in the jewelry store, this ring is not cheap, it costs 160 yuan.

"Jiang Chen, that little girl just now obviously liked this ring, why did she put it down again? I saw reluctance in her eyes." Ye Sichen asked curiously.

"Because she knows that boys don't have that much money, so they can't afford this ring." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Then let's buy it for them, do you think it's okay?" Ye Sichen asked.

"Don't you think it's more meaningful to let that boy buy it in person?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I understand, but when the boy grows up and earns money before buying this ring, this ring will lose its current meaning. Every stage and every stage of love is different. This ring , is their current love." Ye Sichen said softly.

"Have you ever been in love?" Ye Sichen was so profound that it surprised Jiang Chen.

"I haven't." Ye Sichen said stupidly.

"How would you know it was love without you?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"I knew it, that's love." Ye Sichen's expression was innocent and holy.

"Then buy it, it's still too late, the two of them will leave in a while." Jiang Chen said with a slight movement in his heart.

After buying the ring soon, Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen walked out of the jewelry store. The boys and girls did not go far, just wandering around.

Unexpectedly by the boy and the joy of the girl, Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen gave out the ring.

"That girl is saying thank you to us." Ye Sichen said.

"I believe it now. That is indeed love. That girl needs this ring as a testimony of their love at this stage." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

What love is, has never been conclusive, but such a scene is love, enough to make people empathize.

"Then why didn't that boy thank us?" Ye Sichen asked again.

"That boy must be thinking in his heart that he will buy a better and more expensive ring in the future. He can't say thank you because he feels guilty, guilty of not being able to buy the girl what she likes." Jiang Chen explained. .

"Why do you know this?" Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

"Because, I have had love before." Jiang Chen replied with a smile.

"What does love feel like?"

"You'll find out later."

"Why wait later?"

"Because you don't have love yet."


What Ye Sichen bought for himself was a bracelet, and the gift for Sister Mi was a silk scarf. The total cost was 20 yuan.

Probably this can be regarded as the cheapest and cheapest gift Ye Sichen has ever received, but Ye Sichen likes it very much. Once he buys it, he wears it on his wrist, and the silk scarf given to Miss Mi is a gift. Carefully packaged up.

After shopping on this street for a while, the two of them slowly walked back to the parking place.

"Are we going back?" Ye Sichen asked Jiang Chen.

She felt that she hadn't done enough shopping. She ate a lot of snacks that she hadn't eaten before, sang a song, saw other people's love stories, and received a gift from Jiang Chen. This made Ye Sichen think about the afternoon schedule. Very much looking forward to it.

"I'll take you to a place, but you wait for me in the car for a few minutes first." Jiang Chen smiled, closed the car door, and left quickly.

In the small white QQ, Cao Xiaowen took the camera and quickly flipped through the photos inside. At this moment, the sound of knocking on the window glass was heard.

Cao Xiaowen turned her head and saw Jiang Chen. She was shocked and hid the camera behind her back.

Jiang Chen tapped on the car window with one finger, grinned, and said, "Let's chat."

"What are you going to do?" Cao Xiaowen was vigilant and nervous.

"It's nothing, I just want to see my own photo, look at my face, is it easy for me to look so handsome? What if you make me look ugly?" Jiang Chen was very worried. talking.

"Absolutely not, you have to trust my professionalism." Naturally, Cao Xiaowen would not be so stupid as to be told by Jiang Chen that she just gave Jiang Chen the camera.

What if Jiang Chen smashed her camera?Even if she didn't smash it, what would she do if all the photos were deleted?

"Sorry, I only trust my own eyes." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and took the camera over.

Cao Xiaowen was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, he must have moved too fast.

"You must not smash my camera." Cao Xiaowen said with a mournful face.

Jiang Chen ignored Cao Xiaowen, looked at the photos one by one, and commented casually while looking at them, "Ugly, it's really too ugly, how could you make me so ugly, and what did you say to make me believe in you?" Professional level, you professional ass."

Cao Xiaowen is neither smiling nor crying, she is not a professional photographer at all, she is just a paparazzi, okay, as long as the characters are clearly photographed, who cares whether the photos look good or not?

Besides, the masses like to look at ugly photos of celebrities, okay? The uglier they are, the more interesting they are.

"No, no, these photos are too ugly, so I'll delete them all, do you think it's okay?" Jiang Chen asked in a discussing tone.

"Not good." Cao Xiaowen said hastily, she really came here for whatever she was afraid of.

"Well, you speak too slowly, I have already deleted them all." Jiang Chen had an innocent expression on his face.

Cao Xiaowen was heartbroken to death, looked at Jiang Chen eagerly, and said, "You deleted all the photos, now you can return the camera to me."

"Could you still want to secretly take pictures of me?" Jiang Chen expressed doubts.

"No, absolutely not." Cao Xiaowen was under the eaves, so she had to bow her head and take the camera back first before speaking.

"I don't believe you." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Why don't you swear that you won't secretly take pictures, and promise not to tell what you saw today?"

Cao Xiaowen was happy, swear?

Please, don't you want to be so old-fashioned, if it is useful this year, sows can climb trees, okay?

But since Jiang Chen believes in this, Cao Xiaowen is naturally swearing. The oath she uttered is vicious. It seems that if she secretly takes pictures again, she will be struck by lightning and choked to death when she goes out and gets hit by a car. How did the misery come about.

"Okay, I can trust you now, obediently remember your oath." Jiang Chen smiled and returned the camera to Cao Xiaowen.

After Cao Xiaowen took back the camera, she raised the car window immediately, then picked up the camera, and started shooting at Jiang Chen. At the same time, Cao Xiaowen expressed contempt for Jiang Chen's IQ. Such a naive man, To actually get Ye Sichen in his hands, is there any reason?

"My heart hurts, what's going on?" Before Cao Xiaowen could press the shutter, she felt a sharp pain in her heart and almost suffocated.

"Dong dong..."

The sound of knocking on the window glass, at this moment, sounded again.

"Look, look, I told you to be good, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

Cao Xiaowen looked at Jiang Chen as if she had seen a ghost, her face was pale, she felt that her outlook on life had been completely subverted, could it be that the oath is really useful?

Thinking of the vicious oath she made just now, cold sweat broke out on Cao Xiaowen's forehead immediately.

"I won't die, right?" Cao Xiaowen quickly pressed the window glass, her voice trembling.

"That depends on whether you are obedient or not." Jiang Chen smiled, shook his head, and left cheerfully.

The oath is of course useless. He just moved a little bit on Cao Xiaowen while holding the camera. He calculated that Cao Xiaowen would definitely not give up the sneak shot. As a result, when Cao Xiaowen moved, something went wrong immediately.

But it was temporary, it would only hurt once, it was purely to frighten Cao Xiaowen, now it seems that the effect is good, Cao Xiaowen is almost scared out of his wits, she will definitely not dare to secretly take pictures of him and Ye Sichen again.

Jiang Chen quickly got into the Land Rover and drove away with Ye Sichen, leaving Cao Xiaowen trembling in the car alone.

"It's over, I'm over." Cao Xiaowen wanted to cry, but who was that guy named Jiang Chen? She just wanted to secretly take some photos to make a small fortune. It's easy for her...

(End of this chapter)

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