genius evil

Chapter 246 I Sell Myself to You

Chapter 246 I Sell Myself to You

The place Jiang Chen took Ye Sichen to was Hongji Building, to be more precise, it was Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, Silly Baitian ate and drank from him today, and even accepted gifts from him. If she doesn't accept the company's endorsement, would she be ashamed?

How did Ye Sichen know that Jiang Chen had already secretly stretched out his claws to him. After getting off the car at Hongji Building, Ye Sichen was still full of anticipation, wondering what fun place Jiang Chen would take him to.

"Young Master Jiang."

As soon as she entered the company, Cao Xiaoshan, the little beauty at the front desk, greeted Jiang Chen, she was a little surprised.

I just saw Jiang Chen yesterday, and Jiang Chen came again today. The frequency is not the same as before. Could it be that this big boss who is not doing his job is finally going to do his job?

"Is Da Feifei in the company?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Big... big... Mr. Liu is in the office." Cao Xiaoshan was startled for a moment before realizing that Jiang Chen was talking about Liu Yufei.

Jiang Chen nodded, and led Ye Sichen to Liu Yufei's office.

"Who is that woman? She looks very strange." Cao Xiaoshan stared at Ye Sichen, vaguely feeling familiar, but the sunglasses and peaked cap Ye Sichen was wearing were too obtrusive to see her true face.

"Jiang Chen, is this your company?" Ye Sichen looked around like a curious baby.

Speaking of which, including this time, even though she had met Jiang Chen three times, she was not familiar with Jiang Chen at all.

The first time was when she stopped Jiang Chen's car, the second time was at a concert, and the third time was today... She felt that Jiang Chen was really a very interesting person, and what was even more interesting was that Jiang Chen He is obviously a good person, but he always likes to pretend to be a bad person, and even pretends to be a very similar person.

"Yes, my company, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Very good." Ye Sichen seemed to understand.

"Our company's main products are women's beauty products. I think some of them are very suitable for you, so I specially brought you here and plan to give you a few." Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Are you going to give me another gift?" Ye Sichen felt very pleasantly surprised. She was still a little confused about what Jiang Chen brought her to the company for. It turned out that he wanted to give her another gift.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded with a smile. Silly Baitian was really easy to deceive, and he had no defense against him at all.

While talking, Jiang Chen led Ye Sichen into his office, took two beautifully packaged boxes and handed them to Ye Sichen.

The company's products have been offline, because the product line has not yet been fully established, and now there are only two products.

One is a cleanser and the other is a moisturizer.

They are all seemingly simple things, but because this is the formula given by Jiang Chen, it is definitely not simple. At least Jiang Chen is confident that the effect of using it is at least three times better than the same type that has appeared on the market today. more than.

Of course, the real effect is more than three times, which is the comprehensive result after repeated dilution and deployment.

Three times, already has a very good effect, and it is also in line with the maximization of the company's interests. Jiang Chen doesn't understand the company's management, but as Liu Yufei who uses these things every day, he naturally understands it very well. , Therefore, this is the result of repeated discussions between Liu Yufei and several managers.

"Is it a new product? I've never seen this brand before." Ye Sichen held it in his hand and looked at it, very curious.

"It's a new product, and we are actively looking for a spokesperson." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, as if he was thinking about whether Jiang Chen's words had any potential intentions.

"Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want to invite you to be the spokesperson of our company's products. You are such a big star, how can a small company like us afford it." Jiang Chen explained in an attempt to cover up.

Ye Sichen pursed his lips and chuckled, looked at Jiang Chen firmly, and said, "You are using aggressive methods, right? In fact, you really want to invite me to represent your company's products."

"Hey, why are you so smart? I didn't even say anything, so you guessed it." Jiang Chen sighed, looking very frustrated.

Ye Sichen smiled slightly, blinked his eyes, and asked, "Why did you invite me? You should know that I never accept endorsements."

"Because I don't know other female stars." Jiang Chen said slyly.

And this is not wrong, he really doesn't know other female stars, as far as he knows Ye Sichen, and he doesn't have a specific idea of ​​how big Ye Sichen is.

"Can I refuse?" Ye Sichen asked with a smile.

"Of course." Jiang Chen said duplicity, his heart was bleeding.If Ye Sichen really refused, wouldn't his day's work be in vain?

"I won't refuse for now. I want to think about it and talk to Sister Mi. Besides, I want to use these two products of your company first." Ye Sichen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen glared at Ye Sichen. Could it be that he had misread it before, this chick is not stupid at all?

Ye Sichen chuckled and said, "Also, I have to remind you that if I accept the endorsement, the endorsement price will be very expensive. You need to prepare a lot of money."

"If the company has no money, at worst I'll sell myself to you." Jiang Chen patted his chest with a crackling sound.

"I don't want it." Ye Sichen wrinkled his nose and smiled like a flower.

"Why, do you still despise me? Let me tell you, don't think this company is very valuable. In fact, I am the most valuable in the whole company." Jiang Chen said with a blush.

Ye Sichen smiled and couldn't stop at all.

When Liu Yufei heard that Jiang Chen had come to the company, she came to Jiang Chen's office. Just when she opened the door, she heard Jiang Chen chatting and laughing with a woman.

The usual teasing tone, and the woman was still smiling so happily, which made her a little apprehensive, but after all, she was in the company, and Liu Yufei didn't show it, and walked in.

"Big Feifei, you came just in time." Seeing Liu Yufei coming in, Jiang Chen waved for Liu Yufei to come over, pointed at Ye Sichen and said, "Let me introduce you, Ye Sichen, Liu Yufei."

"Ye Sichen?" Liu Yufei was dumbfounded.

"Hello, Ms. Liu, I'm Ye Sichen." Ye Sichen took off his sunglasses, extended his hand in a friendly way, and shook hands with Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei naturally knew Ye Sichen, this big star, apart from a freak like Jiang Chen, there were not many people in the whole country who didn't know him.

It was precisely because of knowing Ye Sichen that after Ye Sichen took off his sunglasses and saw that it was indeed Ye Sichen himself, the way Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen became as weird as possible.

No wonder Jiang Chen was dissatisfied with none of them during the meeting yesterday to discuss the candidates for endorsement. No wonder Jiang Chen settled down so quickly when Gu Xiang mentioned Ye Sichen.

Liu Yufei naturally didn't believe that Ye Sichen was invited by Jiang Chen with the trick of being a handsome man, so it showed that Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen knew each other before.

This made Liu Yufei's eyes look weird, but at the same time, it was somewhat sad. How many beautiful women does this playful guy know?

Forget about Ding Lingling, he even knew Ye Sichen, and even brought Ye Sichen to the company, but he didn't realize how attractive he is, why is he so popular with women?

"Hello, Liu Yufei, welcome Miss Ye to join our company." Liu Yufei said politely, talking to Ye Sichen as the general manager of the company.

From Liu Yufei's point of view, since Jiang Chen had brought Ye Sichen to the company, there was definitely no way to escape the endorsement matter. I have to say that Jiang Chen is really very powerful.

"Miss Liu misunderstood, I haven't." Ye Sichen shook his head.

Jiang Chen also shook his head, Liu Yufei was stunned, what's going on, didn't we agree?
Ye Sichen didn't stay in the company any longer, and left after about ten minutes. Before she left, she even asked Jiang Chen to bring a set of cosmetics, and she wanted to go back to use it for Sister Mi.

However, although Ye Sichen left, the news that she had come to the company spread like a gust of wind, and everyone in the company was very excited.

They all knew that the company wanted to hire a spokesperson, and they never thought that the big boss would be so aggressive, and invited Ye Sichen, who had never accepted endorsement activities, one word, too awesome... It seems wrong, it's two words.

Anyway, Ye Sichen's arrival was like a shot in the arm, making everyone in the company see a bright future.

Even that bastard Gu Xiang, after getting the news, ran over in a hurry, and regretted that Jiang Chen was not enough to be a brother, Ye Sichen didn't notify him when he came, and he completely forgot It looked like he had said some sarcastic remarks yesterday, so it was natural that Jiang Chen would just tell him to fuck off.

In Liu Yufei's office, Liu Yufei has already notified the managers of several departments that a meeting will be held in 10 minutes.

Ye Sichen's endorsement has not yet been confirmed, but since Ye Sichen has been here, Liu Yufei thinks this is a good sign. It is very likely that Feifei Medical Beauty Company can be groundbreaking and sign the first endorsement deal with Ye Sichen .

And if it can be successful, just Ye Sichen accepting the gimmick of endorsement for the first time is enough to bring enough heat and attention to the product, and there is no room for loss.

"Big Feifei, would you like to hear my explanation? Actually, I'm not familiar with Silly Baitian at all." Jiang Chen said while watching Liu Yufei busily busy.

"Silly Baitian, is that Ye Sichen's nickname?" Liu Yufei asked with a half-smile.

"That's right, if she's not stupid, how could she be fooled by me so easily?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I don't know if Ms. Ye is stupid or not, but she is really sweet, but you don't need to explain anything, as long as you implement the endorsement." Liu Yufei said quietly.

"This seems a bit difficult." Jiang Chen touched his nose again.

"Aren't you very good at deceiving people? Wouldn't it be enough if you cheated a few more times? It's really not good, you can still use the beauty trick. If I'm not mistaken, you haven't had time to use the beauty trick yet, have you?" Liu Yufei teased After speaking, she left the office, and she was going to a meeting.

"Da Feifei seems to be angry... No, it seems to be jealous." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, knowing that Ye Sichen had to be dealt with, otherwise the jealous jar would be enough to drown him ...

(End of this chapter)

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